Rick Perlstein: take down that racist POW/MIA flag
There’s a stank-ass hippie by the name of Rick Perlstein who thinks he’s using critical thinking by writing in Newsweek that It’s Time to Haul Down Another Flag of Racist Hate, meaning of course, that evil POW/MIA flag. It’s also posted at the Washington Spectator. According to Perlstein, the authorization of the flag was all based on lies and propaganda;
Whenever Nixon or one of his minions talked about the problem, they tended to use the number 1,400. The number of actual prisoners, was about 550. The number of downed, missing pilots were spoken of, prima facia, as if they were missing, too, although almost all of them were certainly dead.
Yeah, well, there were 591 POWs released for Operation Homecoming on February 12, 1973. According to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, there are still 1627 Americans missing from the war in Vietnam. Yeah, odds are that they’re dead, but they’re still missing, dimbulb. By the way, there are 83,117 Americans missing from all of our wars back to World War II. Even though the flag was borne out of the Vietnam War, it represents all of our POW and Missing – which is why the DPAA is still recovering World War II remains.
[President Nixon] declared [the POWs] treatment, and the enemy’s refusal to provide a list of their names, violations of the Geneva Conventions—the better to paint the North Vietnamese as uniquely cruel and inhumane. He also demanded the release of American prisoners as a precondition to ending the war.
This was bullshit four times over: first, because in every other conflict in human history, the release of prisoners had been something settled at the close of a war; second, because these prisoners only existed because of America’s antecedent violations of the Geneva Conventions in bombing civilians in an undeclared war; third, because, as bad as their torture of prisoners was, rather than representing some species of Oriental despotism, the Vietnam Communists were only borrowing techniques practiced on them by their French colonists (and incidentally paid forward by us in places like Abu Ghraib)….
If asking for the release of prisoners as a precondition to peace is so outrageous, why are we releasing prisoners from Guantanamo and other prisoners around the Middle East as a precondition to peace talks with the Taliban and al Qaeda these days? Dimbulb.
The treatment of American prisoners by the North Vietnamese was horrendous and not even close to a little water boarding that they got at Abu Ghraib. Those prisoners in Iraq were well-fed, their medical problems were attended, but, some criminals made them into a naked pyramid once, so yeah, that’s comparable. Dimbulb.
Being a partisan animal himself, Perstein figures that anyone who supported POWs were doing it for political purposes, too. Even the families of POWs.
[National League of Families of Prisoners of War] was founded by POW wife Sybil Stockdale, during the Johnson administration, in an effort to embarrass LBJ and challenge his line that all in Vietnam was going swell. Johnson tried to silence them; Nixon’s people, however, spying opportunity, coopted the group, sometimes inventing chapters outright, to fan the propaganda flames.
I suppose that Sybil Stockdale was more interested in embarrassing Lyndon Johnson than bringing her husband home to his family. Dimbulb.
Perlstein wants this to all be connected to Richard Nixon, and Nixon is his boogeyman reason for removing the flag, but the thing is that the flag was designed in 1972, four years after Lyndon Johnson left the White House. It was first flown over the White House in 1982, eight years after Richard Nixon left the White House. It first flew over the Capital on August 10, 1990 when the Democrat-controlled 101st Congress passed U.S. Public Law 101-355.
Of course, Perlstein needs to crap all over the POWs themselves by claiming that they were mostly anti-war protesters when they were POWs. He can’t bring himself to call them collaborators.
[M]any of the prisoners were anti-war activists. One member of the “Peace Committee” within the POW camps, Abel Larry Kavanaugh, was harassed into suicide after his return to the U.S. by the likes of Admiral James Stockdale, who tried to get Peace Committee members hanged for treason.
Many? How many? Abel Larry Kavanaugh was accused of being a collaborator with their captors. Charges were dropped against him, even though many of the POWs reported that Kavanaugh did indeed receive preferential treatment from the prison guards and some reports were made of his propaganda broadcasts urging other Americans to throw down their weapons and desert to the NVA. He was a Marine Corporal who was captured in April, 1968 and released during Operation Homecoming. He killed himself in June, 1973 – his pall bearers were also accused of being collaborators, but charges were never brought against any of them.
