Pelosi’s finger on the pulse
Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi proved that she knows most what liberals think are important this year. Not the war against ISIS, not the impending bankruptcy of Puerto Rico, not the Russian annexation of the Ukraine, not the war in Afghanistan, not the “lone wolf” problem in this country. No, her concern is removing the Mississippi state flag from the Capital grounds, according to The Hill;
Pelosi’s resolution would have forced Mississippi’s state flag, which includes the Confederate flag, to be removed from the House side of the Capitol.
After Pelosi offered the resolution, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) immediately moved to refer the measure to the House Administration Committee for further review.
Because that’s what’s important these days – a state flag’s legacy. Maybe they should vote to remove Pelosi from Capital grounds.
Oh, by the way, that’s not all. Pelosi has also decided that the Senate needs to revisit the gun control issue because a felon who is also an illegal alien who has been deported 5 times stole the gun from the car of a Bureau of Land Management agent and murdered a woman in an illegal alien sanctuary city. Those of us who don’t steal the firearms of BLM agents, who aren’t illegal aliens and been deported five times, who aren’t felons, well, we need to go through more stringent background checks as a result – because apparently, we’re the reason that he was able to steal a gun so easily.
I guess Chief Justice John Roberts has encouraged the liberals to reach for all of their precious little liberal stars.
Category: Congress sucks
Oh, Pe-lousi has her finger on the libtard pulse, alright. Unfortunately, she’s feeling for her own pulse, and there’s no heartbeat.
Actually her finger is up her own ass, cause no one else will do it for her!!
I do wonder what her botox bill is per month. She talks like her jaws are wired shut, and they probably are.
She will not focus on real issues, because she has no control over real world events, and she knows it. She also has NOTHING to offer to solve those problems, so let’s just move on to something she knows she can handle – making a compleat ass of herself in public for umpteenth time over absolutely nothing.
So, if the MS state flag is removed from the Capitol where it belongs, does that mean that Ole Miss gets to secede? Are we talking deja vu all over again? Now, THAT would be something to see.
That’s not a pulse she’s feeling.
Her head’s so far up her ass, she’s feeling her sphincter constricting
“Pelosi has also decided that the Senate needs to revisit the gun control issue because a felon who is also an illegal alien who has been deported 5 times stole the gun from the car of a Bureau of Land Management agent and murdered a woman in an illegal alien sanctuary city.”
Correction there Jonn, who murdered a woman in PELOSI’S illegal alien sanctuary city.
Seeing is how she “represents” San Fran-crazy.
Glad to see she has her priorities straight. what a Jack-Wagon. Whenever I hear her name mentioned, I throw up a little in my mouth.
My mother used to say “clean up your own yard before you try to clean mine”. Very fitting here I think.
AND, Stacy 0311, Thanks for helping to choke on some hot coffee this morning. I am fully awake now.
Why would the Senate need to revisit the Gun Control issue? I thought all Bills were required to originate in the House? Oh wait except for those that get pushed thru under executive order, yah it clearly states that in the Constitution right? (sarc)
Close. Bills going to raising revenue originate in the House. All others are not so restricted. This power of the purse strings is, arguably, the greatest source of strength the House has, but you wouldn’t know it, thanks to that clown who keeps banging his head on the underside of oBaMa’s desk.
Pelosi is an idiot and a self-righteous, self-promoting charlatan.
Moving on.
And what part of California is south of the Mason-Dixon Line?
Actually, GT . . . eyeballing a map, it appears that roughly 2/3 to 3/4 of her state of Californicated is south of the Mason-Dixon line’s latitude. (If you’re talking due south of the actual line, only MD plus parts of DE, VA, NC, and SC qualify.)
Perhaps Ms. Botox here needs to address CA’s issues with neoNazis and skinheads instead. I’m pretty sure they have a few.
The commies are in full court press mode. They started to sense blood in the water, since the SCOTUS decisions of late, so they want to gather as much control as they can, before the adults take over, again.
Take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
With what?
With a broom…duh.
I happened to meet Pelosi in a work environment some years ago, and remember wondering at the time when the flying monkeys were going to show up.
So it is all your fault Perry.
You could’ve thrown the water in front of you at her and we’d all be saved from years of lunacy.
Way to go McFly…
I really believe that the libs think that they are winning. Sometime in the near future the pendulum will swing the other way and they will be absolutely shocked at what happens. But in the meantime they are going to get even wackier.
I’m not so sure they aren’t. It seems like they have had more go their way since the republicans took over congress than they did when they were in control.
My Friends, I’m really getting tired of this shit. Started looking at a place to move to. Texas seems to be the most sane place I can find. I don’t know if it will be possible to turn the tide anymore. These fuckheads aren’t gonna stop. I am part of the most hated group in America ya know. A 51 year old retired military white male conservative. I’m just planning for the “brown shirts” to knock on my door. Then the party will get started. Fuck em!
Reference places to move to. In no particular order, also look at:
The Dakotas (either one)
Just skip Tucson and Bisbee. Right Skippy? lol
Might want to add Flagstaff to that “skip” list, too. As I recall, it was a bit . . . different as well.
Yeh !! Flagstaff and don’t forget about the people’s republic of Tempe Lol…
For years, Californians have been buying land here in Idaho like it’s candy. You can open carry, but not many in this area do. Most prefer to get their Concealed Carry Permit. I’m just waiting for them to make a fuss about our gun rights and want to make them more like “where they came from”.
The “them” is the Californians. I hit the post button too soon!
