Weekend open thread
Despite rumors to the contrary, rest assured that TSO and I are not in jail, or in a holding cell, or anything else. We walked out of the courtroom late yesterday after hours of watching Paul Kevin Wickre’s drama queen histrionics on the stand. The courtroom antics didn’t end exactly the way we wanted, but the Wickres got nothing that they really wanted. Our lawyer will explain it to you next week. But here’s my summary;
Things that have changed since the judge’s ruling; nothing.
Things that haven’t changed; The blog still exists as it did before. None of the posts have come down. TSO and I still have our guns. Phil Monkress still can’t call himself a Navy SEAL, Paul Wickre still can’t call himself a Vietnam veteran. I will tell you, however, that even though nothing was presented in court which indicated that we misbehaved, we took a beating over your comments. So think about that while you comment from now on.
The decision yesterday will not stand, but I’ll leave that for the lawyers to explain to y’all.
The citation you’re looking for is Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, 47 U.S.C. § 230;
No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.
It was cited to the judge and she chose to ignore the rule.
Category: Open thread
No Shit, you hard chargers. Bernath tried using the comments by others against Jonn & TSO too.
So Freaking think before you type !
Good point ! ! ! !
Is there a way to make a donation???? If so could someone Msg my E-mail
(The above Comment By Me Skippy is my opinion and thoughts and feelings and views and should not be taken out of context reader takes all responsibility for reading said comments)
Blog page, upper right margin: Large, yellow Donate button. It is PayPal-friendly. I just did a systems check and it works.
rgr1480 yeh I figured it out my I-Pad compared to my computer the screens get a little confusing at times Big Thank You for the 411
Glade you two escaped safely. The Apple Dumpling gang was hoping you were gonna stay at Guantanamo Bay for a while. Did that new POV drive nice?
Looking for a Weekend Open Thread ARCOM.
Jonn and TSO thanks for going down range and facing the incoming. Thanks for defending TAH. I’ll be mindful of my Wickre posts if it helps you out.
Sparks that Funny but tell me your not fishing for a ARCOM
ha ha ha ha
Perhaps we could all chip in and get Psaulie boy a gift? Just to show our love and respect.
Bubbleheads Ray…LMAO! Being the childhood recipient of a big bag of socks I loved this. I booked marked it. Thanks my man.
A bag of socks is better than a bag of cocks.
Just saying.
Uh…Roger That Sir!!!
I would really rather chip in and get gifts for Jonn and TSO after all they have suffered through with these clowns…
And I am in agreement that this was started by Psul and the rest of the DR Club and that they should be the ones to be chastised for bad behavior, not us…
After all, you have no control over any of your posters speech other than to monitor it 24/7.
Besides, riding herd over this bunch of attitude adjusted Veterans of all sorts of chicanery is as impossible as herding a couple thousand feral cats…
Might have to mail Jonn a bottle of Soju or something
Jonn likes cigars. Cigars and rum.
Maybe rum-soaked cigars?
But what do I know?
So now it goes to appeal, right?
YOU were taken to task over our comments, but peckerwood was not chastised at all for HIS?
Hmmm… somehow, that does not seem quite appropriate. After all, he did start this whole mess that he’s complaining about.
Looking forward to the attorney’s summary of events.
Kudos for escaping (mostly, like 99%) unscathed.
Kind of like blaming Twitter or Facebook for things their users say. Apparently the bigger the company, the less liable you are?
The more I think about this (and I try not to 🙂 ), the less I think it’s about TAH and its commenters.
It’s much more about pickwickre peckerwood getting another chance to be the center of attention and scream bloody murder at someone, even though he started this entire thing at the direction of monkress, who lied to get government contracts.
As Paul-mer (of the Ballsack) throws his tantrums, he directly and indirectly brings his former employer, Commander Phil Monkress of All-points Logistics, and his felonious (theft by deception)claims back to the forefront.
I wonder if Phildo is blaming Paul for this?
Exactly my thoughts. I don’t have much faith in the justice system if frequent death threats and false reports to the police are not punished, but comments made on a blog that are clearly protected by the First Amendment are.