So basically, what I’m saying is that Perstein is probably the worst historian to touch a keyboard. This is probably just clickbait for the stank-ass hippies who still hate Nixon (and there’s a little bit of BDS in his piece, for the youngsters, too).
By the way, Perlstein was born in 1969, so he knows more about the Vietnam War and the POWs than you know because he read it in a book once.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
It’s Rick Perlstein man. He has had a hate on about Nixon and Goldwater since he was old enough to go to college. Read all his books and the constant theme of them is that we never would have done Vietnam if it wasn’t for Nixon and Goldwater and Conservative’s giving a RWNJ like Oswald the gun. Everything would have been hunky dory if the Kennedy boys had served thier terms. That said this is a rehash of a previous essay over at the Nation two years ago,http://www.thenation.com/article/enduring-cult-vietnam-missing-action/
Where he levels the same charge, that all the POWS came home and that there is no such thing as missing in action and that it’s a dirty trick created by Nixon to beat up on Progressive Democrats to show they are weak on foreign policy ideas. This time he punched it up by claiming the flag is racist. He does so by saying that we the White Christian Imperialists invaded the Asians and during an illegal war where we bombed women and children and strafe orphanages (not in as many words by the idea is there in the opening paragraphs ) so our captured deserved the treatment because we broke the rules first. So it’s Perlstein rehashing old arguments from the days of SDS and the KGB funded anti-war movement.
I wonder if he is related to John Fonda-Kerry. I defer to your expertise in the matters of Perlstein as I have never read a word he has issued, previously. Such is the liberal motif, “stuck on stupid” and happy to be the way they are.
The demise of the Kennedys was a blessing to America. May that blessing remain, inviolate, and their genome be diluted into revisionist history.
I have had to read his essays and segments of his books in college. His view on the world is that the GOP since Wendell Wilkie is one composed of racists and other bigots and they were lied to by the head nazi Goldwater (repeating a false claim from the Birchers) and anyone who is Goldwater conservative or a Reagan conservative is a mil to the right of Nazis. He couches his writing to make it seem reasonable but the attitude and dismissal of history fact is that doesn’t fit his personal narrative is obvious after a while. He really has a hard on hate bone for Nixon. Which really comes through and it’s annoying to the point of easy to trash his essays that even tangential mention Nixon as being that sort of ranting he does.
All the modern progressive left loves him because he speaks to same platitudes that all thier college professors who were SDS members have said. That is Kennedy was awesome, Vietnam was bad and Nixon was the antichrist. That all of the troubles with society has come from the stupid Americans that voted in Nixon and not Bobby or McGovern.
Required reading in college, that explains everything. When I was in college, I was a lib, a hippie and all that anti-authority stuff.
Nixon didn’t do himself any favors but his indiscretions or lack of judgment, by comparison with liberal decadence, is more akin to a parking ticket compared with depraved heart homicide.
What is curious is how a younger generation can find anything of value in the liberal meme, given the abundant evidence of the colossal failure of socialist democrats to accomplish any of their plans other than the implementation of a massive indoctrination program masquerading as the public school system.
Carter really go my attention and made me wonder about the liberal ideology but it was Reagan who really did the trick. When he fired the ATC subversives, I was a ruined liberal and enthusiastic plebe to conservatism.
Now… I am everything Perlstein fears, loathes and detests, bibles, bullets, strong beliefs and all. So, the uptick is that hope springs eternal for youthful dalliances to become rectified–just ask the guy from Greenpeace.
Were it not for Liddy and the limp wrist poser, John Dean, America would likely have evolved into a stronger nation of decent moral character and creeps like Bernie would have never seen a day in Congress.
That nerdy little p.o.s. is the same type that spit in your face and called you baby killer when you came home, the same little useless , cowardly p.o.s. that didn’t have the balls to actually serve himself…maybe someone will meet him in a dark alley and show him what war is really like!
