My prediction is that he’ll spout his verbal goose and seagull diarrhea in the wee hours of the morning on the Facebook comments. Last weekend he sockpuppeted under Soup Sandwich’s real name calling us murderers saying that WE made him and Densmore kill themselves. Since I was awake at that hour, I made a few responses that made him flush himself. OH, and along with the other carp he spouts, he was calling TAH a kiddie and gay pr0n site as well.
I’ve been getting bored recently. I need something to laugh at. When is his next court appearance? Not the one on the 1st that he’s planning to skip since he knows more law than the Bar. I mean the one he is brought into with cuffs on for the bench warrant and failure to appear charges.
Zero Ponsdorf
9 years ago
I’m only number 4…
Blessing or curse I was gonna share a video of me singing Happy Birthday and scaring kids as the first.
nuber 4 is better than me. I’m usually being referred to as a “number 2”
John “Faker 6” Giduck
9 years ago
NAVAIR at Pax River is hosting this charming event. I will not attend.
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 12:04 PM
Subject: LGBT Pride Month event
All hands,
NAVAIR is hosting a national Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month event on Tuesday, 2 June, from 1300-1400 at the River’s Edge Conference Center in Patuxent River and via national video teleconference. This event features keynote speaker Brigadier General Tammy Smith, deputy chief of staff, Army Reserve, who will provide a multifaceted perspective on identity and help us look beyond preconceived notions of gender and societal roles. To read the Department of Defense memo regarding Pride Month, visit
Event registration is required. Please follow the instructions below for your site.
Patuxent River and Lakehurst:
— Visit NAVAIR University at
— Click on the classes tab on the top menu bar.
— Enter “CISL-EVT-0106” in the search field, and click the blue search button.
— Click on register in the register column for the session you wish to attend.
— Click the yes button to enroll in the event.
— If you can’t register in NAVAIRU, email
China Lake and Point Mugu:
— Email
— Include your name, code, number, and session/location [CL-VTC Mclean] or [PM-VTC MIC]
When will we start seeing Heterosexual Pride events? Or is their side just doing what liberals like to do as much as bawling, they celebrate perversity!
How is this pride thing relevant to the command of the sea and power projection?
9 years ago
Working on foam toy airplane with my son. Does anybody have a suggestions for the artwork.
I was thinking (NO CLASS) on one wing and (NO GAS) on the other.
That’s a tough search. They record in 30 min segments so that is a lot of listening. Which feed is also a challenge.
“Got a cath (and empty water bottles), little gas, no flight plan and a roll of duct tape … Let’s go flying”.
Dennis - not chevy
9 years ago
When Chip NASA wrote about his jacket that even pimps found garish; I got to thinking about the “bomber” jackets the Airmen at Lackland, Sheppard, and Chanute used to wear with their civilian clothes. These jackets were usually blue; however, brown was also popular. They were a faux leather with ginormous eagles and the wearer’s home town and Air Force embroidered on the back, and a cigarette pocket on the left sleeve. These things had more patches than my Grandmother’s quilt. The troops told me the more patches indicated the more motivated the troop. Honestly, the more patches the more money the vendor made.
The great part was, without any patches, eagles, or embroidery, the brown jacket cost less the $25.00 and was warm and comfortable for the fall.
The not great part was if you wore one at any base outside of the training command you got laughed at and buried it far in your closet or duffel until you could find a distant and young relative or charity that would take it.
I never saw jackets like these at Great Lakes, and I’ve never been to a MCRD or Army Basic Training Base, so I have no idea.
Is this just another Air Force singularity or do all branches have these?
The flier jacket I always wanted and never got was the one from Battlestar Galactica, the one with the super-kewl clasps down the front that the pilots wore. They were expensive at the time of the show, and they’re collectibles now, and so… *sigh*
I checked the Viper pilot’s jacket. I assume that’s the one you meant.
It’s basically a fitted jacket, with a slight flare at the bottom hem, a mandarin collar, no lapels, and brass clasp closures instead of buttons.
That’s a rather standard jacket pattern. Curiously, it’s a LOT like a male Navy officer’s dress white jacket.
If you contact Flagwaver, he makes costumes for people and may have a pattern like that. I found one in the Burda pattern catalog a long time ago. He can probably make the jacket for you. Also, he’s likely to know where the jacket clasps and rank insignia can be found.
I wish I had the skill to make that one. It’s not all that difficult of a pattern, but the pockets are hell and good luck finding any of the hardware but the Army Military Intelligence Officer Insignia.
Trust me, I’ve been looking for quite a while. I’d love to use that for a patch jacket for my rather geeky patches.
I have something like this, an
older pattern that I meant to make in quilted metallic fabric. My Space Fleet jacket not Starfleet) is an Eisenhower-style short jacket with front pockets that was SO easy to make, and I still wear it.
The hardware is some kind of foldover clasp. I’ll snoop around and see if there’s a store that carries it. I know one store that has EVERYTHING under the sun.
Oh, dear – now I want to drag my machine out of the closet and start sewing again.
You want a difficult piece of clothing? Try a doublet with a stomacher. Pain in the backside.
Ha ha ha,,,
yeah in the Corps the first thing a boot guys is one of those gaudy red jackets with the emblem on it.
Its also the first thing they toss when they get to the fleet.
Wear that stuff and you will get hazed by the tereminal lances until your asshole sucks buttermilk.
There was a thread about the Marine Corps jacket, or what we would call the “Road Guard Vest”, on the Parris Island FaceBook page last week. When Ivwent to 29 Palms for school, it was late October. Who needs a jacket in Southern California? Apparently, Hack did, because he was freezing his ass off. So being the motivated young Devil Dog, he purchased said jacket. After enduring the verbal abuse heaped upon him, it went into the seabag, until he went home on leave, then gave it his younger brother, who at the time was on DEP. he wore it with pride, until he checked in to 29 Palms for school. I think that he passed it on to our youngest sister, who did not go into the Marine Corps, or any other branch.
The funniest thing was that those moto-tard jackets also had tabs that could be put on for places you went.
I never saw any with anything other than Parris Island and Camp Lejuene.
NAVAIR at Pax River, where I work, is hosting this charming event. I’ll not be attending.
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 12:04 PM
Subject: LGBT Pride Month event: 2 June
All hands,
NAVAIR is hosting a national Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month event on Tuesday, 2 June, from 1300-1400 at the River’s Edge Conference Center in Patuxent River and via national video teleconference. This event features keynote speaker Brigadier General Tammy Smith, deputy chief of staff, Army Reserve, who will provide a multifaceted perspective on identity and help us look beyond preconceived notions of gender and societal roles. To read the Department of Defense memo regarding Pride Month, visit
I’m fixing barbecued beans and smoked sausage with onions, and dilled potato salad, sliced tomatoes, and onions on the side. For dessert, some homemade chocolate chip cookies. Good stuff.