Here’s hoping the next judge has more common sense and understanding of the law.
which really means that Jonn has to track comments because Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb can post as users (not using real names) and make comments which they then get all itchy about.
Things that have not changed as a result of yesterday’s court appearance:
1. This Ain’t Hell Blog still exists.
2. Phil Monkress is not a Navy SEAL.
3. Paul Wickre still does not have a real job.
4. Elaine Ricci still remains missing.
5. Despite Paul Wickre’s best feeble efforts, frequent commenters to the blog still live there lives unscathed.
6. FirsTech Solutions will never get another contract.
7. Mailboxes should have doors on them.
Did you guys drink some beers afterwards?
Hack was unable to meet up with them. We do need to all gather in a mutually convenient location.
Sorry to hear it. I was on a road trip last night and kept checking for updates. Being that there were none, I figured “that damn Hack Stone must have them in the bar and that’s why there are no updates!”. 😉
I have previously met up with Bobo to tip a few cold frosty ones. How many of the Usual Suspects (TAH regular commenters) live within the National Capital Region? I can get my armed entourage of North Philly gangsters to safely transport me to a sit down with a few, or possibly more, of you. Just hit me up on FaceBook, or reach out to Jonn, and if he can vouch to your (lack of) character, I have no problem with him passing on my email address. And despite Paul Wickre’s attempt to assume my identity, Hack Stone does not have a gmail account.
Hack, that may not be a good idea from a legal sense. In order to do it you’d probably be commenting on the gathering on this site. We know Wickre monitors everything that gets posted here and he might well perceive any such event as an act of conspiracy against him, particularly if several of the attendees happen to have been named in his past phony charges.
Just sayin’…
Im going to Maryland this 4th of July to visit my brother, I must meet up with any TAH regulars in the area
I’m thinking that a pub somewhere near Wilson Lane would be apropos. Wasn’t there one that Psul got tossed from and invited never to return?
Do they have kareoke, because I am Jonesing to sing Trannie In A Jag at a public venue.
And be sure to order the Paul Wickre. It’s four ounces of Pine Sol garnished with a urinal mint.
What? No rubbing alcohol, Sterno, or carburetor cleaner?
If you want to comment, I think we all want to know if you were able to present the Psul’s death threats? If so, did the court address them?
At least tell us how the new vehicle worked out for you.
I don’t have the new Tahoe yet. I have to finish my driver rehab training (for driving with my forepaws) before they can make the alterations to the truck. I had my first lesson the other day and it went real well, so we’re just weeks away.
Me gets the feeling that one cannot talk about an ongoing investigation.
All will be made clear by the lawyers next week. I’m staying in my lane.
So; our comments were considered bad, but Paul K. Wickre’s shenanigans and email threats of death and destruction were okie dokie?? That’s fucked up right there.
So be it. He’s still a delusional tub of shit and a load his momma should have swallowed.
Not to mention the fact that Wickre’s antics were bought and paid for, as substantiated in his court filing. He would have never come to TAH and we would have never uttered his Viking name if not for the fact that he took the promise of payment from Phildo to come here and stir up the shit. $40,000 a month as I recall. What a crybaby.
Just be patient. Okay?
Oldest female vet…
Rest in peace, elder sister.
R.I.P., sister. We should all live so long.
And so well.
My humble condolences and sympathy for her family.
So, who’s next on the list?
My stepmother will be ninety-eight years old this coming Thursday 26 March 2015.
I wonder if they knew each other?
So far, she’s pretty spry, despite physical health issues, and just a wee touch of senile confusion (or maybe, that’s her sense of humor).
Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier left this rant on Craigslist. He took it down, or it got flagged, but I have a screen capture.
Talk about a Freudian slip! 😯 But, he has confirmed our profile of him. The man is unhinged and is bound to send a woman to the emergency room or to the morgue.
Ditto. Completely unhinged.
I haven’t seen anger like that in anyone who wasn’t about to do some serious damage to someone.
