Helen Jones-Kelley resigns [Jonn]

| December 19, 2008

I’m sure you all remember Helen Jones-Kelley, the Director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services who tried to convince us that her investigation of Joe the Plumber was standard operating procedure for someone in Ohio who suddenly becomes famous. Well, the sneak thief resigned, and of course, it’s our fault not her’s;

Department of Job and Family Services Director Helen Jones-Kelley said in a statement accompanying her resignation that she won’t allow her reputation to be disparaged and that she is concerned for her family’s safety.

“This decision comes after a time of pause, in which I realize that I continue to be used as a political postscript, providing a distraction from urgent state priorities,” she said in her statement.

Yeah, it’s always about the safety of their families and their poor misunderstood reputations. No one even knew who the nosy bitch was until she turned loose her thugs on Joe – but we’re giving her a bad reputation. The Plain Dealer has more of her resignation fairytale story;

“It is with sadness and clarity that I have decided to resign my position as director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services,” Jones-Kelley said in a statement released by the governor’s office.

“This decision comes after having a time of pause,” she said, “in which I realize that I continue to be used as a political postscript, providing a distraction from urgent state priorities.”

The Post Dispatch finds someone to blame Republican specifically;

“It appears she was driven out by this intense pressure on the part of the Republicans,” said Senate Minority Leader Ray Miller, D-Columbus. “I think it’s a tremendous loss. She’s an outstanding public servant who made a mistake and was disciplined for it.”

Yeah, never mind that she violated the man’s civil rights with the intent of influencing a national election. Poor thing.

Funny how Democrats don’t mention that she also used Ohio government computers to organize Obama fund raisers. The Plain Dealer does, though;

The governor’s office also released e-mails recently that showed that Jones-Kelley was helping organize a campaign fund-raiser for Obama using her state e-mail account and state computer.

That further fueled speculation from Republicans that her actions were politically motivated.

In fact, Republican lawmakers today passed a new bill inspired by Jones-Kelley that would make termination mandatory for any state employees who abuse their authority by conducting unwarranted personal checks on Ohioans.

I’m sure the Obama team can her find her a job in the administration to repay her for loyalty and taking one for the team. I doubt we’ve heard the last from her.

Category: Politics

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[…] Eeeeeeeevil partisans force Jones-Kelley to resign. Posted by Dan Collins @ 8:47 am | Trackback SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “Sadness [Dan Collins]”, url: “http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=13947” });   […]


Rep. Ray Miller from Columbus is consistently rated as one of the least effective legislators in the state.

And now, Franklin County Prosecutor, Ron O’Brien is investigating her cell phone use to determine if she had contact with the Obama campaign during her dirt-digging.


Bye, DLTDHYITAOTWO. Thanks for your help in violating Joe’s civil rights, be sure to stop in to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave when you’re in DC. I’m sure the Obamunist has something you can do, on a national scale, that you did in Ohio. Maybe the IRS, Homeland Security, FBI?