Franck Gervais sentenced
Franck Gervais, a Canadian valor thief we’ve written about before, was sentenced yesterday according to CBC. He attracted a lot of attention at last year’s Remembrance Day festivities on November 11th where he was caught wearing Medal of Bravery, the Special Service Medal with one bar, the Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal, the NATO Medal for Kosovo and a Canadian Forces Decoration for 12 years of service during a CBC broadcast of the event. The article says that he was a cadet for a while in the 1990s, but that he had never joined the military services.
The court also heard the results of a restorative justice project that saw Gervais being taken on a tour of the National Military Cemetery in Ottawa on Aug. 1 by retired major Gerald S. Wharton.
“From the beginning to the end of our two and a half hours together, Mr. Gervais displayed appreciation for what the program had offered and was profusely thankful for my part in it,” Wharton wrote in his prepared statement, which was filed with the courthouse before his testimony
Ultimately, Gervais was sentenced to 12 months of probation and 50 hours of community service and he gave a tearful apology to the court.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Smells of turgid, fearful pussy. And unlike consumables of which are not of federally legal availability, if you can smell it from ‘cross the freakin’ world, it is _not_ the good stuff.
Yeah, he bawled like he was SO sorry he got caught. He’s sorry, that’s for sure, the milquetoast snot-spined thumbsucking booger-eating creampuff of a bedwetting candyassed Smurf-hugging Sparkle Pony!!
Hey, Infidel! Don’t hold back! This is the new Millennium! Tell us how you REALLY feel! LMAO!
Hey! Is this guy Ricky’s little brother? (LOL)
Famed crook Willie Sutton was once asked why he robbed banks and relied, “Because that’s where the money is.” Just once I’d like to see one of these military impersonators and valor thieves give as honest an explanation for their crime as Sutton did. This standard, absolute bullshit line of claiming that they play dress-up to ‘honor those who did serve’ (or some slight variation of that) has just got to go.
Here’s the p.
Pussy with a liberal metrosexual beard!
Or as the French would say in gay paree “POOOSAAAYYYY”
With that “beard” he looks like some lisping little candyassed metrosexual you’d see in some overpriced coffee shop franchise sipping a $8.95 cup of joe and other shit with a two-foot-long name and description with his pinkie in the air contemplating his next date at “Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in rear)”!
I have always thought this shitstain looked like he enjoyed performing the oral sex on members of his gender.
I bet he cried in court. He was probably thankful that his butthole was not going to be involuntarily stretched for the foreseeable future.
I see no harm in rounding up these clowns, give them their very own special designation, some nominal training in handling firearms, and send them off to some really dangerous place. If they survive and return, fine. They can keep their bling. If not, well, we’ll remember that they tried.
However, what I consistently find in these reports is that for the most part, they either did not serve at all, or if they did serve, they were sent packing at some point. The Vietnam-era and later vets claiming in-country time or stuff they didn’t do are annoying enough, but they’ve lied to themselves for such a long time, they believe their own stupid stories.
But the others who never made it past boot camp, or even signed up? Do they really think they’re fooling anyone or won’t get exposed? Remember the guy with the briefcase handcuffed to his wrist, always on the phone with ‘someone’ right where people could hear him? And that blob who went into a bar in – was it Maine? – and phone someone (probably himself) to let them know he was ‘on his way to’ wherever he wasn’t going?
Yes, they’re tiresome, they’re annoying. In some cases, like Cheesefish McBlobeater, they’re downright dangerous to the unsuspecting, but for the most part they’re just attention addicts. This isn’t something new. It’s been going on since before the Trojans were invaded by Agamemnon.
Did they sentence that terrible beard, as well?
I’d pay good money to see a match off between “that beard” and The Hair.
…He’ll be back. I’d bet on it.
Canadian jails and prisons have their Bubbas and Thors as well. They just say,”Eh, hoser, get yer pants off eh!”
Is it anything like this?
Outfuckingstanding, Hey wavy gravy cunt, I hope your next motherfucker.
Hey Francky, you should’ve put your time in with the PPCLI and served a hitch in the ‘Stan instead of wearing your fake bling; so go fuck yourself, you little canuckian cunt…
HEY YOU GUYS, Watch what you say,”theres a Lady in the house”,
Does this conviction jeopardize his career at All Points Logistics?