Stevie Nicks honored at USO banquet
Stevie Nicks welcomed me home with her song “Desert Angels” in 1991. I had been pretty neutral on her music until then, but that one changed my mind and made me a fan. I went to a Fleetwood Mac concert in DC soon after 9-11-2001 and i was pleased because all they did was play their music and not use it as an opportunity to make a big political statement. In those days, that was a big deal in itself. But, it turns out that Stevie Nicks was a big deal for more than that.
The USO had an awards banquet the other night in Arlington, Virginia and Nick was honored for because she “holds the USO record for the most hours spent over a five-year period visiting combat-wounded service members” according to the Virginian-Pilot.
According to her Facebook page;
The award was presented to Nicks by Cpl Vincent Mannion-Brouder who was in a coma for over a year. Nicks has stayed in touch with Mannion-Brouder and his family over the years as he continued his stunning recovery.
As part of USO Metro’s Celebrity Handshake Tour, Nicks also donated hundreds of iPods she personally programmed with music to the returning vets who she spent time with during their recovery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Medical Center over several years.
So, I want to thank Ms. Nicks for her service to those who serve – notice that this is the first time you’ve ever heard about any of this, so you know it comes from her heart, not her publicity agent.
Category: Support the troops
Always had a thing for Stevie Nicks. Now I’m in love!
Yeah, I was in love with her the first time I ever saw her perform. This makes things even better, because, as Jonn points out, she’s been doing this without any fanfare. Just showing up and helping out. That’s the way it’s supposed to be done.
I’ll be interested to see how badly she gets vilified by the left over this.
I always thought she was a bit of a leftist – especially after Fleetwood Mac started allowing Clintoon to use their music in his campaigns.
Still: leftist or not, I tip my hat to the lady. Kudos, Ms. Nicks. Damn well done.
I never saw past that beautiful face and…what a voice!
“Little Lies” = Clintons
Wow. I thought that way too. I have been educated and I am truly impressed.
/just in case she ever reads this. LOL.
Not all lefties are heartless trolls my friend (smile) some of them are actually quite enjoyable dinner companions…you just can’t take all their views seriously, they have good hearts some of them just lack that sort of street smarts about the world those cranky curmudgeons like us possess…
Ms. Nicks and Fleetwood Mac were popular with my younger brother and a first girlfriend..he has since passed and the girlfriend is just a distant memory and that makes for some sad albeit fond memories.
Ms. Nicks is doing some amazing stuff in helping these veterans.
Nicely done Ms. Nicks, very nicely done indeed.
VOV knows what he’s taking about. (idle casual whistling) but no seriously, I only was recently introduced to this woman; and wow, her voice is so refreshingly unique. Glad to see a legitimately talented musician puts in time with veterans.
Whatever her politics, she put her money where her mouth is.
Kudos galore to her for all she has done for the troops.
Thanks for bringing this out to us Jonn.
I never would have known otherwise.
Yet one more good reason to read TAH several times a day !!!
I did not know this, I am glad I know now!
Have always been a fan.
ASU in the early 80’s.
GF lived in a house with a couple other women.
One of who was a friend of Ms. Nicks hair dresser.
My fleeting brush with fame.
Ah, yes! The Kevin Bacon Six Degrees of Separation game! I love it!
I went to CTI “A” school with a PO2 who claimed, repeat CLAIMED, he went out, I mean had a date, with Stevie Nicks.
Can’t remember if he started his narration with “True story. NO shit,” but he might have.
Anyway, he did say that it was a total disaster. Guess Stevie had nothing in common with a Machinist Mate. Who woulda thunk it?
Who knows, maybe Nicks felt so bad for the chump, THAT’S why she started all this USO stuff.
Well, it COULD be true!
There was that one other time when I was Captains or Admirals chaser and Liz Taylor and her hub came on board the carrier to make a PSA. Got to push her wheelchair thru the passageways. My grandparents were most impressed when I told them the story. She was quite pleasant.
