Sunday morning feel good stories
Art sends us a link to a story in Gold Beach, Oregon where a 72-year-old man was attacked in his residence by two female home invaders who tied him up. One stole his SUV while the other stayed behind to guard him. The elderly man worked himself free from the ties that bound him, grabbed the gun the two had used to get his cooperation and ran off the guard. The vehicle thief was caught at a nearby convenience store.
In Van Zandt County, Texas, police aren’t releasing details on the shooting of a burglar there, but there you go.
In Louisville, Kentucky, a fellow tried to commit armed robbery in a liquor store, but when he showed his gun to the clerk, the clerk ventilated him and he was DOT (dead over there) after he arrived at the hospital.
Category: Feel Good Stories, Politics
I love stories with a happy ending.
I wish the Louisville story would have ended wit a DRT instead of a DOT. A hearse would have been used instead of an ambulance which may have been needed by a better deserving individual.
I guess if you have gray hair or something, the twits a fourth your age think you’re just a sitting duck, right?
Think again, idiots!
Kudos to the geezer!
Wrong house? Some people pay good money for that sort of thing.
Glad things worked out. Rule one: never quit.
Rule 2: anyone worth shooting once is worth shooting twice. (from Mike Hughes RIP)
Good going clerk. Fella didn’t get to say a word, but I bet he had enough time to think ” ? “