Thursday morning feel good stories

| October 15, 2015

Our first story this morning comes from St Louis, Missouri where a woman and her son heard the alarm in their detached garage sound off. When she went to check on it, she found a man rummaging through her garbage. She yelled for him to stop, but he ignored her. After a while he made motions that made her think that he was going to attack her, so she fired her gun at him and he jumped through a window. Then he got into an altercation with her son – she shot again and he took off. The police found him later with a wounded leg.

In Denver, Colorado, a pot head was shot while he was trying to steal pot from a homeowner. Two problems, the reporter says that in Colorado you can only shoot people who try to get into your home and the pot head was shot in the yard. The other problem is that police aren’t sure if it was a legal pot growing facility. But, hey, legalizing weed will reduce crime, right?

A homeowner in Texarkana, Texas, wounded two burglars that he found in his home.

In Appling, Georgia, an 81-year-old man fired a warning shot in the direction of a drunk fellow looking for pizza, or something.

In Columbia, Missouri, two home invaders grossly underestimated the amount of force they’d need to invade a house occupied by five people who took their gun away from them and held one of them for the police while the other scurried off.

In Waynesboro, Georgia, an armed mom fought off armed invaders with her shotgun and .44 magnum. If you want more details, you’ll have to pay for a subscription, because I won’t.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

On the one hand, none of the crooks were successful in their attempts at taking possession of the goods of others, but on the other hand, none of them were prevented from taking someone else’s goods in the future. My money is on them continuing their life of crime.

2/17 Air Cav

Remember Freddie Gray, the fellow whose death while in police custody prompted many of Baltimore’s fine citizens to burn, loot, and perform other acts of random violence? Freddie became deadie on April 15th and CVS pharmacies were looted of drugs, mainly, but also toilet paper and, I’m guessing, Chicklets. Anyway, Baltimore’s black police chief was later fired by the mayor and a hearing to name the interim police chief permanent was held last evening. He’s white. So, predictably, the big mouths showed up and chanted this and that and refused to shut up or leave. The police did nothing for hour after hour after hour and long about 5 a.m., when most of the print reporters had gone and the TV crews were home in bed, the dozen or so disruptive loudmouths who remained were arrested. I think it interesting that since Citizen Gray passed away, 204 murders have occurred in Baltimore. 204. I guess that’s not worth the community’s getting upset about. Not one involved the police.


Who is it says women are just wimpy defenseless victims? Or should be, or something?


The Denver story sounds like Bergdahl got another leave and instead of heading west, is going up the I-25 corridor this time.

“Hey Walkabout, don’t forget to turn left at Cheyenne.”

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Where he will be sure to find many who are sympathetic to his dilemma. Hell, they’ll even pass the bong to ol’ Bowe.


Speaking of passing a freshly filled bong, I’m sure Wayward Bill Chengelis, the Chairman of the U.S. Marijuana Party of Colorado is waiting for Sir Walkabout in Denver.

That way Bill and Bowe can swap deserter stories with each other and Bill can describe the horrors of cutting the ears off of VC and NVA Regulars while serving a tour as a Personnel Actions Clerk in Wurzburg, Germany and Bowe can tell Bill all about the horrors of Man Love Thursdays.

Roger in Republic

That lady in Waynesboro gave the perp the “Full Treatment” as in Canister, co-ax, and tracks. Shotgun and .44 Magnum sounds like my personal defence strategy. Buckshot for area defence and pistol for more intimate encounters.