Those poor deserters
New York Magazine decided that they needed to do a piece on those brave Americans that absconded to Canada instead of fulfilling their commitment to the country of their births – the deserters. But, they really should have done their homework. Take for example, Kimberly Rivera;
Kim Rivera, was deported from Canada in 2012. Rivera completed a tour in 2006 as a driver with the Fourth Infantry Brigade Combat Team, but she came to believe the long-term occupation of Iraq was excessive and immoral. In 2007, she left her post in Texas and moved to Toronto with her husband and their two children. Over the next five years, they had two more children and Rivera became pregnant with another. At her court-martial, Rivera’s supporters included Amnesty International, the archbishop Desmond Tutu, and several veterans organizations, but she lost the case and was sentenced to 14 months in military prison.
Kimberly Rivera didn’t complete her tour of Iraq – she absconded during her mid-tour leave. you know when the Army let her go back for a few weeks half way through her deployment. The Army was rewarded by her disappearance. I’m sure that she wasn’t missed given witness accounts of her “service”. She claimed some altruistic anti-war reason for not returning to duty, but she told Marie Claire magazine that she didn’t return because he fat, lazy husband was tired of taking care of their children alone. You know, even though he convinced her to join the Army in the first place while they were living in her parents’ basement and working at Walmart.
They talk to Andre Sheperd who deserted from his Apache repair job in Germany before they deployed his second time. He claimed that it was because he couldn’t stand the thought of the damage that his work was doing to the Iraqis, even though during his first deployment, they put him in charge of their recreational equipment because as a mechanic he wasn’t competent enough at his job fixing Apache helicopters. Folks who knew Sheperd before he joined the Army told us that he had stolen money from friends and was living in his car – so that’s how he paid the Army back for lifting him out of poverty.
In the NY Mag article, they talk to Corey Glass, who left Canada ahead of his forced deportation. Corey Glass isn’t even wanted by the United States. TSO wrote about him in 2008. We even checked with the Pentagon (when they liked us still) and they said that Glass isn’t wanted by authorities. That he had absconded to Canada after the date of his enlistment ended. But, he’s on the run in Europe now;
He spent his days behind a desk, writing reports on field intelligence. Except for the occasional mortar round dropping into camp, he saw little action. The trouble for Glass was what he saw in the field reports delivered to his desk. His job was to read the contents and rewrite them into a coherent narrative for commanders to skim. Instead, he found himself questioning the reports themselves. Like other U.S. deserters, Glass has been careful not to reveal the operational details of what troubled him, but over time, he became convinced that U.S. troops had committed war crimes.
Yeah, so when he came back, he went to Canada and made himself the poster child of deserters, even though he didn’t really desert.
And there’s rocket scientist Dean Walcott who was ordered to leave Canada and instead he imprisoned himself in a Canadian church demanding sanctuary – he hasn’t been able to leave the church grounds since he entered it five years ago.
So, you can see that we’ve lost our best & brightest to Canada. And they can keep them, too.
Category: Shitbags
Was glad to see Mike Bills hold Rivera accountable at Ft. Carson rather than let her skate like so many bleeding hearts were pleading for him to do.
Cream of the Crop!, Edge of the Sword! what a bunch of turds! I guess Rivera found it to morally reprehensible to perform her duties supporting the 4th BCT that she had to flee to Canada to escape the horrors that she witnessed as a truck driver, fuckin please! If you were scared you shoulda just said you were scared, rather than hide behind some ludacris fucking excuse about immoral occupation. Andre Shepherd you’re so fucked up you couldn’t even do the job you were trained to do so your command put you in charge of polishing basketballs at least that way no one would run the risk of death or injury when you fucked that task up as well. Corey Glass, what can I say, some people fall into barrels of shit, but you dive in head first, what a pathetic excuse from someone wanting to be the center of attention. I bet you probably filed several sexual harassment claims while you were in service huh? Whats the matter did you read one to many field reports about Insurgents stump pumping some poor camel or donkey? Fuckin pussy!
We used to have a ritual before headin’ out. When one of the guys would present a what if scenario we would reply with “Hey if yor scared just say your scared, we’ll still laugh, but we will watch your back.
Mayhem, tell us how you really feel. 🙂 Lol.
Seriously. Really? Those were their excuses? Asshats, glad they aren’t in my army any longer.
