Meanwhile, Back At the State Department . . .
. . . we have the case of Bryan Pagliano,
You might remember him. He’s the guy who was the Clintoon campaign’s 2008 IT director. He later set up her “personal email server”.
He also was hired by the State Department as an IT specialist. He left in Feb 2013, sometime after Clintoon resigned as Secretary of State.
Well, Senator Chuck Grassley – Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee – asked State to provide his committee copies of the guy’s official emails from when he worked for State. Seems that ol’ Bryan had been called to testify before Congress this past fall (probably the reason you remember the name) – and refused to answer questions, invoking the Fifth Amendment. Sen. Grassley is trying to determine whether to grant the fella immunity.
From the time after Clintoon resigned, apparently State can find Pagliano’s email archives. But regarding the period while time he worked for State while she was SECSTATE, well . . . do you really need me to tell you what they’re telling Sen. Grassley?
Yep. Department spokesmen have said that State’s “investigators have not yet located a .pst that covers the time period of Secretary’s Clinton tenure”.
Are you surprised? Nah. Me neither.
However, the FBI has seized the man’s former government computer. So if FBI forensic technicians are allowed to do their jobs, there’s a fair chance they might find something.
Given the track record of this “most transparent administration in history”, however . . . well, I don’t plan to hold my breath waiting.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Crime, Government Incompetence
Pure, 100%, unadulterated shitbags.
‘State can find Pagliano’s archives’???
Did you mean ‘can’t find’, Hondo?
Just for gits and shiggles, does anyone care to speculate on how much stuff will be discovered after the current (lack of) administration is gone?
No. They found archives Pagliano’s emails for the period of time he worked at State after Clintoon left (apparently he left some time after she did). However, they haven’t yet found any of Pagliano’s email for the period of time when both worked at State (from whenever he was hired until Clintoon’s departure).
I’m gonna offer a WAG, wouldn’t a lot of that info they’re seeking be on Huma Abedin’s computer, or in her .pst file? I’m reasonably certain she might have been BCC’d on anything sent by or to Hillzy. Being her Chief of Staff, wink wink.
Okay. Thought it was maybe a typo.
Does this (lack of) administration just look stoopider than ever, or do I feel that way because I have a cold?
Ya know …
I don’t really want to know. I suppose that we need the information so that we can write laws to prevent it from happening again that the Democrats will ignore but I would rather conclude that it was a really bad administration and we should ban first-term Senators from the presidency.
Oh damn, did I say “ban”?
THAT is the reason we need to investigate the the Krewe of Worst of All Possible Administrations. We get to where we start to think like they do and talk like they do and we forget what it means to live in a free country. Yeah, when the US screws up, we try to learn from it. Investigate and shine a light on all of this stuff.
I’m sure that B. Hussein 0bama & Company will make Nixon and his Administration look like altar and choirboys when the truth comes out, DITTO with the Clintons!
Well, if Nixon had not let his ridiculous ego run him, Watergate might not have happened. The whole ‘revenge’ thingy is beyond my comprehension.
When he and Kennedy debated on the radio, everyone thought Nixon had won. It wasn’t until the debates were televised that Kennedy, who had the more charismatic presence, got the win.
Tricky Dick did a few good things. Remember, only Nixon can go to China.
Dick knew how to fight a war, too. When North Vietnam pissed him off jerking around during talks he bombed the crap out of them.
It’s too bad that Congress didn’t have the cojones to implement a no-fly zone, or at least support the South with air power. If nothing else we could have watched Tomcats splashing MiGs all over the place. 🙂
With the media strewing rose petals in Her path, you seriously expect any effort at an expose from any of ’em? If you think that’ll happen, I have a bridge for you.
I roll my eyes every time I hear somebody claim that Hildebeast has integrity…
Hildebeast has “structural” integrity.
Look at the load bearing capability of those tree stumps she calls legs
The one positive thing that you can say about the Clintons is that they learn from their mistakes. She’s made sure that there are no blue dresses floating around anywhere.