Whitfield: Dallas gunman wasn’t “very courageous and brave”
We didn’t talk about James Boulware this weekend. Boulware was that fellow in Dallas who built himself an armored van, made himself a scad of bombs and then attacked a Dallas police station with some firearms. This was a great opportunity for the cable news folks to run their mouths constantly without having to use their brains. Fredericka Whitfield on CNN did just that when she referred to the act as “very courageous and brave”;
Now, of course, she’s backtracked on the ill-considered case of vocal diarrhea.
“Yesterday, during a segment on the Dallas Police Department attack, I used the words ‘courageous’ and ‘brave’ when discussing the gunman. I misspoke,” Whitfield told viewers on Sunday. “I in no way believe the gunman was courageous nor brave.”
Yeah, you did, you said it with no prompting. Way to encourage that behavior.
Of course, the family blames society;
Boulware’s father, Jim, told the Associated Press that his son was mentally unstable and angry with police after losing custody of his child, and that the family had tried to get him medical help but were unsuccessful.
The suspect’s brother, Andrew Boulware, accused authorities of ignoring the family’s pleas for help.
“They diagnosed him as ‘sane’ in 15 minutes,” he said, adding: “I didn’t honestly think that he would ever go this far, but it was always in the back of my mind that it was a possibility.”
“We tried to get him mental help numerous times, but the system failed him,” Boulware’s mother, Jeanine Howard, said in the statement to local media. “He was very delusional. It was very obvious.”
Yeah, he built an armored vehicle with firing ports in the side and back. He built bombs. I wouldn’t know how to build a bomb, but somehow this mentally deficient fellow figured it out, along with a firing mechanism that detonated the bombs when the robot started messing with the box full.
And, I’m sure that the mugshot above wasn’t taken after this incident since a sniper took him out with a single shot. Apparently, he blamed police for losing custody of his child to his mother, the woman quoted above. If they thought that he was unstable, his family should have been monitoring him and he wouldn’t have been able to complete his little project.
Has anyone else noticed that the usual suspects aren’t calling for more background checks because of this? Probably because he must have bought the scary black guns illegally. The jumpsuit in the picture above is testament to the fact that he was already forbidden to buy any firearms, yet he had them, and bomb components.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Is CNN trying their damnedest to be even more idiotic than MSDNC, or does idiotic crap like this come naturally to those slug snot-brained loons? AS TO the critter’s brother’s statement, what were the Police supposed to do when he attacked, come out playing guitars singing “Kum-ba-yah” while offering him a peanut butter sandwich and some Kool-Aid?
Ooooo! You can’t offer him a peanut butter sandwich and Kool-Aid! What if he has a peanut allergy? Or is allergic to all those nasty, evil food dyes they use in Kool-Aid! You can’t even offer him a grilled cheese and a glass of milk because he might be lactose intolerant! How insensitive of you! (Removes tongue from cheek) LOL! 😉
MSNBC = MSDNC (DemonRat Nat’l Kommittee)
Ohhh. . . I like that.
May I steal for future use?
Be my guest! 😀
Not that it matters now, but I heard he purchased the van for some $8K. From the pic I saw it looked like a professional job. At least before Dallas EOD turned it into a car-b-q.
Yep. Bought it in Georgia off of ebay. It was a surplus cop van.
But hey – at least it wasn’t one of those dangerous military trucks the cops can’t have any more.
What sort of police agency trades in/sells an armored van? Other than being bought by some survivalist for fantasy purposes, it’s probably going to end badly.
The sort that have MRAPs now and don’t need old, clapped out armored vans?
The thing is, if he had attacked a grade school or a LGBT parade, the adjectives “courageous and brave” would never formed in her twisted mind, let alone come out of her yap. But the targets were police so, to her and her ilk, I guess he is a hero.
‘courageous’ and ‘brave’ ??
It pains me to call any woman an asshole – it really does….come to think of it, maybe I’ll call her an asshat instead.
I’ll call her a stupid cunt.
How about “stupid twatwaffle”?
…Y’know, it’s a good thing she’s reasonably attractive…’cause she ain’t any too bright.
Yeah, so are Irish Setters.
PN – pretty or bright?
They’re just like Whitfield — pretty and damn near brainless.
It was inevitable with the consistent change in the examples of brave and courageous. When I was a kid, John Glenn was considered brave and courageous because he risked his life in order to better the human condition through space exploration. Today Bruce Jenner is considered brave and courageous because he calls himself Caitlyn and poses for a magazine cover wearing woman’s clothing.
The same libidiots calling Jenner a “hero” are the same ones that called Chris Kyle a coward. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
If that Jenner photo spread had included just one pic of ol’ Brucie sporting a diamond-scratching erection pup-tenting that vintage bathing suit, you know, like a parting shot in tribute to his dwindling manhood, then I might have bought into the courage thing.
On second thought: Nah…
Brain bleach, you miserable wretch, where is the BRAIN BLEACH!?!