Only if they’re MINT choc cookies, dammit. Those girl scouts trap me every time! I have rockfish filets (aka as striped bass) and crab cakes, with a zuke-onion-shroom medley in the skillet.
Making something artificially scarce also drives up demand, i.e., the McRib (drool).
Weekend Warror in Texas
9 years ago
I spent the last four days helping get my Battery ready for AT, which starts tomorrow. Knowing there will be about a dozen “oh shit” moments before we SP makes me feel so fucking old.
9 years ago
Hey guys,
I am in LA this weekend.
Playing golf with a buddy of mine who works for the CA State Bar Court.
We spent the day on some bidness, preparing briefs etc …
Stayin at the Ritz … Compliments of the CA Bar Court.
I am assuming he wants to seal the records of the hearing.
I’m pretty sure all the crap that comes out on him is going to make that hearing that the Oregon State Bar had on him look like child’s play.
The logical thing for Birdbath to do would be tro voluntarily surrender his licence and gope for a suspension vice disbarment.
He is stuck on stupid though.
He crossed the Rubicon back in Dec 2013 when he came on this site flapping his cock-holster like a crack whore behind a truckstop dumpster.
I have it on good authority, that although Bernath may attempt to surrender his CA Bar License, the CA Bar may call for and conduct trails due to the level of depravity and his behavior.
In short, he may as usual attempt to cut and run …but Lady Justice has caught up to him finally.
Bernath is being held to account for his life of abusing others.
And he thinks I am to blame.
He is doing exactly what was anticipated (by all who are watching).
I am assuming that by your admission that he is blaming you, that you mean to say he is shooting a federal agent a great deal of threatening emails? I do hope the prosecuting attorney for the Bar enjoys reading them.
I have one question that has been lurking on the dark side of the street for a while. We all know that dribblebrains burned his files before he fled to the PacNW, but aren’t those cases on permanent file with the CA legal system, i.e., the courts?
I sincerely hope that that ass-hattery of Birdbath is entered into court documents, along with the censorship of the Judge.
Then I hope it is put in texts for lawbooks throught the nation.
A fitting tribute to the asshat.
I wonder if Daniel A. Bernath isn’t the laughing stock of everyone that’s been in every courthouse he’s ever been to and appeared in? I’m sure he’s the butt of many a joke told among real Attorneys in many a courthouse, maybe when one Attorney makes a gaffe or dumb mistake, his colleagues will say something like “Yeah, that was stupid, but it wasn’t Bernath-level stupid!”. Fred Phelps was a disbarred Attorney and the laughing stock of Lawyers in Kansas and elsewhere, I bet Bernath has made himself to be just as much, if not more of a joke among people in the legal profession?
Hmmmm …. the docket does not come up, but I clicked on the “calendar” button in the upper left margin, and you can see his case’s appointments.
Bernath, Daniel Alan 14 O 699 9:30 AM Monday, June 01, 2015
Status Conference Telephonic LA Hon. Lucy M. Armendariz
(Hearing Dept.)
Bernath, Daniel Alan 14 O 699 9:30 AM Monday, June 22, 2015 Hearing/Formal (Disciplinary/Regulatory) Appearance LA Hon. Lucy M. Armendariz
(Hearing Dept.)
Bernath, Daniel Alan 14 O 699 9:30 AM Tuesday, June 23, 2015 Hearing/Formal (Disciplinary/Regulatory) Appearance LA Hon. Lucy M. Armendariz
(Hearing Dept.)
Bernath, Daniel Alan 14 O 699 9:30 AM Wednesday, June 24, 2015 Hearing/Formal (Disciplinary/Regulatory) Appearance LA Hon. Lucy M. Armendariz
(Hearing Dept.)
Bernath, Daniel Alan 14 O 699 9:30 AM Thursday, June 25, 2015 Hearing/Formal (Disciplinary/Regulatory) Appearance LA Hon. Lucy M. Armendariz
(Hearing Dept.)
Bernath, Daniel Alan 14 O 699 9:30 AM Friday, June 26, 2015 Hearing/Formal (Disciplinary/Regulatory) Appearance LA Hon. Lucy M. Armendariz
(Hearing Dept.)
Really good news everyone. On June somethingth, racial discrimination ends and all women are empowered. It’s true. There’s a 5K in Gettysburg coming up and those are the purposes for the run. So, as soon as the 5K ends, so too will racial discrimination and weakness in women.
It’s possible. I’ve been hearing stories of ‘defections’ to ISIS by American trained fighters. Of course, CNN is playing it for all it’s worth. It’s more probable that they were ISIS all along, and infiltrated those trained units…not defected from them.
Maybe, maybe not. Many Middle Easterners will switch sides and alliances in the blink of an eye, they’ve been that way for at least a few dozen centuries.
The offices at CA State Bar are very swanky. The staff are very professional.
The schedule of fees associated with complaints filed, procedures, research and trial are steep. Additional complaints can crush a lawyers bank account.
Taking in the Comedy Club tonight for a 10 pm show.
Master Chief,
Please take copious notes. I am sure when all is said and done the findings will be posted on the Ca BAR site.
Being they are a professional organization it will be straight forward with no emotional phrases.
I would love to hear about how Birdbath shook, sputtered and lost fecal and urinary continence as the female attorney and female ripped him apart for his ass-hattery.
Please describe the looks of absolute contempt all present wil display as he shows his idiocy off, and how they wil try to contro their laughter as he touts himself.
Everything he says and or submits will be available. He can argue, however I doubt the court will seal proceedings that are in the public domain. He has no pull or juice like the CPO Mess does.
I would pay to see the look in his face if the judge recommends that criminal charges be filed for his brand of asshattery… he would probably go Chernobyl on everyone present there.
‘“If America worked harder to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people, there would be fewer atrocities like the one that occurred in Newtown,” Obama said at the time.’
Will somebody please tell Barry that Lanza killed his own mother to gain access to her firearms? How is a background check going to stop something like that?
– if you’re seeing a marriage or relationship counselor, you will be barred from having a way to defend yourself.
– if you’re actually able to defend yourself against a home invader or a carjacker and win, you might be barred from having a way to defend yourself because you didn’t curl up and let them shoot you.
