Monday morning feel good story
Amy sends us our feel good story for today, this time it happened in Houston;
Two suspects broke into a pickup truck in the subdivision off of Veterans Memorial and Fallbrook, according to Harris County Sheriff’s deputies.
The truck’s alarm went off and alerted the owner inside the home. One of the suspects took off in the truck and one in a tan Chevy Suburban.
The owner and his brother then followed the vehicles, both carrying guns with them.
One of them has a concealed hand gun license, according to deputies. The brothers claim the suspects also had guns at the time.
The brothers apparently shot at the suspects, causing the driver in the pickup truck to lose control and crash onto the side of the road. Deputies say the brothers stopped in front of the vehicle and fired several more shots at West Road near North Freeway.
The suspect in the pickup truck was shot in the head and died at the scene.
I think the prosecutor is going to be busy trying to sort this one out.
Category: Feel Good Stories
Yeah, the prosecutor is going to have a headache by the time he gets done with this one. The way it’s described in the story, it sounds like murder, to me, but that’s just my take on it.
Yeah, this looks like a pain in the ass for any prosecutor if it’s like as written in the article, I wonder if there was a weapon in the stolen truck after all?
Old Trooper…We’re singin’ off the same sheet. I say the prosecutor is going to bring manslaughter chargers in one degree or another. Too many opportunities to leave the situation to the police and they can’t really say their lives were in danger except at their own making, if then.
It definitely doesn’t sound like self defense, or even defense of property–hell the brothers were shooting at the stolen truck. Glad one thief learned a final lesson, and I hope to other is caught, but it seems like the brothers were a bit trigger happy given the situation. Murder? I don’t know, but this series of events seems to point towards vigilantism and retribution .
This article has piqued my interest; if the brothers arent charged then it seems like a win for gun owners. Yet, speeding through the streets and firing from a moving vehicle should never be encouraged.
I wonder if the keys were in the truck or if it had a modified ignition (ie push button). Few, if any, modern vehicles can be simply hot wired (though I found out how easily and quickly an ignition cylinder can be replaced on a GMT800 when I replaced mine).
Guess we’ll find out more later. I wouldn’t be surprised if the thieves and the brothers were acquainted in some way.
More pics here:
And a bit more info here:
Just goes to show you “Don’t mess with a guy’s truck in Texas!”
If you read the Chronicle article, the bothers claim one of the folks in the second vehicle pointed a gun at them. Hardly sounds like murder. Plus in Texas there are circumstances under which defending your property with lethal force is justified. Given the overall situation, I would doubt they will be charged.
Make sure that your’s is the only story told.
when you get down to it, any man ANY MAN has the right to kill an S.O.B. that steals from him…PERIOD!
In principal I agree.
In fact, no he can’t.
Property is not life. Every man has the right to protect his own life, or the life of another from imminent harm. But if there is no imminent harm, as in this case, then there is no viable self-defense. These men chased down the thieves carrying the instruments they were planning to use on them. This is evidence of premeditation (Murder in the 1st Degree). They stopped the stolen vehicle and fired into it. I saw no mention of the suspect firing at them, and the argument could be made that if he had, he was firing in self-defense (believe it or not).
No, I’m sorry to say that what these men engaged in was vigilante justice.
It looks like TX has a law that permits defense of property stolen during hours of darkness:
I have family in TX, and especially if the brothers aren’t indicted I’ve got to say their laws should attract the attention of any law abiding gun owner.