Even DRG Members Need A Break Sometimes . . .
. . . so let me suggest an appropriate time and place for their next “periodic in-person get-together”.
Makes perfect sense to me. The DRG are IMO already kinda “out there” – and you can’t get much farther “out there” than that. They should feel right at home!
Who knows – maybe they’ll even great each newly arrived DRG member by asking them, “What’s shakin’!” (smile)
(Note: no, I didn’t make that image, and it isn’t a joke – that’s a real event. Seriously.)
Category: Pointless blather, Who knows
But that’s the holiday weekend! I can’t possibly go and check out the alien lifeforms.
Are the slags from ‘Alien Nation’ going to be there?
Did you see they are remaking that? I don’t know how I feel. I loved the movie and the show. I would love to see a 20 years later world, but not a straight up remake.
I have some friends of mine going to that. They are from the same charity organizations that a certain non-CPO/non-lawer threatened to expose as terrorists. I don’t think it would be fair to them to have idiots show up to ruin it with their sense of phony entitlement.
Even if they DID go they’d likely get rejected for being TOO kooky and strange.
That or you’d hear someone say “HEY, what’s that up in the air, it looks like… IT’S GONNA CRASH!…” And not long after that people would be saying “Aaah, just a small plane crash, looks like he ran out of gas, and some kook came out of it screaming how he was gonna sue everyone or something like that.”
Shut down this thread NOW!
Now, Andy did you hear about this one?
Tell me, are you locked in the punch?
Andy are you goofing on Elvis? Hey, baby
Are we losing touch?
RIP, Mr. Kaufman. Another gone far too soon.
If DR Associates do go, you can bet all the Rossy regular attendees will stop, stare and point at them saying, “look at those unearthly creatures, they are truly horrifying”.
I wonder how the crowd would react as soon as they started making and indulging in “Dutch Rudder Gang Cocktails” (rubbing alcohol with a dash of embalming fluid and antifreeze for flavor and garnished with a lead paint chip)?
I have been to the UFO festival and had a great time. One of the best fireworks displays I have seen was given by the city of Roswell that weekend.
Been through Roswell a couple of times – though not during the festival or to conduct any “autopsies”. I’d like to make it back out there one year for the festival.
And the drive from Roswell to Ruidoso to Las Cruces is truly spectacular.
Should be a good time. Provided, of course, the only “strange creatures” that show up are NOT members of the DRG. (smile)
A friend of mine was born and raised in Roswell. he said that they made a lot of money from that UFO stuff.
DRG…somewhere I read they we’re really a front for child molesters? I could be wrong, however, doubtful….
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the Dutch Rudder Gang member alleging to be a FF/OR Attorney has repeatedly accused many TAH regulars of sexual improprieties, homosexuality, bestiality, and pedophilia among other things. I wonder if said accusations aren’t what Psychology Professionals refer to as “Projection” which was defined by Sigmund Freud as when one feels so afraid and intimidated by their own thoughts and impulses that they “project” them onto others like a convicted rapist accusing his Psychotherapist of wanting to do the same. The more I look at that person’s psychobabble, slander, libel and tripe the more I become convinced that he’s “Projecting”, it’s my opinion, look, judge for yourself, and tell me what you think!
I wonder if Dullass Whitgenturd will kick off the events by “jumping in”?
He would fit right in.
Hmmm, I wonder if he would get a standing ovation if he stunned the crowd by streamering in?
I sure would give him the clap if he did that.
I’m sure that once he started prancing around in his “Flag Clown” costume he’d get thrown out for being too weird as well if he didn’t get himself thrown in jail and become Bubba, Thor, and mipzyk24601’s “Property”!
As long as he wore his “Purple People Eater” costume.
Hell, how long has he been in space?
He qualifies for the part.
I’m sorry, but what the hell did we New Mexicans ever do to you that you would send those fucking cock suckers to my home state??
On the bright side, they could run afoul of some drug runners or biker gangs while they are here. That would be entertaining.
Amen – Hondo, whaddaya got against Roswell?
Bet you that they would all be eligible for a free alien anal probing courtesy of ET (that’s Eddie Torres, the extra testicle).
I bet if you asked them, they would probably tell you they could hear the Taos hum as well.