This shit-bucket-for-brains twit was born in 1969 and now presumes to speak, as though possessed of some authority, about a war that ended, badly, before he was able to tie his own shoes.
I have a counter proposal for the flag haters; I propose that we remove the name of any elected official from every government building, bridge, park, school, etc. because if offends me to see the name Gore or Clinton, Specter, Schuster and, particularly the name Kennedy!
Mr. Perlstein, another product of Chicago. Is there no bottom to the pit of iniquity, belched forth against America, from Chicago?
Meanwhile, Rick Perlstein has rendered himself as a trollop among trollops, spewing forth about matters that have nothing to do with their existence or conceptual continuity (Zappa), with the single motivation of denying others of doing what they believe in.
This is the way the liberal indoctrination model operates. Just wait until you see what the robot age will look like.
As him how he feels about Hitler’s little episode of genocide.
yIHarQo’! nepwI’ ghaH!
Hitler’s genocide? Easy, Nixon’s fault of course.
Thought the Demos said that was Bush’s fault?
I wonder if Perlstein has pondered what would happen to him if he was a prisoner in the hands of say ISIS or the Taliban?
Would he resist or collaborate prior to his head being cut off?
Just a couple of questions …
I guess he hasn’t gotten around to reading the book about Daniel Pearl yet.
I think that Perlstein deserves a hymn. As in:
Fuck Him!!
Born 1969. You have got to be kidding me. It will be interesting to see if Newsweek prints a retraction, when people like Jonn bring to their attention the falsehoods contained in this article.
If I’m off-the-charts pissed reading this, think of those more closely connected to the subject matter.
What a freak of nature outrage.
Newsweek? Retraction?
I hope you were joking. They’ve been leftward-biased since at least the 1980s.
kinda like NASCAR tuns only more so. They are slightly left of Lenin.
The English language is far too polite for the things I have to say about this.
Wow, busting out the Klingon….Carefull your inner geek is showing….
Of course it’s probably sad that I knew it was Klingon….
Only a Klingn or an Orc can cuss better than Shakespeare.
German comes close.
Ja, in der Tat.
Ever heard a Korean guy who’s really POed curse? (smile)
Don’t toy with us, Hondo. Find it and post it.
This is about the best I could find – the first 10 seconds or so aren’t too bad an example. But it really takes a p!ssed-off Korean construction foreman or ROK Army NCO to do it justice.
Tear it down! It is a symbol of old hatreds. It is divisive. Get on the bandwagon! (This is another answer to JD Pendry’s question regarding what’s next. This is another next.
Liars lie. This clown is just another garden variety liar. Also an attention whore not worthy of the time it would take to generate enough spittle to dampen is brow.
[perlstein, Mok’Ta vor, kash a’VEH.
Vielen Dank! Das weiß ich zu schätzen!
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion. But some people really need to get punched in the face.
Rather throat punched and fingers broken.
…or surrounded by a bunch of brownshirts. (Sorry about that, he just pisses me off no end.)
It Would Be Nice To See His Head Placed Up His Fourth Point Of Contact
Just Saying 🙂
Oh and a year ago Perlstein was wrapped up in an ethical crisis of whether he plagerized others books and did shoddy research to write his hit piece on Reagan. http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=13914
The outrage from the left was that folks were calling for ethical standards to be employed and that was unfair. So again take what Perlstein says with a Gibraltar sized piece of rock salt.
“On August 4, 2014, a New York Times article reported that Perlstein’s 2014 book The Invisible Bridge, received ‘”sharp criticism from some scholars and commentators who accuse Mr. Perlstein of sloppy scholarship, improper attribution and plagiarism.”‘ Wiki
University of Chicago grad who majored in revisionist history and minored in stupid. He aced all of the courses in his minor.