Heavy Chevy is definitely drifting out into orbit.
We’d have a second moon, and THAT one could be described as being “made” of “cheese.” Considering that Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier could eat a 7 pound block of cheese in one night, and you “are” what you eat…
Then we could say that the Earth has two moons… Blobfish and Luna.
Yup, Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier is voicing his subconscious plans, what he wished to he did with the women of his past, and what’s becoming more tempting with future women.
It’s like those detective magazines that I read back in the 1980s, where the perpetrator mentally played/voiced his intentions before carrying them out… in a Freudian slip way…
The man is a powder keg about to explode, unfortunately a woman could be in the wrong place at the wrong time when that happens.
Hence, the Google foo of his name.
Hoping that his “prospects” are researching him and telling him to “go away” or are simply ignoring him.
I will have to disagree with Chevy on this. The power of the poon is stronger than he wants to acknowledge. It has it’s own gravitational field and planets orbit it.
Yup, the ones with the closest orbits are the regulars and are always in danger of getting sucked in, those in regular orbits get pussy during the flares, and those orbiting in the Oort cloud area are in the friend zone. Few in the later category might get lucky, but that might be the end of them.
Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier? He’s beyond the Oort Cloud way out there in deep space. His keyboard is right behind him.
Cheesedick, You are of the mind to physically harm women if they lie cheat or steal from you? Makes sense in a way, while it’s possible you possess male genitalia, you are far from being a man.
You don’t deserve the company of a lady, hell you don’t even deserve the company of an old wrinkled Meth head with more infections than teeth.
With an attitude like that, the only beating that’s going to happen is his beating his dick. 🙄
He sure could use a good “Baker-Acting” as Florida LEO’s refer to it. IMHO, any adult human male that even thinks about harming Women, Children, or animals for their own emotional pleasure IS NOT A MAN and needs to be treated like a vicious dog. “Blobfish” has exhibited the desire to, and I hope LE Agencies and Departments in his AO add that post to his file!
Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier has control, anger, stress, self esteem, etc., issues. He’s extremely narcissistic and isn’t beyond using physical assaults/abuse as a means to gain control…. whether that’s to force people to do things his way, or to “deliver punishment” for someone’s daring to “get out of line” from what Blobfish wants.
I thought I was reading about Wickre at first. Got hung up the broken down car thing…
Understood, so when referrencing Mr. Phony Navy Seal Monkress and Mr Phony Vietnam Veteran Wickre, show them the respect they deserve as liars. I hope the Judge realized that the evidence presented by the team of liars, Mr. Phony Navy Seal Monkress and Mr Phony Vietnam Veteran Wickre, was lies, as evidenced by there pattern of Stolen Valor lies and schemes to present themselves in a way to fraudulently deceive others. With what I figure as a way to receive money through presenting themselves as men with honorable military careers, with the sole purpose to deceive people for monetary gain. My question is will they be taken to task for lying for monetary gain? The Judge should have thanked you and TAH for doing the job the SCOTUS said needed to be done, to make sure the Truth about Stolen Valor thieves is exposed.
Are we talking about Commander Phil Monkress? The CEO of All-Points Logistics?
And would we be referring to his false Navy SEAL, false Native American, false Officer and false Law Enforcement Officer claims?
All of which seem to be supported by his senior staff at All-Points Logistics to include the “less-than-honorable” COL W II?
At least the racial slurs have stopped when you call them up to inquire about Phildo’s claims and the internal policies of APL governing employee misconduct, fraud and ethical violations.
Only pointing out the blatantly obvious to heavy chevy here, the rest of us hardly need to be reminded:
Uhm, after you kill them you seriously expect that they will behave differently toward you? OK. So you are now admitting that you are into necrophilia? Creepy, but it would certainly explain a lot.
WW2 USAAF B-24 gunner & Pro Football Hall of Famer Chuck Bednarik dies at age 89….
I would like to raise a glass in memory of a friend,Army buddy, and door gunner of mine who was KIA in Vietnam.
