Friday morning feel good stories

| August 28, 2015

Chief Tango sends us our story this morning which comes from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma where Pastor Kenneth Morgan, while preparing for the evening’s services heard some noises in the church. When he went to investigate, he found a stranger in there. At the sight of the pastor, the stranger ran away and the pastor pulled out his legally owned and registered handgun. He says that he intentionally missed the target when he fired. But it took the police only about fifteen minutes to find the lazy thief near the church.

Category: Politics

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A Proud Infidel®™

I love the look on that perp’s face, it looks like he’s thinking either “OH SHIT, I’m gonna be ‘married’ to Bubba & Thor” or “OH SHIT, Momma’s gonna beat my ass when she sees me in jail again!”.


Bet he had holy water running down his leg….


“Gunfire at a local church of God” As opposed to a local church of Satan, I suppose…




He is thinking how difficult it will be getting drugs in jail …

Oh, never mind!

Silentium Est Aureum

Reminder to folks–secure your weapons, even when you’re home.

Friends had their home broken into while they were home and asleep. Scumbag took some electronics and two guns, then left.

Friends woke up and called cops. They found perp heading back to the house with the weapons. While things turned out okay in this case, it could have gone very badly very quickly had he made it back inside.