Up until the Civil War prisoners would be released on parole shortly after capture. The Union stopped releasing Southern prisoners when they started showing up back on the battlefield. This lead to the infamous overcrowding of prisons not designed for long term internment. So to say prisoners weren’t released until the end of hostilities for all of man’s history is utter horse hockey.
Yes, history shows that in warfare, the winning side did not take prisoners.
They took slaves.
Perhaps this slave’s offal could benefit from a trip in the Wayback Machine.
I second that, take him back to say, the 15th or 16th Century AND LEAVE HIM THERE!!!
I’d rather drop him off in Berlin the day of Kristallnacht. (Sorry, I said he really pisses me off.)
NOT A BAD IDEA, and I’d glue a yarmulke to his pointy head before I left him there. 😈
Drunk typing and the cat stepped on the send button.
No other explanation.
Perlstein is an ignorant ass, both as the term is commonly used and historically.
The release of at least some POWs prior to the end of a war dates back at least 2200+ years, to the time of Hannibal. It was commonly practiced during the Middle Ages and during the American Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, the War of 1812, the initial years of the US Civil War, and the Boer War. It even saw limited use during World War I. The common mechanisms were POW exchange and POW parole.
It is only relatively recently – World War II marked the start, I think, thought perhaps that “honor” goes to the Spanish Civil War or the Italian Conquest of Ethopia – that retaining all POWs until the end of the conflict in question became the norm. But that documented fact doesn’t fit Perlstein’s creative fiction; thus he wouldn’t have bothered to tell the truth had he known that.
Personally, I think he’s simply too lazy to have bothered to do his homework. But I don’t think he gives a sh!t about the truth either, so it’s entirely possible he’s deliberately being mendacious here.
IMO, Perlstein should go fornicate himself with a 30cm stalk of fouquieria splendens – after dipping same in used motor oil.
Just have him neutered and ear-tipped. Then he can’t reproduce and he can stay with his feral colony until a car runs him over.
Can I drive?
Be my guest.
Ex-PH2, I have a Class A CDL, I could run over him with a semi-truck!! 😀
Get in line, API.
*GRUNT!*, yes Ma’am.
What about a 10K, all-terrain forklift?
Fine by me.
I’d rather see him ran over by a column of Patriot Guard Riders… All carrying the POW/MIA flag on their bikes. There would be some irony in that.
Nah – too much chance of a spill.
How about we get a few folks to re-create this cartoon, with Perlstein as “guest of honor” – using the POW/MIA flag instead?
And he can do that while sitting and spinning on an asbestos-wrapped barrel cactus!!
Yoda says, “Such a way with words he has.”
He doesn’t like Nixon, that much is clear but his hatred skews his ability to be objective about anything associated with that time frame.
At no point in his opinion piece does he actually connect the dots on how the flag is racist, and his outright lies regarding a collaborator as merely being against the war are an insult to POWs and honorably serving soldiers everywhere. Mr. Kavanaugh’s death was a karmic outcome for Kavanaugh’s activities and while unfortunate it was not unexpected. In the cold light of day traitorous collaboration damns the soul.
This statement:
Americans would agree that one of them—Stockdale or Kavanaugh—is not a hero—though they would disagree about which one is which.
is interesting to me, I know a great many people thanks to my job and my volunteer activities of all different political leanings, I’ve yet to meet a single person who would suggest the real hero is Kavanaugh.
I believe your assessment of this clickbaiting rabble rouser are correct, his animosity clouds his vision.
Another metro sexual pajama boy.
Or maybe the original “pajama boy” tried to grow a beard and only partially succeeded.
The rogain worked on his face 🙂
In sure he wrote it in an attempt to impress his Mommy thinking she’d give him a nice warm enema before bedtime for being a good little boy!
can’t this six and a half year long nightmare end already PLEASE !!!!!
and this guy needs to go FACK HIMSELF WITH A CACTUS
This is the state of mainstream liberal academia.
I agree this was published for clickbait for a once relevant magazine that no one now reads. They knew such an article would bring in the views from people who are deeply insulted by the title, which is never proven. Ever notice authors seem to forget LBJ was a micromanaging president for 6 years during the war.