SP4 Richard A. Crocker was KIA on 17 March 1972 along with ten other members of the 1st Cavalry Division, in the same helicopter, during a Combat Assault mission near Bien Hoa.
The UH-1H’s serial number was 66-17051. Details on the events of that day can be found on the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association (VHPA) website by following the KIA by Date Info menu.
Crocker had been my door gunner most of the time while we were at Phu Bai with C Co, 101st Aviation Battalion, but had missed the cutoff (by two days) to go home when the 101st Airborne was shutting down operations in mid February. Subsequently he was sent down south to the 1st CAV to complete his tour while I and the rest of the unit returned to the states.
Anyway, as the saying goes, there is a story behind every name on the Wall and this is just one of those.
Crock, rest well, you have earned it and you will never be forgotten, at least by me.
As an aside, today is the 14th anniversary of my older brother’s passing.
Rest Well, Danny, you were a damn fine medic.
“Crock, rest well, you have earned it and you will never be forgotten, at least by me.”
Though some go curving down the trail
To seek a warmer scene.
No trooper ever gets to Hell
Ere he’s emptied his canteen.
And so rides back to drink again
With friends at Fiddlers’ Green.
Great tribute Claw. Good on you for remembering after all these years.
Nice tributes to Spc Crocker and your brother.
I’m sure they were good men, as you are.
I guess its time to post my annual disclosure:
I, David L. Hardin am fully responsible for my own actions. I freely participate in posting on TAH without direction or coercion from its administrators and other participants.
I hold TAH, its owners, operators, and participants harmless for my actions, postings, and opinions.
If there are any other fat little twinks suffering from latent homosexual desires as I suspect Wikre is, they can contact me directly to express their twisted little fantasies.
As I have stated clearly on this site and others, if any person has a moment when they feel the need to carry out a terrorist threat against anyone, their smartest move would be to put me at the top of the list.
My opinions expressed on this site are a result of my own investigations of their conduct and not limited to the information posted on this site. If my opinion is you are a gutless cowardly little shit who lacks any real fiber as a man, as is the case with Wickre, please direct your rebuttal to me.
Fuck you very much,
I heard that!
Geez, guys, be careful!
Next thing you’ll get is mailboxes loaded with their junk. It could compromise the existence of the Known Universe.
Dave….Dave…Dave… LMAO!
Shitbags and loser. The whole lot of the DRC. As far as I’m concerned this is all Phil Monkress fault. As detestable as Wickre is this is all Monkress. Phil Monkress is a sorry excuse for a human being.
Word for the turd, Commander Phil Monkress of All-Points Logistics.
Judges are petty royalty. Some of them rule their courtroom fiefdoms like tyrants and others allow all manner of silliness and stupidity to be spouted unchecked in their tiny realms. Occasionally, one comes upon a reasonable and fair robe whose pronouncements and decisions fully comport with law and reflect a careful and insightful weighing of the facts. Those occasions are rare. It is, to my experience, much more often the case that the robe is a muscle flexor, personally accountable virtually to no one, whose term is long and whose power in the courtroom is great. The robe can browbeat, berate, mock, silence and do all manner of nastiness to those of dissimilar mind who come before him. And too many do exactly that. It’s a shame, really.
I wonder if that Judge was just thinking “Oh well, it’s almost my tee time, I’m getting this over with!” ?
Perhaps, but some judges forget their purpose, their reason for sitting on the bench. These judges inject their own biases and likes and dislikes into a matter before them and believe, quite rightly, that they are free to say and do whatever they want so long as their conduct isn’t impeachable or fall within the purview of the judicial disabilities commission. Some trial judges have their own storage boxes at the appellate court because their decisions are fraught with legal error and their case decisions are appealed so much more often than are those of judges who know and apply the law correctly.
A couple of things here.
First, my dog just dropped a huge, oozy and steaming pile of Phil Monkress in the yard. I think his stomach was upset.
Second, I was reminded of Phil Monkress at the airport yesterday when I walked into a backed up stall in the men’s room and looked down.