Oh the irony…
Yeah I did a double take too… was looking for the barney suit.
Now that his head has another air hole in it, his family is all vocal. All the bullshit of “we all tried to get him help” is shit I’ve heard and seen my whole life. Goes like this.
“Hey James got a minute?”
“I’m busy cutting holes in my van what ya want?”
“Been thinkin’ bout ya and maybe you should see the doc ya know.”
“Yea…that right!. The doc’s gonna get my kids back for me?”
“Well, no James but maybe he could help.” “Well brother, fuck the doc and fuck you, I’m busy here ya see.”
“Okay James, take it easy and see ya at Thanksgiving dinner.”
So the turd went ballistic in the head and then got a ballistic in his head for his trouble. At least his kids won’t have to suffer with his crazy ass their whole lives.
I don’t think his head has another hole. I think there isn’t much left of his head. .50 cal. will do that.
(Sorry hit that stupid red button by accident again)
Ventilated his brain?
Never heard of police snipers using .50 cal.
Are you sure it was not 7.62mmx51?
What kind of rifle? M107 Barrett?
He didn’t “build” an armored van. He bought a well used one. They sell the old ones that Loomis, Guarda, etc. get rid of, once they have used them up. Just like you can buy old cop cars that are no longer in service or old armored military vehicles.
And he was pissed off he was labeled a “terrorist.”
Well, fucking duh!!!
It is maddeningly simple: it isn’t illegal to be crazy, but it’s illegal to do crazy stuff. Until someone with serious mental problems hurts themselves or someone else, they’re free to run the streets.
And for everybody whining about the ‘system failure’? I’ll remind you that YOU went after the big mental hospitals and had them shut down in the the 1960’s and 70’s, because they were ‘inhumane.’ What we have left is a patchwork quilt of mental health care that is inadequate for the number and severity of mentally ill people in our country. Getting rid of the mental hospitals didn’t get rid of the mentally ill — it just put them out on the street for all of us to deal with. We tried to warn you about this, and you wouldn’t listen, so shut up and just enjoy the mess YOU made.
Agreed. Reopen the mental hospitals and get back to mistreating people!!! Who cares if they’re treated worse than animals in a zoo! At least the general public will be safe; right?
Oh, come on, you know me better than that. At least, you should by now. There is no reason a mental hospital should be any worse than a regular medical hospital, if it’s staffed and funded properly. Sure, if you want to hide people away and forget about them, of course they’ll be neglected and abused, because they’re being warehoused and not treated. Look at modern nursing homes! Some are very good, some are absolute horrors. Mental hospitals are no different.
I do believe that the public needs to be protected. I also believe that the mentally ill need to be protected, and having the mentally ill out on the street causes both the public and the mentally ill to suffer needlessly.
Regardless of how much treatment options have advanced recently for mental illness, there are still a substantial number of disturbed people out there who cannot function in society without being a danger to others and/or themselves. Outpatient care isn’t sufficient to keep these folks functional.
The two options are to (1) leave these folks at large and allow them essentially to fend for themselves, or (2) institutionalize them for their – and the rest of society’s – protection.
Both options have risks. The risk in the latter is that underfunding and/or neglect might lead to abuse. The risk in the former is that on occasion one of “teh krazee” will go bonzo and off themselves, often taking a bunch of innocents with them in the process. See School, Newtown.
“Pick yer poison, society. There ain’t no perfect solution. And them’s the only two real options.”
PN’s point is that we did exactly that in the 1960s/1970s, and chose option (1). That’s not precisely working out all that well – and never really has.
I do know you better than that. I, also, know government and you should know them better than that, too. We know how it would turn out, no matter how much funding, or how much staffing is applied. It would turn into the days of yore quickly.
Sure it would. Just like all of GM’s and Ford’s factories in “right-to-work” states have turned into slave-labor-style sweatshops where no one gets paid a decent wage.
I’m talking about how poorly run government entities end up. We know if it’s run by the government, it wouldn’t be a good thing.
Who says they have to be public (e.g., government owned and operated) facilities? Most normal hospitals and health clinics aren’t.
Who would be picking up the tab?
Who picks up the cost for govt-run facilities?
Either way: if it’s court-ordered and involunatry, the government will end up picking up the tab – just like they do today. And just like they do whenever police have to respond to an out-of-control “head case” that goes bonzo and tries to hurt themselves or someone else.
Not to extend this too long, for personal reasons, but I remember the “state” hospitals in the 60’s-70’s and I wasn’t impressed. Suffice it to say they lived up to the billing and well deserved reputation they got.
Some did. Others did not.
Some prisons in the 1960s treated prisoners pretty crappy, too. And some of the early factories really were sweatshops.
Yet we didn’t close all prisons in the 1960s – we reformed them instead (some would say way too far). And we didn’t outlaw factories; we imposed rules to govern what constitutes fair labor practices.