Or that we started sending advisers and observers long before Nixon OR LBJ? Or that the majority of POWs were white, despite the left’s “the war was only fought by poor black draftees” mantra? Or that the majority of troops there were volunteer, not draftee? Funny how people who were not even alive discover this new “history” that people who lived through the time have never heard of.
True – but it was LBJ who ramped what was at the time only a minor conflict into a major one, without ever making the case for doing so to either Congress or the American public. Both Congress and the public were presented with a fait accompli through the LBJ Administration engineering the Gulf of Tonkein resolution – followed by major deployments of US military forces in 1965 – without any real national discussion of either prior to execution.
There were roughly 16,300 US military personnel in Vietnam at the end of 1963 – or about 1 month after LBJ took office as POTUS. At the 3nd of 1968, about 3 weeks before he left office, there were 536,100 US troops in Vietnam.
Under Nixon, US military forces in Vietnam dropped from 536,100 troops on 1 Jan 1969 to 50 (yes, 50) on 31 December 1973. Say what you want about Nixon, but he kept his promise to extricate us from LBJ’s major land war in SE Asia.
Perlstein, I hope you ate an extra helping of your granola this morning, because you just kicked a grizzly in the ass. Let ME tell YOU what that flag means: it means men, with more courage and honor in their fingernail clippings than you have in your entire slimy body or miserable life, followed orders and disappeared in a hell-hole. Many of them are still missing. We don’t know if they are dead or alive. But they are Americans, they were soldiers sent into a war zone by their government, AND THEY DESERVE THE RIGHT TO NOT BE FORGOTTEN AND TO EVENTUALLY COME HOME. THAT FLAG HELPS TO INSURE THAT HAPPENS.
No guilt-ridden, puling, worthless whining liberal is going to change that. Just fuck with us, and see if you don’t draw back a bleeding stump, you miserable piece of shit.
i don’t like him as much as you do!
Wait… is he trying to say that Admiral James Stockdale harassed Abel Larry Kavanaugh into self-murder? OMG!!! Someone tell a non-CPO/lawer!!!
He probably would, disbarrment notwithstanding, if he thought he could get a dime from the Admiral’s estate.
And Perlstein? Thanks, fucker. I thought only Bernath’s screeds were hard to read and could cause lowering of the IQ. Thanks for proving me wrong.
I can’t get to Newsweek for some reason, but this piece was also published at Talking Points Memo and the Facebook comments there are absolutely hammering Perlstein, even among self-identified liberals.
Yet if you go to the link at TPM’s website the comments are arguing that Perlstein is right and the POW/MIA flag is another RWNJ culture thing being shoved down the “true” Americans throats. That anyone who flies it is guilty of a hate crime or thought crime.
Yeah, the comments on TPM’s site lean in Perlstein’s favor, though there are some that are critical of him. On TPM’s Facebook post, though, the comments are heavily against him. He’s not getting a lot of love overall.
Cross eyed bastard needs better glasses. And also a history lesson.
An ass-whoopin would suffice.
A little drop of GF would do the trick also.
JERK ! I am a iraqi vet. support all combat troops. No matter what war they served in .
Fuck this guy, period.
“America bombed civilians,” well, that’s what happens when the bad guys put their important shit that needs to get bombed in residential areas. Who’s worse, America for hitting the target, or the commies for using human shields? Besides, everybody knows the Vietnamese communists were *such* scrupled humanitarians.
Besides, a lot of still-missing MIAs honored by that flag are Jewish, black, or hispanic. Sounds to me like Perlswine is the racist in this debate…
I’m the first one to admit my reading comprehension leaves something to be desired, but what I saw in that article indicated that by flying the POW/MIA flag, we were disrespecting the VIETNAMESE.
How can we be disrespecting the Vietnamese, when they also have people MIA from that war and the French-Indochina War?
Yeah, the Nazis bombed civilians, too, Perlstein, you asswipe.
jerk was for pisstein.not you nbc guy.
