ISIS warns that there are scores of terrorists in 15 states

| May 7, 2015

Fox News reports that since the attack in Garland, Texas, ISIS has warned that they have “scores” of trained terrorists in 15, blah, blah, blah, f’n blah.

After three years of Dallas Wittgenfeld threats to “cometh”, two years of Wickre’s empty threats to come to my house “for shhoting [sic] purposes”, and Bernath warning me that one of his unnamed clients was planning to hire hitmen to kill me – that I’d never see coming. You know, threats that the entire staff of FirsTech were pouring over our comments daily to find violations of the Peace Order. That Paul Wickre has so much money that he could hire “undependable persons” to take me out. I guess they are undependable, because I’m still here.

But you know after years of being terrorized by our own countrymen, the threats from some goat-loving throwbacks to the Bronze Age who are thousands of miles away just don’t get me all excited. The terrorists in our own country can’t summon the testicular fortitude to make good on their threats, so I’m not real worried about people whose job is to terrorize on the cheap from a long ways away.

“The disbelievers who shot our brothers think that you killed someone untrained, nay, they gave you their bodies in plain view because we were watching,” read the post.

Yeah, keep doing it just like that. It’s just like that whenever we score a victory against the Dutch Rudder State, too. They pound their chests and try to make it sound like it was a victory for them. Terrorist are all the same – they’re more bully than terror. I don’t believe that the Lemon Party is ever coming for me, but I still carry a legal gun – I learned in the Boy Scouts to “Be Prepared”.

By the way, Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) says this morning that he is introducing legislation today to declare war on ISIS.

Category: Terror War

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Well, good for Sen. Kaine. There is hope in the world, after all.

2/17 Air Cav

Kaine was Obama’s hand-picked choice to head-up the DNC in 2008 after the then-Virginia governor was credited with delivering the state for Obama. Kaine likes Wide Load’s chances in 2016, opposes the Keystone pipeline, is a climate-change nut (He wants the DOD to do more about it!), and, in short, is everything to be loved if you are a lefty liberal progressive. Hell, instead of merely supporting so-called immigration reform, he gave a 14 minute speech on it from the Senate floor. So what, you ask? He gave it in Spanish. As for this ISIS bill, here’s the story: After some members of Congress (and, more importantly, Big Media) started saying that Obama needed a new military-sue authorization request to keep bombing (he had been relying and continues to rely on a 2001 authorization), he sent Congress a new one in February. That’s the bill and it’s something that members of Congress say is either too broad or narrow, depending on one’s political flavor. Most members really want nothing to do with it and it looks like they will win out.


Our dear leadership sure are good at saber rattling. Planning and carrying out operations, not so much.

Yeah, lets declare war!! Then what? Order the military into some nebulous shooting war with fucked up ROE so we can come out again in 10 years, declare victory and go home? Nah, been there, done that, got 2 tee shirts.

How about a plan there Senator?

You posing fucking donkey’s make me sick to my stomach. You no more want a real war than the fucking man in the moon. You want to support this failed president. Fuck that!


Dear Leader won’t care. ISIS doesn’t exist…it’s ISIL….even if he and his lackeys are the only one that calls them that.


King Barry and his admin don’t care because they are not only surrounded by tons of security, but also because they won’t be the primary targets.

Ahmadinejad did support his being elected twice after all…


Is that a picture of the Dutch Rudder Club?


Go for it Senator. I think someone made the point on Ace of Spades a while back that since ISIS declared themselves a country, let’s give ’em the benefit of the doubt and declare war on them.


“The disbelievers who shot our brothers think that you killed someone untrained, nay, they gave you their bodies in plain view because we were watching,”

That’s like saying “We scored a self goal just to show you how good we are at this game!”

Hell, keep it up guys and you’ll have us on the ropes in no time at all!


Isn’t it kind of funny that all the Brave Islamic Warriors (BIW) always wear masks? I thought they were proud to be BIW? Why hide their faces? Lack of Testicular Fortitude? Worried that their Mom might find out? From the marksmanship I have seen from them, I am not too worried. As for brains, they decided to attack an event in Texas, TEXAS! The most armed state in the union! Might have gone down better in California or New Jersey Or DC, but Texas! Please!


“Young ISIS/ISIL Warrior’s Mom finds out he’s being recruited for Jihad” 😀 😀 😀

2/17 Air Cav

Believe it or not, that’s the first time I saw that. Oh, I heard about it and I read mention of it here and elsewhere. Was she charged with child abuse?


No court in the land would find her guilty after what her punk kid was doing. lol.


Don’t bet on that.


Yeah yeah, I thought that when I typed it. Let me rephrase:

No court in the land SHOULD find her guilty….

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Declare war on ISIS? What does that even mean? We declared war on drugs, on poverty, on homelessness. We used to declare war on a nation, not some bad actor in the nation. We didn’t declare war on facism we declared war on Germany where the facists were and Japan.

