“Middle Eastern males” approach troops’ family members
According to CBS News the FBI is warning law enforcement that “middle eastern men” have approached family of servicemembers in Colorado and Wyoming seeking to obtain personal information through intimidation;
In one case last May the wife of a military member was approached in front of her home by two Middle Eastern males. The men stated that she was the wife of a U.S. interrogator. When she denied their claims the men laughed. The two men left the area in a dark-colored, four-door sedan with two other Middle Eastern males in the vehicle.
Yeah, well, we didn’t want to fight them over there, so….
Category: Terror War
One of these days, real soon, they’re going to pick the wrong neighborhood.
Oh please let them come to mine….
And if and when they do, there’s a good chance you’ll never hear about it, no matter how it turns out.
Maybe one of these wives will have one of those 3 million volt stun guns…fry their testies, that would discourage the vermin!
Without giving away any classerfried imphormashun, I can say this, “it is far worse than being reported in the media”!
Yes it is.
I can only imagine. This should really help with recruiting well rounded upwardly mobile individuals into the military.
New recruits will be giving mom and dad a local security diagram complete with sectors of fire laid out for their house.
Lovely, Master Chief, just fucking lovely.
I’ve been told I was paranoid on here before, when I commented on this, but…do you know where your local mosque is? Because there is one. Do you see middle-easterners around? Because they are. Do you know where they live? Probably somewhere in your neighborhood, possibly right there on your street or in your housing complex. Do you know where they work? Because they are hard and conscientious workers. Are they here to be Americans, or to spread terror in America?
And that, my friends, is the question.
The only middle eastern folk in the small mountain town where I live are Chaldean Christians, who are generally nice folks but ain’t too keen on moslems in general. We are right off the freeway, though, and get a bit of traffic. They run the gas station and burger joint, and tend to serve as our “canary,” so to speak. If they start being unfriendly with somebody, we all know why.
Big freakin’ billboard by a major thoroughfare a coupla miles away: “Try Islam”. Have almost had to physically restrain the wife to keep her from doing a Monkey Wrench Gang on it.
Hayduke lives!
Don’t have to deface it, just add to it. Hang a giant sign underneath with something like this on it:
“No thanks — I don’t want to walk around in a bedsheet.”
“Don’t want to date goats. Thanks anyway.”
You get the idea.
Hire a graffiti artist to add some personal art to the billboard.
The words “Brought to you bu Achmed’s Goat Escort Service” would be a good addition to that billboard among other things.
Change the T to an F.
I would be surprised if that billboard doesn’t accidentally spontaneously combust!!lol
Where I live there are a great many mos-que-tos but no mosques. No need to share yours. We’re good here. I even checked online to see if maybe there wasn’t some mosque that I missed. Nope. No mosque. No Islamic center. No ads for prayer rugs.
We had a soldier in 2-16 Cav last year have his trigger finger cut off after two ME MAMs kicked in his door and assaulted him. According to him, they said they were doing it in the name of ISIS. It was in the news locally for about 5 seconds. The local sheriff held a news conference that said there was no evidence it was terrorism related. And it disappeared from the media after that.
Fort Benning BTW
Ordinarily I’d recommend making the effort to contact one of the big dogs, like Fox News, but if the paranoid (my favorite word today, it looks like) survival blogs are accurate, there has been a concerted effort at top levels to squash reports like this, so there is not a spike in anti-muslim feeling, as well as attacks, in the US.
Wonderful. Looks like I should get some more range time in, especially with National Guard PII floating somewhere in the wind.
MCPO NYC. This the attacks have been quite common now. what new is veterans and family’s seem to have Bulls eyes now, where in the past they didn’t, I myself with my wife had a nasty encounter about 2 years ago in Nevada, here in Tucson, Az so far this year there have been at least 50 episodes of vandalisms, and threats. But it seems the media has more important that’s to talk about, like lions and and how bad white people are.
Things and not that damn spell check on the I pad
Perhaps, Skippy, we could wish that kind of thing on the media, maybe one of their remote broadcast trucks or something?
Now the irony of it Lol….
The threats against Vets and Mil here are real. They have been in the press for months now, what we have not seen are the reports of many incidents. As stated above, many editors won’t print or go to air with it!
And if they do, the connection is not made!
