DNC mistakes Polish vets for US vets

| August 27, 2015

Polish vets

Our buddy, Jeff Schogol, sends us a link to Leo Shane’s article at Military Times. Leo caught the Democrat National Committee mistaking a group of Polish war veterans for US war veterans on their website while bragging about their “commitment to America’s veterans” using the picture above to portray US veterans;

The president had been cropped out, but faces of four elderly veterans wearing European-style military uniforms were visible above several paragraphs asserting the party’s “commitment to America’s veterans.” The Polish military’s White Eagle insignia was clear on the headgear of two of the veterans.

While largely harmless, the error points to a common complaint among U.S. veterans groups about the lack of knowledge of many Americans about military life, tradition and challenges.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure most Americans wouldn’t mistake the heroes in the picture above for Americans. Leo pointed the error out to the DNC which changed the graphic fairly quickly;

“We thank Military Times for bringing this to our attention and have now fixed the photograph on our website,” DNC spokesman Eric Walker said in a statement.

“Whether it’s passing a new GI Bill, tax credits for hiring veterans, or reducing homelessness among veterans, the Democratic Party’s commitment to our nation’s heroes is unwavering.”

Pretty words, but it’s no wonder that so many phony veterans slip through to unearned benefits when even the party hierarchy at the Democrat Party can’t spot a foreign veteran. Of course, you really have to care in order to make the distinction, you know, beyond the pretty words.

Category: Politics

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My surprised face.

No. Really.

Bucky Katt





Just goes to show how freaking STUPID the dumocratic party is!! How out of touch, they need to be named the KNOW NOTHING party, damned stupid assed communists!

2/17 Air Cav

That two-fingered salute is one more than I’d give the pencil neck in the suit. Want to guess which of the two I’d salute him with?

Al in SoCal

Apparently chain of command means nothing to you. While I was in, and was forced to admit and accept GW was my Commander-in-Chief.

We don’t get to pick and choose our commanders.


No, we don’t get to pick and choose our commanders. We do, however, get to choose whether or not we respect them. And that is generally based on their abilities as leaders. Which is to say, that if I don’t respect my commander, it’s more indicative of a shortcoming on his part, rather than mine.

I suspect that chain of command is very important to 2/17 Air Cav, and that that is why he is so disappointed in our current Commander in Chief.

2/17 Air Cav

“We don’t get to pick and choose our commanders.”

Maybe where you live, Al, you don’t. Where I live, we do. It’s called voting.


Translation of Al’s comment:

“I love Obama and if you say something about him I’ll bring up GW.”

Good grief.

You could ways re-up now and worship the current Chief. There’s still a little time left.


Don’t get your knickers in a knot, Big Gay Al. As VETERANS that are NOT on active duty, we have a RIGHT to voice OUR opinions. If you don’t agree with the OPINIONS voiced here by VETERANS, feel free to head on over to the DU, where you and fellow thin skinned and like minded folk mingle and complain about us uneducated boors that don’t appreciate Chicago Jesus. Odds are no one there will hurt your feelings, so you’ll have a much more positive and hurt feeling-free internet experience.

CC Senor

otherwise known as giving half of a Polish salute.


Those same two fingers means something entirely different in Scotland and Ireland!


Apparently in England too, for that matter. Especially when done with the back of the hand towards the intended target.

Lt Col Thomas

You know – aside from the politics – nothing really wrong with POTUS making a few old soldiers feel better.

Poland is and had been an ally. NBD.

2/17 Air Cav

There’s nothing wrong with him washing my cars, either. That would make me feel better.




Approval ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ x10


Maybe he could start with OUR old Soldiers…

CC Senor

Allies now, but I spent the bulk of my career facing off against Warsaw Pact forces, although most of them were probably Russian and East German. Mom never really understood why I wasn’t overly proud of my Polish heritage. Hint, the Commies hijacked it.


Kinda hard to be a US ally when you’re under de facto Soviet occupation, CC Senior. Poland was so occupied from 1945 until the end of the Warsaw Pact.

The “Polish question” was widely held to have prevented the Warsaw Pact from making a dash for the channel in the 1970s and 1980s. The Polish question, succinctly stated, was: “If war comes, which way will the Poles point their guns: west . . . or east?”

I’m guessing many in the Kremlin – and in the Red Army – lost a great deal of sleep pondering that question. And I suspect it’s because they felt the answer wouldn’t be to their liking.

CC Senor

The Russians did their best to decimate Polish Army leadership at Katyn Forest and let the Germans finish off the Home Army in ’45 as they rested on the Vistula. The Polish people may not have forgiven or forgotten heavy handed occupation, but enough Polish Communists ran the show that the only Pole I trusted was Pope John Paul. That Polish soldier on the other side of the border may have been a distant relative, but he was still my enemy until he disarmed.