– if you aren’t a coward like most of the libertards are, you might be barred from having a way to defend yourself, because you have intestinal fortitude.
It also means that the people who come up with these brilliant ideas think that you can reason with a 3-year-old who is going through the caveman stage.
Keeping guns out of the hands of people who are NOT criminals only makes it easier for criminals to commit crimes. That’s why they are called criminals.
Just remember that the salad for is smaller and to ask for the dinner wine politely, not “BRING ME MY WINE, WENCH”.
Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you
9 years ago
I got a little love from Bernath today.
From: Daniel Bernath []
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2015 12:04 PM
To: Wesley Wilson; Wesley Wilson; Dallas Wittgenfeld
Subject: you are stuck on stupid
I ordered you not to post any more child pornography and not post at all on TAH. You are stuck on stupid.
Daniel A. Bernath
Chief Petty Officer,
“The CPO mess is deep, wide, goes over and under and through.”
He ordered me? really? ordered?
Im pretty sure the only people that listen to his order wear a headset and cook fries for a living, and even they laugh their asses off when he pulls up.
I don’t post child pornography, I don’t look at it and I would not know where to find it. for those of you that are late to the game or missed an inning he is referring to a comment I made about his adult daughter.
He has been trying and failing to get me and several others to quit posting on TAH.
Birdbath is a sick fuck, as I have said before that “special day” website was supposed to be for his daughter’s fledgling wedding photography business.
He ended up using that for his bullshit.
I imagine his children are mortified at having this piece of lying dogshit as a father. None of then have ever came to his defense.
I dont think a single tear will be shed when he keels over. I think the line of mourners will be considerably shorter than the line of people who feel like pissing on his grave.
Not to mention the pilot’s forums where they had him as their chew toy! He’s also taken a bunch of cheap, lowlife, chickenshit shots at Don Shipley (SCPO, USN, Ret.) and his Mrs., and let’s not forget what he’s thrown at everyone else including the now eight innocent Men he’s accused of being me.
Not just Don Shipley (SCPO, USN, Ret.), one of the Men he accused of being me is a real former USN SEAL who is now a practicing M.D., he’s also accused a real former Green Beret as well.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:
The pilot’s inadequate preflight fuel planning and poor decision-making, which resulted in fuel exhaustion and the subsequent loss of engine power. Contributing to the accident was the lack of documentation describing the limitations of the airplane’s fuel system.
And more info: However, the pilot did provide multiple written declarations regarding the quantity of fuel on board at the time of departure from the private airstrip; these reports stated that between 3 and 4.5 gallons of fuel were in the right tank and that no fuel was in the left tank. However, only 1 gallon of fuel was recovered from the right wing tank, and the left tank was found empty, which was well below the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) minimum fuel requirements for flight, which state that “no person may begin a flight under visual flight rules conditions unless there is enough fuel to fly to the first point of intended landing and…to fly after that for at least 30 minutes of flight.” Regardless of the pilot’s written estimates of the fuel onboard, as noted previously, in his initial statement, he indicated that the airplane only had about enough fuel remaining for 30 minutes of flight, which was still not enough fuel to meet the FARs minimum fuel requirements, and, therefore, his decision to take off at that time was improper. The design of the airplane’s wing resulted in both the fuel sight gauge and the dipstick being prone to significantly misrepresenting the actual fuel quantity when the airplane was not level. Therefore, it is possible that the pilot misinterpreted the actual fuel quantity before takeoff. In addition, he exhibited poor decision making by failing to land earlier in the flight for fuel even though he overflew at least four airports that had fueling facilities. The pilot appeared to have accrued almost 300 hours of flight experience in the airplane since he purchased it about 2 1/2 years earlier. Therefore, he should have had adequate knowledge about its systems and performance capabilities and known that the dipstick and sight gauge were prone to errors and that the airplane would need more fuel to complete the flight. A similar accident in the United Kingdom (UK) resulted in the airplane’s UK type certificate holder issuing a service bulletin (SB) that recommended that both sight gauges show fuel in flight and… Read more »
Shouldn’t there be a “complete” or “total” in front of that, nbcguy54ACTUAL? Or perhaps a different adjective of seven letters beginning with the letter “f”?
Bad actor
Tour guide
Imprisoned person at Tallahassee FOB
Less than average Sailor
Took a bath in a deep sink on Navy Ship
Had nothing to do with Apollo program
Libeler, defamer
Illegal operator of a Commercial Passenger Van (No Passenger Endorsement on his DL, I’m sure)
Piss-poor excuse of a pilot
Serial Pathological Liar
Perpetual agitator and instigator
Plagiarizer(?) (He allegedly claimed to have taken pics of the Apollo mission, claiming someone else’s work as his)
Disowned by immediate family members
Regarded by many as a courtroom clown
Methinks I’ve only scratched the surface, my opinion is that Daniel A. Bernath is a scumbag of biblical proportions.
That creature is going to have a field day when he shows up to court. Or, I should say IF he shows up to court.
I do hope they will release not only a transcript, but also the video from the court room. I would ask for a Blu Ray of it, but that might be a little pretentious.
Think that it’s funny the quote that he used… he is so fucking clueless about the real power of the CPO Mess and what it can do for and to you, especially phonies like Danni-boi.
BOHICA City will be just the first stop for him on the Pain Train.
9 years ago
Hah! Somebody else is spending the night in a hotel room. Nope. Not gonna tell ya where. Probably not gonna see any other TAHers either. Not likely to see any members of that chiefs mess, but ya never knows about that sorta thing. Did see some AL folks earlier today for a very pleasant interlude.
9 years ago
Beau Biden has died of brain cancer. He was 46 yrs old.
The interesting thing about Al Gore’s Amazing Internet is that sometimes your search results turn up things that you are not looking for, but nonetheless, are pretty interesting. I found this site listing the 100 Greatest Guy Films Ever. I can agree with most of them, but I don’t know any real guy that would consider any Jane Fonda film to be great.
Good list, Hack, but it had a few duds. The following substitutions I didn’t see included might have been better:
Bullitt (1968) – What’s not to like about Steve McQueen getting air under a Mustang on the hills of San Francisco?
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Gladiator (2000) or Master and Commander (2003) – Either or both with Russell Crowe. “In the Royal Navy we always pick the lesser of two weevils.”
Braveheart (1995) – This gets extra points for Patrick McGoohan throwing the poofball “military advisor” out the castle window.
The Big Liebowski (1998) – “This is not ‘Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.”