Look at what ding dong said of the republicans today ! ! ! and it sums up what the issue is now days, you can’t say or do anything about Islamic extremist if at the top on down they claim it does not exist. what I’m saying above is true there has been a shit storm of vandalism and death threats against service members and vets here in Tucson and Phoenix area, this is a issue that is way bigger then the media seems willing or able to report. Or they are just doing what the party line says to do !?!? Lol…
It sound crazy about the media but I don’t know what to believe anymore everything is so F’d up anymore
Yeah, when I see them at the local Aldi, I don’t think they are there for the pork roast on sale.
Don’t be alarmed by the clicking sound you hear when they are around. It’s just the safety clicking off. It is going to sound like crickets are everywhere these days.
My wife will simply reply, “I’m not sure. Let me ask my two good friend Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson.”
Each family needs to have a stack of leaflets with pictures of some of our posers and maps to their houses, etc. //redirect //look squirrel!
The company that makes pepper spray now makes a canister spray gun that will send that stuff up to 25 feet. Has a laser targeting light. Comes in several colors, including hot pink.
I will pick up a pepper spray canister when I go get bird food next week, and see if my local Wallyworld carries the canister spray gun.
Don’t forget the little key chain canister, for up-close-and-personal. You can buy them almost anywhere anymore, but you can pick up a very economical one in the camping section at Walmart.
Or at the checkout at Ace Hardware.
Wasp spray will do a number on an attacker when it’s sprayed in their eyes and face, ditto with a dry chemical fire extinguisher. The powder in them isn’t baking soda anymore, and it will irritate the hell out of one’s eyes, nose, and windpipe ( I found that out one day when I had to use one on a small fire and the cloud blew back in my face). One five pound DC extinguisher can incapacitate a few peeps at once, especially if they breathe in when you shoot it at their upper body! Another thing is that LE are very unlikely to bat an eye if they see one in your car.
Well, you should have a fire extinguisher in your car. I used to drive a car that had a constant power problem and then one day, it shorted itself out and set the engine on fire, right in the middle of the drawbridge over the Potomac. Some sailor right behind me put the fire out and yanked the battery wires.
Fire extinguisher? How about a BIC lighter and a can of hair spray? Have you ever had an eyeful of hair spray? It is painful as hell, never mind what happens to it when it hits a live flame!!
Try starting fluid instead, a can of that stuff will shoot at least six feet of flame when used with a lighter, and it will put the hurt on a would-be attacker without using a flame! Carb cleaner runs a close second.
It is sodium bicarbonate. 400 lbs lighter than baby powder and a serious irritant.
Ok, my mistake. Either way, I think that one good spray from a DC Extinguisher can incapacitate up to a half dozen goblins at close range.
So can cooking spray with flour added to it, or not.
Kinda like what I might say, … “meet my German friend, it ain’t Deter from ‘Sprokets’, his name is Sig Sauer”.
I own a P-220 with serial # beginning in G.
This is why I carry. Oh, I’m sorry, pig fuckers. You don’t like an M1911 pointed at your face? Then get off my property and away from my house before you start to resemble a colander.
Yeah!! What she said!!!
Speaking of property and running people off of it… how did you make out with the renters from hell?
Well… I got them evicted, but they caused about $6000 worth of damage to the house, so now I’m going after them in court for that. I did do an update yesterday on my site. 🙂
As soon as you get a judgement you can go after them with a garnishment order and make ’em suffer for what they did to you, I detest “Plastic Christians” like them, they’re about as genuine as a polyester Persian rug!
I would love to, but the problem is they’re not working, so the only thing I can do is ensure that their debt remains in collection until they croak.
I’ve heard that in some States one can have welfare and SS payments garnished. They sound like some real sub-gutter DRG-type lowlives!
And everyone said amen!
Amen to that! And for good luck, I like to put just a dab of bacon grease in the tip of every hollow point round I have in my CC weapon, ditto with any extra mags, and there is also Silver Bullet®™ Gun Oil that is made with 13% rendered pig fat (NO BULLSHIT, Google it!) !
.45 ACP hollowpoints are wonderful things!
Yes indeed, ditto with .357 Magnum! 😀
Happiness is a warm gun and a dead would-be attacker.
Flying Ashtrays can hold more lard.
A 1911? Hell no. Recoil makes follow up shots very difficult.
