Bergdahl lawyer says he’s recommended for Special Court Martial

| October 11, 2015

Bergdahl and pal

The lawyer for Bowe Bergdahl, the private who walked away from his unit and his duties more than six years ago to live with his Haqqani network friends, says that Lieutenant Colonel Mark Visger, the officer who presided over the Article 32 hearing last month, has recommended a Special Court Martial for the special snowflake. A special court martial could result in 12 months confinement, forfeiture of two-thirds of his pay for 12 months, reduction to private E-1 and a Bad Conduct Discharge (known colloquially as a Big Chicken Dinner). Somehow, the media think that the recommendation means that Bergdahl will get no jail time, because Berdahl’s lawyer says so. From Fox News;

[Bergdahl’s lawyer, Eugene] Fidell also said that Visger recommended that there be no prison time or punitive discharge against Bergdahl. In light of Visger’s recommendations, the defense is asking that the case be disposed of non-judicially, rather than by any court martial.

Notice that it’s Bergdahl’s dumbass, lyin’ lawyer who says all of this, not the Army. Fidell is asking for an Article 15 (a Captain’s Mast in the Navy) non-judicial administrative venue instead of a court martial. If the Army does decide that’s the way to go, they’re bowing to their political masters and not to the soldiers who spent years looking for the deserter.

Category: Army News

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I wish, I could ran my trap on this, but it’s probably better I don’t.
what a POS and WTF… is the drag out in running this case through a he system??


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, snowball, manning, and fruit loop here will not do any time or just a slap on the wrist come next year when lord Bummer starts handing out get out of jail free cards, he will also pardon 35,000 to 40,000 drug offenders I’m willing to lay a hundred dollar bill on it. every thing I’ve said about this SHIT BAG !!!!!
has come true so far…
…………………….. WATCH WAIT AND SEE………………
also 1,000 bucks says he will make some trick illegal move to grant citizenship to about 4 to 6 million illegal immigrants the ball is already moving
and the dumb ass Republicans are to divided to do anytime about it.
or should I say to busy. colluding with Obumer to wipe out the tea party


Manning won’t do any time? You may need to check that.

Mike Kozlowski

…Okay, so if I’m reading this right:

*Army says Bergdahl should face an SCM.
*Bergdahl’s lawyer is saying, “No, that’s not what they meant…”

The next logical step, of course, is once the little twerp is found guilty, his lawyer will make a statement thanking the jury for exonerating his client. I hope whoever is paying for the lawyer got a money back guarantee.


MSG Eric

Maybe the Haqqani network paid for him using the money they got along with the 5 Talis out of GTMO.


I don’t think he should get any prison time, either.

Straight to the gallows. ➡


Hope he does something stupid like one of my 1/101st troopers in VN: my first Art 15 as a Co. Commander. Screwed it up by not having him sign that he accepted my decision (which was a wrist slap…fill some sand bags). So he won a Summary and a one trip to Long Binh Jail. That ended the guard house lawyering in the Co.

Hack Stone

Gotta love those barracks lawyers. And thankfully, every command that I have ever been to had more than a few willing to film the billet. Which lead me to coining the phrase “The brig is chock full of people smarter than the Marine Corps.”


An Article 15??? YGBFSM!!! This ass hole lickin’, cowardly, communist lovin’ son of a bitch, cost good soldiers their lives looking for his sorry carcass. Fuck him with a rusty bayonet! Then rack him and do a William Wallace on him!

OLD DIrt Dart

I like scaphism/milk and honey torture

B Woodman

When I heard the highly abbreviated version of this on the car radio on Friday, I about had a car wreck, I was so pissed.

Glad to hear that the “science is not settled”, and it’s just the public ramblings of an over educated degreed special snowflake.

Now to just slap the shit out of both of them.

A Proud Infidel®™

“[Bergdahl’s lawyer, Eugene] Fidell also said that Visger recommended that there be no prison time or punitive discharge against Bergdahl.”

Is he TRYING to piss on the graves of the Warriors that were KIA while searching for that snot-spined moldy roach shit of a hippie? Bergdahl and his lawyer can rot in hell for eternity chained to Helen Thomas, Jane Fonda and my ex-wife!!!


Wow! You must REALLY hate your ex to put her in that company.

No worries though, I’m sure that there is a special section of hell just for these jack-wagons and their kind. I like to think that they will be surrounded for all eternity by the very things that they find so terrible- honor, duty, loyalty, bravery and selflessness, and I hope that they have to clean the boots of better people than themselves, FOREVER and EVER.


Article 15? Forget that. Try him for the crimes he committed. If leniency is warranted, apply it at sentencing. Sparing him a criminal conviction is going too far.


Captain’s mast? After what he did? No.

He walked away from his post. He’s a deserter. End of story.

Airdale USN

Not Captains mast Ex-PH2, Special Court Marshall there’s a difference. If it would have been Captains mast, this would have never made it to the media, soon as he got off that bird Captains mast. See done.

Your Creepy Uncle

All of this is guessing at this point. But, worst case scenario and he does get dropped, that means he will be out on the street with the rest of us…….

