Murtha unrepetent

| December 11, 2008

I just got an email from 1stCAVRVN11B with a link to an interview yesterday by CNS News in which John Murtha claims he was right to call the troops cold blooded murderers.

Here’s the video;

And the transcript;

“Yes, I think it was,” the right thing to say, Murtha told on Wednesday. “That’s my job. My job is due. Listen, the NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigation Service) came to exactly the same conclusion I did.”

“They had a two-star general investigate it,” said Murtha. “General Hagee went over right after I spoke out and talked to all of the Marines in the field and said ‘you got to stop this kind of killing.’”

So he thinks he stopped the brutality of our troops, too. I guess because marrines are just a bunch of ignorant rednecks who didn’t know better than to shoot innocent people until he told them to stop. Fat turd that he is.

Ya know why he’s unrepentent? Because he hasn’t paid a political price for his ignorant comments. Murtha has used the anti-war Left for political cover for his corruption and graft in his own district where he’s used your tax dollars to ensconce himself in the office. His constituents are so ignorant he can call them names and belittle them in the national media and they still vote for him.

John Murtha is a smoldering turd. He stands on the bodies of fallen comrades and hides behind his questionable service to stay in his office and to provide cover for his corrupt dealings for himself and his family.

Pennsylvania Republicans need to uncover some dirt on this clown so he can make his idiot comments from behind bars in an orange suit.

Oh and did I mention that he wants to bring back the draft;

Category: Politics

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Boy, oh Boy, Murtha bugged out quicker than Bill Perry.


Could it be a just coincidence that one of the Berkeley City Council members, Max Anderson, who is so strongly against the war and the Marines, was in the same Marine reserve unit with Murtha? Same years too.
And another thing, there once was a photo of Murtha supposedly receiving a Bronze Star on one of the veteran support Murtha blogs a couple of years ago. That photo shows only Murtha and the presenter with all the background is blacked out, like only a flash bulb caught them at night. After downloading the photo and lightening it up, what was seen was that it was shot in a darkened gym,there’s a basketball goal in the background. Of note is that there are no others in attendence visible. The customary procedure would be to make an award like that in front of your unit or at least have it witnessed by other officers within the unit. Wonder what the real story on that is? Pure speculation, but could the commander or Murtha himself been embarrased?
No need to answer, I’ve already learned enough of him to judge his character. What a POS.

Holger Awakens

As depressing as it is that the majority of Americans put Barack Obama in the White House, the fact that a congressional district in Pennsylvania returned Murtha to the House is beyond comprehension. This man is a traitor, a coward and a snapshot of all that is wrong with Congress. Every single Marine I’ve ever spoken with or viewed their comments on the blogosphere agrees that Murtha is a humiliation to the Corps.

For those of you folks in that Pennsylvania district that voted this clown, the mouse of a man back into office…may your Christmas stocking be filled with coal and an extra helping of guilt.


Holger Awakens Says:

As depressing as it is that the majority of Americans put Barack Obama in the White House, the fact that a congressional district in Pennsylvania returned Murtha to the House is beyond comprehension.

I was thinking the same thing as I was reading this post. How could the folks of Western Pennsylvania vote for Murtha over Bill Russell? Here’s what Russell had to say about Murtha’s shameful malignment of Marines:

“The time has come to for Congressman Murtha to publicly apologize to Justin Sharratt, the other Haditha Marines, their families, and every single serving Soldier, Sailor, Marine and Airman (and their families) who has served in or is currently serving in the Middle East”.

“At the very least, he must acknowledge that he has slandered the bravest of our young citizens and increased their risks of death and injury as they confront the evil that is Islamic Radicalism”. “He has provided aid and comfort to an enemy that is seeking to impose its version of totalitarian Sharia law on all of the Middle East, as well as Europe and the United States”. “He has undermined the efforts of the United States to stabilize Iraq”.

I really hope that Justin Sharratt wins his libel lawsuit over that POS Murtha and bankrupts his fat ass!


“For those of you folks in that Pennsylvania district that voted this clown, the mouse of a man back into office…may your Christmas stocking be filled with coal and an extra helping of guilt”.
Ditto, HA. And, as Rochester_Veteran said, I too hope that Justin bankrupts Murtha’s fat, sorry ass. Hopefully, the judge will let this case go forward on it’s merits.