Killing and robbing the people Americans won’t

| December 11, 2008

There was a pretty disturbing article in the Washington Post yesterday about a group of itinerent immigrants who decided to murder the woman who employed them, rob her and then go out on the town for a night;

Forty-eight hours after he had allegedly beaten and burned to death 83-year-old Lila Meizell, Ramon Alvarado put on his new white leather shoes and headed to La Frontera, a Mexican-style cantina at the edge of a Montgomery County strip mall.

It was the day after Thanksgiving, and Alvarado had spent much of the afternoon brooding, hiding the burns on his legs from his housemates. Now he was ready to unwind. His pockets were loaded with cash.

A 32-year-old layabout who had come to the United States from El Salvador a decade earlier, Alvarado lived in the basement of his aunt’s house, where he slept on a bare mattress in the laundry room next to the boiler. Small and slight of build, with angular features and heavy eyelids, his friends called him “El Garrobo” — the Iguana. Soon he was buying Miller Lite and shots all around.

Where had the money come from? Alvarado was usually quiet and always broke, but that night he had a newfound swagger. “He was paying for everyone,” said Joel Guevara, who was renting the room next to Alvarado’s. “But there was something weird about him.”

The article doesn’t mention whether any of the subjects are illegal aliens or not, we can only guess. Judging by the fact that the Post doesn’t mention the subject, I’d guess they are illegals. Many in this area are hard working and nice enough, but it doesn’t change the fact that they’re criminals simply by their presence here. And this 83-year-old woman, who had never done anything bad to these folks, paid for her own kindness with her life. One criminal act leads to others.

Category: Illegal Immigrants

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Bob Bakian

Shouldn’t she be prosecuted for, if they are here illegally, hiring illegal immigrants?

Jonn wrote: It’s probably pretty hard to prosecute a dead woman.

Bob Bakian

That’s beside the point, what if they had just assaulted and robbed her?


The sick thing is, in MD, the state/county gov’ts officially don’t *CARE* if you’re here as a citizen or illegal. I live in this area– and let me tell you, there are an *amazing* number of people who are NOT legal. Its sick, especially when you see these people getting services for which I pay for, while they don’t pay squat, as most of them are in the “cash economy.”

Drive on New Hampshire Blvd. towards College Park any weekday morning and see all the men loitering around corners and parking lots. On Univ. Blvd East as well. But ICE is too busy, I guess.

Now that the economy is tanking, this type of crime is going to become all too common, I fear.