Declaring war in ISIS does about as much good as declaring war on whatever it was we declared war on in Iraq…what was it again? Was it “military force to enforce a UN mandate on WMDs”? I think it was something like that, and how did that turn out again? Oh right, ISIS is in possession of a huge swath of Iraq because we bailed out and left behind a group of morons incapable of defending their nation because they don’t actually view it as a unified nation.

So what would the new plan be about? Killing some ISIS guys and having them disappear into the woodwork so we can leave again without any real solutions…or another 10-15 years of multiple deployments to fight an enemy incapable of any real damage to the US.


Declare war in ISIS is codespeak for a new jobs program…. because government creates jobs. Get with the program. 😉

Mr Wolf

Dear ISIS-

The score is 2- nothing.

Your move.



B Woodman

I can see the ISIS “warriors” possibly succeeding in deep blue Libtard states such as Kalifornication, Ill-noise, New Yawk, Mass-hole-chusetts.
In other not-so-blue states, where we still retain the right to shoot back without mommy-may-I first, ummm. . . .not so much.
Good luck to you, muzzie “warriors”. I look forward to marking my first trophy kill on my truck.

In fact, I plan on (budget permitting) doing a “Pamela Geller”, and exercising my free speech on the back of my truck, just to see what kind of response I get. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA

19D2OR4 - Smitty

I would request that you change Illinois to the Sovereign State of Chicago and Springfield.

Basically everything south of I80 is as red as you can get.

B Woodman

My apologies, 19D20.
Not up on the micro politics of Illinois.
Thank you for educating me further.

Isn’t it too bad that the moocher FSA vocal minority get to dictate to the productive silent majority?
Don’t you wish that Shit-cago and Springfield could be split off to their own New State of Freedonia (to parody Groucho Marx)?


Has ISIS claimed responsibility for those tornadoes in Oklahoma yet? If not I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before they do. Also, global warming, the Nepal earthquake and Justin Beiber.


They can’t take credit for Justin Bieber, because Canada has already apologized for Justin Bieber years ago.

Old Trooper

71 in 15 states?? 71? Oooooooooo, I’m really fucking scared you goat shagging wannabes. Unlike Europe, and most of the rest of the world, we shoot back, bitches.

Pinto Nag

That’s what, about a box and a half of ammo. Damn, they work cheap.

Old Trooper

Granted, I’ll leave the .22 in the case, because that ammo isn’t so cheap, anymore. Alas, I’ll just have to use the .45 1911. 🙂

It appears that the FBI and DHS have left Ms. Geller swinging in the breeze, by not returning her phone calls or contacting her about the fatwa that’s been put on her head. So, she’s providing her own security. What that all tells me is that the commie media, along with the commie Administration, are actually taking sides in all this by their words and actions, or non-actions.

Pinto Nag

Like always, Americans are going to have to clean up the mess our government has made. I’m sure Ms. Geller knows that, or she should. And what the terrorists need to know is that if anything happens to Ms. Geller that even remotely resembles a terrorist attack, well…this part of the country doesn’t bother with hashtags.


We don’t need no stinking hashtags! Toetags!

A Proud Infidel®™



I think you hit the key there Trooper. “goats” Only so many states actually have goats in them after all….

Dave Hardin

My actions concerning them are protected by the Browning Act of 1911. Any policy outside of my immediate empire will be protected by lever of a 45-70. It is an old policy, I just have yet to find a more effective one.


The old school is the best school!


It’s the law of Moses. John Moses Browning.


I heard it was “the Gospel according to St. John”. But maybe I heard wrong. (smile)


Same end result, Hondo. Just a different path!

Dave Hardin

Benjamin Tyler Henry takes care of my foreign policy.


Here’s a score for them:
TEXAS – 2 / ISIS – 0

We’ll be happy to change it to 71-0…


That’s a good one, I’m going to have to use that. Bahahahahhaa

A Proud Infidel®™

More like:

Goat Molesting Man-love fleabags – 0


I hope that they were smart enough to pick the 15 states with the most restrictive gun laws. If they try to pull this in those states they might be successful. If they try to pull it in VT, NH, AK, or AZ, probably not.

A Blue American

Hmmm…illinois? Wonder where they are? In one of the fundie Mosques or Madraas in the south and southwest suburbs of that Red mess on the lake? Here’s the thing, despite the current trend toward pinkish ness in the collar counties, outside of the Big City, the state is decidedly blue.

True story-despite having spent plenty of time in Arab, Muslim and other ethnic enclaves in the city, the one and only time in the past nearly twenty years I saw a man in a dress herding his hefty bags through the local ex-burban Walgreens, I was SHOCKED. Then I saw the stares and outright hostile glares the herd got from everyone else, including the employees. And I smiled. When I noted the way their heads (or whatever was at the top of the hefty bags) were bowed as they scurried through and left without purchasing anything, I smiled harder.