Good on her. Thanks, Ms Nicks.
More than just another pretty face. Kudos to her.
Desertion + Behavior = DEATH
The claim of attempt to escape is a legal tatic to mitigate the possibility of a death sentence.
I might also suggest that he DID attempt to escape. He was abused and tortured beyond any of our knowledge no doubt. He must have at some point realized that his master plan had failed horribly and an escape may have been his only chance of stopping the cycle of abuse and torture that he caused.
I am not a fan of this traitor, just my observations.
Wrong article? 😯
Wrong thread sorry.
I love Stevie.
NO DEATH for Stevie!
I was getting ready to hit the ‘report comment’ button!
Class act right there.
Just saw her last night in concert (Fleetwood Mac) at Philips Arena in ATL. She will be 67 in May. Ouch!
Oh but you should have seen her back in 1977 when they released “Rumours”. She was one luscious babe.
And good on her for helping the troops.
Saw her in 1983 in Austin Tx…Joe Walsh opened up for her! Bought the 33 lp Rumours Album in 77 as well! Stevie, Olivia N-J and Linda R. all competed for my attention at the same time!
Who can forget the Linda R. poster!!! Yeah, I had that one.
She was one luscious babe.
Still is, Poe; she still is.
Another commenter provided a link below to Ms. Nicks’ Facebook page. It in turn has a copy of the latest Rolling Stone cover to feature her (Jan of this year).
The years have indeed been kind to the lady. She’s still very attractive physically. And her heart certainly seems right as well.
So all these lefty celebs have jumped on the ‘I support the troops’ band wagon because it’s popular to do so. They advertise it to high heaven (Kathy Griffin is the example that comes to mind) and then blow it off when it doesn’t garner them any attention.
Stevie Knicks has been doing it for YEARS….YEARS….with no advertising, no fanfare, no splashing it all over social media or any media.
I think we know who genuinely cares about our troopers and who is using them as a photo op.
God Bless you, Stevie. Always loved your music and now I love you even more.
Always liked Stevie Nicks’ voice and music. She took a stand to help veterans when many in her industry used them as jokes and political fodder. So I have the greatest of respect for her. She put up and put in, when others put down and mocked. She’s up there with Bob Hope in my currency. Her looks don’t hurt either.
My wife volunteers at the Fort Meyer USO Lounge (Honor Guard Lounge).
When she told me about the banquet I wanted to crash it. Not because the celebrities who would be there but because 50 living Medal of Honor holders were invited (27 were able to attend).
Unfortunately, the banquet was only for the paid USO employees and executives, not the volunteers.
Ah, I’ve had a crush on Stevie since the 70’s. Great to see that she’s done this good work and even more impressive to see that she hasn’t tried to put it in the spotlight. Had I not read the article I wouldn’t have known.
Always thought the original band was ruined when they brought in the girls (‘Then Play On’ was fabulous) but this is a definitely a huge plus.
I got to see Fleetwood Mac in concert back in Dec. in Tampa, 3 hours of nothing but kick ass Mac music! The really cool thing was it was with the original line up, including Christy Mcvie!
Christie McVie is 71!
Whoa, I would have never guessed. Glad to see there are still some good people in the entertainment industry. I had already written off the whole lot.
That we didn’t know much about this activity says a lot good about her as far as I’m concerned.
I read an article 3 or 4 yrs ago about her doing this. She and an assistant wouldn’t just load random music on the ipods but have medical staff a family members find out or provide what type of music or favorite artist the wounded liked and personalize them to their likes.
For other Fanboys.
I saw Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks twice in concert, twenty years apart. Same throaty voice. They put on quite a show. Their music is still some of my alltime favorites!
Thank you Stevie!
OK, favorite Stevie Nicks song…
I submit for your approval,
Maybe she should link up with the Lt Dan band. That could be a really cool concert.
Just caught up with this. The world is obviously a much better place for having Ms. Nicks in it.
Thank you very much, ma’am, for your music and for what you’ve done for those who serve and who have served.