Ex-344MP, LOL, Too over the top? Cuz I was actually going for “mildly irritated” I think I need to recalibrate the ol’ “Rage-O-Meter” again.
You hit it out of the park, Mayhem. Well done, sir.
Fine job, Mayhem, if I do say so.
Not one point missed, everything was pertinent to the subjects, coherent and well-written.
You get the double fudge sundae with extra whipped cream and two cherries. Sorry, I have no nuts, crushed or otherwise.
“And they can keep them, too.”
Would you REALLY want to inflict these social rejects on our friends and neighbors to the North? Other than loosing Celine Dion (shudder) on an unsuspecting world, I don’t think Canada deserves our loser deserters inflicted on them.
Well, Canada started it when they took in the draft dodgers during the Viet Nam war. I served with a couple of guys from Canada back then, so maybe we got the best out of that deal. Still, I wish Carter had let them all rot up there instead of granting them amnesty.
B Woodman…They also sent us…Justin Bieber. (talk about making me shudder just having his mug pass in my mind) If they keep that shit up, they’re playing with their friends status.
They also sent us Tom Green. Not feeling too forgiving about that one.
“Would you REALLY want to inflict these social rejects on our friends and neighbors to the North? Other than loosing Celine Dion (shudder) on an unsuspecting world, I don’t think Canada deserves our loser deserters inflicted on them.”
Bryan Adams.
Guys, please – remember to post a “NSFW” warning when apropos. Don’t want to get anyone in trouble at work via accident.
Ok, ok, ok! I surrender. Ya got me, good. Let the Kanucks keep the deserters.
In my defense, it was oh-dark-too-damned-early when I wrote that, and I hadn’t yet had even my first cup of caffeine stimulant.
Amnesty? A pardon? Supervised probation with use of only crayons for writing?
Remember, Canada is responsible for Justin Bieber. Our deserters are the least we can do to repay them for that.
Canada can keep them all. Can we ship Justin Bieber back to keep them entertained?
Don’t forget about Jim Carrey. For all Americans are crazy gun nuts
And stay gone. Worthless assholes.
To this day, I am still torqued off to no end at Carter’s decision to pardon the draft dodgers. And doubly torqued that they came back as HEROES!
Why don’t our deserters go to Mexico? No snow and lower cost of living…
Because in Mexico they would be illegal aliens and treated very harshly by the Mexican government.
Mexico couldn’t/can’t even support Mexicans. Canada has British-style socialized everything. You didn’t want those ‘martyrs for the cause’ to live in deprivation, did you?
I wonder if NY Magazine has no problem with writers who violate their contracts?
You sign on the line like the rest of us and then you serve to the best of your ability like the rest of us or you face the consequences. None of this is really that complicated. Just because somebody’s mom didn’t understand that driving a truck in a war zone could be unpleasant and dangerous doesn’t excuse desertion in wartime.
I don’t want to see families destroyed and young mom’s put in jail, but the reality is the actions of deserters place others in the position of having to cover for the missing person’s task hours those others can be killed or injured and their families ruined so there should be a high penalty for leaving your comrades behind when you run.
14 months and a BCD are hardly the worst outcome for desertion. Time to shut up about it and do the time for your crimes…explain to your kids you did something wrong and you have to accept responsibility for your actions. End of story and move on with your life.
None of us can change the past nor can we change actions we regret, but we can choose how to live from this day forward. We can choose to become better than we were yesterday and move forward or we can cry about life being unfair and stay stagnant. Sadly it’s obvious that many of these deserters will be the stagnant pools of despair they’ve always been contributing nothing and learning nothing. More’s the pity.
VoV – well stated. Seems like everyone just looks at the poor widdle deserter and their sniffly red noses instead of the good folks who have to pick up their slack (yeah, you, Bergdahl!)
My father-in-law was a true dyed-in-the-wool yellow-dog Democrat who would have voted for Satan if he ran against a Republican… and yet even he abstained from the ’80 elections due to Carter’s amnesty.