Well, yes – and no. There was popular anti-Communist unrest in 1956, 1970, and 1980-1981. There was also significant opposition to the USSR within the Polish Communist Party – muted, yes, but still disruptive. Rumor has it that Jaruzelski’s declaration of martial law in late 1981 was accompanied by a “keep out or we’ll fight you” notice to the Soviet Union. And the Roman Catholic Church in Poland provided constant low-level resistance as well.

Bottom line: the Polish political leadership publicly toed the Soviet/Warsaw Pact line; they had no real choice. Privately, some did and some did not. And the Polish people in general had little use for the Russians – less use, actually, than they did for Germans.

Had war broken out in Europe in the 1970s or 1980s, I regard it as a damn good question which side Poland would have supported. I simply can’t make up my own mind on that one.

CC Senor

Well, I’m sorta like Ronald Reagan:

Al in SoCal

Nowhere NEAR as bad as Trump using Nazi soldiers as Americans. At least the Poles were on our side …


Source please. While I won’t speak for the whole blog but don’t come on here spouting crap like that with out a verified source. (Talking point memos and propagant hit pieces need not apply) Also this isn’t a support Trump site, just a support our vets, retirees, and active duty site. We’re pretty much equal opportunity when it come to calling out politicians (yes RNC too) who are in the wrong. Suggest you take your ball and go else where before more intelligent and well read people, than you or I could ever hope to be, give you an intellectual ass kicking.


I read about it in Reuters. What Al fails to mention though is that it was a picture made up by an intern where you can see 4 Soldiers in the bottom right. They weren’t even Nazi Soldiers. Even Mother Jones admits that they are WWII reanactors.



Thanks for the source AND full story Twist. Not saying I support Trump but that was a pretty strong acusation that I couldn’t let pass by.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s two for two, Al. I hope you visit often. We need some new meat.

B Woodman

Looks like we need to change this young’un’s name to “Al the SoCal Troll”, or “Troll” for short. Has a nice rhyme and ring to it.

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY Alfie-poo theiberal 0bamacare pajama boy, what’s the matter, did your Mommy give you a cold emema for being naughty? Come back anytime you want to get trampled, creampuff!


Do tell, Big Gay Al. Please share your sourcing.

A Proud Infidel®™

FUCK the DNC and their retarded hound dogs, too!! The demo-rat party has long stood and voted for cut after cut after cut of our pay and benefits while they go full throttle to hand out as much as they can as fast as they can to illegal aliens and welfare flunkies and treating themselves to everything they can on our dime!


true on all.


In the past libs have also used foriegn ships and aircarft in their ads and propogandi.

What difference does it matter?


This is the same Party that, during a salute to America’s military at its last national convention, showed Russian navy ships, and the same Party whose president talked about a “Navy corpse man” because he did not know how to pronounce “corpsman,” nor most likely even what a corpsman is. Oh, but we support our brave … Yeah, whatever.


Don’t forget the POTUS who in writing referred to “loathing the military” as a young man while in a foreign country. Or the POTUS who referred to the facts concerning the Gulf of Tonkien incident by saying, “Hell, those dumb stupid sailors were just shooting at flying fish!” – but nonetheless used the matter to justify a war.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Another AFU moment brought to you by the DNC and their “fearless” leader, Debbie Dipstick!!!


It could have been worse, at least Poland is an ally. They coild have used pictures of troops and vehicles of our adversaries….O wait they already did that durning their last national convention…..


Ah, they have kinda already!


Hense my “O wait they already did that” at the tail end of my comment. Of course that particular ‘mistake’ may have been more wishful think on appart of the Socialist, er I mean ‘Democratic’ party.

A Proud Infidel®™

let’s not forget about some of Das Hildebeast’s campaign rallies in years past where some of her supporters spat at the Color Guards and called them “fascists” among other names!

Combat Historian

Yeah, I could see how they could mistake old-timers from the 3rd Carpathian Lancers for American vets, happens all the time…(sarc)


Couldn’t be more out of touch if they tried. Sad part is I suspect the same mistake could be made by many in the RNC.


First clue to the confusion should have been the old timer in the middle. That’s a Boy Scout salute he is performing.
Bound to be a Polish joke sooner or later. How do you know there’s a Pollock at a chicken fight? Because somebody bet on a duck.

El Bearsidente

First clue is really the cap itself. That design just screams “POLAND!”


boy scout salute is three fingers, the cub scout salute has two fingers.


Joseph, you are no doubt right, chalk my error up to age. It was the 50’s when I was both. In time we had an Explorer Scout organization, but I’ll be darned if I can remember that salute. Please enlighten me. Logic would cause me to think four fingers as an Explorer, but I would be inclined to believe you if you claimed it was six. Thanks for the effort to awaken my memory.

Aside from the finger issue, were those hats hand-me-downs from a cab company?

Dave B

If I recall, this is like the 3rd time they’ve done this. Once before, it was a Canadian and once it was about aging veterans and they showed a Soviet former officer getting an award for his work against the US during the cold war.

El Bearsidente

The design of the cap itself screams “POLAND!” IIRC Poland is the only country with that design. There may be some other Eastern European countries that use it, but as far as I remember this type of cap is exclusively Poland.


