VAOIG finds your claims in the shedder bin

| July 16, 2015

Bobo sends us a link to the Military Times which reports that the Veterans’ Affairs Office of the Inspector General investigators found some veterans’ claims in the shedder bin at a Los Angeles office. Some lawmakers are asking for an explanation, and, of course, VA officials are downplaying the incident;

VA officials said only 10 files were misplaced in the bins, and the items would have been subject to additional review before being destroyed. They downplayed the problem as a one-time mistake from a small number of workers, not “malicious intent.”

Full details of the findings won’t be released for several more weeks, and the exact number of cases affected has not yet been released by the VA Inspector General’s Office.

But [Representative Julia Brownley, D-Calif.] and Rep. Raul Ruiz, D-Calif., have called for hearings and an immediate review of how the regional office handles documents.

“Only 10”? Um, those are the lives of ten people, even if that’s all that were affected. “Only one” would be too many. These “only ten” are counting on the government to do what they promised for us when we joined and wrote those blank checks on our lives.

VA leaders in recent years have placed extra emphasis on digitizing those records, in part to prevent that kind of loss.

The lawmakers did not say how many veterans may have been affected by the latest problem.

Yeah, at least if the records are digitized, we can get back up copies from the Chinese.

Trust us VA, we’re dying as fast as we can in order to alleviate the back log problem. You just have to have a little patience with us.

Category: Veterans' Affairs Department

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This is my sideways surprized face look!



well…uh…you see…ummm…there was this strong wind came thru and …ummm….

Friend S. Wilkins

Reading this article just brought to mind that one great, heart warming speech delivered by U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, D-FL back in ’09.


Not shocked. I have a decision letter from the DAV that they sent me regarding numerous issues. Placed me at 100% Permanent and Total, 2 days after the letter was dated I got the official notification from the VA that they had deferred all those decisions, and my claim has sat in limbo since… well except when they asked me to resubmit all the evidence I had already submitted for one issue.
And years now that I haven’t received a penny for my 2 sons who have been continuously in school since turning 18, while they continued to pay me for my ex (though they are now taking that money back…)

Roger in Republic

And they wonder why someone would shoot up a recruiting station? Turns out today’s shooter is a foreign born radical islamist, but he could have just as well been a disgruntled, screwed over Veteran. It’s not like the government has ever broken any of their promises to us.


Sounds to me like things multiple IGs in the gummint right now should be paying attention to.

Then again, they’re just following the procedures similar to the state department. Hide everything, then destroy it all and say “I gave up everything, prove I didn’t!”

Granted, the higher authorities have to actually do something with the information the IG office provides them.

Bill R.

From reading the article, I deduced that you meant to write shredder bin. That’s good, I didn’t know what a shedder bin was. Heads really need to start rolling at VA but that’s not likely.


Veteran heads might roll, but at worst most of these bureacratic dirtbags will just have to retire.

Granted, someone will give them warning to “retire” so they can do the memo that way they don’t get fired, like they should be.

How about they make VA personnel go through the same process as veterans to get their pensions?


Then the VA personnel would be looked after while the people who took their place still shredded vet claims.


“…items would have been subject to additional review before being destroyed.”

Additional review – “Hey, intern, make sure that there aren’t any staples in those pages before you feed them into the shredder.”

Green Thumb

What is even better is that the VA will have attorneys from their Regional Offices harass those Veteran’s whose claims ended up in the shredder if they speak out.

That is what they receive bonus money for in most cases.



I just go there for flu shots. Otherwise, I call my cat’s doctor.


Well in keeping with the current concept of the Obama Administration’s notions of “fuzzy math”, “only 10”, may turn out to be 10 thousand.


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Even digital the VA seems to find a way to loose.
I submitted a VONAPP for my wife to use chapter 35. After calling countless times and getting no answers we were finally told they lost it. We had the confirmation numbers and emails saying it was received. But hey digital is gonna fix the va issues. While there are many good and caring people in the VA, it’s the bad apples that are causing the rot.


Never had these problems with the infamous Burn-Barrel…