Veritas Omnia Vincit…I don’t want to make this issue of deserters an issue of women in the military. It is obvious male deserters vastly outnumber females by simple reason of the short time women have been allowed in more jobs in combat areas aside from the roles I saw in Vietnam. My beef is this. Women, not all but many, fought, screamed and stomped to be allowed in ALL military job functions, regardless. Spouting a willingness to take the risks upon themselves and deal with the consequences. So it chaps my butt like sand paper and chili powder when a woman who find they she longer wants to fulfill her sworn commitment and desert, then puts on the sympathy play for “womanhood, motherhood, the feminine difference” and so forth in an effort to support her decision to simple…be a deserter of the U.S. Armed Forces in and from a time of war. This is from reading a bit more of Kimberly Rivera. I am not broad brushing even all women who desert. I just think it takes a hell of a lot of cheek to come to hearings for deportation with her kids and her dependapotomus.
You’re pissed off, Sparks? I’m pissed off that, if I had had even ONE kid when I was in the Navy, I’d have lost my job for doing something normal.
But this cow not only keeps her job, she has FIVE rugrats, and then walks off the job.
That pisses me off big time.
I don’t disagree with you at all Sparks, the ladies here all did their jobs. I’ve no sympathy for these people.
The point I was trying to make it that I am not a fan of imprisoning moms but I didn’t run away from my duty either so if prison is the result of running away it’s not our fault she’s getting locked up. It is one hundred percent her own fault.
Sorry if that didn’t come out as clear as I had hoped.
Surprised these turds have not linked up with IVAW and WWP.
I wonder how many of these assclowns leave and buddy fucked someone into having to fill there spot? How many of those people were killed or wounded in country?
No sympathy from me when you do a Blue Falcon and the guy or gal who had to step in paid a price for doing it…
Good grief, what a whiny bunch of snowflakes. If you haven’t figured out at your age that joining the military means you might get sent somewhere bad, you are a special kind of stupid that should be isolated from the rest of us.
Lil Willie Hylton, the writer of this pap and similar stories, has a thing for deserters. He cites to some UN shit about there being no duty owed to serve in certain illegal wars. That’s nice. All those who care, raise your hand. (Waiting…waiting…waiting. Time!) I see none. As for Canadia, yeah, it’s welcome to keep our deserters. Good post and comments.
As an ex airborne veteran I find it abhorring we give these phonies shelter.I served in somalia and Bosnia unfortunately as a blue beret with the UN.Our unit was disbanded as we plugged a couple of skinnies coming through the wire.check Canadian airborne somalia incident,I was with 2 commando PPCLI.
Whoa! I thought plugging the adversary was a BIG no no in the UN “military” world! You’re lucky you’re not in prison!
/sarc off
During MY war, the war in the old Republic of Viet Nam, deserters went to Sweden, not Canada.
Canada was for draft dodgers, not deserters.
It was an international political thing.
Canada provided safe haven for draft dodgers, while Sweden refused to extradite Army deserters.
Just think – – – , if it wasn’t for those guys avoiding the draft, and those guys deserting the ranks, I’d never have been allowed to serve as a soldier in the United States Army, because my draft board had me listed as IV-F or I-Y (I can’t remember which), i.e., “Unfit for Military Service”, or, “Only in National Emergency”.
THANK YOU, you draft dodgers and Army deserters!
You give guys like me a second chance at a “normal” life.
I believe Sylvester Stallone was a soccer couch in Sweden during Vietnam. Something were supposed to forget about.
@ SAPPER 3307:
If I remember correctly, Sylvester Stallone was coach of the soccer team at a private girl’s school in Switzerland.
I reckon his acting career hadn’t quite taken off, so he needed the income.
But, you are correct.
That was how he avoided military service when our country was at war.
Regarding these “fine individuals”, I refer them to the words of that immortal philosopher, Red Foxx:
“Basta. All of ya.”
Leave it to the snotnosed Care Bear-hugging candyassed Sparkle Ponies on the left to care far more about the US Military’s “Ash & Trash” along with the welfare of illegal aliens while ignoring the needs of those of us who volunteered and served over there honorably. I couldn’t give two hoots of a ratshit fuck about those wussnoramuses that ran off!
I’m thinking Corey Glass must’ve been a stellar soldier.
Just think in the middle of stop loss, the Army told Glass, “No you’re good, you get to ETS. Stop loss? No that’s cool, we don’t need you.”
I earnestly hope and pray that a group of Canadian vets who had served in Afghanistan run across one of our deserters in a back alley somewhere in Toronto and proceed to beat the shit out of him and then throw his worthless ass back across the border…
I never thought I would read about ‘stolen dishonor’, but there we go!