With my 9mm, I can put all kinds of rounds on my target while you fire just one round. Realignment of the sights for follow up shots is way too slow.
Its not that the .45 cal sucks, but rather that you have to train differently for both. With the .45 you need to be hundred percent sure you gonna hit the target before you fire, because it will take you 1.5 seconds to fire a second shot. With the 9mm you train for recoil control and max number of rounds on target as fast as possible no matter your accuracy rate by range.
For example, I know my rate of hitting a running target at 60m is about 80%. If packing 9mm I would engage until I drop it, if packing .45 I would wait until target is at 50m were my accuracy rate is 100%,to fire.
Let’s talk about knockdown power where a .45ACP beats a 9mm hands down, Then you follow up with the coup de gras.
You know how I know you’re old balls and have no idea what your taking about?
Lol @ knock down power claim.
API, coup de gras is what you do to the gray goose (le gras) when you want his liver for pate de foie gras.
Coup de grace is the stroke/cut of death.
However, in this case, de gras might be appropriate, because — well, it seems to me that these things are being perpetrated (love that word) by lily-livered cowards.
But what do I know?
Ever hear the term double tap? Two shots that sound like one about 2 inches apart. I have never taken 1.5 seconds to recover from recoil. The trick to shooting the 1911 is a combination of proper grip and stance. Once you are familiar with it the recoil is very manageable.
I saw a demonstration where the shooter had five empty cases in the air and all five slugs could be covered by your hand. Practice, practice, practice.
PS. If you like recoil, try a .44 mag. My Mod-29 5.5 inch kicks pretty hard, but I can get off a second shot in way less than 1.5 seconds. However I rarely need one.
Double tap? Oh, you mean controlled pairs. Yes of course. Controlled pairs are the basic engagement mode for CQB (close quarter battle).
About the 1911 grip and stance. The thing is that with proper battle stance you will still be faster reacquiring your target for follow up shots with a 9mm.
I am not referring to the initial target engagement process (target detection, identification, acquisition, and engagement), which is the same for both handguns, but to re acquiring your target for a second shot, in which recoil management is fundamental.
When you fire your first round your weapon recoils, and if you have a proper grip with full two point contact, you should be able to maintain a general alignment of your handgun with your forearms, meaning zero wrist deviation, but you still need to recover from the recoil realigning your rear sigth with your front sight with your target. This is where 9mm handguns excell when compared to a .45.
Got it. You are great with a .45, but you will be better with a 9mm.
Even if you have your body in a great battle stance, with the recoil pushing back on you and climbing very little, you will still reacquire your target faster with a 9mm.
I don’t even see why this is controversial. A .45 drops the target with one shot, but 9mm allows for faster multiple engagements.
I like .45ACP, case closed. I’ve heard the yap from plenty of “Soldier of Fortune” Magazine wannabes telling me crap about 9mm, but GUESS WHAT? I honestly think it’s a Euroweenie metrosexual caliber!
The recoil and rise for a 1911 is both predictable and manageable. In an emergency situation, think ‘zipper’: aim low end of center mass, and start firing, not attempting to control the recoil. In other words, aim below the belt buckle and dump the magazine. If you’re weapon is a single-stack, you have eight rounds to play with and with practice, you’ll put just about half of them where the coroner — not the ER doc — will get the chance to remove them.
My Springfield is Magna-ported. No problem with recoil or rise. Even the wife can put 8 in the 10 ring with it.
I see your point with the zipper aim. However this only works at close range. At, lets say, 40m, you will just hit air using zipper aim without recoil management.
I shoot the .45 all the time and I hit the kill zone. My carry is the M&P 3.5 model and recoils harder than the full size L. E. 45. The difference is in the ammo. I am shooting the 230 gr hardball. I use the Hormandy crital defense ,plastic tip in the hollowpoint to keep the bullet spreading. The smoothest recoiling is my Ruger Blackhawk in .41 mag. It just prefernce and plenty of practice. Please excuse the meds spelling. Joe
Correction, I am not shooting the 230 gr. hardball while carrying. Joe
It took long enough. This alert was issued to law enforcement, the folks who respond to crime after it occurs. The incidents reported happened when? I visited Colorado’s Homeland Security Dept and found…storms, wildfires, and crickets. I sincerely hope—but doubt—that communities where military families live were notified weeks and weeks ago. The FBI is uncertain whether the multiple incidents are connected. No, it’s just coincidence that this happened in two places in the same time frame and that one place is less than an hour’s drive from the other.
