The Waffle House kerfuffle
Over the last few days we’ve been receiving links about this story in regards to Billy Welch, reportedly a National Guardsman in uniform who wore his gun into the local Waffle House. Their national headquarters says that they have a “no gun” policy in their restaurants. As much as I support the 2d Amendment, I also respect property rights. That’s why I don’t go the Waffle House or Denny’s. I don’t go places without my gun and since they don’t allow guns, they don’t allow me.
But according to this link, there’s more to the story than just a guardsman with a gun. If you believe the manager, Billy Welch had been involved in an altercation only a few weeks before and was forcibly removed from that particular Waffle House by the local constabulary.
First, he was an active participant in a fight on the premises several weeks prior to September 27th. He was restrained and taken off the premises by off-duty police officers that were eating in the restaurant at the time. The second item not reported accurately was the time the most recent incident occurred, 2AM. We have associates who have to make snap decisions on our third shifts to provide for their own safety and the safety of our customers. Our associates decided because of Mr. Welch’s recent altercation, which they witnessed, it was in their best interest at 2 AM to ask Mr. Welch to leave his firearm in his vehicle. Mr. Welch decided to leave. We still tried to garner his business at that point. I am supportive of my team’s decision. I was not there and will not judge their decision making after the fact. If this incident occurred at 10am in the morning and Mr. Welch had not been involved in a previous fight I’m sure the outcome would have been different.
If it’s true, I really don’t blame the Waffle House. They still won’t get my business because of their policy, but I’m sure that won’t drive them out of business.
Category: Politics
I never understood why he was armed in uniform. Was he concealed with his privately owned weapon or open carry? If conceled, how’d they know? If open, in uniform, that’s curious. Surely it wasn’t a govt weapon?
As I was. I see now he was open. POW (Privately Owned Weapon) or US Govt??? Strange
Exactly, the fact that he was wearing his Uniform into Waffle House at 2AM while openly carrying raises a large number of red flags.
It will be interesting to hear what happens to him in regards to that part of the story. You don’t go parading around in your Uniform carrying a firearm off duty.
I cannot tell you how many times I have gone to eat in uniform while on 3rd shift, CQ, Staff duty, etc…
Not allot of DFACs open at 2am.
Being on CQ is one thing, I did that when I was AD, but this character is NG and he got kicked out of that place before he went in there armed at 0200.
During my teams training in Arizona, after a kickass shootout in the training area. We all passed without killing a cardboard civilian we rolled to Waffle house. While searching the menu a cockroach and his crew scattered around my table. Flapped the family dead and walked it past customers saying “DON’T EAT THE EXTRA MEAT” and brought them to the manager. Everyone walked out and found a four star restaurant.
One of the team said “if I had my heat I would love to of shot them, but we respected Waffle house rules”. Never set foot in Waffle house again.
I was going to go with the old 1972 commercial then I saw this…so sad these days…..these young whippersnappers…..
See, that’s how I do it when it comes to being First on the Weekend Open Threads.
I just slide right in while everybody else is checking their phone and are not aware of their surroundings.
Just another reason why I don’t have a cell phone.
You too? Maybe we should start a club.
Okay be me.
We can call ourselves “The Phoneless Few.”
I’m in. I have never owned a cell phone. At 68 I have never sent or received a text message. In case you think I’m some sort of Luddite, let me say that I spent my whole life working in technology. I just never felt a compelling need to be in constant contact with anyone.
My wife keeps trying to talk me into taking her old iPhone.
I have an OLD cell phone, calls only. The only reason I have that is so the wife can keep track of me. That I don’t understand. If I’m not on my Harley, I’m at home anyhow.
NavyEODguy (Retired & retired) another way over 60!
I’m just curious if he was in uniform with his personal weapon too.
Ain’t no waffle houses around here….the closest one is 250 miles away…someone’s got to offer some real interesting options before I’m driving that far for a fucking waffle…
The hash browns are worth the drive.
Nobody goes there for the food at 2 am, trust me.
I do…loves me some WaaHoo!!!
I have to disagree. Around here most bars close at 2 AM and its either Waffle House or Taco Bell; just a matter of what you want to try and ease the hangover the next morning. When I was an LEO we frequently ate there in the early morning hours as there wasn’t anywhere else open that we could sit down and eat at.
T Bell v. WaaHoo…hmmm…I would run for the border too. Mainly because of the drive thru and the availability of chicken burritos…
I concur with my esteemed colleague from the Aureum.
I’ve been in there after leaving the club. Its a good stop off point to get some coffee to make sure your standards didn’t drop as much as they could from being in a club until 2-4 am.
Nothing good happens at any Waffle House. It’s one place you’ll definitely want to be armed at.
(Usually after doing some drinking…)
I carry a weapon in WH all the time. Never had a problem, hope I never do. There are several cases where robberies have been stopped by CCW customers at WH’s.
In most states all they can do is ask you to leave, which I would comply with of course. Check with the local laws before you do.