Being female, with arms and legs exposed to the warm summer air, I smiled extra hard at the hefty bag herder.

Yeah, try that crap here. Don’t let our proximity to Shyte-town fool you. We’ve more in common with Texas. Did you not note the number of gun clubs, shooting clubs and American flags in town?


Come on over shitheads…just means we don’t have to come and find your goat fucking idiots in their little goat fucking hideouts.

A Proud Infidel®™

LET THEM try their shit anywhere else in “Red State America” and they’ll get their asses shot just like in Texas! They’re safe to attack as they please in hellholes like Baltimore, DC, LA, and Chicago, but say in GA, AL, MS, KS, OK, FL, TX? We don’t lay down and be the passive victims that those toe-sucking booger-eating goat molesters want. The Dutch Rudder gang still hasn’t found me yet, and neither will any of those donkey-raping fleabags, I’m comfortable here in [undisclosed], which is very likely 2nd Amendment-friendly turf where me and my neighbors carry, it’s very likely that my neighborhood is a criminal’s and terrorist’s nightmare!

2/17 Air Cav

West Virginia ISIS Harvesting Regulations

Season: Year round

Bag Limit: None

Check station required? No

Carcass disposal requirements: None

Weapons limitation: None

License required? No

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe they might have a few regulations? Something like:

1. Spotlights MAY be used.
2. A single fleeing jihadi MAY NOT BE chased by more than 500 dogs at one time.
3. Traps MAY NOT exceed 3,500 pounds in weight.
4. Allowed hours of hunting are 24/7/365.
5. Some approved methods of harvest are rifle, pistol, shotgun, bow, crossbow, spear, knife, punji pit, booby trap, garrote, icepick, rope, rocket, grenade, mortar, landmine, electric fence, rocket launcher, flamethrower, or Pickup Truck Bumper. Method of harvest must be in compliance with Federal, State, and local laws in local jurisdiction.
6. The use of bait is allowed. (Fake Mohammed cartoon contests, etc.)
7. The daily bag limit for an individual is 150, seasonal limit for an individual is 10,000.

Mr Wolf

6. The use of bait is allowed. (Fake Mohammed cartoon contests, etc.)

I hear hookers and blow really bring ’em in…

A Proud Infidel®™

Hell, some goats tied to a tree will bring ’em in, they’ll think it’s a roadside brothel!


Negative. Carcass disposal is a real consideration and should be specified.

Mr Wolf

Yeah. Don’t go dumping that shit on my lawn. I have enough problems with vermin…

Pinto Nag

Plenty of old abandoned mines out there that need backfilling.


Hog farms. Pigs gotta eat!


ISIS is SO STUPID. Who the hell gets proud over a failed operation anyway? I mean, it’d be like ME standing up claiming I’m responsible for calling that Pass play in the superbowl that lost the game for Seattle. Woot. BFD 🙂

Old Trooper

You’re forgetting that they “martyred” themselves for Allah, so they get the 72 Helen Thomas look-alikes. In the eyes of the jihadis, they still win.

While our mainstream media is busy surrendering to sharia law, by blaming Geller for provoking them, they are missing all this good stuff that the alternative news is picking up and reporting.

2/17 Air Cav

At 72 virgins for every murdering Muslim terrorist bastard who martyred himself, I would very much like to know just how many virgins are available in Mohammedland. This seems to be a job for Hondo. Got any rough estimates on that?


Depends. Do I include or exclude young goats?

2/17 Air Cav

Just use an asterisk. Asterisks solve most every dilemma.*

*Taxes, title, tags, and other fees not included. Exact model shown may not be available. See dealer for additional restrictions. Not available in all areas.


Sorry – gotta have a definition of the population under consideration first. Otherwise, the estimate ain’t gonna happen.

Also need to know if young sheep are included or excluded.

A Proud Infidel®™

I drove by a field with a herd of goats in it the other day and momentarily thought I was driving past a Taliban/ISIS whorehouse!


If we can’t get the FBI to do their jobs, we’ll just have to bring in the ASPCA. They don’t take kindly to animal abuse.



Mr. Blue

That’s a funny thing about both Islamist terrorist and the Dutch Rudder gang: the ability to switch from proud boasting to victimized whining at a moment’s notice. One moment, they’re going to ‘cometh’ to kick our assets, the next, they’re whinging to a judge about the mean bullyheads who are mean to them, and the moment after that, back to badass boast of daring-do to cometh.

But that is typical behavior for the coward- bark & growl when it thinks it’s safe, and cringe & whine when confronted.


This twitter feed exposes the alleged identity of the person who posted the threat. Looks like a woman out of Louisiana