I don’t believe in coincidence.
Not a real fan, either.
There’s a large center for the Religion of Peace™ in Fort Collins, CO
There is a shit load of Somalis in Greeley working at the meat packing plant.
They’ve been foisted on the local population in Maine as well as other locales. Yeah, bring muslim fleabags en masse from anarchy-ridden third world hellholes and expect them to just assimilate, yeah right, I believe that shit as much as I believe that B. Hussein 0bama and Hitlery are honest and want what’s best for the USA.
Denver Airport, and the taxi drivers there also. It’s a good thing all the signage was in English, or I would of thought Scotty got his wires crossed, and teleported me to Africa.
Rule #39.
Once is an accident, twice is coincidence, three (or more) times is directed enemy action.
Nope, their name is ‘Schultz.’ Ain’t nobody seed nuthin’ hoss. Nobody will be notified, even after they have proof of problems in an area. It’s up to us, each and every one of us, to be ready. And if there are any dependents out there who are not prepared to defend themselves in this kind of incident, you’re doing yourself a disservice. It’s coming. The next person approached — and possibly harmed or killed — could be YOU.
Let them mess around in MY neck of the woods pulling that shit… On the other hand, Wyoming IS a Red State where plenty of people carry, thus I don’t think they’ll get away with their shit for very long over there, it’ll be open season on those flea-bitten goat rapers!!
I keep playing this from time to time.
Good Ju Ju Stuck MoJo.
Will the U.S. ever do this again? not Likely.
Could we? In the event of a major homeland event like 9/11 again. YES. We *could*.
Is that a Jade Helm PSA?
extra sarc
If we were to ever do that with muslims, I think it would be appropriate if each camp was completely surrounded by PIG FARMS!! 😀
Is this heavy metal rap? I don’t know what to think about this… I hate rap, but I love metal. My mind is officially blown.
Rap Medal band….From Georgia, With a black guy as the lead singer and a bunch of long hairs as the rest of the band.
I LOVE that song.
Have to agree with Flagwaver. I don’t know WTF is going on with the first video. Rap is not my thing; but it pisses me off with certain subjects. Couldn’t understand a word he was rapping. Sounded something like he was saying, “My mother’s uncle swallowed an enema and all his teeth turned brown and fell out!” This will date me, but here’s some music from a couple of drug-wasted years. Fun times but I eventually grew up. My best memories were sharing four-way hits of California Orange Barells, AKA California Sunshine. Anyway, here’s a good memory for many:
I’m originally from WY, there’s lots of room to hide a body. Coyotes gotta eat too, ya know…
I’ve heard about “Practicing the Three S’s”, Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up!! 😀
Wise words!
Word ^^^^^
I first heard rumor about people practicing “The three S’s” out West, and it sounds like that could work elsewhere. Yes, Vultures, worms, and maggots have to eat, too!
Chicken coops work good. The heat will cause severe decomposition and if something does make it above ground, the chickens will eat it right up, even bone.
Hog pens are another way to ditch a corpse, and in some regions there’s a chance that wild hogs will root up a corpse and eat it.
Grave yard is a nice spot to plant things.
Hog wire and strip pits here. Roll them up in the hog wire and drop in the deep end. Never find them due to the stolen auto and things on the bottom. Then their is always the feral hogs, just take their shoes off first. Joe
So, none of you hillbillies have ever heard of bogs, swamps, and city dumps? Deep lakes and cement shoes? Seriously, you should watch old dime-novel crime movies from the 1930s and 1940s.
‘Ya mean…?’
‘Take him…for a ride.’
Lakes work really well, as do leveling ponds filled with scavenger fish…usually within a week or two whats left can’t be identified…cement shoes are nice, but a wrapped body is better especially if you put enough holes in the carcass then the decomposition gases don’t build up and you have a zero chance of the body resurfacing…which is important because you don’t need a random arm floating up…
Nothing like a sand pool base either…use your Bobcat to excavate and refill the sand….liner replacement covers the hole and elicits zero suspicion….