And third, I just watched an episode of “The Rifleman” with Chuck Connors. They busted a Civil War poser. I guess this issue has been around a while. “Milly’s Brother”, 1962.
I watched that episode too.
Stolen Valor from the Civil War was wrong even in those days…
Ironic to say the least.
My daughter had a Phil that escaped from her diaper it was so big. She’s been on antibiotics for an ear infection so it was one of those explosions you can hear from the other room and scares the cats.
She got a bath for that.
You can wash your daughter and the dirt and stinkie will be gone, Phil cannot wash the stench off.
Neither can that poser-infested Florida MC that Phildo used to LEAD.
But then again, maybe the “Big Turd” Keith Keeton takes care of the “baths”.
Since I personally was one of the contributors whose comments were specifically used against TSO, I’d like to tell him and Jonn that I appreciate them acting as the 50 meter pop-ups for all of us who spend our time here. At the next opportunity, beers on me.
This morning I was thinking about the old comic strip “Dondi”. (For the younger folks – Dondi was a war orphan who was adopted by a US serviceman.) The reason I was thinking of it is that the strip had a stolen-valor-like thread at one point. The character “Pop” Fligh was a former professional baseball player who would regale listeners with his tales of rubbing shoulders with legends such as Babe Ruth, but usually putting himself at the center of the action. Somehow it came out that he’d only played two or three games in the major leagues, spending the rest of his career in the minors. Sounds like many of our military embellishers, no?
When I was searching online (unsuccessfully) to refresh my recollection of this storyline, I discovered that one of Dondi’s co-creators, the artist Irwin Hasen, died just over a week ago at the age of 96 –
Wow. I posted a few comments on FaceBook about the comic strip Nancy and Sluggo earlier today. So who is going to bring up Muut And Jeff or Gasoline Alley?
Dondi was on the back of the NY Daily News comic section. I know because I had to put those damn papers together every Sunday morning to deliver on my route.
Yep, I remember reading those comic strips, too!
In the FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER newpaper, they also had the comic strip, “JOHNNY REB AND BILLY YANK”.
Does anyone remember that one?
What about the television series, “THE GRAY GHOST”, about the life of Confederate guerilla, Colonel John Singleton Mosby?
I remember reading the “DONDI” comic strips in the FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER newspaper when I was a boy.
I never knew he was an adopted war orphan, nor what nationality he was.
Italian, I think.
So you guys took a beating over the comments that we posters have made here, about Wickre?
What did the judge have to say about the insane, violent, profane, and detailed threats that Psul has sent to you and others?
No one here has posted ANYTHING nearly as depraved as what Wickre has emailed you and a couple of others here at TAH.
What am I living in? Bizarro World?
I say again: What did the judge have to say about the insane, violent, profane, and detailed threats that Psul has sent to you and others?
As Jonn said (an hour and a half ago) all will be made clear by the lawyers next week.
Stay calm, bide your time, we’ll get the word when they are ready to give it to us.
So, y’all are being held up for what others say?
Anyone else see serious problem with this?
I mean, you never heard me complain or go to court when they called me up and told me that they were going to arrest me and my family. Or beat me up. Or sue me.
Thank you for going downrange for us,Jonn & TSO. One of my prayers were answered anyway. Hooah.
To whom it may concern:
I, A Proud Infidel®™, hold myself and nobody else accountable for the opinions, jokes, and statements I have made here on TAH®™. I have made and posted them on my own free will (including some jokes and phrases I have “borrowed” from others) without any suggestion or coercion from anyone else.
Members of the group known here as “The Dutch Rudder Gang” have made threats to me and have accused multiple innocent parties of being me. Can they even find ONE comment I have ever made here or anywhere else that I have even remotely threatened them in any way, shape, or form? I don’t think I’ve even remotely mentioned any of them here in the past couple of weeks, let alone even thought of them myself, but here I am continuing to live rent-free in the penthouses of their minds. I truly wish all of the real people here, The Fine People of TAH®™ all the best, and barge loads of KUDOS to Jonn, TSO, MCPO NYC, and others for keeping up the fight against those dregs in the quest to do what’s right.
cc DRC
The citation you’re looking for is 47 U.S.C. § 230 of the Communications Decency Act;
No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.