I think you all expect far too much from this bunch of nimrods. They just don’t care enough to know which ones are ours and which ones aren’t.


“When you care enough to screw over the very best.”


I like it!


On my first tour, I had the extreme pleasure of witnessing the aftermath of an operation conducted exclusively by the Polish GROM.

“Scorched earth”, “wasted”, “stripped of anything civilized”, only begins to describe the shear destructive power they brought with them.

And, they gave not a single fuck.

B Woodman

Now, THAT’S the way to fight a war!

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember reading one story about a U.S. Army Officer’s dealing with a Polish Unit at the end of WWII in one of my books, he was meeting up with a Polish Captain and his Men who were to turn about 1500 German Prisoners over to them. Said Polish Personnel showed up with only 200 and when the U.S. Army Captain asked where the rest of the German Prisoners were, the Polish Officer shrugged his shoulders and nonchalantly said something like “We ran out of ammo, here’s what’s left.”. Given the accounts I’ve read about how the Germans treated Poles during the war, I wouldn’t blame him a bit for treating Germans the same way the Russkies did!


After looking at the picture again, the fourth person on the right caught my attention. That’s an 80 year old Green Beret grandmother! Hell, this is a picture of old, dazed and confused former Polish military personnel! They are gathered at their nursing home shaking the hand of whom they believe to be Erkel, supposedly handing out awards for who can go the longest without changing their Depends. The one on the left is grimacing as he’s about ready to let loose a big fart. He got his jacket on sale in spite of it being from the Long & Tall department. They all shop at Robert Hall’s of Poland. The old lady got her ribbons when they were Ten for The Price of One at Pollock Poser’s Professional Phartorium.


OK, I can see you jarheads have no idee how to spell things.

Pollock was an American abstract expressionist who was famous for his drip paintings and for drinking between bouts of painting. He got hit by a train.
It is also a species of fish sometimes substituted for salmon when canning runs are low on fish.

Polak is the term used for Polish people and people of Polish descent. Another way to spell it is polska. Popolska is spoken Polish.

That is all.


“OK, I can see you jarheads have no idee how to spell things.”

I know it is a typo and that I am the last person who should call anyone out on spelling or grammar, but the irony in your post made me chuckle. 🙂


Witch oll the tyupoes I make, can’t I have sum funn, toe?

I simply could not resist a golden opportunity to be a snark.


Thank you for bringing this to my attention Ex-PH2. At least it turned out to be a learning experience for me, as I have learned from your post.

If I may add, all three of your paragraphs combined sound like the making of another good David Allen Coe song.

Now I am going to look up some good Polska jokes.


Well, if you do and you don’t post it here, I will come looking for you, Jarhead.

The weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth will deafen your delicate ears.


Threats like that make me hot Ex-PH2. However, in the fear mode I tender these two jokes. Remember, YOU asked for it.

What is the most popular fast-food restaurant in Poland? Booger King!

Why do they throw shit on the walls at a Polish wedding? To keep the flies off the bride.

Would you have expected anything different had you been dealing with API?


API is mostly using glitter and gargoyles. (Well, you ARE, y’know, Proud.)

Hack Stone would have come up with a long dong song or something.

Your jokes are worthy of my respect. So, what’s the difference between Polish and polish? 🙂


I thought that was new Army uniform.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just wait, the perfumed pampered Princes of the Pentagon will change it yet again, maybe six months at the most!


Oh, sh!t – I think you just summoned the “good idea fairy” and sent him/her/it to visit the Army Uniform Board.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The DNC is no different than most Americans…post or speak first and correct and apologize second.

Not surprised by any of this…

Green Thumb



There could have been an American MoH recipient in uniform in between these Polish veterans and Obama would never have noticed the difference. His knowledge is based on, “Meh, you’ve seen one uniform, you’ve seen ’em all”.


The DNC should stick to using their own party member war heroes for such publicity pics. Then there’d be no problem with the authenticity of their uniforms:

Orange jumpsuits.

Friend S. Wilkins

Some of America’s greatest heroes are of Polish ancestry. Take Joe Seija. Otherwise know as Little Mike to the men of Audie Murphy’s platoon of the 2nd Infantry Division before he was killed by an 88mm artillery shell on the 3rd day of the Battle of Anzio, 24 January 1944. What I loved about Private Joe Seija was the way in which he endeared himself to his fellows, whether it be in the steel mills of America or on the front lines in Italy, through an unfailing humor and an indomitable spirit and character.

Friend S. Wilkins

correction: …to the men of Audie Murphy’s platoon of the THIRD Infantry Division…

The Other Whitey

Poles are badasses and their vets deserve respect. But this little shitshow was disrespectful to American and Polish veterans alike, all because some fucking nimrod in the DNC’s ad campaign couldn’t be bothered to employ three seconds worth of Google-fu to figure out who these folks are, or to find out (if you live under a fucking rock and don’t know already) what the hell an American uniform looks like.

Not harmless. No excuse.