Al is off his Meds Again [COB6]

| December 18, 2008

It is almost sad to watch this pathetic charlatan desperately try to regain a shred of relevance.

From the Telegraph today:

In a rousing speech to hundreds of delegates at the UN Climate Change Conference in Poznan, the former US Presidential candidate echoed President-elect Barack Obama in calling for change.

“It is wrong for this generation to destroy the habitability of the planet and ruin the prospects of every future generation. That realisation must carry us forward. Our children have a right to hold us to a high standard when the future of all human kind is hanging in the balance.”

The star of the Oscar-winning film An Inconvenient Truth called for global targets to cut carbon emissions to be toughened to take account of new scientific evidence that claims the world is warming faster than expected. He called for world leaders to meet regularly over the next year until they achieve a binding agreement on climate change.

Mr Gore said the celebrity-obsessed world had lost its way.

“The political systems of the developed world have become sclerotic. We have to overcome the paralysis that has prevented us from acting and focus clearly and unblinkingly on this crisis rather than spending so much time on OJ Simpson, Paris Hilton and Anna Nicole Smith.”

Let me see if I can help you out Al. You are correct that people do care more about these celebrities than they do global warming. I’ll try to explain this phenomenon briefly.

OJ Simpson = Murderous convict
Paris Hilton = Living whore
Anna Nichole Smith = Dead whore
Global Warming = Absolute myth

While certainly not a vocation that we would wish for our children, it is an unassailable fact that murderers and whores are real. Most people do care more about reality than myth. Something tangible and provable will always be more appealing to the human psyche than something that cannot be proven and is often disputed by opposing beliefs.

The primary exception to this rule of course is religion. Religious beliefs require a spiritual faith and for devout religious people no amount of evidence contrary to their beliefs will alter their position. In fact the devout will not even try to defend their belief they will simply label the questioner as Godless, morally retarded, Infidel, etc…

Do you see the link Al?

Global Warming is a cult. It is a hack religion being relentlessly promoted by corrupt and greedy snake oil salesmen like yourself, enemies of western culture that want to destroy our economy and Communists in academia that want nothing more than to cause the downfall of the greatest country in the history of the world.
Hope that helps Al.

Category: Politics

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Come on up to Wisconsin, Al, and witness the global warming. We’re gonna get a foot of snow in the next 12 hours, and that means the most snow of any December on record.

Ah, to be back in Texas for Christmas…


AW1 Tim


AW1 Tim concurs. It’s been snowing in Las Vegas. What part of the word scam don’t these bassids understand?

People would have a whole lot better understanding of what this scheme is all about if they could just grasp that Gore’s movie is just a feature-length infomercial for his carbon-credit trading company. He’s figured out a way to make a gazzilion dollars off of the suckers if he can just ramp up the paranoia and play to their gullibility.

That the UN, which is pretty much the gold standard for corruption, is involved should give anyone with more than 2 brain cells the willies and cause them to stay far and away from anything to do with this craptacular scam.


Yeah, supposed to snow here(Michigan) in the a.m. at the rate of about 2 inches per hour. We’ve already gotten about 1/3 of the snow we get in a normal winter, in just one month. And it snowed in Malibu, for chrissakes!! This a**hole is selling snake oil, and the incoming administration is buying it by the gallon. Tim, don’t forget, he has to pay for his flights on his Gulfstream, and the light bill and heating bill at home.


Al, it’s snowing here in SoCal and I don’t mean the kind you snort. Give it a couple more years and Global Warming will be out and Global Freezing will be the new chant.


Hey, that ain’t fair! Yall are getting snow…..All we’re getting is warm air off the Gulf, lotsa fog and the dang foghorns on the intra-coastal canal are sounding off with “Allll Goreeeeeeeeee, Alllll Goreeeeeeee”.

What gives wid that shite?