They’re not just buying in Idaho, they’re buying everywhere — and they are a plague wherever they go.
Avoid Austin. It’s becoming San Fran East
correction – “become – years ago”
Utah isn’t bad either.
Yes, we have our pet Libtards, mainly centered in SLC. Outside of that, the state is fairly conservative.
(We do have rumors about Utah County being almost Theocratic Stepford Wife Grade conservative, but that’s just rumor . . for now) (sarc off/)
Yet another reason why San Francisco is a nice place to visit, but fuck me if I ever think about living there.
On the short short list of the most expensive places to live in the country – that too.
Okay here we go. This was one of the big issues of the Civil War, now coming around again. Federal Rights and its power vice State Rights. What in the hell business is it of Pelosi’s, a state representative from “Queers Are Us, USA”, what happens in Mississippi? Apparently Mississippi didn’t jump on the fear train along with South Carolina and its sobbing legislators. In fact, I’ve heard little mention of the Mississippi State flag in all of this until now. So I guess Pelosi just took it upon herself to have the federal government dictate to a state what its citizens will or will not do, say or have in their sovereign state. The only thing the boney, kept alive with formaldehyde Pelosi has her finger on the pulse of, is Obama’s prostate. Which she regularly massages. Then, licks her fingers for that Colonel Sanders “Finger Lickin’ Good” after flavor. Bitch!!! Stay in your Queer Nation of CA and clean up the out and out indecencies displayed publicly there everyday. Shit that no one wants to see or have their children and grand children see. Sorry if I sound prudish. I would feel the same of it were a heterosexual couple going overboard in their physical public display of affection. The old “get a room”, saying is appropriate here. But Pelosi and her CA ilk are proud as peacocks about that shit! Yes her ilk are all proud as hell to be known as the,(to borrow from Marlo Thomas’ liberal 1972 album)”Free To Be…You And Me” state. Out of state people trying to take a simple vacation to see the Pacific once in their lives are treated to metro, bi, gay, lesbian, trans and asexuals up and down the boardwalks in their “skimpies and flimsies”, as Jed Clampett put it. The only things not showing but in prominent display and “out there and available”, are the tools of each one’s sexual proclivities trolling trade. My friend came back from recent vacation. Having always wanted to see the ocean and beaches he remembered from the old Franky Avalon and Annette… Read more »
Dial it down, Sparks. Pelosi represents a congressional district which covers 80 percent of San Francisco. She’s also not from California, apparently having caught the hippie bus in from Baltimore in the late ’60s.
Where I live in California, if you asked a typical voter whether it would be better to return Pelosi to office or, say, chain her at the ankles and drag her behind a backhoe, it’s a safe bet the next sound you would hear would be a John Deere starting up.
Perry Gaskill…I know you are right sir. I know there is much of California that is as conservative as anyone could ask for. But like my state, the liberal population centers control the votes. Apologies to you and all right thinking Californians if needed.
Dear Nancy Pelosi…
FYI. It’s Amazing how people keep voting you and your dumb latchkey friend Boxer. Considering both of you have made BILLIONS of dollars exempting your selfs from insider trading laws and your to good to be true land deals in congress, it seems you are always at the right place at the right time. Well I call BULLSHIT !!!!!!
Skippy. I would change that to read, Dear Congressman/Congresswoman ____________.
Think about it. How many US Senators and Representatives are worthy of our collective admiration for putting self-interest aside and dedicating themselves, their honor, and their lives to advancing the collective interests of the United States of America and in preserving the Constitution? Most do not know what any interest but self interest is and I would guess that at least 90% of Congress cannot say a word or two about the articles and amendments contained in the Constitution. Phukers all.
Ain’t that the truth.
‘… It’s Amazing how people keep voting you and your dumb latchkey friend Boxer…’
You said that like voting means anything anymore.
I wish I could say I meant that to be sarcastic.
Truth is always stranger then fiction…
I believe.. A lot of elections are fix in a lot of California. I could be wrong but I don’t think so…
You know, if any of these people had any sense (of history) they would know that a good amount of the Southern States flags are based off of various Confederate Flags. Hell Georgia’s IS the Confederate National Flag just with the GA Seal on it in place of the stars.
Is she going to try to ban ALL of the South’s flags too? Or just the one she recognizes as CSA?
19D2OR4 – Smitty, I think she is going for ALL. Why should she stop now, especially when “everyone” wants these flags removed? Why hasn’t “everyone” put up an outcry to ban burning the US Flag?
This B&T@h needs to be put on a plane, sent to Afghanland, and LEFT there.
Oh, but ‘we’ (as in the royal ‘we’) don’t have any control over flags being burned, don’tcha know.
The Confederacy’s Stars and Bars looks so very…Union! The idiots in Congress will never catch on.
When did REPRESENTATIVE Nancy Pelosi gain control of the SENATE?????
Since big Bird started Blackmailing the Supreme Court LMAO ! ! !
Watch wat happens after common core has had time to make a whole generation of totally Stupid people. LMAO ! ! ! !
If state flags are removed from their proper position at the Capitol, because that bony-assed bitch is trying to get brownie points, I feel strongly that it is time to discuss the word ‘secession’ all over again.
We are either a nation that accepts all of our varying and disparate opinions, despite our disagreements, or we are NOT.
What’s it gonna be, Polenta? Your ass or mine?
Let’s see, an illegal alien with multiple felonies and deportations steals a gun and commits murder, and she says we need open borders and gun control?