Plus who’s looking for these assholes when they disappear? Nobody that’s who, when scumbags go missing there’s not usually a large public outcry to find the missing person.
I’ve heard that saltwater marshes near a coast can be useful, crabs will strip a corpse to the bone in a couple of days. Out West there are a lot of abandoned mines that would be perfect for dumping a corpse, and swamps will hide one nicely as well.
Rock quarries full of rainwater.
I have to disagree with that – WHY? Near neutral pH which will preserve DNA and other tissue as evidence, ditto with peat bogs.
People also need to practice whipping the cell phone out and taking photos in their face and of their license plate. Back at ya mfer
Actually, my son was walking my dog yesterday, and some woman he described as Middle Eastern decided she would record him with her phone. Usually, it’s not something we worry about, because there are so many people from so many different countries here, and our 180lb Saint Bernard usually gets squeals of delight, requests for photos, etc. He’s a BIG dog!
That said, I’m a little concerned, and have told all my folks to practice good situational awareness skills.
Tell him to take a camera along, ALWAYS, and get the pictures of people doing that without his permission.
I would call that woman’s behavior stalking… but what do I know?
They can try crap with my wife, but they would end up DRT. My wife doesn’t carry a stereotypical little pink girlie gun.
My gf does, but she can also place a tight 38 Special hollow point group center of mass!
What is so wrong with having a pink gun?
I just do not understand the male aversion to pink. Does it mean the meat is too well-done for you guys?
When I moved out on my own, I got a basic tool kit from a local hardware store. They came in two colors, black and hot pink — and not only is the case pink, but the handles on all the tools is also pink. When I took it to the counter, the man ringing up purchases grinned at me and said, “Well, you’ll never have to worry about some guy stealing your hammer!”
In states like Texas where until the first of the year, exposing your CCW can get you in trouble – having a blue or pink gun is actually not a bad idea, since no soccer mom would get upset over what looks like a toy. Just have to be careful because it looks like a toy to children, too.
I guess I shouldn’t have painted black the orange flash suppressor on my son’s plastic M16A1, as I did years ago, or gave him the 1:1 replica Chicago typewriter with drum mag. Then there’s that WWII pineapple (real)w/o guts…In retrospect, I was a bad parent. Or maybe not.
My wife absolutey hates the color pink since that is the only color my mother-in-law dressed her in as a child.
Yes. Joe
I won’t say what or if Mrs. Proud Infidel®™ carries, but I’ve spent some good quality time with her at the range, and she has an extra-wicked 25 meter shot group with a revolver or semi-auto! She’s a born-and-raised Farm Girl, and she won’t back away from a fight either (kind of a blessing, she keeps me honest!).
Mrs. Twist isn’t a Farm Girl, but she is a Sourdough (not the bread kind). At one point she was on the crew that would butcher road kill moose for the local food charities so she isn’t afraid to be elbow deep in blood and guts.
Stop. Being. Nice.
Something we girls were told was effective back in them there Olden Times (1970s) was, when approached by someone who seems suspicious, holler “RAPE” at the top of your lungs.
I would add that, now it seems wise to carry a small pocket camera that lets you record license plate numbers and ID photos of people like these creeps.
Most cell phones today have a camera and can do exactly that. Just make sure you have the software and cable necessary to download the photo from the phone.
I am sure if the police start pulling over four door sedans with four middle eastern men inside, the ACLU will be on the scene while their lights are still flashing to spout their “profiling” rhetoric.
The American Communist Litigation Union/Anti-Christian Litigation Union? Yeah, they’ll be goose-stepping right alongside the goat-molesting CAIR fleabags!!
It’s only kinda illegal if the cops do the profiling. Not us civvies.
If we report every suspicious looking 4-door sedan with middle eastern men in it, the cops are only doing their jobs by responding to a call from a “concerned” citizen.
Screw the ACLU/UCLA whatever they are…
I like that!!!
^^^ THIS ^^^
Round Ranger taking cap off his truck….
There is some small solace in the simple fact that while they hate all of us, they actually hate some of us more than others. All the folks who are so vocally demanding not tolerance but celebration of their mental illnesses will likely be their first targets. Sure, mostly they will take any target of opportunity, but let’s face it – we normal, sane folks are not the ones advertising.
You got that right. It’s completely indiscriminate. We all look the same to them.
