Germany closes borders to migrants

| September 14, 2015


Germany isn’t the most friendly place in the world for people who come from the “south” and they closed their borders temporarily yesterday in an attempt to gain some control over the waves of “refugees” headed there, according to CNN. Thousands are piling up in the southern European countries. If you were to believe the media, most are children, judging by the pictures they publish to tug at heart strings of Europeans. In reality, some folks are saying that over 80% are military-age males.

Last week, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker set out proposals for mandatory quotas for EU countries to take in 120,000 refugees who were already in Italy, Greece and Hungary, on top of plans made in May to relocate 40,000 from Italy and Greece.

EU member states must still agree to the European Commission’s proposals, which are backed by Germany. Their interior ministers are due to meet Monday in Brussels, Belgium, to discuss the issue.

The Germans brought in Turkish “guest workers” after the Second World War because there was a shortage of labor after that slaughter. The Turks never really assimilated to German life, and they were never accepted by most Germans, so I don’t see this going any better for the Germans or this new wave of immigrants, either.

Meanwhile, here in the US, folks are rallying to bring more of those military-age Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians, Afghans to this country, too.

[Faizan Syed, executive director of the St. Louis Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations] says he’s received overwhelming support from people sharing is position. Critics have argued St. Louis can’t afford to welcome refugees when there are existing problems that need help. Syed has heard that argument before and doesn’t buy it.

“When you bring in other refugees they get some limited government assistance in the beginning, but then they’re able to help rebuild they’re able to start working, pay taxes.”?

How’s about we get jobs for the people who are already here before we start employing people who aren’t here yet and counting our chickens before they’re hatched.

Funny how the US shouldn’t be the world’s policeman, but when we’re not, when we don’t take the helm in the world’s affairs, everything turns to crap.

Category: Foreign Policy, Terror War

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Importing Jihad, fuck that… German liberals may be mired in “compassionate” self-destructive guilt into surrendering the county, but we’re not.

Barry's Left Nut

Not to Worry I’ve Authorized For 50-75 Thousand of my Borthers to come over Here.

Your Commander in Chief



Why not? they are good target practice!

Thunderstixx Thunder

The mooslummer’s are already making their presence known in Greece and more trouble is on the way.
The immigration at the southern border continues almost unabated and no doubt many of those illegals will continue to use crime as their MO.
That is why we need to build the damn fence…

gas tank


CC Senor

Always with the pictures. It as pictures of starving kids that got us into Somalia and pictures of dead American soldiers being dragged through the streets that finally got us out. Now we have a whole new narrative being pushed based on the picture of a drowned boy being scooped up on a Greek (?) beach. Sad picture, bad story. Like Jonn says, too many military age men among those refugees.

Silentium Est Aureum

I think we should be more than happy to take any left over, after 1–countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, et al, take thE lion’s share, 2–we get rid of the 15-20 million illegals already here.

For starters.


Funny story; the Arab states are in fact refusing to take any refugees, while Central & South American countries are. {/sarc}


I guess I must be more cynical than I thought I was. I am not moved by these pictures. There was worse stuff in Vietnam.

I do question why all these able-bodied men are not told to go back and fight for their own countries. Yes, it’s plural, there’s more than one there in the ME.

What started in 2012 with news videos of Afghan farmers in overloaded pickup trucks, going off to fight (whoever it was at the time, I’ve lost track with all the changes) the bad guys is now just a mass migration of people who don’t seem to want to keep what was theirs. They just give up and move out.

Same thing happens in Ukraine. People take a stand and then it becomes mayhem.

I’m mystified by this. Just give up and run away.

We’re running out of room. So is Europe. Where do we send them? Mars?

Pinto Nag

“I’m mystified by this. Just give up and run away.

We’re running out of room. So is Europe. Where do we send them? Mars?”

No. Remember all the green Caliphate maps? We’re supposed to give them our place, then either serve them or die. Isn’t that easy? /sarc


PN, you’re far too logical.

I haven’t had lunch yet. Logic before lunch? Blasphemy!

Silentium Est Aureum

Europe can’t even take care of the shit in their own back yard (see Balkans) let alone want to do something about it.

Fuck ’em. Time they started stepping up after having their asses bailed out how many times in the last century? Isn’t that kind of why they formed the EU in the first place?


I notice that China isn’t volunteering any of its ’empty’ spaces for these people.

There’s always parts of Siberia which are very sparsely populated. Why can’t Vlad take a few million of them?

CC Senor

Both China and Russia have more than their share of problems with their own Muslim populations, China with Uighars and Russia with locals in Chechnya and Dagestan. So, don’t look for them to pull a Angela Merkel anytime soon.


And besides, I don’t give a crap if they DO have problems with their own mussie populations. They have more room individually than European nations combined. It’s time THEY took on some of the load, too.

Just an Old Dog

I don’t see why ANY nation should lift a finger to import anyone from the regions.
Ive said it over and over. All you are getting is a group of loser thugs who got their asses kicked by other loser thugs.




Yes, but China built this complete eco-oriented city at a $1bnn cost and it sits 99.99% empty. The refugess could go there.

