Holder claims lack of new gun laws is his ‘single failure’
McClatchy reports that outgoing (not fast enough) Attorney General Eric Holder told MSNBC that he considers the fact that he couldn’t write new gun laws his “single failure” in that office;
In the interview, Holder was asked if the United States was “a nation of cowards” when it comes to guns, a reference to a statement he made in 2009 that the U.S. was a nation of cowards when it came to discussing race relations.
“I don’t think we are a nation of cowards. But I think that members of Congress need to have a little more backbone and stand up to what is a distinct minority even within, for instance, the NRA, and do the kinds of reasonable things that the American people simply want to have happen,” he said.
Well, the gun grabbers didn’t make their case to the American people that more gun control would have an impact on gun violence. They tried to use the school shooting in New Town as an excuse to write more gun laws but the shooter there had broke several existing laws to commit that crime. ANd they haven’t learned their lesson;
A group of Democrats led by Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., and members of the Connecticut delegation introduced a bill last week Thursday to limit high-capacity magazines but said its passage would depend on a major public movement behind further gun control measures that has not happened.
Their problem is that they’re unable to accept that there are sufficient gun laws in this country, but those laws need more enforcement. It doesn’t help that Holder and the guys are aiding criminals in their endeavor to send more illegal guns to Mexico, essentially framing legal gun owners and dealers in this country for this administration’s own crimes. I’d call that a failure, too, Mr. Holder.
Democrats trying to regulate legal gun ownership in this country had a hand in the defeat of Democrats in the last midterm election. The Democrats should show a backbone and admit to the American public that more gun laws won’t solve the gun violence problem in this country, that we need to start blaming criminals instead of blaming the 6 million members of the NRA.
Category: Politics
Laws are for law-abiding people.
Unless you have a Holder Exemption, then they’re not.
Gun owners are not eligible for a Holder Exemption.
What could be simpler?
Habanero juice
Rectal region
Vigorous cyclic motion
Replace “cactus” with “pineapple”. More readily available. At least in the sizes I’m contemplating.
If you perform this action at the Brian A. Terry station and perform said action in a fast & furious manner, I can guarantee a large and attentive audience and all the cactus you need.
I’m more akin to a bareback ride at the end of a rope through the Chollas for these assholes…
Following that, a good rubdown with some of our favorite bourbon to the scratches left by the wonder of God’s sense of humor plants the ever famous Chollas !!!
His “single” failure? I would have thought that not getting that cop from Ferguson strung up on federal charges would have been one in his opinion. Didn’t he promise charges and justice? And “Fast & Furious” was a failure, unless you count the stone walling of congress.
Fast & Furious was the first thing to come to my mind too!
The question I enjoy asking snotnosed sniveling anti-gun do-gooders is “If Gun Control Laws are the panacea for violent crime you say they are, then why are places like Chicago, LA, NJ, and Mexico such high-crime hellholes?” All I get in return is either silence or more drivel, liberals are such myrmidons!
Don’t be modest, Eric. You’ve had lots of failures!
I kinda have a little problem with the AG of the U.S. thinking it is his duty to “write law.” regards, Alemaster
Agree 100%. Isn’t the AG’s job ENFORCING the laws not writting them?
THAT is what he failed at – enforcing the laws already on the books.
Apparently anyone in this administration can make laws, because the U.S. Constitution is a “flexible” document, according to the “Communist in Chief”.
I cry for my country!!
Yep. He is the nation’s chief law enforcer. Says so right there on the DOJ website, even today. Funny thing that: there is no mention of the Attorney General of the United States being empowered to enforce only those laws that he wants to enforce. And there was that little matter of the idiot in the White House taking it upon himself to declare a laws constitutional and Holder’s marching in goose step behind him.
I’m quite sure the families of Brian A. Terry would beg to differ, Mr. Holder.
We should just make it illegal to break the law. That will stop all those criminals.
Eric Holder IS a failure! He never once did his job from day one. All that douche has ever done is grandstand and abuse the power of his office.
An individual with such poor knowledge of the Constitution that he thinks he can write or influence the writing of laws as Attorney General is unfit for the office. And his selective enforcement of laws that he likes and disregard of the ones he doesn’t constitutes willful dereliction of his duties, regardless of what the guy in the Oval Office says.
A final point: the Constitution is not flexible. Amendable, yes. Flexible, no. This nation was founded on many principles, but foremost of all of them is the Rule of Law. The Founding Fathers fought our War of Independence against a corrupt British government that casually violated British laws and trampled its citizens’ rights wherever convenient. When called on it, Parlaiment invoked the idea of “legal flexibility” as justification. This idea, whether advanced by the Obama Administration or Parlaiment under King George III, is defined as “The law says what we say it says.” In other words, tyranny.
Fuck you, Eric Holder. Fuck off and die.
Wow, is more words than I was going to say. My first thought was “can you name ANY successes in your term?” I can’t think of a single thing that he accomplished that actually made the country safer.
And don’t forget his past….
This is his “public” opinion. His “personal” opinion is not putting all white people either in subservient positions below black people, or in prison because in his mind all white people, “Day Rayciss!”
You could also add allowing the black panthers to commit voter intimidation and polling on the steps of poll sites; fast n’ furious; not enforcing charges against himself of Contempt of Congress (Though this was a charge against one of King Barry’s chosen few); not charging anyone in the IRS scandal with anything; no charges in the NSA scandal; no charges against anyone in the VA even after vets died due to lack of care….
And I just realized I couldn’t list all the things he’s failed at here because this blog isn’t big enough.
The last thing that guy does at the end of the day before he goes to bed is fail, which is also the first thing he does at the beginning of the day before he even gets out of bed.
The problem with ideologues such as Holder is that what most of us would consider failures (F&F et al) are in their eyes their greatest successes. Oh, they may not like the minor annoyance of a bit of negative attention but in the greater scheme of things, no one has been held accountable for any of the things he and the rest of them have done to move us closer to national chaos. This is the most divisive administration in history. They had the opportunity to fix some important things, heal some very important wounds, but their personal agendas were much more important to them.
THIS!!! So much this!!!
So the reason why we are a Republic. And not a democracy or a socialist or for that matter a commie state… Lol…
so anytime a majority may come in to power as not to WALK ALL F;$&ING OVER THE MANORITY WTF WTF WTF Is wrong with these clowns ! ! ! !