The one thing that keeps tugging at my sleeve is the question of HOW they know who the military families are? Bumper stickers? DoD window stickers? Maybe the data breach was far more extensive than we were told?
If they want to play Achmed the DMF, I have no problem with it.
That IS the key question: how did they know?
The DoD has the cyber-security equivalent of a prostitute’s chastity.
How many times have they admitted to losing PII? More importantly, how many times have they not told anyone?
DOD Window stickers is an interesting thing. I stay in a lot of Post/Base RV parks. It seems the Army and Air Force have dropped the stickers because they require ID cards anyway. But, the Marines still require them at least in Eastern NC. Don’t know about the Navy.
The Army dropped the decals a couple of years ago. When I bought my new truck and went in to get decals they looked at me like I had a dick growing out of my forehead.
AF still using them it appears. I see valid stickers all over vehicles in Slammintonio.
They phased it out two years ago the last base I do believe was in Florida
Norfolk Naval Base stop using base stickers.
Well, I am NOT going take my bootcamp dogtags off my keychain and I am NOT going to back down if I think someone is following me.
“You could stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won’t back down.”
-Tom Petty (and Ex-PH2)
It’s not quite like it was 30 years ago. I was driving the 200 miles from Chicago to my parents for a weekend visit, when I noticed that someone behind me kept going around every car that I passed, and kept up with me. I was on I-55 south, so I didn’t care, but I picked up speed to 80MPH, and he kept up with me. I knew exactly where and how quickly I could ditch the interstate, and when I got to that long, slanting exit, I waited until the very last second to pull to the left and ditch that idiot. He went by me and missed that exit.
At least my car was faster than his. You have to know the roads and exits and be willing to dodge the guard rails at a train crossing if necessary. Better that haji’s car gets whacked by an 210-ton diesel locomotive, than mine.
That is all.
Waiting until the last second before a light turns red and then goosing the gas pedal works nicely as well. Getting at least a block or two ahead and turning around also does nicely, then you can get a good glance at them as you pass in opposite directions, then you make another evasive turn while they can’t see you.
If I have an inkling that someone is following me, either for bad reasons or shits and giggles, the slow down for the light turning red then speeding up is a good way to lose a tail. Especially now that most traffic lights have a one or two second delay when changing from red to green.
The easiest way to find out if someone is following you? Find a semi-busy area, make four right turns at a good sized block and watch the mirror.
Pulling into a parking lot while they’re still in the street then quickly turning back out and going the opposite way screws with them as well!
It’s the reason I stay off the interstates now. Limited access, no way to do a U-turn, no McD’s every 5 miles for a pit stop, and a lot of the truckers aren’t good ol’ boys any more.
Sounds like you was in my neck of the woods on I-55 south. New Madrid, MO.
No,I was just north of Bloomington, IL, at that time. I could drive that road in my sleep.
And weenie-wuss liberals wonder why a number of us boonie-dwellers have brush guards on the front of our pickups as well as the trailer hitches on the back. You wait until they’re tailgating you, then one good stomp on the brakes and you smash their radiator into the engine as well as trigger their car’s airbags if it’s a good enough hit!
Damn straight! And, the shiny chrome nekkid women on the mudflaps draw them in closer.
One thing I never have figured out though, is these things: http://tinyurl.com/n9mn4vh
Are they supposed to fly up and create a hard ground between the starter post and the chassis, burning up the electric harness?
Forget the mud flaps, what I’m saying is that a longer-than-usual trailer hitch on a full size pickup can be useful when someone like these bad is are following you. Once they’re tailgating you, one good slam on the brakes and if they hit it, their radiator will be history and a hard enough hit will trigger their airbags while you pull forward with their car paint on the hitch and maybe a little bumper damage if the hitch bar is too short. The dingle balls? Those are a sign of SPS, Small Penis Syndrome, I was talking about an everyday full size pickup sans “HEY, y’all look at me!” bling.
Wait! I have an Escape with a trailer hitch. Theoretically, I could add some length to the hitch arm, right? And then if they damaged my car because they were bad drivers tailgating me, I could claim rear-end collision?
Yes indeed, and a trailer hitch with an extended arm (Yes, a shin-buster) can do wonders to their front end as well as possibly triggering their airbags. Backing it into their front bumper while they’re sitting still behind you can do that as wel.
