Specialist Jordan Olson; active duty stolen valor

| May 21, 2015

Jordan Olson

From KOMO comes the story of Army Specialist Jordan Olson who dressed to impress when he stepped off the plane, back from a deployment to Afghanistan, unfortunately, he hadn’t earned everything on his uniform;

When he returned home to Wisconsin, he got what every soldier expects – a family welcome – plus a little bit more that he did not expect.

There was a military honor guard. And that’s not all – the local newspaper was there, too – along with representatives from the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion.

“It was supposed to be my family there,” says Olson. “I didn’t know the news was going to be there.”

If he had known, he might not have worn what he was wearing – a sergeant’s stripes and a parachutist’s badge. And he might have canned that fake limp.

You see he wasn’t wounded in Afghanistan. He isn’t a sergeant, and he never went to jump school.

And he may be in trouble.

Major Mike Garcia at Joint Base Lewis McChord says, “I have no explanation … nor can I explain the rank and patches, badges he is wearing.”

He’s also wearing an 82d Airborne Division combat patch and a Combat Action Badge;

Jordan Olson1

I’m thinking that he didn’t earn the CAB, either, because he’s wearing it wrong. And the young lady in the picture at the top of this post? That’s his fiance…the problem with that is he has a wife at Fort Lewis waiting for him to come home. Fort Lewis isn’t going to be a happy place for the specialist when he gets there, I’m guessing.

KOMO Pulled their article, so here’s a screen shot brought to you through the magic of the internet archive;
Jordan Olson1
Jordan Olson

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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God – it’s like something I’d find on the Onion.


Holden Magroin

Or something that happened in 2010. Oh wait, it’s a story with a dateline from 2010.




Actually, it made it to TAH back then!




John D

Thank you Chip, it’s not been a week for laughs……

Until now!


At the rate these jokers are popping up, we are going to have to expand the brackets to 128 lucky contestants…


Big time SPLASH. OUT.

He’s gonna wish he was back in a combat zone – probably safer.


I would be honored to call him son…my bad SCUM


And to think he thought his family would be ‘less proud’ of him had he simply come home safe and sound. Geesh. And the ol’ “I forgot I’m married…” thing. Put that kid on suicide watch.

Mike W

I’m thinking the Army is going to be the least of his concerns as his wife is going to do far worse punishments then the Army will ever do. 😀


His last name is Olson. Not Bobbit. I checked. I did not check his wife’s last name…

I’m thinking that “Bobbit” is now a verb as in, “When I get ahold of that thing I’m gonna bobbit!”

A Proud Infidel®™

They say that John Bobbit was an absolute failure as a pr0n actor because he fainted every time a Director yelled “CUT!”


Hmm. Wearing Sergeant’s stripes when not a Sergeant; jump wings he didn’t earn; combat patch likely from the wrong unit; fake limp; possible unauthorized CAB; and a fiance in one place while he has a wife in another location.

As Ricky Ricardo might have put it: “Jordan, you got some ‘splainin’ to do . . . .”


I love it when these guys step on their crank in public.


Ohhhhhhhhhh, I see some serious pain in his future…

Kinda old ET1


That boy is all sorts of Fubar’ed.

Sucks to be stupid.

Mike Kozlowski

…Hey – go big or go home.

Wait a minute… He did both. 🙂



Ya know… I got nothing on this. bet he will begging his 1sg and CO for restriction to the barracks to avoid his wifes wrath though.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Why are Y’all blaming him. This is 2015, an era when no one is responsible for their actions.
It is the fault of the press, and that doggoned honor guard that were there. Now, the public will be responsible for his impending divorce, and loss of money.


you know whats funny is that i know this guy and hes getting disability from the army and ive seen the money and ive seen shit.




As Homer would say, “DOH”.


My new focus point. Anytime I feel like things are going bad for me, all I have to do is say, “Well, at least I’m not Army Specialist Jordan Olson!”

And all will be right with the world again.


Although a travesty and I’m glad this douche got busted, this reminds me of connecting in Atlanta airport every Christmas leave while I was in.

– Chests full of medals incuding combat ribbons on PVTs even though we weren’t at war
– berets with low quarters
– half uniforms

Common back then….apparently still happening today.

I love how the guy’s excuse is that he didn’t know the news would be there. The news can provide a barrel of laughs when they suddenly show up to talk to unexpecting joes. Even without the internet, you’d hear about dudes stepping on their cranks by telling local news outlets that they were in units so secret that they’d have to shoot their face off if captured, etc.

A Proud Infidel®™

During my AD days I saw troops step on their dicks less than half as bad as this Swamp Donkey did and get a Field Grade Article 15 with reduction from E4 to E1, “45 and 45” and a fifty percent loss of pay for two months, after which they were chaptered out. Oh well, do the crime, do the time. Yeah, I’m also betting he’ll be begging for restriction to the barracks to avoid his Wife’s wrath, hell hath no fury… OH, and he’ll be regarded as lower than dog crap on the sidewalk in his hometown once word of this gets out, but hey, I see it as a self-inflicted wound!

the Al

I’m guessing a lot of people missed this part from the story: Mar 10, 2010


I really don’t like these “local hero comes home” type stories, because I figure why open up a private, intimate moment for public consumption.

But, I have to admit that I am laughing up my sleeve at this one-especially WRT the fake limp (shitbag). since this happened in 2010, maybe we can find out what the resolution of this case was.


Reduction in rank, 45 days extra duty and an OTH. All in all, not too bad I guess-more than most of the valor thieves get.

