Explanation and question

| December 9, 2008

OK, some of the more astute among you may have noted a significant decrease in my posting, and the more erudite among you probably appreciated my lack of posting. But, I am slowly coming back. First I had a HR complaint about my blogging, no big problem. Then I had a lunatic scandanavian phony veteran sending me emails about my Dad, which is kinda creepy and made me question why I was blogging. Then on Thanksgiving, I had to put my beloved Golden Retriever to sleep, which is probably the worst day of my life, and I am still depressed and not sleeping well. But, I did want to check in as I try to work myself into blogging again. Have a ton of stuff to write about with Shinseki and his ties to Defense Contractor Honeywell (where are you left? Remember the Cheney conflict of interest stuff?) and the assinine charges by the Justice Dept against Blackwater etc.

(Also, I figured I better post something today or someone would accuse me of “calling in gay” to work.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

But the first thing I want to do is comment on this photo that the incomparable Ms Malkin is running as a caption contest.

Everytime I see pictures like this where Obama has his chin elevated, I get irked. And then today it hit me. Ever seen that episode of Friends where Joey Tribiani is talking about his acting method, the “Smell the Farts” method? Obama always seems to be trying to capture all the ass emissions in the room whenever he does this. Or is it just me? Or has no one seen that show?

Category: Politics

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Larry Sheldon

Sorry about your loss, but I’m guessing that you did the right thing, and that is very hard to do.

Hang in there.

We need your voice.

TSO: Thanks Larry. I spent as much time as I could with her for the last week. She was 16 years old, so it wasn’t a surprise, but going into the last week, she was still seemingly very healthy. But, she went peacefully at the end, and she gave me a kiss on the nose right before she went. So, as many tears as I shed that day, wouldn’t have had it any other way. Just couldn’t bear to see her scared and in pain.


If there’s no dogs in Heaven, I’m not so sure I want to go.

TSO: You got it. Old Forrest was the best friend I ever had. Gotta believe I will see her again.


My Iggy was proboably waiting for another golden skinned animal to arrive… She was the best- an abandoned Welsh Corgi who was supremely loyal. You did the right thing…

LT Nixon

How dare you use any excuse to forego the most important thing in life…blogging! But, seriously glad you are back. Sorry that life has got you down.

For the caption. I suggest “A Steaming Blag of Dogshit Left on Fire For Obama’s White House Doorstep”, but this might be offensive to the numbskulls who fell for the burning bag prank.


I’m sorry to hear you’ve been going through a rough time, particularly about your golden. Sixteen years is amazing- you had to have been very conscientious about her health and well being. My golden is almost 11 and had to be hospitalized just after Thanksgiving. It was difficult enough just thinking that he might not make it. I can truly empathize with your loss.


Know where you’re coming from, the last dog we had to put down kissed me on the hand as he was going to sleep. That was as rough a day as I’ve had since my mom and dad passed away. And he was 14. We got a Jack Russell 3 years ago, our neighbor’s dog decided to maul her in the back yard. It cost $800.00 to get her healed up, and I’d spend double that, if it made her comfortable and kept her around.
Anyway, welcome back. And Ziggy, that’s exactly how I feel, too.


lunatic scandanavian phony veteran????

You need to flesh that image out just a bit. The ‘lunatic phony veteran’ may be spooky… but the Scandinavian aspect???

Almost approaches The Bloodthirsty Quaker ideal.


Our Golden turned 7 at Thanksgiving. Healthy and always ready to walk me, never says no to going places. Always have plenty of dog hair around to clone more, but instead of cloning one — you’ll need another Golden Retriever puppy when you’re ready TSO, I would — They are a real special dog.

509th Bob

TSO, I’m very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. My family went through that a few years ago, with a Lab-mutt named Fred. I told my wife I didn’t want another dog, but she insisted, and we ended up with a new runt-sized Schnoodle named Emma. She doesn’t “replace” Fred, but she certainly fills our hearts. Consider another adoption of another life-long help-mate. As they say in Washington, D.C., if you want a friend, get a dog. It is not a “betrayal” of your lost friend, but it does help heal.

My regards.

As for the HR crap, F’em. Leak us the information about this POS. If he thought that you somehow screwed him, let the REST of us know who he is so that he can learn what it TRULY means to be screwed-blued-and-tattooed!

Thus Spake Ortner

“Golden” is actually a stretch for Forrest. I got her the day I joined the army, from a shelter and she was like 2 months old. Love at first site, and the shelter promised she would be a big manly dog.

Well, she was Golden mixed with Chihuahua or something because she grew to all of 30 pounds, and refused to fetch. She would run for the object, then return running full bore and leap 6 feet and kiss you on the face. Damn good dog. I will get another one like her at some point, but for right now, can’t do as I get ready to study for the bar exam.


I am so sorry!! We had to put our 16 year old Golden to sleep this past January and our whole family was very sad for quite a while…it was very emotional. Know that we enjoy your blogging…but give yourself time if you feel sad….and soon you will be able to think of your pal without too much pain. Hang in there.

richard wheeler

TSO Nancy and I lost our beloved Golden Rusty on Aug 2nd and it was really tough.He was our best friend and I’ll always remember him.End of Aug went to pick up male golden puppy and brought home his sister too.Charles and Diana(wife named them) are wonderful and we believe Rusty’s spirit lives within them.Your beloved Golden will live on through your next wonderful pet.RW


TSO – I am so sorry to hear about Forrest. She’s probably chasing my cat, Fluffy Kitty, through the clouds in heaven. Give yourself time to grieve – you’ve lost a member of your family.