Hack Stone
9 years ago
I just saw this on NBC 4 in DC. Apparently some retailers are upset with a planned gun store in their strip mall. I would think that have a gun store in the immediate location would make things safer. Perhaps they want something that would be more beneficial to the community, such as an abortion clinic.
Maybe “Marlboro Maggie” and the others would much rather have say, a welfare office or some fly-by-night check cashing/car title pawn outfit next door?
And Drudge says Kerry broke his leg. Probably while trying to pull his head out of his ass. Will he get a Purple Heart since he was in Switzerland giving everything away to Iran?
Well folks, it has been over a year since I received a general discharge from the Texas State Guard. I have since stood up a motel defense force. I’m a general now.
You can call me General Chevalier. “Of the motel defense force” is “silent” in this case. In a future post, I will try to convince you that a local defense force is the same thing as a state militia and the US Army. But, that’s not the focus of this post.
If you want to sign up with my motel defense force, you are to report to the Motel 6 in the Dallas Fort Worth Midlands area. It’s the one that smells like chopped up ass. I’ve been cracking some vicious, lumpy, cheese farts all over the place. You won’t miss it. Just bring your gas mask.
My unit patch is the blobfish. I will be going to another motel in the area to clear them out with my signature lumpy cheese farts. After that, I will award myself with a blobfish unit patch on my right sleeve.
This is a fun gig. However, I’m constantly packed in case I have to deploy to another motel due to my controlling, temperamental, attitude. The staff here threatened to kick me out if I yelled at their breakfast room TV again.
Thanks to TAH and a disbarred lawyer (and fake CPO that could not hold a piss sample to a real CPO), I received success. Recently filed a couple of motions divorce/equitable distribution related. Not a single Bernathian piece of shit had a role beyond me seeing that you can write shit and the court will hear it. My shit made sense and the court so awarded. Bernathian BS will not work…look at his win/loss record. The second # is zero.
My message: DIY. Easy to find forms on line.
9 years ago
Just left LA Intl … in air Gore.Net is outstanding.
Based on what I know …
I have full faith and confidence in the CA State Bar Court.
No idea of what went on today, but there’s another settlement conference scheduled for Tuesday, 9 June
Next Scheduled Event:
Settlement Conference 06/09/2015
Case File (continued)
Motion: Strike by Deputy Trial Counsel
Motion Response
Motion Response
9 years ago
Finally squeezing out a big fat Giduck after a weekend spent constipated. Like the real Giduck, it was an unmitigated mess – large in the center, accompanied by little balls, a cornacopia of post digestion donut by product, and as always later than expected to the event.
Is it beer thirty already?
Damn it you beat me to the first comment LMAO ! ! ! !
Damn, I was refreshing all day to be the first one
It’s like an Eggo Waffle commercial. Everybody’s waiting to pounce and I just stroll on by at just the right time and help myself.
Oh, I almost forgot. Guess who is a Genuine Chief Petty Officer in the worlds largest nuclear Navy?
Now guess who is not.
One of these days, ONE OF THESE DAYS, I’ll get to be first again!
Maybe me to Lol…
Any chance that Not An Honorary CPO will post more of his verbal diarrhea this weekend? Magic 8 – Ball says “Most Likely”.
Someone should pull together a compilation of his greatest hits…probably good for a PShrink Textbook or something.
Ah, we have been compiling it since Jan 2014.
My prediction is that he’ll spout his verbal goose and seagull diarrhea in the wee hours of the morning on the Facebook comments. Last weekend he sockpuppeted under Soup Sandwich’s real name calling us murderers saying that WE made him and Densmore kill themselves. Since I was awake at that hour, I made a few responses that made him flush himself. OH, and along with the other carp he spouts, he was calling TAH a kiddie and gay pr0n site as well.
Im still hoping that Dalton “bunny love” coldiron will make another appearance.
Hey Dalton Dumbass, I talked to your dad. He thinks I just need to put the fear of God back in ya
Maybe “Bunny FART” would fit Coldiron a little better, I wonder what kind of shit he’ll try next?
Not Barmouth Please Help ! ! ! !
Bahahahahahaha ! ! ! ! 🙂
I’ve been getting bored recently. I need something to laugh at. When is his next court appearance? Not the one on the 1st that he’s planning to skip since he knows more law than the Bar. I mean the one he is brought into with cuffs on for the bench warrant and failure to appear charges.
I’m only number 4…
Blessing or curse I was gonna share a video of me singing Happy Birthday and scaring kids as the first.
Maybe next week.
Your in the top five not bad
nuber 4 is better than me. I’m usually being referred to as a “number 2”
John “Faker 6” Giduck
NAVAIR at Pax River is hosting this charming event. I will not attend.
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 12:04 PM
Subject: LGBT Pride Month event
All hands,
NAVAIR is hosting a national Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month event on Tuesday, 2 June, from 1300-1400 at the River’s Edge Conference Center in Patuxent River and via national video teleconference. This event features keynote speaker Brigadier General Tammy Smith, deputy chief of staff, Army Reserve, who will provide a multifaceted perspective on identity and help us look beyond preconceived notions of gender and societal roles. To read the Department of Defense memo regarding Pride Month, visit
Event registration is required. Please follow the instructions below for your site.
Patuxent River and Lakehurst:
— Visit NAVAIR University at
— Click on the classes tab on the top menu bar.
— Enter “CISL-EVT-0106” in the search field, and click the blue search button.
— Click on register in the register column for the session you wish to attend.
— Click the yes button to enroll in the event.
— If you can’t register in NAVAIRU, email
China Lake and Point Mugu:
— Email
— Include your name, code, number, and session/location [CL-VTC Mclean] or [PM-VTC MIC]
Thank you,
Total Force Strategy & Management Department
Well, since there’s nothing for straight people, I guess I’ll skip it.
When will we start seeing Heterosexual Pride events? Or is their side just doing what liberals like to do as much as bawling, they celebrate perversity!
How is this pride thing relevant to the command of the sea and power projection?
Working on foam toy airplane with my son. Does anybody have a suggestions for the artwork.
I was thinking (NO CLASS) on one wing and (NO GAS) on the other.
How ’bout “It flew, now who do I sue?”
How about a squirrel in the cockpit?
Or a duct taped dog?
CPO rank drawn in crayon with an “honorary” label?
I have been thinking of doing a Best of Bernath Thread.
Will include the Master CHief Over conversation
Hid first post where he says he is in his house by the bay ;looking at his boat
plus many others
any recomendations?
How about a link to where we can hear the radio conversation between Bernath and the tower at the Tallahassee Airport? 😀
ATC LIVE: May 4 or 5 2014. Tallahassee.