It was cited to the judge and she chose to ignore the rule.
Ignored the rule?
That’s all I need to know. Thanks.
I told you that the legal system has become a joke. Now I have another example to hold up as proof.
Well, it’s not like traffic court magistrates are familiar with criminal law, or civil law, outside of the traffic code.
Sounds like solid grounds for an appeal to me, but then again IANAL. (I am not a lawyer, don’t play one on tv, and didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Exptess last night) 🙂
Incredibly disappointed you and TSO must deal with this hassle and inconvenience. I sense great happenings are just around the bend. Good things come to those who wait, greater things come to those who are willing to work for it.
Jonn Lilyea Keep up the good fight don’t back down. Chin Down head up ! ! ! ! I’m Laughing my ass off again first time in a while, this page ROCKs I had no idea there was so many Turds out here my check is in the mail next week with pic we wish we could send more my wife has a Bun in the Oven so getting ready for number 2 again thank you
(ret)SSG Kelly and family
Did you notice if the victim was driving an old Jaguar or on the city bus?
This is the URL of a former Moslem, now a convert to Christianity, publishing a video recording of ISIS executing three Kurds, with an appeal to rescue surviving Christians in Syria and Pakistan.
Commander Phil Monkress of All-Points Logistics would steal the stink out of a dead man’s fart.
And try to scalp his taint.
Since this is an Open Thread: 3/17 Commo Check! Over!
Not sure if you saw this last night SJ. http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=58817&cpage=1#comment-2500958
Thanks. I had not seen that. Hard to track the different threads.
Was/Am worried about him because I was in his Cochran’s a few years ago when my bride of 30 years passed unexpectedly and know how that can mess your mind up. Again, thanks.
Boys and girls I’m doing better by the day. I took a road trip last week and saw some of my college teammates. After that I continued on and spent a couple of days with Claw. We bullshitted for hours in his garage and solved all the worlds problems. By the way, Claw is a gourmet cook. He broke out all. The stops for me and cooked up the best beef pot pies I’ve ever had! We thought Sparks was going to show but when Claw and I said no to Ham and MFers he was a no show
I’m doing better by the day and I want you all to know I really appreciate your concern for me and your kind words.
Take care all
Steve, from our phone conversation just awhile ago, I couldn’t find any comment from you earlier in the week on any thread/post. I was very diligent and looked through every comment on all posts since last Tuesday and did not find anything.
I think maybe your comment didn’t go through the posting process for some reason.
But it was extremely good to talk to you and know things are getting better each day.
And Yes, you are that guy !!/smile
3/17, I was wrong. I did find your comment from earlier in the week.
It was posted on the Monday thread about the passing of Al Rosen.
I just didn’t go back far enough to start my search.
My bad, but welcome back, brother.
Good to hear that. Best Regards brother, Semper Fi.
Glad to hear it 3/17. You’ve been missed.
My first road trip helped me too. Glad you’re on track. I’ll dial back the “concern” knob.
Glad to hear it, 3/17. It is a tough path to follow, but you just have to keep moving forward.
Remember the good things.
Keep on keeping on, 3/17.
From another Steve.
