Grand Haven Coast Guard Station “act of domestic terrorism”

| February 8, 2015

O4E sends us a link to the story of an incident at the Grand Haven Coast Guard Station in Michigan where a rambunctious fellow crashed his vehicle into gate at the facility and confronted the guards there. The local police are calling it “an act of domestic terrorism”;

Hawke said the suspect assaulted Coast Guard personnel and made a threat of an explosive device in the truck he used to crash into the gate. The suspect since has been detained and currently is being questioned by law enforcement officials.

Michigan State Police bomb techs remain on the scene at the Grand Haven Coast Guard Station to determine the validity of the suspect’s threats of explosives.

Hawke said the department is unclear if the suspect, whose name and information have not been released, was acting alone or if others are involved. The investigation reportedly is “rapidly expanding into other areas of Michigan,”

However, Hawke said the suspect is not a resident of Grand Haven.

The latest news is that there was no bomb in the truck but that the feds are investigating;

“The FBI Detroit Field Office, FBI Grand Rapids Resident Agency and the Joint Terrorism Task Force are fully engaged with federal, state and local law enforcement authorities regarding the incident which took place this morning at the U.S. Coast Guard Grand Haven Sector Field Office.

“The suspect was taken into custody by police officers with the Grand Haven Department of Public Safety. The scene has been cleared, no explosive devices were found, and the investigation has not revealed a link to terrorism. The FBI, in concert with its law enforcement partners, will continue to take all logical investigative steps with regard to this incident.”

I’m guessing that, because they called it terrorism so quickly, it has nothing to do with Islamic extremism, or whatever it is they’re calling that today.

Category: Terror War

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Why isn’t Brian Williams on scene reporting about this? “There I was, standing next to the gate as the truck bomber hurtled towards me…”


Gee…I wonder why they are not reporting Achmed’s name?

CC Senor

Could be some of the militia types. Michigan has always had their share of them running around. Seem to recall one of them connected to Timothy McVey.

CC Senor
Old Trooper

That’s why they’re so quick to call it domestic terrorism, because it’s a white boy and might have had a 3rd cousin twice removed that read a pamphlet written by a militia member. If it was a jihadi type, you wouldn’t hear a peep about it being terrorism, domestic or otherwise.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure the media lackeys are doing their damnedest to spin this into saying it was some “Crazed Right-Wing terrorist” or something like that.


Don’t forget “veteran with PTSD.”


BREAKING NEWS – Briam Williams reporting from Grand Haven Coast Guard Station:

“With a cold wind blowing from the northwest, today this reporter was witness to a most dangerous scene, as RPG’s passed within inches of my head and the smell of decaying bodies floating face down just past where I stood, an individual crashed the main gate of Grand Haven Coast Guard Station. A crazy Veteran or a bullied Muslim youth, this reporter suspects regardless of any assertion by law enforcement … the subject probably had a legitimate reason.”


Please look up the Grand Haven Coast Guard Station using Google Earth then look at the street view. Go to 601 south harbor drive, grand haven, MI. The gate is a little east of the main building. When looking at the main building entrance, that would be to the right. If you use the street view and click about 30 feet from your apparent point of view, you get roughly one frame for each mouse click.

If you are thinking about an attended gate like JAX or Bragg or Quantico or Riley or Whiteman or FE Warren or hundreds of others, you may be disappointed. This one has a Prox card reader.

Here is another link.

Although he knocked down the gate, it appears that our domestic terrorists was worried about hurting his truck. As I understand it, most VBIED drivers are not particularly worried about their ride so, in my opinion, “Ho hum”.

Club Manager

Wonder how much adult beverage was involved. While I suspect there may have been an enlisted duty officer. From the looks of the buoys in a news photo, the station probably supports a buoy tender, maybe a small SAR craft. I suspect those who responded from inside were not “guards” as reported but some Coasties in more of a WTF mode having had their TV viewing and game playing interrupted.


Wow, and Grand Haven is Coast Guard City, USA no less. They love the Coast Guard there. The Coast Guard Cutter Escanaba was based in the city until the Second World War. After it was sunk by a U-boat, the citizens of Grand Haven raised more than $1,000,000 in bonds to build a replacement cutter bearing the same name; several pieces of wreckage remain displayed on the city’s waterfront. Big festival for the Coast Guard there every summer.


Old Trooper is probably spot on. Some angry fucking Bubba who got a BUI or was boarded one too many times might be the case too.

The Other Whitey

My first impression is a cocktail of 5150, asshole, stupid, and possibly a liquid courage chaser. We’ll see how it pans out.