A Proud Infidel®™

Accidents happen, don’t they? IF he ever does make it back out on the street, he’ll have to live every day knowing that the Buddies, Friends, and Relatives of those KIA and WIA while looking for him are out there somewhere, ditto with plenty of Vets that know ho he is and what he did! Karma is a real painful BITCH when she bites back!

Hack Stone

Maybe he can get President Obamato testify as a character witness. After all, the administration said that “he served with honor and distinction”.

MSG Eric

You say that as if they haven’t already provided their influence to this situation.


Tent stakes. Rope. Honey. Fire ants. Add coyotes and mountain lions as necessary.

A Proud Infidel®™

Can I add a rattlesnake or three? PLEASE!…


Add harmonica, bucket of beens and jug of whiskey for the witnesses.

A Proud Infidel®™

Beans cooked with a helping of BACON?! 😀


and the we all can have a Kicking ass HOOOOOAH ! ! ! !
with a HHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Haaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww….
fun fun and more fun I have the graham crackers and the mashmollws all ready to

Perry Gaskill

Not to sound like a cynic or anything, but Bergdahl’s fate was decided the day the Whitehouse signed off on exchanging five terrorists for his sorry ass. Everything since then is just going through the motions.

The current administration needed the return of the one and only POW as a symbolic end to the war in Afghanistan, and never mind that the POW is a flakey goofball and deserter. Such considerations are irrelevant in the interest of the political narrative.

Bergdahl will be allowed to skate with an honorable discharge for the same reason the Whitehouse chose a gay apparatchik to be the new Secretary of the Army. It’s a gesture of disdain.


Perry, I think you’re right.

The fix has been in since POTUS caused the release of those terrorists in custody.

Not that Obama could appear any worse than he already does….any reasonable person has to scratch his head and wonder what the hell is going on?

“Bergdahl walks” is a headline I guess I was dumb enough to think would never happen.

MSG Eric

It is a 50/50 for me at this point. Trying to be optimistic after 22 years of this is frankly a challenge.


I think he needs a new lawyer who can get even a better deal …

Um, who can that be?


Depends on whether the UCMJ requires lawyers to have an actual license, a real license, not to b confused with one of those sport licenses or “internet thingies”.

A Proud Infidel®™

GEE WHIZ, ain’t he currently listed as “Currently Ineligible to Practice Law” in CA? 😈


The photo of Booboo Bergdahl with his Islamic husband is a classic… the little faggot’s ass has been OWNED by him and who-knows how many other camel humping ministers of Satan.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure they had fun with his ass whenever they were short on goats, donkeys and sheep on “Man-Love Thursdays”!

Green Thumb

If Bergdahl comes out as gay, he should be in the clear.

Way to go Army!

Glad I am out.


“Glad I am out.”

Out of the Army? Just kidding… but there are some folks who might take that in a different way.

MSG Eric

That’s funny. You did open that door a bit wide Green. (see what I did there? Badum-tish!)


How cheeky. You made him the butt of a joke.


Where’s JAGC? Don’t recall him/her checking in recently. Probably would have a take on this.


When you click on the Fox News link, it just pisses me off to no end. They claim Birdshit was captured by the Taliban. No shit!!! So I guess he was exchanged for five Taliban prisoners who, as Birdshit actually did, ABANDONED their own posts. Yeh, I remember loads of them heading to U. S. outposts running away from their leaders, looking for an easy ride to Guantanamo. Nice try Obozo. When Birdshit ran off, I would imagine he had a hole cut in the seat of his fatigues so the pleasures he brought could be seen in advance. In that picture of him and his ManLove, his face resembles that of an 18 year old ready to bend over and pick up the soap anywhere if fell in the desert.
Sure would be nice to know where he settles if he is given what his attorney hopes for. Probably end up centerfold for some gay magazine. Who else would want to hire such an effeminate looking weakling?

Bill Bradshaw

Regardless of what he deserves and the Army gives him, the Commander-in-Grief will probably pardon him — because he’s got a princess phone and a pen….and indifference to the military..


President Obama will not pardon him. I’m not sure why no one is willing to put money on this, but are more than willing to keep saying it.

Just An Old Dog

Special Court is nothing compared to what this shitbag should get.


I was compelled to correct an observation in the article…..

“…..they’re bowing to their political masters and not to the soldiers who spent years looking for the deserter.”

Should read “….they’re blowing their political masters….”

Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.


Fuck him and his lawer…Special Court Martial, my ass.
Send that fuck to FLW-CCB.

Dave C

OK…too top it all off, if he gets one of certain types of discharges as opposed to others, he will be able to claim multiple types of benefits through the VA. Instead of him “paying” for what he did, the taxpayer will be paying HIM for his behavior for decades to come…

E-6 type, 1 ea

I got in an argument on facebook the other day (I know, I know) with a person who tried comparing Obama to Lincoln. I asked them if they thought Lincoln would have traded 5 captured Confederate Generals for a private who deserted. They haven’t replied yet.


Obama and Lincoln can’t be compared for various reasons, but were those guys really the equivalent of general officers? It seems they were lieutenants at best.

MSG Eric

Since there isn’t a military structure to them the same as ours, it would be tough to say. However, you could put them at Brigadier Generals (O-7s) based on their status and importance.


Can a Special court sentence someone to 20 years of checking armor for soft spots, using a hammer?


He’ll be safer in prison…