The tapes are fantastic. He does not know how to fly or land.
In aviation, although a more hazardous procedure, take off is easier.
When he departed Tallahassee he had trouble as well.
The tapes are comedy gold and a sad reminder that an unskilled moron pilot was permitted to fly.
That’s a tough search. They record in 30 min segments so that is a lot of listening. Which feed is also a challenge.
DAB: “You talk first, then say OVER”.
ME: “What”.
DAB: “No, you have to say OVER”.
DAB: “NO”.
It went on like this for a good 10 mins.
I played him like a tin whistle … it was SO easy to do.
Make sure you put plenty of cornstalks in the windows.
Here is a slogan you can put on plane:
“Got a cath (and empty water bottles), little gas, no flight plan and a roll of duct tape … Let’s go flying”.
When Chip NASA wrote about his jacket that even pimps found garish; I got to thinking about the “bomber” jackets the Airmen at Lackland, Sheppard, and Chanute used to wear with their civilian clothes. These jackets were usually blue; however, brown was also popular. They were a faux leather with ginormous eagles and the wearer’s home town and Air Force embroidered on the back, and a cigarette pocket on the left sleeve. These things had more patches than my Grandmother’s quilt. The troops told me the more patches indicated the more motivated the troop. Honestly, the more patches the more money the vendor made.
The great part was, without any patches, eagles, or embroidery, the brown jacket cost less the $25.00 and was warm and comfortable for the fall.
The not great part was if you wore one at any base outside of the training command you got laughed at and buried it far in your closet or duffel until you could find a distant and young relative or charity that would take it.
I never saw jackets like these at Great Lakes, and I’ve never been to a MCRD or Army Basic Training Base, so I have no idea.
Is this just another Air Force singularity or do all branches have these?
The flier jacket I always wanted and never got was the one from Battlestar Galactica, the one with the super-kewl clasps down the front that the pilots wore. They were expensive at the time of the show, and they’re collectibles now, and so… *sigh*
I checked the Viper pilot’s jacket. I assume that’s the one you meant.
It’s basically a fitted jacket, with a slight flare at the bottom hem, a mandarin collar, no lapels, and brass clasp closures instead of buttons.
That’s a rather standard jacket pattern. Curiously, it’s a LOT like a male Navy officer’s dress white jacket.
If you contact Flagwaver, he makes costumes for people and may have a pattern like that. I found one in the Burda pattern catalog a long time ago. He can probably make the jacket for you. Also, he’s likely to know where the jacket clasps and rank insignia can be found.
Give him a shout.
I wish I had the skill to make that one. It’s not all that difficult of a pattern, but the pockets are hell and good luck finding any of the hardware but the Army Military Intelligence Officer Insignia.
Trust me, I’ve been looking for quite a while. I’d love to use that for a patch jacket for my rather geeky patches.
Here’s the Burda pattern, comes in all US sizes 6 up to 36.
No pockets unless you want to add them.
I have something like this, an
older pattern that I meant to make in quilted metallic fabric. My Space Fleet jacket not Starfleet) is an Eisenhower-style short jacket with front pockets that was SO easy to make, and I still wear it.
The hardware is some kind of foldover clasp. I’ll snoop around and see if there’s a store that carries it. I know one store that has EVERYTHING under the sun.
Oh, dear – now I want to drag my machine out of the closet and start sewing again.
You want a difficult piece of clothing? Try a doublet with a stomacher. Pain in the backside.
Ha ha ha,,,
yeah in the Corps the first thing a boot guys is one of those gaudy red jackets with the emblem on it.
Its also the first thing they toss when they get to the fleet.
Wear that stuff and you will get hazed by the tereminal lances until your asshole sucks buttermilk.
There was a thread about the Marine Corps jacket, or what we would call the “Road Guard Vest”, on the Parris Island FaceBook page last week. When Ivwent to 29 Palms for school, it was late October. Who needs a jacket in Southern California? Apparently, Hack did, because he was freezing his ass off. So being the motivated young Devil Dog, he purchased said jacket. After enduring the verbal abuse heaped upon him, it went into the seabag, until he went home on leave, then gave it his younger brother, who at the time was on DEP. he wore it with pride, until he checked in to 29 Palms for school. I think that he passed it on to our youngest sister, who did not go into the Marine Corps, or any other branch.
The funniest thing was that those moto-tard jackets also had tabs that could be put on for places you went.
I never saw any with anything other than Parris Island and Camp Lejuene.
Damn…I was too late to get this as the OT Pix.
The credit didn’t show. it’s from the Bubbas at US Army WTF
NAVAIR at Pax River, where I work, is hosting this charming event. I’ll not be attending.
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 12:04 PM
Subject: LGBT Pride Month event: 2 June
All hands,
NAVAIR is hosting a national Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month event on Tuesday, 2 June, from 1300-1400 at the River’s Edge Conference Center in Patuxent River and via national video teleconference. This event features keynote speaker Brigadier General Tammy Smith, deputy chief of staff, Army Reserve, who will provide a multifaceted perspective on identity and help us look beyond preconceived notions of gender and societal roles. To read the Department of Defense memo regarding Pride Month, visit
Thank you,
Total Force Strategy & Management Department
Will Tricare have an addadicktome booth?
or chopadickomey (H/T Rush)
Sorry about the repost, but I’ve reserved a front row seat for MCPO NYC Ret.
Hope they do show tunes.
I love show tunes!
I’m fixing barbecued beans and smoked sausage with onions, and dilled potato salad, sliced tomatoes, and onions on the side. For dessert, some homemade chocolate chip cookies. Good stuff.
Only if they’re MINT choc cookies, dammit. Those girl scouts trap me every time! I have rockfish filets (aka as striped bass) and crab cakes, with a zuke-onion-shroom medley in the skillet.
I can get mint chocolate chips at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but not the rest of the year.
Yeah, what’s up with the lack of mint chocolate chips?
I think it’s a conspiracy. My lawn-mowing neighbor has it growing in his yard.
Hmm…. if you make something ‘illegal’, people want it desperately. Such naughty kids!
Making something artificially scarce also drives up demand, i.e., the McRib (drool).
I spent the last four days helping get my Battery ready for AT, which starts tomorrow. Knowing there will be about a dozen “oh shit” moments before we SP makes me feel so fucking old.
Hey guys,
I am in LA this weekend.
Playing golf with a buddy of mine who works for the CA State Bar Court.
We spent the day on some bidness, preparing briefs etc …
Stayin at the Ritz … Compliments of the CA Bar Court.