Does anyone know if that is Blago’s real hair?


I’m so sorry for your loss. I have lost many loving pets but have had to have only 2 put to sleep. You never forget them. I discovered years ago that if you get a companion for one pet, then you will have one to help you grieve when you lose one of them. And they do grieve. Then you get a companion for the one left. That way you keep your little family going. God bless


Yes, one of the hardest things to do is put down a loyal friend. My Border Collie lived 16 years when she finally could make a go of it. My heart’s with you.

Best of luck on the bar. You’ll make it.


I actually know the chin elevated thing! It’s a photo trick. Supposedly, when you put your chin down it makes your neck look fat and you look much worse, so when being photographed you should always try to lift your chin a little.



Let me help.

1. Plant elbow on bar top.

2. Grasp glass firmly.

3. Raise arm.

4. Sip.

5. Lower arm

6. Repeat until empty.


Sorry for your loss, TSO. Been there, done that. Good luck on your bar exam.


“If dogs don’t go to heaven, I want to go where they go.” (Unknown)

If God made one perfect creature it is the dog. I have a fifteen year old golden and we’ve come close to losing her. Her predessor was 17 when we had to put him down. Nothing hurts like that – we grieve when we lose our human companions, but our dogs who understand us like no others – we want them to understand why we must make that decision eventhough we can’t explain it. We doubt ourselves, and we hope they see it as sacrifice on our part not as ‘giving up’ on them.

I have a friend who is a veterinarian. I asked him once how he felt about euthanizing pets – knowing how deeply he loves dogs it seemed a contradiction. Then he explained that he was grateful that he had the ability to end suffering – nothing would be worse than having them suffer. Perspective. Courage, sacrifice, and love are partners.

You did the best thing for your dog, the bravest thing, the thing his years of loyalty merited. When we put our own needs ahead of our pet’s we hang on to them too long. They deserve better than that.

And I believe they do understand and are grateful for our courage. Loyalty is a two way street.

As to the blogging hiatus — never feel guilty about that. We all need a break now and then, scary Scandinavians notwithstanding.

Get another pup. There is another dog out there who needs a good, responsible, and loving and courageous owner. And you need to put all that love somewhere.


so when being photographed you should always try to lift your chin a little.

Operative word: A LITTLE

I really don’t like viewing photos of this guy, let alone his nose hair.


Says it best: http://www.warrensburg.org/drum.htm Ever wonder where the old saying, “A man’s best friend is his dog,” came from? Well, if you guessed Warrensburg, Missouri, you were right! Senator George Graham Vest won a court battle and the ears of dog lovers everywhere when he paid his famous tribute to the dog during the 1870 Burden vs. Hornsby court case in Warrensburg. The speech included the line, “The one absolutely unselfish friend that a man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog.” The “eulogy to the dog” won the case for Charles Burden whose favorite hound, Old Drum, was shot by a neighbor, Leonidas Hornsby, who had sworn to kill the first dog that came onto his land. Although Hornsby had hunted with Drum and acknowledged him to be one of the best hunting dogs he had ever seen, he carried out his threat when one night a dog was found prowling in his yard. That dog was Old Drum. Burden immediately sued Hornsby for damages and the trial quickly became one of the strangest in the history of this area of the country. Each man was determined to win the case. After several appeals, the case finally reached the Supreme Court of Missouri. Burden was awarded $50 in damages for the loss of his favorite hunting dog. Vest’s eulogy to the dog, which he made in his final appeal to the jury, won the case and became a classic speech. Through the direction of the Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce and coordinated efforts by many dog lovers across the country, Old Drum was immortalized in a stature on the Johnson County Courthouse lawn in Warrensburg on September 23, 1958. While no record was kept of the last half of Vest’s tribute to a dog, the first portion has fortunately been preserved. It was this speech that originated the saying, “A man’s best friend is his dog.” George Graham Vest speaking: Gentlemen of the Jury: “The best friend a man has in this world may… Read more »



I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend, Forrest. When you’ve passed the bar exam, think about getting another dog.

Our dog is a rescue. Some cold-hearted person dumped a mother dog and her pups in our complex. They ran across the road and the mother and one of our dog’s brothers were hit by a car and the dude drove off. My neighbor saw it all happened and gathered them up and took them to the vet. Sadly, the mother and brother pup had to be put to sleep, but there were still 3 puppies that needed good homes.

When I came home from work that day, I saw an unusual amount of people going in and out of our house. I went in the front door and was immediately greeted by my kids who were pleading, “Can we keep him Dad? Please, can we!”. Of course, I went with the obligatory “absolutely not” and 11 years later, K-Ci is still a member of our family! His nickname is “Booze Hound” because he loves beer. He looks like a sawed off golden retriever.

BTW, I can’t stand that look by Obama. Chris Muir who does the “Day by Day” comic spoofs that look:

Day By Day By Chris Muir

TSO: That is kinda my plan. I will always get rescue dogs. I’m a mutt, so I see no reason not to own one. I will wait for the Bar and then to get my own place. I live with a family that has a dog now, and I don’t want a new dog to be around their dog and then get separated.