Baltimore “Safe Streets” raided

| July 16, 2015

Safe Streets

There’s this organization in Baltimore called “Safe Streets” that utilizes former felons to stem the spread of crime in the city. The Baltimore Sun reports that a recent police raid of one of their offices came up with a stash of guns, drugs and paraphernalia related to the drug trade;

Police said this week’s investigation began when they were called about 2:26 a.m. Monday to the intersection of Hillen and Forrest streets, just south of East Monument Street, where a man said he was just robbed at gunpoint by two men in a gray SUV.

Soon after, an officer spotted the vehicle parked in the 2300 block of E. Monument and saw men dart inside the Safe Streets office. When officers eventually raided the office, they found guns, heroin, cocaine, and other items used in the manufacturing and sale of drugs, including cutting agents and scales, police said.

Nine people were arrested at the site, including two Safe Streets employees….

Those two who were arrested were co-defendants in a drug case a few years ago, one has been twice charged with murder, but no convictions.

Operations of Safe Streets have been suspended pending a wider investigation, but Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has expressed her support for the organization, so we know how the investigation will turn out.

Category: Crime

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Come on guys and gals, I can’t make witty comments with out material…


Reminds me of the anti gang pastor in Boston, who was using that as a front for being in charge of one of the biggest drug operations in Boston. Caught when he appeared on security camera footage attempting to execute a teen.


Was one of those WTF moments for sure, though his involvement was mostly a mystery to the police and mayors office.

Pinto Nag

Something, something…fox guarding the chickens…something, something…

A Proud Infidel®™

Kinda like hiring a coyote to keep raccoons and foxes out of the henhouse, ain’t it?

Roger in Republic

No PI, it’s more like setting up a halfway house for the furry carnivores next door to the Hen house, and then wondering why you have no more chickens. Wow, a taxpayer funded drug gang, only in a Democrat ruled political unit.


Gun show loophole on those weapons?


No doubt…

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure it was a back alley transaction with NO background check at all! I used to work in a place that had a fair share of ex-felons on its payroll, and any of them would say that getting a firearm was child’s play. To them, it was as easy as getting drugs.

Roger in Republic

I call that a “five finger transfer”. the only paper work is the cash.


And you guys thought the next camo pattern was woodlands or something, huh?


You know, more background check laws and banning the Confederate flag would stop all of this!

19D2OR4 - Smitty

Dont forget cameras in the ONLY gun store around


And a ten day waiting period!

The Other Whitey

So the crime-ridden city’s anti-gun liberal civic organization that helps prevent crime supported by the anti-gun liberal mayor turns out to be a front for street crime. Go figure…


“Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has expressed her support for the organization” Any bets on her political career ending like California State Senators Yee’s?

John S.

The Mayor’s constituents would most likely reward her with another term. They will get the government they deserve.

A Proud Infidel®™

Democrud rule, Government of, by, and for felons!


I’m sure there was a Confederate flag involved in all of this somewhere……..

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Now those folks were just acquiring all that contraband off the streets to help cleanse the streets of all those bad drugs and scary firearms…

Why can’t anyone else see that they were actually working to make the streets safe by consuming all the evil on their own, like in the Green Mile?


Yeah. Uh-huh. OK. 😉


Am I the only person who thinks Baltimore is finally about to sink in on itself with this?

I swear, it’s Chicago with the el Rukhns and Vice Lords competing with the Latin Kings.


Proposal for a law requiring the videotaping of all handgun and ammo purchases, coming right up!

2/17 Air Cav

The murder rate is soaring in Rat Town, so much so that the police chief was unceremoniously sent packing a week or so ago. Seems that since Freddie Gray’s demise, 100 +/- people have been murdered in Harm City. I can hear the Safe Streets felons laughing their asses off, taking grant funds and using it for you can guess what.


It’s obvious the NRA was behind this in order to increase gun sales through the gun show loophole and infuse cash into their lobbying fund


If this had been a recommended plot on The Wire, it would have been rejected!