From the comments in the blog his wife weighs in and says that he is still running scams (she says he is hiding so she can’t serve him with divorce papers for one thing). I’ll bet that we haven’t heard the last from him.

the Al

No bet, since he’s still running his man pleaser talking about all his exploits, as seen here: http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_1_5/1750674_Stolen_Valor_Gets_Instant_Karma__Now_with_new_twist_.html

A Proud Infidel®™

She ought to be able to get a Divorce by Decree, I had to do that to my ex-monster, she never showed up in court and I was able to wrangle that from the system. I read on the ar15 thread that Olsen got a USMC Vet fired from an oil rig for confronting Olsen about his asshattery, Olsen went bawling to that outfit’s HR and got him canned, what a candyassed twinkle-toed booger-eating limpdick!

Silentium Est Aureum

Him or the HR types?

A Proud Infidel®™

Both. That HR Department should have done a better background check on Olsen as well. I wonder if he even mentioned his time in the Military when he applied and if he did, those HR wonks should have had him sign an SF180.

Pinto Nag

If I’d known how miserable a divorce was, just because of all the hoops you have to jump through, I would never have gotten married in the first place. Ours was an amiable divorce, and it was STILL a nightmare. I can’t imagine having to find and/or fight someone to get one.


And the young lady in the picture at the top of this post? That’s his fiance…the problem with that is he has a wife at Fort Lewis waiting for him to come home.

Ooof. That one’s gonna leave a mark…


I just don’t understand having more then one woman in your life.

I can barely handle the one I have…why compound the problem.

dear gawd, son.


It’s obvious he is not the smartest cracker in the box


And his cheese done slipped off his cracker

Green Thumb

I have an odd feeling that his peers will take care of this.



His command did, it’s a old story somebody on a closed group page I’m on was saying that he is backup to his old antics, if so he would be a Dumb Ass for sure !!!!


Jonn if you remember back in the 80s when travel was in A/B there was always a friendly SFC wandering the terminal looking for uniform violations 🙂


Simultaneously every squad leader’s dream and nightmare 🙂


The fuckup trifecta right there – stolen rank, valor and extra wife.

So glad the news was there to capture it all for his court martial.


Instinct: see the first link above posted by “the Al”. Guy seems to have gotten reduction, 45 days extra duty, and an OTH. My guess is Field Grade Article 15 followed by Chapter 13.


That’s a damn shame, he deserved so much more.

Read further on what The Al posted and seems this shitbag is going for Bernath levels of douchebaggery.

I feel sorry for his parents and his soon to be ex-wife.

A Proud Infidel®™

The OTH and Chaptering ought to haunt him real well, I don’t see how he got himself hired on an oil rig, he must be a silver-tongued bullshitter or they just didn’t check him out very thoroughly.


This is so extremely stupid, its hard to even watch this crap. What a clown.

2/17 Air Cav

I’m guessing that ‘pulling an olson,’ or some variant of that (olsoning/olsonized/olsonymoron) will soon be entering the military’s colorful lexicon.

Mark Olson

I served 23 and a half years retiring in 2008 and I do not reaaly like that comment.

Pinto Nag

Don’t sweat it. You’re not him. I had an uncle named John. I never thought twice about it until he once said in my presence that he spent his whole life hearing men use his name in connection with taking a dump. But the fact is, he wasn’t a toilet and you’re not a lying shitbag. No matter what the lexicon becomes, you’re not it.

2/17 Air Cav

I trust you’re kidding. I didn’t mean to leave a Mark.

Mark Olson

Yes Sir! Thats a good one!…lol

2/17 Air Cav

“I’ll take Military Phrases for $500, Alex.”

Pinto Nag

Might be the only soldier who manages to find himself wounded in combat here at home. And I’ll bet his wife’s ROE are going to be a whole lot different than the Army’s. /sarc

A Proud Infidel®™

They say”Hell hath no fury like a Woman scorned”. I see whatever befalls Olsen as a self-inflicted wound, nobody held a gun to his head and forced him to go full throttle turbo-retard! I’m sure the shitty stunt he pulled on that USMC Vet that called him on his bullshit will come back and haunt him one day as well, but not as badly as his scorned Wife will!


Maybe the guy Olsen got fired can contact Olsen’s soon-to-be ex-wife and give her the name of his employer. I’m pretty sure courts can order wages garnished for alimony.

A Proud Infidel®™

They sure do, they garnish for child support as well. There are companies that consider Garnishments as disciplinary violations, there’s something else that could haunt him. Has his scorned Missus gotten any judgements against him yet?


Dunno. But I certainly bet she’d like to know who he works for now.


I bet he was the Honor Grad of the “Step on your Dick ” course he had to have attended.


I would expect this to end up as a FG Art. 15, reduction to E1 and a chapter for misconduct with a General discharge.

A Proud Infidel®™

That snot-drooling pants-pissing idiot reminds me of a candyassed embellishing numbnutted fart weasel my Platoon was stuck with for part of our A-stan tour. That pus-nutted scrotum-sniffing asswipe claimed he was former USMC Recon every day, but couldn’t even shoot straight and could barely wipe his ass without bawling to our Medics that he’d hurt himself again. If he could ride a horse or a bull the way he rode a medical profile, he’d be a perennial Gold Medal Rodeo Champion! He got himself sent to Germany for further medical evaluation after only four months, and next thing we knew he was shipped back Stateside where he showed up at the Armory sporting unearned E5 stripes. That shit was brought to a halt, and after we finished our tour and came home, we found out that he was running around town telling everyone he was wounded there. In no time we fanned out to where he worked and got the truth out, and never heard from or about him since, I’m sure he’ll pull some stunt worthy of TAH fame one of these days, and it’ll be dogpile time on his ass!!