Thursday morning feel good stories

| May 14, 2015

With warmer weather, it appears that the natives are restless. Our first story comes from Oklahoma;

Police Captain Thomas Bell said the homeowner first thought her husband was returning home early, but then heard banging, screaming and breaking glass.

Bell said the woman fired three shots through the door, hitting the man in the head, shoulder and upper chest.

EMSA took the unidentified man to the hospital in serious condition. The woman was not injured.

Police said they’re investigating to determine what charges should be filed against the man who was shot. – Tulsa, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports – |

Next up is Tennessee;

Police say a man broke into the house while the family was sleeping just before 2 a.m. Wednesday.

The homeowner woke up to find the intruder in his house and shot him in the head.

The homeowner and his family talked with police on the scene. No one else was injured.

WMC Action News 5 – Memphis, Tennessee

Once again in Memphis;

Police say a 31-year-old man was leaving the Family Dollar store when two men tried to rob him. The two suspects were armed with a handgun.

“It’s sad,” said neighbor Kim Crutcher. “You can’t go anywhere.”

The victim got the gun and shot the 25-year-old suspect, later identified as Thomas Odom. The other suspect then shot the robbery victim. That suspect left the scene in the victim’s car, a Nissan Altima.

“You’re supposed to be able to go somewhere in your own vehicle without somebody trying to take it from you,” said Dale Washington, who lives in the neighborhood. – FOX6 WBRC Birmingham, AL

On to Montana;

Police Sgt. Pat Curry said the victim walked outside of her home to grab her purse from her vehicle. She told police she heard a noise and pulled her .380-caliber handgun from her purse. That’s when a man stepped out, attacked her and knocked her to the ground.

The woman fired twice at the assailant, but he escaped.

The victim could not identify the suspect, but said he was wearing jeans and a dark top. | Q2 | Continuous News Coverage | Billings, MT

And, finally, this happened in Kentucky;

Police say two adults and two kids were inside the apartment on Winburn Drive when a man tried to break just after midnight. One of the people inside opened fire, hitting the would-be intruder twice.

Lexington Police have confirmed that the victim knew and had a relationship with someone inside the home and was breaking in to see them.

“As far as who was responsible for the shooting, we do have that person identified, and they’re currently being interviewed,” Lexington Police Department Lt. Chris Young said.

EMS took the wounded man to UK Hospital. | Continuous News and StormTracker Weather

Well, generally everyone is hitting their target, except that woman in Montana, so most of you have have found the correct amount of range time. There’s an article sent to us by David which reports that fewer people walk away from being shot with a .357 magnum than all other handguns, including the .44 Mag and the .45 ACP. So if your perps are walking away, you should be looking at the .357.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the links.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Old Trooper

Well, I have fired a .357 magnum round out of a 2″ snubby and I can tell you that you’re in for a lot of recoil, so make the first shot count.


It’s a 2 head shot morning!


As soon as I read “She told police she heard a noise and pulled her .380-caliber handgun from her purse” I knew how that one was going to end. While a .380 might provide some fright factor, it most likely isn’t going to incapacitate an attacker. A .38 is the smallest self defense round that I will carry, and I use the +P version just to make sure. Typically it’s a .45.


Ironically, in the linked article .380 and .38 perform identically in the real world. Shot placement is probably more key than raw power, and the best advice I have ever seen is to use the largest caliber you can be comfortable with and that you will actually carry. A .380 she can actually carry with her is far more use than a .45 which she would not carry. There are some really tiny .357s around, but effectively they are almost single-shots – I have literally watched folks allow recoil to kick them up damn near vertical, taking forever to get off a shaky second shot.


Wasn’t it Col. Ollie North who once said “If I find out that you shot me with a .380, I’m gonna be really pissed”?


Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Getting better, people. If I can hit a Cottonmouth Moccasin in the head from 10 feet with a .22 single six, others should be able to hit center mass from the same distance. Nothing beats proficiency.

A Proud Infidel®™

Nothing like a fair share of range time with one’s weapon in order to stay proficient!!

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Every single day. Nothing I enjoy more than having a home range. I shoot several styles, i.e. distance for accuracy, close in restricted space and timed, and at my low energy, moving targets. Every single day.


Busy day, eh?

But that man is right: you can’t go anywhere now without being aware that these things can happen.


Here we have several examples of citizens acting to discourage dirtbaggery.

I read statements by politicians and political action groups who would lead us saying that US citizens cannot be trusted with weapons and how England, Canada, and other advanced western countries are different – and better – in this respect than we are.

I wonder how much worse it would be here if we didn’t have citizens who put the fear of God into offensive people by defending themselves? There are those among us who would steal from or attack others. I wonder if wider publication of self-defense would help? Would crime rates go down more if it was widely known that the rest of us are not going to take this shit, that we will not submit and are prepared to take your life instead of giving up the fruits of our labor or our dignity.

How much would it improve? I never could fight off a group of attackers with my hands or now I fear that even one fit young man could overpower me. So, like the US policy that all weapons of mass destruction are the same, I don’t have poison gas. However, unlike our current White House resident, I will enforce my red lines.

These stories need wider distribution.

CC Senor

Your comments bring to mind this Dorothy Parker poem:


If I had a shiny gun,
I could have a world of fun
Speeding bullets through the brains
Of the folk who give me pains;

Or had I some poison gas,
I could make the moments pass
Bumping off a number of
People whom I do not love.

But I have no lethal weapon –
Thus does fate our pleasure step on!
So they still are quick and well
Who should be, by rights in hell.


Ms. Parker with a famously sharp tongue, was thinking about actively seeking out people she did not like for termination.

I wish to deter bad people who I do not know – more along the lines of “leave me and mine alone or suffer the consequences.” I do not want to improve the world by removing specific individuals. I do want to reduce the crime rate by communicating with all bad actors and deterring those actions.


From Tennessee “The homeowner woke up to find the intruder in his house and shot him in the head.” Now, that’s a feel good story! Good shootin’ pardner.


There is a pistol drill called the Mozambique – two in the chest and one in the forehead. This approach is particularly useful when your attacker is wearing body armor or drugged up.

“The Mozambique always leaves the target dead. Now THAT is a professional job!”