Bet His Replacement Stays Awake
According to reports from the South Korean National Intelligence Service, the North Korean People’s Armed Forces Minister – Hyon Yong Chol – was a bit drowsy during a meeting recently. He dozed off.
At some point, he apparently also “talked back to” his boss – Kim Jong Un, known here at TAH as “ND:tBF”.
ND:tBF apparently didn’t like that. So he removed the guy from his position as Armed Forces Minister.
Then he had him executed.
Using anti-aircraft gunfire.
In front of hundreds of onlookers.
At a shooting range at the Kang Kon Military Academy in Pyongyang.
I’m guessing the guy’s successor won’t be dozing off in any staff meetings.
Category: North Korea, WTF?
When we dozed off in radio repair school, they just made us do pushups. Maybe he was repeat offender.
Hmmmm And he’s all Shot Up !!!!!
“You wike sweep? Okay. You get sweep.”
I believe the correct nork pronunciation is, “You rike sreep?”
I stand cowected.
Any truth to the rumor that coffee sales to the Ministry of Defence have gone up by 5,000% since this happened?
And a shipment of Rip-it’s was stolen and recently tracked down to you know where
I wonder if $tarbuck$ is looking at NoKo as a possibility for future oulets suddenly?
You know who else is apparently dozing off too??
/You posted an article about an execution using anti-aircraft gunfire, twice. You must like executions using anti-aircraft gunfire.
Yeh… All Shot UP !!!!!!
He blowed up real good!!!
Yew all cut up
Nice obscure SCTV reference.
Nice !!!!!! 🙂
That’s not dozing off, that’s senility.
Proof that PowerPoint does indeed kill.
I see a franchise opportunity for Green Beans!
Well at this rate every one of those Norks in the ruling party will be paralyzed with fear. Young Kim is his own worst enemy. I think this is the second or third person he’s had executed this way. Hope his cook doesn’t mess up that next plate of bulgogi and rice. Mmmmm, bulgogi and rice.
Bulgoki? Pfft. If you’re going to go for Korean, go spicy. Have the yuk gae jang, the ojinga bokum, or the cham pong instead. Along with plenty of kimchi and rice as side dishes. (smile)
I don’t think Shorties Canteen just outside of the 5/20 motor pool sold that. it was all cheesy ramen and bulgogi w/rice, plus lot’s of junk food as far as I can remember.
Brings back memories. Shorty had like 15 kinds of kimchi, and quite the photography collection featuring all the BN CDRs who went on to general officer.
Was always funny spotting him out in the field when we were training, running around on his scooter wearing BDUs a Gortex jacket and that camera of his hanging around his neck.
Interesting. Those three are very common Korean dishes (well, technically I think champong may be Chinese, but as I recall it’s widely consumed there and sold in decent Korean restaurants Stateside). Sounds like Shorties catered to Americans who didn’t know to ask for anything else.
Seriously – if you like Korean and spicy, find a decent Korean restaurant with someone on the staff who speaks decent English (unless you speak good Hangul) and ask them about those. But maybe try “mild” or “medium spicy” the first time. (smile)
Shorties was a Korean run canteen in a old quonset hut just outside what was then the 5/20 (now 2/9 I think) Inf motor pool on Camp Casey. So they did cater to Joes, but according to Luddite, the menu was larger than I remember. Of course I did my year on the ROK back in 94-95, so it’s been a minute. Hondo, my Hangul never got much past “thank you” and “one Budweiser please”.
What – not Crown or OB? (smile)
I did learn a few other Hangul phrases beyond that – but not too many more, unfortunately.
I was in the “Land of the Morning Calm” roughly a decade prior to you. We had places similar to Shorties as well – the term of choice was “Katusa Snack Bar”. Most every US camp had one.
You could get good and authentic food there if you were willing to give it a shot and take a chance. You could also eat “in the ville” and get authentic Korean food – but you wanted to go with an “old hand” if you did so that you ended up in a decent place to eat. Some weren’t all that good. (smile)
OB nothing, NUMBER HANA JINRO, kamsa-hamnida! :D. Did anyone ever end up eating kaegogi over there?
Dog?! no, never did…to the best of my knowledge. We used to mess with the new turtles and tell them that everything sold off a cart along club row in TDC was dog.
OMG, now I’m hungry! I LOVE kimchi and rice! And I’m stuck here at Southcom without good Korean (at least not that I’ve been able to locate).
This might help, Nicki:
I would hate to be down wind of you the next day!
Try getting stuck behind a KATUSA on a hot humid summer day in Korea on a 5 mile company run.
Aahh, KATUSA, we thought it meant “Koreans Against The U.S. Army” for the most part. As they progressed in rank, their English skills atrophied to the point that the only English words they understood were “Break time”, “Chow Time” and “Quitting Time”. Most of them would sneak off and sham twice as fast as any member of “The Sham Shield Mafia”!
just stay away from the creamofsomeyounguy!
OMG, and we thought grass drills in the sand pit were bad for sleeping in training…
BTW, yawn, did I see this story posted twice or was I sleeping? zzzzzzzzzzzzz
This is the problem when you are writing a post you have no idea what is going on on the blog, I bet Jonn and hondo were writing at the same time
Stay awake at all costs. A friend of mine says he was once part of the “OpFor” team at NTC, and during one cycle a he saw a couple guards (who were on duty) sleeping outside a “camp.” He walked unchallenged into the Full Bird’s tent and “shot” him with his God gun.
I don’t think the death penalty was on the table, but I’m sure glad I wasn’t one of those two sleeping soldiers.
Commander of North Korean Naval Forces was caught texting on his iPhone during high level meeting with ND:tBF.
ND:tBF immediately sentenced him to death. Here is raw footage of execution by underwater nuclear blast:
Two rounds center mass? they need a 20mm. go big or stay home
I snuck a peek at the new Nork Defense Minister Aide-De-Camp’s little green notebook.
First entry on first page read: Get rid of all on hand quantities of Postum ASAP. Dump contents into Taedong River. Save all jars for execution area clean-up crew at Kang Kon MA.
Second entry: Set up lifetime contract with Green Beans and Rip-it reps for immediate resupply of existing stocks.
Third entry: Get cattle prod from supply room. Bribe supply sergeant if necessary.
Overkill, redefined.
Just think of the money waiting to be made selling energy drinks to the Norkie Military!!!
“Yes Genelar, wirr that be a Led Burr or a Monstel this time, maybe a Lip It?” 😀
NDtBF aka Kim Jong Un NUMBA TEN!!!!!
For my part I hope Young Kim continues to have his KILLING meetings, maybe we’ll rid ourself of all the leadership in North Korea, I will be the first to send him my (RIP) email when the word is out. That’s All!!!!!!!!!!
Like usual with most shitpot dictators, he’ll get sick of only killing cringing subjects fairly soon. Then he’ll become our problem. Also like usual.