Chief Mess is deep!
CAN’T WAIT to hear the AAR once it’s complete!!
The AAR has been done for months! We are just filling in the blanks!
05/28/2015 Motion Response
05/26/2015 Settlement Conference
05/21/2015 Motion: Consolidate/Continue by Deputy Trial Counsel
05/21/2015 Motion: Abate/Stay Proceeding by Respondent
search “bernath”
Can I–
How about if–
Just one more reques–
Motion to seal what?
He has already brought his lil’ willey in to play!
And they slammed the door on it.
I am assuming he wants to seal the records of the hearing.
I’m pretty sure all the crap that comes out on him is going to make that hearing that the Oregon State Bar had on him look like child’s play.
The logical thing for Birdbath to do would be tro voluntarily surrender his licence and gope for a suspension vice disbarment.
He is stuck on stupid though.
He crossed the Rubicon back in Dec 2013 when he came on this site flapping his cock-holster like a crack whore behind a truckstop dumpster.
I have it on good authority, that although Bernath may attempt to surrender his CA Bar License, the CA Bar may call for and conduct trails due to the level of depravity and his behavior.
In short, he may as usual attempt to cut and run …but Lady Justice has caught up to him finally.
Bernath is being held to account for his life of abusing others.
And he thinks I am to blame.
He is doing exactly what was anticipated (by all who are watching).
He kept spouting his shit until he “painted himself into a corner”, but he’s still spouting it. Oh well, he’s done it to himself.
I am assuming that by your admission that he is blaming you, that you mean to say he is shooting a federal agent a great deal of threatening emails? I do hope the prosecuting attorney for the Bar enjoys reading them.
I have one question that has been lurking on the dark side of the street for a while. We all know that dribblebrains burned his files before he fled to the PacNW, but aren’t those cases on permanent file with the CA legal system, i.e., the courts?
Just askin’.
Those documents must be a real hoot to read. My condolences to the court clerks that are subjected to the non-CPO’s blather.
I sincerely hope that that ass-hattery of Birdbath is entered into court documents, along with the censorship of the Judge.
Then I hope it is put in texts for lawbooks throught the nation.
A fitting tribute to the asshat.
I wonder if Daniel A. Bernath isn’t the laughing stock of everyone that’s been in every courthouse he’s ever been to and appeared in? I’m sure he’s the butt of many a joke told among real Attorneys in many a courthouse, maybe when one Attorney makes a gaffe or dumb mistake, his colleagues will say something like “Yeah, that was stupid, but it wasn’t Bernath-level stupid!”. Fred Phelps was a disbarred Attorney and the laughing stock of Lawyers in Kansas and elsewhere, I bet Bernath has made himself to be just as much, if not more of a joke among people in the legal profession?
The search on the CA bar Court website isn’t pulling anything up under his name or either case number as of now…
Hmmmm …. the docket does not come up, but I clicked on the “calendar” button in the upper left margin, and you can see his case’s appointments.
The “Bernath” page is still active in the members :
Phone hearing this Monday, then he’s got to be in LA the week of the 22nd for a formal hearing. Interesting…
I still want a copy before you hit the national news circuit with your book tour over this.
I highly recommend either the Water Grill or The Palm if you’re not concerned about price.
Note: No CA Bar Court policies and or procedures have been violated in the reverse cras above.
I would like to apologize for Mama’s behavior. Ever since she lost the knife fight last month she hasn’t been herself.
She has just been chomping at the….well she just needs to vent.
Really good news everyone. On June somethingth, racial discrimination ends and all women are empowered. It’s true. There’s a 5K in Gettysburg coming up and those are the purposes for the run. So, as soon as the 5K ends, so too will racial discrimination and weakness in women.
I thought that was settled in 1920.
This my newest homemade amateur video recording posted at the YOU TUBE web site:
It’s the very FIRST time that I’ve recorded using the integrated web camera on my Toshiba “Satellite” C-75D-B.
WP Engine, our internet service provider, had problems across their whole set of servers last night. It wasn’t just us. So welcome back everyone.
Sometime soon a “lawyer” will be bragging that he and the Feds shut you down.
Sometime soon a “lawyer” “lawer” will be bragging that he and the Feds shut you down.
You misspelled “lawer”, fixed it for you.
practicing code for “strike through”cuz it didn’t take and my pithy and cute remark was nullified by my poor coding skilz.Sometime soon a “
lawyerlawer” “lawer” will be bragging that he and the Feds shut you,
You misspelled “lawer”, fixed it for you. [I think ……]
It’s Mercury retrograde. Always makes electronic thingies act wonky. My computer has been acting ridiculous since Thursday morning.
File? What file? There’s no file by that name! No file at all! OH… THAT file! Heh.
I blame the secret ninja assassing hired by a Nordic wannabe, a falling clown, and a washed-up lawyer.
Sorry, still working on the first cup of coffee.
I was wondering about that last night, and I wondered which of The Dutch Rudder Gang booger-eaters would first claim it was their handiwork.
If you go to the bottom of the linked news article, it tells you how motorcycle fangs handle stolen valor.
Minor quibble, Hack. Not sure I’d exactly call pretending to be in a 1% MC “stolen valor”.
“Posing”, yes – as well as seriously stupid. “Stolen valor”? Um, no.
As always, YMMV.
Anyone know anything about this guy? It’s from the clowndog news network, which to me means employ a grain of salt before viewing.
It’s possible. I’ve been hearing stories of ‘defections’ to ISIS by American trained fighters. Of course, CNN is playing it for all it’s worth. It’s more probable that they were ISIS all along, and infiltrated those trained units…not defected from them.
Maybe, maybe not. Many Middle Easterners will switch sides and alliances in the blink of an eye, they’ve been that way for at least a few dozen centuries.
It is a beautiful early morning here in LA.
Not here in Arizona it already 96 and it only 10am 🙁
My dog just dropped a huge, steaming pile of Phil Monkress while I was watching out the widow.
I must say, the size, shape and stench of the pile of Phil Monkress can be observed at over 50 yards.
What does that tell you?
A little APL in my life.
A was at an event this afternoon and walked into a port-a-potty.
I looked down and saw a HUGE, OOZY PILE of Phil Monkress, AGAIN!!!
I swear he is following me.
First solo begins: 2:37
Second solo begins: 6:19
Then Came the Last Days of May,
Blue Oyster Cult
I just now recorded this, LIVE (!), at the YOU TUBE web site, using the integrated web camera on my Toshiba “Satellite” C-75D-B 17″ laptop computer.
