Perhaps “the biggest science scandal ever”

| February 9, 2015

Provided with only brief comments.

1. Read the article (the quote in the title is from the article’s title). If you’ve been following the issue closely, it will be no surprise. If you haven’t – read the article.

2. Orwell called his version of this practice “rectifying” history. Today, it seems to be called “adjusting the data”.

3. Looking for a reason? “Follow the money”.

Category: Global Warming

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Well, Brian Williams reported on Global Waring so it must be true.


warming dammit, global warming


I like ‘warring’. It’s very appropriate.


Yep, he also reported global WARING, but you really can’t trust what he had to say on that…


Given recent developments, can Brian Williams be trusted on anything?

Mark Lauer

I thought it was Global Warping.


Thanks for the link, Hondo.

I got into the Climategate e-mails when they were released and the nastiest crap came from Michael Mann, whose entire existence depends on gubmint grants and whose potty-mouthed responses to people who disagreed with him were a giveaway.

I think the most important sentence in that article was the reference to the cyclical Atlantic current.

And even though in the Antarctic, Thwaite’s glacier is moving faster than expected because it sits on a volcanically active ridge, the climate ‘science’ idiots still insist that it’s melting because of global warming, not because it’s being melted on the underside. That’s only one recent sample of their greed bias.

What I find most annoying is the greed and the refusal to recognize normal cycles as part of the issue.

Keep this stuff coming. I am going to have so much fun with this when I get my little project put together.


I have an official calibrated weather rock. Its amazingly simple to use and its never ever wrong.

If its wet its raining,

If its white its snowing.

It is hot its warm out side.

If its cold its cold outside.

If its gone there was a tornado


We had a similar device at an undisclosed location North of DC for the same purpose. One of the internal cable channels was a camera on the flagpole outside. We called it the flag channel – all flag all the time.


Looking for a reason? “Follow the money”.

Ideology, not money.

About a decade back, an EPA scientist was caught faking data on a species to make it appear endangered when it wasn’t. (Does anyone remember the specifics of the story? This wasn’t polar bears or spotted owls, I believe, but a species that had drawn less attention.) He got paid the same regardless of whether the species was endangered; but his green ideology made him want to restrict development as much as possible.

I’ve lived in two states where Greens have stalled or shut down mining developments and been proud of it. They don’t get paid more for doing it; but they’re anti-industrial and anti-development, and will cheerfully pay to keep us all a little poorer in service to their fantasies.

Fanaticism is more dangerous than corruption, in domestic as well as foreign policy.


Don’t you wonder, sometimes, how the Greens would do if they had to give up electricity?

Back in the early 1970s, a hippie commune started up. It was known as The Farm. It consisted of people who did not want to be part of industrial society. They wanted to live in a more basic way, closer to the natural world, and they did not want publicity for it. They occasionally let reporters in. It was located somewhere in Tennessee.

It still exists as a community, but reality hit these people when they were required to pay property tax on they landholdings. Barter markets did a lot to fill the gaps in domestic needs, such as needing fabric to make clothing, but didn’t bring in cash. And we do live in a cash-driven society.

I looked up The Farm to see if it still exists, because a huge lot of those hippie communes dissolved due to squabbles over basic stuff like who does what, and who gets what, and The Farm still exists. But they still have to pay property tax and they no longer live with oil lamps.

They’ve really gone modern. They have an 18-hole golf course and golf league. They give workshops in midwifery and organice farming. Yup, they’re no longer the hippies from Days of Yore. And they do use electricity now.

I guess there are some things you just can’t do without, such as food, clothing, winter heating, lights and other such things. I wonder if those Greenies ever look at the labels on their clothing.


I guess there are some things you just can’t do without, such as food, clothing, winter heating, lights and other such things.

… and “therapeutic paper”….

AW1 Tim

I refer to the entire group supporting these science shennanigans as “watermelons”.

It’s because they are green on the outside, and red on the inside.

Scratch an environmentalist and you’ll find a socialist every single time.




Wrong, communist. Call them for what they are.


Just like the “Hole in the Ozone” BS years ago.

ALWAYS follow the money. It’ll show you the truth every time.

All the carbon credits has made Al Gore a rich man. Among others …

Pinto Nag

Everyone here knows the saying about conspiracies; if more than 3 people are involved, the conspiracy goes right out the window. Researchers don’t research anymore, except to read other people’s research. I found this out when I was in college. I had ONE professor who actually did field research, and wrote her Doctor’s Thesis from that work. I have often wondered if ‘Global Warming’ is nothing more than one man’s opinion that ended up in a scientific echo chamber.

Pinto Nag

“…DOCTORAL Thesis…” Sorry. Not enough caffeine yet this morning.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well there’s science, and then there’s climate science…it’s easy to get the results you want when you can change the data.

The difference is with people like Wakefield and the vaccination science he was censured, lost his license to practice medicine and was generally proven to be a liar and a fraud.

Climate scientists are allowed to keep on practicing their science even when they’ve been discovered to be lying sacks of shit like Mr. Williams. It’s thus destroyed any credibility about the science behind the global warming or lack thereof.

The sad aspect of that is that some folks will now believe that humans haven’t negatively impacted the environment in various parts of the world and will be against programs designed to keep the air clean and the oceans fresh.

Travel to China or India to see the impact that humans have on environment, we may not create global warming but we are goddamned great at creating water that smells and looks like shit and air that resembles a fart cloud of toxins darkening the atmosphere over a city.

My fear is the quacks minimize the concern over those realities. And I suspect that is is the case for some who read the science thanks to these liars.

Pollution and warming do not go hand in hand apparently, but just because warming isn’t real doesn’t mean we aren’t despoiling much of this earth with our waste and our presence.


They really are two separate things, VOV.

The Romans had many seaports that were in constant use. Unfortunately, they designed their sewer system to empty directly into some of those ports, with the results that sewage literally filled in some harbors and made them unusable because they were never dredged out.

At the same time, Rome is a Mediterranean city and has always had Mediterranean weather, but there were repeated instances when the Tibor froze over, resulting in the engineering of a primitive form of central heating for households and a plumbing system that gave them both hot and cold running water.


Notice the parallel in Warmist philosophy with Jihadi’s?

Lying to achieve supremacy is OK.

Any deed that achieves Our Goal is OK.

Must make the others submit.

Must not allow disaparaging or even disagreeing with Our Side. It is a crime.

In case of opposition, go batshit crazy on them. (Next)


The factor that is missing is all of the political pressure (from both government agencies and professional organizations–which are themselves pressured by government agencies) to toe the party line on global warming (now referred to as “climate change”, because they have to cover their backsides somehow). The reality is that climate goes in cycles and always has. For example, the annual snowfall line in Texas fluctuates in roughly 30-year cycles. You can map it out year by year as far back as the records go, and you can see the cycle.