A Photographic Essay on “Global Warming”
By a UK paper, of course. Worth a look IMO.
Oh, and you know that nearly 20 year pause in global warming we keep hearing about? Wanna guess how long solar activity (as measured by the periodic sunspot cycle) has been observed to be in decline?
If you guessed “at least 17 years” – pat yourself on the back.
But cheer up – the forecast for the next 11-year sunspot cycle soon to begin is for a continued decline. That means it could get even cooler.
Category: Global Warming
In other words…stock up on boots and woolen caps; we are gonna need them.
Cue John Ringo: http://www.baenebooks.com/p-770-the-last-centurion.aspx.
Great book!
Greatest book ever!
We are . . . The Last Centurions!
Yeah, sunspots are definitely becoming more and more erratic and smaller.
Here’s a link to the daily images. Today’s image appears to have teensey weensies and nothing following them.
You can access the list of available sunspot images at the link below the current image.
Oh, yeah – make sure you get good shovels, and the handyman guy suggests putting Stabilo in the snowblower gas tank in this weather. Ace Hardware might be having a sale on snowblowers now that they’ve got garden seeds in the stores. Might be a good idea to inventory what’s in the freezer chest, too.
There are some sunspots cresting over the edge, just as those other ones are leaving the earth facing side of the sun.
The newcomers are smaller than the ones that could be seen though.
We could be at the end of solar maximum, or nearing its end. Also, the ocean heat intensity in the western and central Pacific isn’t as strong as it has been in the past few months.
This is a sign that the current El Niño is in its final phases… just in time for solar maximum to be in its final phase.
Know what this means folks? 😯
It means that conditions are favoring colder and colder winters that are more brutal for the following winters… So far, the sun is following a track that indicates that we’re in for a prolonged solar minimum, one that’ll match either the Dalton or Maunder Minimums.
Near the end of this 2013 video about solar cycles, the narrator says ‘we really don’t know what the sun is going to do’. Ooops.
The video attached to this article is in regard to the 2014 mini-max, one of the weakest solar maxes on record.
I think they are floundering because it’s 2015 and they still aren’t sure what is going on, despite the centuries of historical data they have available to them.
I’m curious to find out if this spring is going to be as late as 2014’s spring weather was. If I have to feed more starving grackles. cowbirds and redwings, I need to get more bird food for my guests.
Yippie … More polar bear meat to BBQ!
Master Chief…Now I can get more use out of my baby seal club. 😀
Time for me stock up on antifreeze for my body’s circulatory system!! Anyone know the difference between a baby seal and a fur pelt?
Yes. Fur pelts come from hippies.
The most recent spotless solar cycle began in October 2008 and lasted until March 2010. No sunspots, period.
It appears that there is the possibility of a repeat of that. In fact, two recent solar cycles have had double highs, not single peak periods, and now the cycle appears to be tapering off again.
And they still can’t figure out why warm Pacific air is pushing the jet stream out of its usual pattern. Did they fail to take into account the movement of the recessional tilt? It appears that way to me.
The ice extent over the Great Lakes in total this year is at 82.3 percent, rivaling last year’s coverage and nearing the all-time record of 94.7 percent.
Records being broken go back to the early 1900s and 1800s.
I heard today that Lake Erie is so frozen, all the crack and meth producers are using bottled water just to keep up with production demands in the Cleveland metro area.
I’ve heard that peoples’ winter allergies have gotten so bad, meth dealers have been caught turning their product back into Sudafed!
Now that is a good and well written joke!
FWIW: Lake Erie’s ice cover is 94%, with colder weather on the way.
The last time Erie froze over completely was 1996.
I heard it’s so cold the Nautilus got lost and surfaced in the middle of Lake Michigan instead of at the North Pole.
Funny what election happened a month later….
So is global warming over? Now it’s global cooling? I get it, if you can’t figure it out its Global Change. My niece, who actually is a very nice young lady attending the university of Fairbanks believes in this global non-sense with all hear heart and soul. I tell her that a mind is a terrible thing to waste studying the crap science of global whatever your calling it now. These professors receiving the big dollars for research studying anything they can to convince politicians of the doom and gloom of mankind seem to get the most money. Then again the sex habits of bacteria is really important too. Right! Can you say wasted tax dollars, professional scam artist. I call them Professors with PhDs in BullShit. Same as SV’s cons!
Have you noticed that the ‘global’ change thing changes with the weather report?
If it snows in DC or New York, then it’s like the chicken little story. The sky is falling….. The sky is falling…… There storms are of course worse than anyone else’s., And causes mass hysteria because the plows push all the snow on the cars parked in the street, cause no one has a garage. Then the TV crews film all these dumb asses trying to dig their cars out, and talk about how all the cars are buried. But, the streets are safer cause the VP…uncle Joe Biden can’t get out an offend anyone.
I hereby announce My latest campaign to let people know it’s past time to STOP GLOBAL WHINING! Anyone wanna join?
It’s going to be minus five degrees here in Central Virginia tomorrow night. Could someone please get Al Gore on the horn and order up some global warming STAT!
Somewhere on the interwebs I saw a T-shirt that said “Global Warming: It’s the Sun, Stupid!”. Wish I had bought it. Talking to a global whining zealot is worse than talking to someone about religion.
Here’s where I stole the idea for my campaign from:
I saw a t-shirt that said” I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful welcome home”. (Vietnam Veteran Logo) A picture of a fist with the center finger turned up! Now that’s funny shit on some of those t-shirts.
‘Talking to a global whining zealot is worse than talking to someone about religion.’
Yes, but some people are not happy unless they have something to complain about. They’d grouse if they were hung with a brand new rope.