The offices at CA State Bar are very swanky. The staff are very professional.
The schedule of fees associated with complaints filed, procedures, research and trial are steep. Additional complaints can crush a lawyers bank account.
Taking in the Comedy Club tonight for a 10 pm show.
Pays to have Real CPO buddies in high places.
I don’t know but I’m thinking that the TAH “Cadre” isn’t the real target audience for this post. Over.
Shift to FBI Net – Use Delta Codes!
SREYWAL thread with KP code CQ?
Over? Would that it were so.
Roger MCPO, that’s a good copy.
Master Chief,
Please take copious notes. I am sure when all is said and done the findings will be posted on the Ca BAR site.
Being they are a professional organization it will be straight forward with no emotional phrases.
I would love to hear about how Birdbath shook, sputtered and lost fecal and urinary continence as the female attorney and female ripped him apart for his ass-hattery.
Please describe the looks of absolute contempt all present wil display as he shows his idiocy off, and how they wil try to contro their laughter as he touts himself.
Everything he says and or submits will be available. He can argue, however I doubt the court will seal proceedings that are in the public domain. He has no pull or juice like the CPO Mess does.
I would pay to see the look in his face if the judge recommends that criminal charges be filed for his brand of asshattery… he would probably go Chernobyl on everyone present there.
Looks like Master Blaster is hanging with some high falootin’ people tonight.
Here we go again:
‘“If America worked harder to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people, there would be fewer atrocities like the one that occurred in Newtown,” Obama said at the time.’
Will somebody please tell Barry that Lanza killed his own mother to gain access to her firearms? How is a background check going to stop something like that?
Well, what that bill means is that:
– if you’re seeing a marriage or relationship counselor, you will be barred from having a way to defend yourself.
– if you’re actually able to defend yourself against a home invader or a carjacker and win, you might be barred from having a way to defend yourself because you didn’t curl up and let them shoot you.
– if you aren’t a coward like most of the libertards are, you might be barred from having a way to defend yourself, because you have intestinal fortitude.
It also means that the people who come up with these brilliant ideas think that you can reason with a 3-year-old who is going through the caveman stage.
Keeping guns out of the hands of people who are NOT criminals only makes it easier for criminals to commit crimes. That’s why they are called criminals.
Like the sign I made and held at a pro-2nd Amendment rally said, “GUN CONTROL LAWS AID CRIMINALS”
90 today, 50 Monday.
I love this weather.
LA is outstanding. This lawyer dude at the bar knows how to wine, dine and entertain!
Just remember that the salad for is smaller and to ask for the dinner wine politely, not “BRING ME MY WINE, WENCH”.
I got a little love from Bernath today.
He ordered me? really? ordered?
Im pretty sure the only people that listen to his order wear a headset and cook fries for a living, and even they laugh their asses off when he pulls up.
I don’t post child pornography, I don’t look at it and I would not know where to find it. for those of you that are late to the game or missed an inning he is referring to a comment I made about his adult daughter.
He has been trying and failing to get me and several others to quit posting on TAH.
as you can see its not working.
Emails like these are important!
There must already be volumes of shit from the Birdbath chronicles already in the hands of the State Bar.
Birdbath is a sick fuck, as I have said before that “special day” website was supposed to be for his daughter’s fledgling wedding photography business.
He ended up using that for his bullshit.
I imagine his children are mortified at having this piece of lying dogshit as a father. None of then have ever came to his defense.
I dont think a single tear will be shed when he keels over. I think the line of mourners will be considerably shorter than the line of people who feel like pissing on his grave.
Should have seen the site he had up taking swipes at the OR state bar and Judge Hyatt… that was some real psycho stuff.
Not to mention the pilot’s forums where they had him as their chew toy! He’s also taken a bunch of cheap, lowlife, chickenshit shots at Don Shipley (SCPO, USN, Ret.) and his Mrs., and let’s not forget what he’s thrown at everyone else including the now eight innocent Men he’s accused of being me.
It takes weapons grade stupidity to call out a SEAL.
I’d ask what Bernath was thinking, but those drugs probably don’t yet exist.
Not just Don Shipley (SCPO, USN, Ret.), one of the Men he accused of being me is a real former USN SEAL who is now a practicing M.D., he’s also accused a real former Green Beret as well.
Ah, yes… the ridicule he got about using an iPad app for ground speed. And his boasting about never being mentioned in a NTSB report…classic.
If you’re wondering what the NTSB had to say about Danni-boi’s accident in September 2013, here is the link to it:
And the NTSB’s probable cause of the accident it:
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:
The pilot’s inadequate preflight fuel planning and poor decision-making, which resulted in fuel exhaustion and the subsequent loss of engine power. Contributing to the accident was the lack of documentation describing the limitations of the airplane’s fuel system.
And more info: However, the pilot did provide multiple written declarations regarding the quantity of fuel on board at the time of departure from the private airstrip; these reports stated that between 3 and 4.5 gallons of fuel were in the right tank and that no fuel was in the left tank. However, only 1 gallon of fuel was recovered from the right wing tank, and the left tank was found empty, which was well below the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) minimum fuel requirements for flight, which state that “no person may begin a flight under visual flight rules conditions unless there is enough fuel to fly to the first point of intended landing and…to fly after that for at least 30 minutes of flight.” Regardless of the pilot’s written estimates of the fuel onboard, as noted previously, in his initial statement, he indicated that the airplane only had about enough fuel remaining for 30 minutes of flight, which was still not enough fuel to meet the FARs minimum fuel requirements, and, therefore, his decision to take off at that time was improper. The design of the airplane’s wing resulted in both the fuel sight gauge and the dipstick being prone to significantly misrepresenting the actual fuel quantity when the airplane was not level. Therefore, it is possible that the pilot misinterpreted the actual fuel quantity before takeoff. In addition, he exhibited poor decision making by failing to land earlier in the flight for fuel even though he overflew at least four airports that had fueling facilities. The pilot appeared to have accrued almost 300 hours of flight experience in the airplane since he purchased it about 2 1/2 years earlier. Therefore, he should have had adequate knowledge about its systems and performance capabilities and known that the dipstick and sight gauge were prone to errors and that the airplane would need more fuel to complete the flight. A similar accident in the United Kingdom (UK) resulted in the airplane’s UK type certificate holder issuing a service bulletin (SB) that recommended that both sight gauges show fuel in flight and… Read more »
Linky no worky. What search terms did you use?
The eternal shitbag.
Yeah, I too thought about quitting … NOT!
Never quit anything in my life!