No offense. I’ve been called much worse – I was NBC, remember.
thumbs up whitey.
FUCK Perlstein sideways with a rusty mace wrapped in asbestos. What is he other than a clueless, spineless shit-for-brained liberal moldy ratshit of an Inbred Swamp Donkey QUEEF? Everything that stands for something other than the left’s agenda is “racist” these days, that’s why we really need to HAVE LIBERALS SPAYED OR NEUTERED!
Proud, you have a way with words! NCO, perchance?
I posted this article link on my FB with the following comment.
“Over. My.Dead.Body. You lousy mother f$%^&rs! Newsweek you’ve become a POS that should not be printed anymore. This has nothing to do with race or hate. You want a perception that YOU are pushing to take hold. Well, I’m betting on the rest of my comrades to come along and shove that up your sorry asses as kindly as we know how.” #Throwingthebullshitflag
I personally think that Snoozeweek (Newsweek) made itself an irrelevant, worthless, liberally biased DNC propaganda rag decades ago along with the NYT and the Washington [Com]Post.
If my sister weren’t Jewish, I would use that nasty bit of slang on persystinker here, but I won’t, out of respect for MY SISTER.
However, I would like to know if his mother had any children that lived. And why didn’t she just throw him back and ask for a replacement?
If he hates America so much, he’s free to leave and spew his hatred some place else where it’s welcome… like Norkiland. Now, there’s a place where I’m sure he’ll be gladly embraced until they decide to shoot him. But no one is forcing him to stay. In fact, if what MrBill says is correct, nobody wants him here, anyway. He’s quite FREE TO LEAVE.
Although it’s possible to go into a long-winded explanation on how Perlstein has spun things to support an agenda, it’s equally valid to simply say he’s more full of shit than a Christmas goose.
The really interesting question, at least it seems to me, isn’t that Perlstein is wrong; it’s the question of whether he’s willfully ignoring facts to push the agenda, or whether he actually believes what he’s saying.
The only bad publicity is no publicity. And before today, I did not know this ass clown from Adam.
And yes, imho, he is wrong.
I thought the same thing, publicity to sell his books and get Newsweek some clicks. The other possibilities are delusion, or attempting to create revisionist history to further his liberal beliefs/agenda. i.e. stank ass hippie
I am probably the most Liberal of TaH regular readers…and I would like to say that I support freedom of the press 110%. I would also like to support Mr Perlstein. With a crowbar. To the throat. And then to the head.
I agree with you!!! :).
Before today, I thought of Snoozeweek (Newsweek) as just another DNC propaganda rag. I now think of it as highly as I think of “Hanoi Jane” Fonda!
And he appears to be wearing an updated pair of Army BCGs.
Hopefully they have the same side effect on clueless aging leftist hipsters.
I went to TPM’s FB page, found the post on perlyslimes’s article and so far, it has 1,042 comments plus replies which say, universally that perlyslime is an idiot attention whore and has written the article for the sole purpose of getting attention for himself.
This was one person’s reaction to the ludicrous notion that the POW/MIA flag is racist:
By the looks of this turd, I imagine he spends quite a bit of his “free” time hanging around elementary school bus stops.
That same thought did occur to me, but I shook it off. Too creepy. He does, however, have that odd stare about him.
I’d like to roll up my POW-MIA Flag and wrap it around his wimpy neck and squeeze the life out of his ass, BUT, I won’t soil my flag. Before PATCHES became available, I used a smaller version of the flag and sew it on the back of t-shirts, along with “I wasn’t there but sure as hell care”. The flag, patchs, etc, is to honor those not home yet.
The idiot reminds me of the morons who would shout “baby killers, hope you die, too bad you didn’t come back in a wood box,and spitting in their faces, etc” at airports.
It does my heart good jumping the Punks and Punkettes and dragging them by their hair for a good ass kicking in the bathrooms. Someone needs to beat this pos with the pole that holds up my flag.
One day him and the others will get payback..