See below.

gas tank

And what about the rioting by the *immigrants* in England over the last few years over jobs?

And how long before the *immigrants* in Germany riot demand voting rights, jobs etc. And they are *converting* to Christianity in droves in an attempt to gain German citizenship.

And how many of the 9/11 terrorists were in Germany to train, oops, I mean go to school? The flight schools must be filling up fast in Europe these days.

Where the hell are the Saudis and the Turks in all this??? Step up and take control of your own backyard!

And by the way…I’m tired of the PC crap calling our border jumpers *immigrants*. They are illegal aliens. Period. I know real immigrants who fled communism, spent years in work camps, jumped through hoops to get sponsors in the US, came over per the US Government rules and worked their asses off and became law abiding, tax paying US citizens.

The Mexicans are fleeing the drug cartels instead of stepping up and taking the control of their country. And Syria is the same…fighting age men fleeing rather than taking care of business.

Any border jumpers are not immigrants. They are criminals IMO. End rant.


Border jumpers? We use to call them wetbacks.


Looks like the battle of Fulda Gap is gonna finally happen. I bet they miss those guard towers now.

B Woodman

“When you bring in other refugees they get some limited government assistance in the beginning, but then they’re able to help rebuild they’re able to start working, pay taxes.”?

Let’s fisk this “statement” (politician’s wish) briefly.
Limited Gooberment assistance? HAHAHAHAHHA

. . .but then they’re able to help rebuild they’re able to start working, pay taxes. Even bigger HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Just look to the example of our Invaders from our Southern border. ‘Nuff said.

2/17 Air Cav

In the USA, the litmus test questions are will they vote and, if yes, will they vote D? If yes to both, we just have to do the humanitarian good and get them here ASAP. If no, we’ll take some for show and tell but we’ll keep the number down, way down.


I have a better idea.

Most of the interior of Spain has been abandoned by people who fled to the cities for work, during the recession.,d.aWw

There are literally hundreds of villages that are empty in central Spain. Good farmland, too. There are also apartment complexes in Galicia that were never filled up. They can go to those places and do subsistence farming.

Here’s another article about entire villages empty in Galicia.

And then, there is this totally eco-oriented village Caofeidian, in China, which has never been occupied by more than a few hundred people. It is nearly empty.

And then, a few thousand miles east of Moscow, there is plenty of room in the Siberian tundra.

Siberia is really quite beautiful in the spring and summer. It’s the giant, helicopter-sized mosquitoes that will get on your nerves.

CC Senor

Space ain’t the problem. As you point out there’s plenty of open space, even in this country. The problem is all the baggage unassimilated people bring with them. Nobody wants to have to deal with all the bullshit these folks are going to bring with them.


‘Nobody wants to have to deal with all the bullshit these folks are going to bring with them.’

And THERE it is!


It seems like yesterday the skinheads were beating people up like crazy in Germany merely on the suspicion that they were foreign. What happened to the skinheads? Did they age out?

Green Thumb

“Funny how the US shouldn’t be the world’s policeman, but when we’re not, when we don’t take the helm in the world’s affairs, everything turns to crap”


Liberals do not like to acknowledge this. It is much easier to still blame Bush while pretending nothing is happening because it does not directly influence your daily activities or opinion.

I wonder if Nancy Pelosi would have any problem taking in say, 20k, refugees into her district, specifically San Francisco?


Syed says he’s received overwhelming support from people sharing is [sic] position.

Well, duh. What about the people who don’t agree?

For a good 10 or 12 years, at least, I’ve seen tons of comments on blogs all over the country about how the Euros are a bunch of pussies or weenies because they’ve rolled over for the “guest workers” (Muslims). I think most of them are beginning to lose their patience, and we will see the return of those evil SOBs who took over an entire planet 500 years ago.


To whom are you referring exactly, Casey?

500 years ago, it was the Spanish, the Brits and the Dutch.


Never mind. I figured it out. It was a battle to the finish between the Posleen and Wormface’s species.

We were just sandwich filling to them. Potted meat, as it were.

Seriously, who are you referring to as taking over the entire planet 500 years ago, dingaling?


Spain, Portugal, France, Great Britain, Germany, and Russia. I admit the last is iffy since what they conquered was adjacent to Russia, but I think it counts. Once they finally figured out how to survive in Africa, Belgium and Italy joined.

So pretty much all the major countries in Europe, excepting the Scandinavians. I don’t count Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans as they were more properly empires than countries.

The timeline is pretty simple. In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue, etc. Call it 1500 to round off. By the year 1900* most of the planet was ruled by either Europeans or their former colonies.

*Whoops, 400 years, not 500. My bad. {ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling}


Here’s a couple of news items that should make you wince.

This one is from April this year. Note that getting info out of sKerry’s State Dept is like finding teeth on chickens.

Then there’s this, from June, about Italy’s influx of boat people. What the hell – you’ve got room in your house, right?

I’m just waiting for that announcement to come in the mail. ‘Our survey shows that you have a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house. We will expect you to house at least one family of 10 refugees temporarily (read: permanently) until adequate housing can be established for them.’