Shannon Conley; four years in prison for support of terrorists

| January 24, 2015


According to AFP, Shannon Conley, a nineteen-year-old from Colorado was sentenced to four years in prison for “providing and attempting to provide material support and resources to IS fighters….”

Conley, who struck a plea bargain with prosecutors, had expressed a desire to wage violent jihad, or holy war, after meeting a man on the Internet who claimed to be an active member of IS in Syria.

The duo got engaged and worked together to have Conley travel to Syria to join her new fiance.

Before going, Conley trained to be able to fight and even joined the US Army Explorers (USAE) to learn about military tactics and firearms. She also had first-aid training.

We talked about her and the Army Explorer Scouts back in August and concluded that her Drill & Ceremony training would have really helped ISIS, so luckily she was stopped at that critical juncture. That Land Nav training will really help her in prison.

Category: Terror War

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I’m guessing that first aid course wasn’t gonna be real helpful when all her ISIS butt buddies got turned into a fine pink mist.

Faqheem–or her, in this case.


That would be “fahk’hir”, NHSparky.


I would truly love to find a planet these little stinkpots could be sent.

Maybe some day, in an isolated corner of the supercluster….

Jon The Mechanic

I hear Bikini Atoll is nice this time of year.


Johnston Atoll is another good one.

The Other Whitey

Vorkuta Gulag


My nerd side immediately thought of Rura Penthe. (google it)

The Other Whitey

No need for google. I saw Star Trek, even if I am more of a Star Wars-Firefly-BSG kind of guy myself.

Hey, speaking of Battlestar, airlock this frakkin’ bitch!


Perhaps Shayol would be more apropos.


I’ll get even more obscure and go for sending her to Crematoria.

The Other Whitey

The “triple-max, no-daylight slam?” Okay.


Hey now – I used to work on JI. Don’t need a scuz like her to mess up our little slice of paradise.

Big Steve

Ugh. The mention of “Bikini Atoll” just made me have a quick, unpleasant thought of this chick wearing a bikini. 🙂


Other optionis include the following:

Ceti Alpha VI








the planet in ‘Door Into Summer’


The Warp


We could send them all to Jupiter… solid ground and 300 mph gale force winds plus a hydrogen and methane atmosphere. Hey, you didn’t say anything about them surviving after arrival!



Nice Saturday morning feel good story.

Bless her little misguided heart.

Big Steve

If I had anything to say about it, this little traitorous airhead would be in the big house for A LOT longer than 4 years.

The Other Whitey

For my money, this cunt should be shot on general principle.

Roger in Republic

Actually, she should be shot on a Friday morning.


I think she should be shot on a Monday morning.

Start the week right.


This is an example of where the Chinese judicial system begins to look more attractive to me.


Yeah, especially the part where they send the condemned’s family a bill for the bullet used for the execution!


Lars Taylor

Myth. And the Times UK article that renewed the myth had no evidence, sources, or citations.


Get bent, Lars. True or not, it’s still a good story, even if apocryphal.

Lars Taylor

Fair enough. But it is pointless and false. Also, I am not a fan of executing kids misguided by religion. We have too many kids like that in our country.

Unless you mean misguided by a religion other than one’s the state approves.


Someone “misguided by religion” hands out texts at an airport while panhandling donations.

Providing material support for a group of murderous terrorist bastards is far beyond being “misguided”. For that, prison or a rope are apropos.

B Woodman

Yeah. I heard this on the radio yesterday. Her nursing skills would have done her little good. She would have been NOWHERE near the front, or around other men. The only nursing she would have been allowed would have been to the babies she would be continually popping out.


Jordan Rott

She should get deported… to the middle of an ocean of her choosing

2/17 Air Cav

“Had she succeeded in her plan to get to Syria, she would likely have been brutalized, killed or sent back to the United States to commit other crimes.” US Attorney and Bargain Maker John Walsh.

I get the concern about the third of those but, quite frankly, if a criminal gets killed or whomped while engaged in a serious crime, why is that something for the prosecutor to concern himself about publicly?

2/17 Air Cav

It’s interesting that the pic of her seen here is NOT the one some of the media chose to use of her. THAT is subtle media bias, in my view.


Someone should sterilize this bitch, just to make sure she can’t breed.

Big Steve

No worries about that. She will go lesbo in prison and no doubt stay that way after she’s out. Crazy people do stuff like that….



A Proud Infidel®™

It’s a pity she didn’t become a “Wile E. Coyote Bomber” while she was over there!!

charles w

Always use ACME brand suicide bombs.


I would say she will not enjoy our prison system however, given the usual Muslim sexual proclivities, she’ll get along just fine.


OK, so we know that mooslim men are attracted to goats as lovers, what do mooslim women get hot to trot over ???


She should have dated that French model. Bonjour!

A Proud Infidel®™

Muslims kiss their prayer rugs, don’t they? I’m sure she’ll end up with a devout “rug-muncher” or “carpet-licker” for a cellmate.

John Ginsberg

Hope she enjoys her time with Johnny Mop. I’m sure Johnny will enjoy her immensely and give her pain and suffering.


government hypocrisy at its best, prosecute a stupid 19 year old muslim wanna-be, while the islamic terrorist bastards from the US join ISIS and return to the US after killing and maiming without a peep.
Don’t let them back in the states, deport them to the hell hole they fought for.

Big Steve

You have a very good point, actually.
There are definitely some muzzie Somalians from the Minneapolis area, who went over and fought, and came back with no repercussions.
But law enforcement says they know who they are and are “monitoring” them.

You can’t make this stuff up, can you? I wonder if this would be happening if we had a good, conservative patriot as president instead of… well… you know.


I hope their are some vets in the prison that do their patriotic duty. And by patriotic duty I mean stab that bitch into the afterlife.


Part of her plea deal involves her snitching out others with plans similar to hers. Living with paranoia from fellow muzzies will make her stay in prison even that much more enjoyable.

The Other Whitey

She’s fishing for pity. She claims it’s all about “defending moslems,” when 80% of the people being murdered by IS are–wait for it–OTHER MOSLEMS! And she still says the hajji turdburglar she wanted to marry is a good man, y’know, since he’s an active member of an organization that’s engaged in mass-murder and mass rape as part of their daily routine. Hell, she even tried the “Religion of Peace” angle. Sorry, sweetheart, but you can fuck yourself.

Yet another example of why you should be wary of a religion that requires its converts to change their names.