A Smile to Begin the Work Week

| December 21, 2015

Military humor and songs are, shall we say, often a “mite rough” as our English friends might put it.  That’s true today, and was also true during World War II.

Even though the 1930s and 1940s were a “more genteel” time, some of the songs of World War II could get pretty crude – even by today’s standards.

But sometimes those crude tunes (some of which were written simply to ridicule the enemy) turned out to be more accurate than the authors could have hoped.  Video clips below are possibly NSFW and are definitely not safe around prudes, clergy, or small children.

It turns out that historical documentation long thought to have been lost proves those folks were right after all!

Of course, during the war Adolph became aware of the tune.  Word has it that he was not amused. (smile)

Category: Historical, Pointless blather

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When are they going to start making these about “our fuehr?

Tom Huxton

HEY work week begins 9am, Wednesday.

Hack Stone

They saved Hitler’s brain, but weren’t so lucky with his testicle.

Have you ever watched They Saved Hitler’s Brain? Man, that hurt to watch. It was so confusing and disjointed, you would think that it was written by a disbarred lawyer that was too stupid to read a fuel gauge.


So Adolf was not only a mama’s boy, but also a ridgling? Or if you prefer, a cryptorchid?

Inadequacies frequently can explain behavior, you see.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hitler was a one-nutted tee-totaling vegetarian just like the Dutch Rudder Gang is populated with snot-drooling weapons grade IDIOTS.

B Woodman

Long-lost historical founding member of the DRG.


We just watch a documentary about Hitler using a sub to flee to Argentina. Gotta watch it. Three big building in the deep forests and things found in the area…stomach medicine, kraut coins, etc…