My point is that there is a greater need for institutionalization of mentally disturbed individuals today than there is capacity. When that happens, those who desperately need to be institutionalized are left to fend for themselves. The results are periodically predictable: one of the disturbed individuals “goes off” and kills a bunch of folks.
We opted for this as public policy in the 1960s and 1970s.
With 40 years now of examples of how this doesn’t work so well, perhaps it’s time to revisit that decision – and open a few more institutions to take care of those who cannot be among us without endangering themselves and/or others.
When I was a teen in the NYC, I worked at a deli that was in front of a bus stop. About once a week I was “protecting the public” from the mentally ill. Especially the ones that liked to relieve themselves in the doorway of the deli. Fortunately for me the recruiter was across the street…..
Was he “unstable” and “troubled?” Or was he just a tremendous fucking asshole?
He was pissed over losing custody of his kids. Looking at this incident, I say, “Hmm, I wonder why they would do that…(/sarc).”
TOW: apparently both Boulware and his ex-wife were pieces of work. He appears to have had a rather lengthy history of questionable behavior, both legal and other. She appears to have had a serious drug habit.
Boulware’s mom ended up with custody of his child recently. Both the mother and father were found to be unfit parents (though both retained some parental rights).
One part of your linked article tells about when he went to his brother’s house, took guns, ammo, and body armor before threatening to shoot up churches and schools. WTF kind of prosecutor lets a nut job like that loose before giving them a court-ordered mental evaluation?
Relax guys, the people that are in charge of keeping assholes like this away from weapons are the same ones protecting your personal data and SF86 forms. And, as luck would have it, they are the same upstanding folks that provide my access to health insurance. #Winning #SoBlessed #GoMESNA
And often they’re the same people claiming that people don’t really need guns for anything but “sporting purposes”, either.
If you have a crazy relative and the state won’t commit that person what can you do?
With the changing of laws regarding committal for mental health issues, along with the long term social stigma surrounding those issues this is not the first, nor the last time a family will tell us that their dangerous loved one was crazy and they had no legal mechanism to address the problem.
If Adam Lanza were my son I might have arranged a boating accident to protect society, but maybe I wouldn’t have. i sure as hell wouldn’t take them to a gun range, but without legal means to control these individuals they are free to act out their crazed fantasies. If the crazy person is bigger and stronger than family members, short of killing their own sibling or child there isn’t much that can be done. Monitoring is great if you have that ability. What if Mr. Crazy moves away? The only system that is left to deal with these people is quite often the criminal justice system…of course we’re far too busy worrying about the Clinton Foundation or Jeb Bush’s family line to address an actual issue in our society and that’s our still shabby treatment of the mentally ill.
I don’t know if this man was or wasn’t mentally ill, but I do know that we no longer abuse our confined mentally ill citizens. Instead we leave them free to roam the streets while hoping they continue to take their meds so that they can function semi-normally in our society. Of course when they stop taking those meds they become a dangerous element loose on the streets.
That’s way better than keeping them safely confined. At least until it isn’t.
I think that was PN’s point, VOV. Under current laws in many states . . . there isn’t any other choice.
VOV mentioned Adam Lanza…
Made me think of another lunatic, Elliot Roger – the guy who shot some folks and ran them over in UC Santa Barbara some time ago.
That dude had some serious issues, and best I can tell the family suspected it. From what I read about him, whatever system that was in place in California also failed.
Just my .02 cents.
Jesus. Between Legacy Gov’s brother, shitbag Paul Rieckhoff’s bimbo friend, and now this chick CNN is having a hell of a year. I wonder what the collective brain cell count is for those employed there.
Shouldn’t we embrace the courage of this man to come out and live his life as the trans-dead person he knew he was supposed to be?
Nice shooting to the SWAT team
I’m still in the ‘face palm’-what-the-hell? state that wants to know how on Earth anyone can be stupid enough to think attacking a police station in any way at all is either brave or courageous.
If that dimwitted reporter’s ass isn’t fired, it should be. Fortunately, a potential employer may see that and remember it, and ask “Do I really want to hire someone who is that dumb? What if there’s a tornado warning, and she says ‘it’s just a little windstorm?'”
No, she did not mis-speak. She meant what she said and what she needs, RIGHT NOW, is a life-changing event in which she calls 911, and nobody answers because she’s out of range.
“Hands up, don’t shoot”.
Nothing further.
Dear CNN,
Mouth shut. Don’t talk.
It did occur to me that, as dumbassed as she is, she probably spouted that crap out of her piehole before it was revealed that Whitfeld was NOT black. Once she realized that the only thing she had done was make an ass of herself on national TV news, she tried to cover it with that convenient word ‘misspoke’.
No, bitch, there IS NO misspoke. You ran your mouth on your assumption and it will live forever that way.
Here’s a conclusion: ______________________
Now jump to it, moron.
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
Mark Twain
But hey, giving liberals advice they don’t like makes one “racist”, “sexist”. “homophobic”, “islamophobic”,…