May I recommend this app for your phone. It keeps you up to date on current laws when you travel.
I’m very curious if his NG unit PAO will respond. We all know there is absolutely no reason for him to be in WH in uniform and openly armed at 0200. This numbnuts was trying to get some manhood points back after being ejected before, nothing more.
This is not a case of service denial, and WH will continue to get my late-night munchies business!
Dumb ass like this piss me off what a loser
I seem to remember a few “good news stories” taking place at Waffle Houses. Honestly, I conceal carry there every time I’ve gone to one, and have never seen a no guns sign anywhere.
I haven’t seen a sign like that here in Tucson, Az either
I’m more interested in his being involved in a previous dustup than anything else. If he made himself into an unwelcome customer, did he go back there to cause a scene? And why wear a gun? I think there’s more to this story.
But for waffles, I’d go to the truck stop about 30 miles west of me. Damned good, lots of side stuff. Otherwise, breakfast away is at Cracker Barrel.
The 2 AM Uniform issue for a Natty Guard seem more like him trying to “poke the bear”.
Unless he was on duty status or going to or from it makes no sence.
Any idea on what his MOS is? I’ll bet a tankful of aviation fuel that he is probably some support type guy, admin, motor transport or comm (not that there is anything wrong with that). As stated above, I am sure that his commander and unit PAO will be having a closed door counseling session with him during his next drill.
Hey, I was an Admin type. I supported too for a while. Are you still running that water as fuel scam? I thought the last guy who topped off with it got wise to the whole thing.
If anyone sees my old haze grey desk and my niffty metal swivel chair give me a shout.
If you do find that gray office desk, check the bottom drawer for my warrant for the Navy Commendation I was supposed to get when I left 7th Comm Bn. It’s only been 15 years, I can wait a few more weeks.
I will keep a look out for it HS. I wouldn’t hold your breath particularly with the current political wind blowing through the ranks.
Just promise that it really is a full tank and not a few gallons (although some people would still take off with just that much).
Let’s see, he was tossed out of there before, he’s an MDAY (Part-Time) National Guardsman, and he showed up there visibly armed at 0200 when the bars-closed crowd starts to show up. He sounds like some butthurt douchebag with a bucket or three of issues, I think it’s very likely that he’s one of his unit’s “problem children”, maybe an underachiever/PT Failure that has wounded self-esteem from being passed over for promotion, being given dirtbag details, etc.,… I’ve been in the NG, and on weekends, we got into civvies before going anywhere after we were released for the day. I don’t blame that WH franchise for doing what they did to that walking insult to the US Army Uniform! Is there any clue to what rank he is? I doubt he ever made it past E3.
Oh, and he’s a Bernathian kind of STUPID!!
Hack Stone. he is a SF 88M
Wouldn’t be surprised if everyone from his BN Cdr on down got a happy message from the state TAG’s office by now…
Me either, he’s gonna be known as “THAT GUY”, and even if his name doesn’t get published in the memo, word gets around to other units…
“If it’s true, I really don’t blame the Waffle House. They still won’t get my business because of their policy, but I’m sure that won’t drive them out of business.”
At Ft Bragg, on the intersection of Mcpherson Church and Skibo, there have been 2 waffle houses you can see from the other for decades. We used to go there after PT tests to hang for a while and pig out. We always asked “why” and no one could tell us. But as you say, they won’t be driven out of business by this one story. If they can’t be driven out of business by competing with another WH 100 meters away, they definitely won’t be by this one story.
I’m close to calling shenanigans on him as well, but there isn’t enough information to completely be sure.
Ahhh Mcpherson Church…. Where Yadkin Road turns classy. lol
Yep. Good times. lol
I can hear the echo of “welcome to waffle house” in my mind. ?
Good times at Fort Gordon, GA.
I carried my POW while in uniform exactly once: when I intervened in a domestic case outside of the VFW as a Recruiter. Violent ex-con boyfriend took off before I went to check on the commotion, but I concealed that .357 for an hour waiting for the police. The girl was convinced her gangbanger bf was coming back to kill her.
Other than that, yep, no reason to carry in uniform. Especially openly in Waffle House at 0200.
Given what muzzies say they want to do to today’s US Military in CONUS, I don’t blame those who carry concealed while when they’re in uniform and downrange.
I miss the Waffle House. A favorite place for breakfast while I was stationed at Fort Gordon, GA.
I never felt the need to have a weapon with me. I just wanted a Waffle and coffee. We sometimes had our Instructor meetings at WF.
Let’s not forget the free entertainment that WF offers. ?
A friggin’ classic if there ever was one! LMAO!
Holy Shit! I needed this laugh! Thanks!
We don’t have Waffle Houses out here in the great northwest. I do however like Denny’s because they make a great T-bone steak and eggs. I always carry but it is always concealed. Frankly, I believe the “open carry” folks do more harm than good. If it is concealed no one will know unless you have to use it.