Yesterday a guy came through my checkout without his wife but bought feminine deodorant spray, light day feminine napkins, 3 Summer’s Eve douche, tampons, perfume, Secret deodorant, some women’s special body wash and a bottle of Axe men’s soap…
I refused to sell the Axe to him and revoked his man card on the spot…
Strange happenings. But I like your response. 🙂
Had my own health scare over the last 10 days. Originally thought that I had cracked a molar and got an emergency appointment to see a dentist in the same practice on the 9th. She looked at it and had me make an appointment for the 11th with my regular dentist, to have a temporary crown put in place. no problems with the procedure on the 11th, but on the 13th, I started to have a fever, difficulty opening my mouth and swelling in my jaw. By this past Sunday, I was running a fever of 104 and in trouble, so off I go to the local ER for care – they diagnose me with sepsis and pump me full of cleomycin (top gun antibiotic) and 36 hours of inpatient care. I was pumped full with 10 liters of IV fluid during my stay and they managed to get the fever under control, so I came home Tuesday night. Dentist saw me on Wednesday to look at tooth/crown and she called the oral surgeon, who pulled it on Thursday morning, along with 3 cc’s of pus from the immediate area (about 1/2 of a tsp). I’m on oral antibiotics an steriods, and still have a smaller swollen mass in my jaw that makes eating next to impossible, since it’s blocking how my jaw opens. Dental problems, especially in us “older” ladies and gents are a real issue… what happened to me is rare, but does happen. This could have progressed to the point that the infections could have caused endocarditis, affected my liver, kidneys or brain, or even killed me. Bad dental care has done in plenty of famous and not so famous people over the ages. I also saw for the first time in my life that my life does have an end point, and it hit home with me. I’m not the “indestructible” young man of my youth, but a man that has passed the half-century mark in his life and still wants to be active and there for his friends and family for years to come. I… Read more »
See the hygienist twice a year. It’s a modest expense and the hygienist can see things you don’t.
Yikes! Didn’t know a dental problem could lead to a life-or-death situation as you describe. Personally I take pretty good care of my teeth, get the checkups, etc. What can I tell ya? I’m vain, and want ’em to look good. 🙂 Plus I don’t ever want dentures.
In any case, I hope that jaw thing resolves soon, and that you’ll be just fine again.
Came down sick before Christmas, a sinus infection that despite repeated rounds of clendomyacin wouldn’t go away. Two months later an ENT said “I think you have an abscess” – per the doc who did the root canal I had a “volcano of pus” in my mouth, but the next day I woke up feeling like a new man. Normal dental X-rays will not see an abscess ‘way high on the root – but they will poison you and make you sick as a dog.
I cannot believe the level of bullshit that you take over calling out bullshiters.
That’s what amazes me too. Some of these f***ers are proven to be military/SV phonies, yet instead of apologizing or keeping a low profile, they go into serious attack mode against those who expose their fakery. As if Jonn and company are the bad guys!!!
Seems like it’s only a few that do this, but they have proven to be very disturbed individuals.
And we all know who they are.
Here’s the URL of a VERY interesting military history item that I just now learned about at the FREE NORTH CAROLINA web site:
I have read that story many times…fascinating! Would have liked to bought Mr Thorne a beer or seven and listened to his stories…
My father (late of the 505 PIR) was Larry Thorne’s team sergeant in the 77th SFG back in 1954-55 or so; later, he was in RVN when Thorne’s helo went down in 1965. Said they all expected him to walk out of the jungle — it was impossible for him to be “dead.” He was happy to hear they found his remains in 1999.
The article mentions that Thorne was awarded the Finnish Mannerheim Cross — the equivalent to our Medal of Honor — but it neglected to mention he also was presented the German Iron Cross 2nd Class.
I never got to meet CPT Thorne, but I did meet his former Finnish battalion commander (then major) Aito Keravuori, who also was a LTC in 1968 and the SF-Training Group XO. LTC Keravuori was promoted to full colonel during his retirement ceremony. My dad (commissioned in 1957) was the S-4 under Keravuori and jumped with him on LTC K’s last parachute jump.
A good time was had by all.
Sorry have not been around. Hospitals and meds have had me busy. Not dead yet!
Join the club, Master Chief.
I’m doped up every night, and will drive to Salt Lake tomorrow for a scheduled doctor’s appointment that I’ve been waiting over three (03) months for.
Plus, I’ve long since exhausted my supply of a CRITICAL (!) prescription heart medicine, which I can’t buy at the local Wal-Mart pharmacy, because it costs over a thousand dollars.
Mox nix.
Life is fun.
Hey, you get well, okay?
Will take advantage of the waning hours of this weekend to vent about something which angers me, and has for some time. And makes me very sad. Then angry again.
