More on David Gregory and His “Magazine Incident”

| January 24, 2015

Remember David Gregory?  You know, that “Meet the Press” host who flouted DC’s gun laws a couple of years ago and got away with it?

Well, turns out that’s not the fault of the DC police.  It seems the DC police wanted to arrest Gregory for that stunt, and recommended he be charged.  The DC Attorney General, Irvin B. Nathan, ignored their request for an arrest warrant.  The linked story paraphrases the reason as being because the prosecutor thought Gregory “was just too nice a guy and had no other criminal intent”.

Yeah, right.  How about not p!ssing on our legs and telling us it’s raining, Nathan?

This has all the indications of having been nothing but a blatant quid pro quo to ensure continued good press and public support from Gregory and NBC on gun control issues.  You cut Gregory a break because you agree with him politically and he could help you in the future – plain and simple.  Had it been an ordinary Joe or Jane vice someone you agreed with politically and found useful, you’d have nailed them to the wall.

But hey – that’s the DC city government for ya.  Crap like that shouldn’t surprise anyone.  It’s just business as usual.


Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work"

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David Gregory is a journalistic joke. Most of them are these days.

Green Thumb

I agree.

He is up there with Bob Costas.

The Other Whitey

Speaking of turds…


Dave the chimp should have a boyfriend in the pen, instead of collecting a $4 mil golden parachute from NBC. Really too bad he flamed out badly being host of Press The Meet. The guy was a total Obama suck up, was boring, was a poor interviewer, treated staffers like garbage, rude as hell in general, refused to cover Benghazi (or any Obama fuckup)… damn, even the DU thought this guy sucked & was a total a$$hole. Yeah, an awful long fall from Tim Russert.


True. Russert was a friendly asshole, to everyone on each side of the political spectrum.

The Other Whitey

I don’t know if this makes it better or worse. DCPD is downright fascist, but at least they’re *consistent* fascists. Gregory got off the hook because of (surprise, surprise) NBC’s suck affair with a liberal district attorney who has political ambitions.

I guess my conclusion here is: fuck ’em all straight to hell.

A Proud Infidel®™

So I see that DC Government is about as corrupt as what you’d find in Chicago or New Orleans!


Remember Marion Barry, the DC coke machine? ‘Nuff said!

Hack Stone

And the younger Marion Berry is running for his late father’s seat as Ward 8 Council Member. He is just as qualified as his father. Arrested for driving without a license and drug convictions.

Green Thumb

The crack pipe did not fall far from the criminal.


Who can forget his most famous quote, “Bitch set me up!” after being taped by the Feds smoking crack with a prosti, err, constituent.

Tough act to follow, but I’m sure sonny will rise to the occasion.


Marion (Chris) Barry is being charged for disorderly conduct and some other things for raising hell at a PNC Bank location a couple of weeks ago. He threw a garbage can or some such nonsense in a hissy-fit after the teller told him he didn’t have enough money in his account to withdraw.

Hack Stone

No, she told him that he was overdrawn. Just like the old man. Did the IRS seize whatever assets that Marion Sr. Left to satisfy the back taxes that he owed?


“Overdrawn”. That’s what I meant to type.

To answer your question, I don’t know.

He’ll probably get elected though.


Always been that way, but here is the more recent corruption stories.


Anybody know the statute of limitations on the DC laws he violated?

Herbert J Messkit

The untold half of the story should be how many nice people with no criminal intent were arrested, indicted, hassled,or convicted; people without liberal or media connections


Would it be safe to say that most folks with multiple arrests at some time or another had no criminal record or intent? Maybe I’m overthinking this, or it’s all too nuanced for a mere mortal to comprehend.


Good point. No one started life with a record.

Herbert J Messkit

I actually don’t think anyone should bre jailed for what is essentially a box with a spring


Hondo – Consider using the word “flout” instead of “flaunt”… something I learned and remember from listening to the G. Gordon Liddy show back in the day.


More on David Gregory and His “Magazine Incident”

[strikethrough]More on[/strikethrough] Moron David Gregory and His “Magazine Incident”

Ya spelled moron wrong.


[strike] More on[/strike] > moron

Damned mark-up code!