Would that go through a side door? I’d think it would, but I’m addressing every possible angle of being carjacked. That’s all.
Yes, and like I said earlier, if it’s on an extended shaft (the square pipe coming from the mount) it can work wonders on tailgaters’ and stalkers’ vehicles. and yes, if it’s long enough (A dreaded “Shinbuster”) yeah, it could.
At night, I prefer the touch brake pedal with left foot to engage brake lights while simultaneously flooring with the right foot. During the day, I find that merely putting the headlights on works well. There’s that instant when the tailgater’s mind see brake lights instead of tail lights and reacts as expected. The third one (I really like this) is a zoomer who comes up my butt when I’m driving my standard. I accelerate, maintain, he follows closely, and I suddenly downshift. Talk about fun. Oh. I should point out that I am selective when I do this. The asshole behind me cannot have a passenger. Must be solo.
They may get away with their shit in the blue Staes for a while, but Red State America won’t put up with them and their shot for long! The political left has wanted racial conflict for some time, and I wonder if the current clown posse in charge isn’t trying to infest the USA with as many third world muslims as it can in order to get the conflict they want?
One day three men were waiting for their flight at a regional airport in Montana, an American Indian, a Muslim, and a Cowboy. The Indian looked out the window and said”Once we were many and mighty, now we are fewer.” to which the Muslim gloatingly said “Once we were few, but now there are many of us here!”. Hearing this, the Cowboy lifted the brim of his hat off of his eyes and said “That’s ’cause the game used to be Cowboys and Indians, these days it’s Cowboys and Muslims, and the game ain’t even started yet!”
I heard a pithier version of the punchline; all the cowboy says is “That’s cuz we ain’t played Cowboys & Muslims yet.”
It may be that we get only the tip of the iceberg on this stuff for a good reason. These scumbags love attention more than any SV shitbird ever thought of getting. They groove on it.
If something isn’t reported in the media, or just fades away shortly after an announcement of some kind is made, it has more to do with avoiding another Ferguson (for one thing); watching to see if the incidents get notices in the media, & if and how they escalate in nastiness; and/or keeping the ‘targets’ (that’s us) as quiet as possible.
Ferguson didn’t start a race war, despite outside agitators being shipped in. Baltimore didn’t start a race war, either.
We don’t really want that, do we? I don’t. I just want them shipped back to their own little dustbowl countries, where they can pick fights with each other.
Muzzies now stalking families of military members??? It was bound to happen, given how many of these “refugees” we’ve let in. We also have a rising number of illegal aliens murdering US citizens lately (yet another one today)… as if the illegals weren’t already a big social problem. The insanity of our lax immigration policies, along with no serious effort in securing our southern border, will ensure the death of America as we now know it.
If two middle eastern male in a dark sedan pull up my driveway there had better be a Sheriffs car leading the parade. Even the FBI brings the sheriff when venturing out among the folks hereabouts. The make an appointment, line up a local deputy and then they conduct their business. If they are out to arrest someone they bring a platoon of swat types. There are a lot of hardcase, leave me alone types out in these woods. We have meth cookers, heroin users and dealers, preppers, and plenty of grouchy old men. I certainly fall in to the latter category, especially when it comes to uninvited ME male visitors.
there are a fair share of ME Vets who are Bikers, I hope that there are muzzies dumb enough to mess with them, those goat-molesters would just disappear off the face of the earth!
Arm you asses especially if you have children.
Being conscious of my rights under the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, I do solemnly swear that if I am approached by any adversary, regardless of ethnicity, who is an enemy of the Constitution of the United States, regardless of the location, and that adversary gives me probable cause to believe that the adversary will commit an act that will endanger a person of the United States, regardless of citizen national or a legal resident thereof, I will execute that adversary in a manner to guarantee perfect and swift death without further mercy or notice. So Help Me God!
So let me get this straight; from what I’ve read here, these harassing encounters have been occurring for at least a few years, over a large part of the country, yes? And it’s been kept out of the news? WTF?
Also, why didn’t anyone get the plates off of the “middle eastern men” in the report?
My neighbors hogs? Still underfed.
My lawn? Still underfertilized.
My invitation? Still open.
Maybe this time, they actually cometh, but I still doubteth it.