What is the deal with all the ads for lawyers and assorted organizations which will help get benefits or other assistance for vets, old people and others? They are invariably for services we taxpayers have already paid people to provide. But that isn’t enough? We are also supposed to pay an attorney to secure those benefits when we need them or be guilted into giving to some group to provide what the VA is not providing?
It’s terribly sad that there is a need so great, and lucrative, that it justifies the purchase of expensive national advertising to find clients for these services. Thousands of bureaucrats have already been paid to do that, haven’t they?
Seems like everyone except those who are supposed to be receiving benefits are making out like champs.
I’m with you. It gives me a big case of the red ass when I seen all the TV appeals to donate to Veteran’s charities. If this situation is so dire that private charities need to pick up the slack, then Congress needs to be shamed.
Worse yet, are the charities that carry a huge administrative burden, pay their exec’s exorbitant salaries and spend more time building up a massive endowment than taking care of Vets.
The Fisher House gets all my extra money.
I currently have a legal firm in Florida representing me.
Telephone: 1-888-573-7838
My brother recommended them to me.
It took a few years, but they finally succeeded in getting him his hundred percent service connected compensation.
As for me, I really haven’t seen any progress in my own attempt to increase my service connected compensation from a mere ten percent, which it presently is, to a hundred percent, or whatever.
Spent the weekend traveling to and fro my parents’ house. Needed to check on the progression of her ALS. Not good, but it could be a lot worse. Two issues of primary concern are communications, in the event my Dad becomes incapacitated during one of those few times she’s not in her little command center. The other is the apparent lack of concern the closest sibling (less than 1 mile) has with their wellbeing. That was actually easier than the first. Had a little CTJ meeting with my sister and told her what is expected of her. After that, my brother and I will take point. We both live 10 hours away.
As for communications, if anybody needs to mount an iPad, or similar, to a motorized wheelchair, I can tell you a few different ways. The factory wants over $700. I can get a superior product for less than $200. Using some of the same parts the factory uses.
Good job making the time and effort to look out for your parents. I know what you mean about having an unconcerned sibling. When my dad had terminal cancer (mom had died 3 months before) and needed assistance, I had 3 sisters living in the general vicinity. Only one would spend part of the day and all night at dad’s house, helping him out. The 2 other sisters did little to nothing. So once my good sister was getting burned out trying to keep up with our dad and her job as a detox nurse, I actually had to take a leave of absence from my job here in Wisconsin, and go back and stay with dad and help him 24/7.
I hope your sister gets her head out of her ass, and that your parents will manage and stay strong. Best wishes to your mom.
Courage Seadog. Your love will be rewarded.
Do what you can while you can, Seadog. Living later without regret is some comfort.
If you haven’t already, do consider checking with Hospice. There is likely a good group either where they are, or near you that can give you some guidance. You can get started here: http://hospicefoundation.org/
Yes, we have used them several times within my family and found them to be a valuable resource.
Seadog -you can cut your cost in half – the Charis iPad mount goes for $122 at WalMart, the Therafin Tech for $130 (did a quick search for ‘mount iPad on wheelchair’) – hope that helps
And in the latest news about the House of York and the end of the Wars of the Roses, Richard III of York is being reinterred after a procession ending with a 21-gun salute, at Leiceser Cathedral near Bosworth, where he fell in battle. He was the last English king to die on the battlefield.
While Shakespeare made him out to be a murdering thug and a villain, it was mostly PR for the Tudors.
Thank you for your well wishes. It’s kind of ironic when the son has to counsel the father on what to expect. I’ve already been through this experience. I lost my first wife to cancer at the tender age of 40. So, I’m
Familiar with what happens…
Stupid iPhone…
Lesser men would have caved in by now. Thanks for staying in the fight. I donated to your legal defense fund, it’s the least I could do.
Here are two pieces of news that should be pleasant to hear:
MSNBC’s ratings are so low that it is in danger of going under.
Sean Penn’s movie ‘Gunman’ completely flopped, while ‘Insurgent’ topped the box office.
I would have liked to be in the gallery during these court proceedings…would have definitely been interesting!