Ok guys tell me if I miss something
Bus Driver,
News Reader
TSA Agent
Shyster ( I refuse to use the title of lawyer)
Extra in TV Show
Really bad pilot
What else?
Shouldn’t there be a “complete” or “total” in front of that, nbcguy54ACTUAL? Or perhaps a different adjective of seven letters beginning with the letter “f”?
Bad actor
Tour guide
Imprisoned person at Tallahassee FOB
Less than average Sailor
Took a bath in a deep sink on Navy Ship
Had nothing to do with Apollo program
Not a photographer
Chronic liar
Worse pilot than a squirrel
Birth date forger
IP thief
Libeler, defamer
Illegal operator of a Commercial Passenger Van (No Passenger Endorsement on his DL, I’m sure)
Piss-poor excuse of a pilot
Serial Pathological Liar
Perpetual agitator and instigator
Plagiarizer(?) (He allegedly claimed to have taken pics of the Apollo mission, claiming someone else’s work as his)
Disowned by immediate family members
Regarded by many as a courtroom clown
Methinks I’ve only scratched the surface, my opinion is that Daniel A. Bernath is a scumbag of biblical proportions.
If all of the theories on his “projecting” are true:
homosexual and child molester of epic proportions
It amazes me how he thinks even now he has the upper hand.
The delusion is strong with them.
That creature is going to have a field day when he shows up to court. Or, I should say IF he shows up to court.
I do hope they will release not only a transcript, but also the video from the court room. I would ask for a Blu Ray of it, but that might be a little pretentious.
Heres a free preview of Birdbath in court
Think that it’s funny the quote that he used… he is so fucking clueless about the real power of the CPO Mess and what it can do for and to you, especially phonies like Danni-boi.
BOHICA City will be just the first stop for him on the Pain Train.
Hah! Somebody else is spending the night in a hotel room. Nope. Not gonna tell ya where. Probably not gonna see any other TAHers either. Not likely to see any members of that chiefs mess, but ya never knows about that sorta thing. Did see some AL folks earlier today for a very pleasant interlude.
Beau Biden has died of brain cancer. He was 46 yrs old.
I take back what I said not too long ago about him going to Walter Reed.
I did not want to say anything because I knew it was bad.
Drudge says beau Biden died of brain cancer.
That sucks big time. Wouldn’t wish that on anyone but Jane Fonda. Prayers for Beau and his family.
Sad news indeed.
Prayers for the Biden family.
The interesting thing about Al Gore’s Amazing Internet is that sometimes your search results turn up things that you are not looking for, but nonetheless, are pretty interesting. I found this site listing the 100 Greatest Guy Films Ever. I can agree with most of them, but I don’t know any real guy that would consider any Jane Fonda film to be great.
Good list, Hack, but it had a few duds. The following substitutions I didn’t see included might have been better:
Bullitt (1968) – What’s not to like about Steve McQueen getting air under a Mustang on the hills of San Francisco?
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Gladiator (2000) or Master and Commander (2003) – Either or both with Russell Crowe. “In the Royal Navy we always pick the lesser of two weevils.”
Braveheart (1995) – This gets extra points for Patrick McGoohan throwing the poofball “military advisor” out the castle window.
The Big Liebowski (1998) – “This is not ‘Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.”
I just saw this on NBC 4 in DC. Apparently some retailers are upset with a planned gun store in their strip mall. I would think that have a gun store in the immediate location would make things safer. Perhaps they want something that would be more beneficial to the community, such as an abortion clinic.
Maybe “Marlboro Maggie” and the others would much rather have say, a welfare office or some fly-by-night check cashing/car title pawn outfit next door?
OR another APL branch office?
You can never have too many All Piints Logistics branches, just like you can never have too many mailbox doors.
It’s understandable why some continue to have doubts and fears about these sort of things.
And now they’re starting to talk about changing the standards
And Drudge says Kerry broke his leg. Probably while trying to pull his head out of his ass. Will he get a Purple Heart since he was in Switzerland giving everything away to Iran?
It’s true. He has his very own paramedics with him at all times, in case he gets a booboo.
The photo shows him in racing wear. When did this toadeating twink start bike racing? Oh, that’s right – never.
I doubt he’d even want to wear a helmet out of fear of messing up his hair!
Here’s something I stumbled across on Drudge, An Arabic Baptist Church, tell me what y’all think:
Sometimes things just don’t go well.
Shit happens.
Well folks, it has been over a year since I received a general discharge from the Texas State Guard. I have since stood up a motel defense force. I’m a general now.
You can call me General Chevalier. “Of the motel defense force” is “silent” in this case. In a future post, I will try to convince you that a local defense force is the same thing as a state militia and the US Army. But, that’s not the focus of this post.
If you want to sign up with my motel defense force, you are to report to the Motel 6 in the Dallas Fort Worth Midlands area. It’s the one that smells like chopped up ass. I’ve been cracking some vicious, lumpy, cheese farts all over the place. You won’t miss it. Just bring your gas mask.
My unit patch is the blobfish. I will be going to another motel in the area to clear them out with my signature lumpy cheese farts. After that, I will award myself with a blobfish unit patch on my right sleeve.
This is a fun gig. However, I’m constantly packed in case I have to deploy to another motel due to my controlling, temperamental, attitude. The staff here threatened to kick me out if I yelled at their breakfast room TV again.
Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier
Nicely done. Sadly, with the way posts show, this got buried. I found it only because I will soon post a scintillating comment.
If you have not been over to Haze Grey’s new site you are really missing out on something special.
Thank you Dave great info ! !
Thanks to TAH and a disbarred lawyer (and fake CPO that could not hold a piss sample to a real CPO), I received success. Recently filed a couple of motions divorce/equitable distribution related. Not a single Bernathian piece of shit had a role beyond me seeing that you can write shit and the court will hear it. My shit made sense and the court so awarded. Bernathian BS will not work…look at his win/loss record. The second # is zero.
My message: DIY. Easy to find forms on line.
Just left LA Intl … in air Gore.Net is outstanding.
Based on what I know …
I have full faith and confidence in the CA State Bar Court.
No idea of what went on today, but there’s another settlement conference scheduled for Tuesday, 9 June
Next Scheduled Event:
Settlement Conference 06/09/2015
Case File (continued)
Finally squeezing out a big fat Giduck after a weekend spent constipated. Like the real Giduck, it was an unmitigated mess – large in the center, accompanied by little balls, a cornacopia of post digestion donut by product, and as always later than expected to the event.
John Giduck – the turd with a face!
Testing, Testing, Radio Check.
How do you read me?