Denver jihadist is “US Army Explorer”

| August 7, 2014


TSO sends us a link from Fox News about 19-year-old Shannon Conley, a woman who was arrested in April because she was going to hook up with a Tunisian man and help him jihad his ass off in Syria. But here’s the intersting part of the article;

Pepin’s client allegedly told agents that she wanted to use her American military training from the U.S. Army Explorers to start a holy war overseas, even though she knew that it was illegal. Her “legitimate targets of attack” included military facilities, government employees and public officials, federal court records say.

I didn’t know what US Army Explorers are either, so I looked it up;

The United States Army Explorers (USAE) is a registered not for profit youth career exploration program for teens both Males, and females ages 13-20. Our Program exposes cadets to what career opportunities in the military are like, and provide them first hand knowledge and experience in the many military occupational skills. We are the fastest growing army cadet program in the country

Our program is a part of the Learning for Life Explorer program with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), with strong links to the US Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard, and State Guard Forces. However, our adults and explorers are not members of the armed forces by virtue of their membership in the United States Army Explorers. All of our staff members are non-paid professionals who bring a rich and varied background to the program.

Army Explorer cadets receive similar training to that which regular soldiers receive. Army Explorers participate in the regular Army Physical Fitness training and testing, Drill & Ceremony, Military Customs and Courtesies, CPR and First Aid, Land Navigation, Radio Communications, Aviation, Leadership, Marksmanship, Search and Rescue, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training, Field Exercises, and much more!

So she figured that her expertise in Drill & Ceremony would really help out with jihad, huh? Well, good for her. But she’s probably better trained than many of the phonies we’ve had lately. Looking at you, Giduck.

Category: Shitbags

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2/17 Air Cav

“Shannon Maureen Conley.” Jebeebus. That’s all I have on this.


Yep. Not enough facepalms in the world.

A Proud Infidel®™

Did someone brainwash the young ditz, or did she let herself get duped? I’m betting she had a very sheltered life growing up and let the latter happened. In the Muslim world, Women are considered as their husband’s property, and many treat their livestock better than they do their Women!


Ditzes gonna be ditzes, PI.

A Proud Infidel®™

VERY true, Hondo, I suspect she feels like she was gonna “Throw her arms around the World and save it” with her planned stunt, I doubt she’d last even a week over there.


Proud…I bet she would “Like to buy the world a Coke”. You know,
“I’d like to buy the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves.”
(“Then kill them all”)

Yea it’s a cute thought. Well, except for the part about being a jihadist and joining with a group of terrorists and murderers of innocent civilians. Except for those little details, her sheltered little life and liberal education, have given her a skewed idea of reality and how to “help the world out”. Or maybe she’s just an ass clown who’s read too many of the wrong romance novels and the idea of being Omar’s bitch (after the young boys and goats first of course) appeals to her.

You can’t fix stupid and it is an order of magnitude more difficult trying to fix it in a 19 year old.

I hope she does long time in a federal pen. Or pull her citizenship and send her to Gaza or Syria and let her have the lovely life she thinks awaits her there. Send her with a case of Coke too.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not a bad idea, Sparks. In some places in the ME, Coca-Cola is forbidden (It’s considered an evil western influence and a distraction from Islam), and the sight of her with a quantity of it could make the splodeydopes yell “DIE, INFIDEL…”.


With all her Airsoft training combined, she’ll succeed in getting herself SMOKED in mere seconds. Dumbass.

The Other Whitey

No great loss to America or the world.


Probably wanted military training to go to syria, but knew she wouldn’t make it into the actual military and didn’t have money to take some private tactical training either. So she found this group figuring the ‘training’ was better than nothing.

A Proud Infidel®™

That or her Parents blew the whistle on her before she wasted their money training to be a Combat Shovel Ninja®™ from Giduck!


Here’s a link to the criminal complaint that has additional details:

Climb to Glory

I had no idea what the United States Army Explorers were, but I think I found a new career for Denny Chevalier. It’s right up his alley.

A Proud Infidel®™

He/it has spent YEARS infesting the CAP, do we REALLY want him even attempting to inflict him/itself on anything related to the Army?


The last thing we need is Heavy Chevy finding another group of impressionable kids. Unfortunately, they seem to have a group in the DFW area so he may already know about them. Yep, they can bring him in as a Lieutenant Corporal. With his experience in CAP and The Guard, he may be able to con them for about……oh…..10 seconds.



Don’t encourage Dennis Howard Chevalier. 😯 The last thing the girls in that organization need is nightmares of a fat cheese eating blob, with a blobfish head, haunting them in their dream. 😯 With the poor luck he has had with women lately… like the one that ran after she googled him… he might get sick ideas. 🙄


No doubt. But, remember, he’s Googleicious. His name is like a rash across the Internet.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, and he/it kinda grows on you – LIKE A WART!


More like a fungus.

A Proud Infidel®™

Or a tapeworm!

Delilah T.

More like a tick in your butt crack.

A Proud Infidel®™

Or a leech in the same place, a real pain in the ass!


Headlines: Army Explorer Personnel Claim Cheese-Eating Blob Gave Them PTSD…


Been an adult Scout leader (Scouter) for 11+ years and I’ve never heard of this organization. The BSA goes to great lengths to avoid any appearance of militarization or a para-military connection.

Granted many Scouters are current or former military, but I call bullshit on this “US Army Explorers” crap.


Boy Scouts are cited WW as an example of a paramilitary group. Wonder why – uniforms, ceremonies, delineated rank structure and insignia, training in formations, marching, bivuacing, some form of marksmanship… nah, can’t see how they can say it.

I agree with you, though – after years of association with Boy Scouts (and Girl Scouts when my girls were that age) I have never heard of this group of Explorers.

Mr Wolf

I was a Commissioner for the Scouts; this Explorer program has been around like forever.

An even bigger one is the LEO version; there are tons of kids in that one. Usually affiliates with a local po po station. They even get to do ride-alongs.


How could you be in Scouting and not hear of the Explorers of various types? Do they not do Scoutarama type events where all the local Scouting organizations show up and show off where you are?

Delilah T.

I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

I wonder if her parents are the least bit embarrassed by her. One can only hope.

Spartan Deuce

Why prosecute them? I say take all jihad volunteers and ship them off. Revoke citizenship and all assets, then fly them straight into a hot LZ. I’d rather have them fighting us overseas than here in the States.

A Proud Infidel®™

Mmmm yeah, give ’em a one way ticket, and as soon as they’re off the plane, they get to meet with a Representative from the US Consulate just long enough for them to renounce their US Citizenship. After that, FUCK ‘EM, they’re on their own!!


Unfortunately, Spartan Deuce, the SCOTUS has held that US citizenship, once obtained, in general cannot be revoked. See Afroyim v. Rusk, 1967.

IMO, we really need a Constitutional amendment that (a) grants Congress the authority to revoke citizenship for the commission of certain acts or crimes, (b) makes acceptance of foreign citizenship one such act, and (c) requires proof of formal renunciation of foreign citizenship prior to becoming a US citizen by naturalization.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Hondo, I remember reading a part of my old passport that stated there are certain acts that will forfeit one’s US Citizenship. One was to formally renounce one’s Citizenship in front of US Consular Personnel, the other was to serve in a Foreign military.


“Although rare, it is possible for a naturalized U.S. citizen to have his or her citizenship stripped through a process called “denaturalization.” Former citizens who are denaturalized are subject to removal (deportation) from the United States. Natural-born U.S. citizens may not have their citizenship revoked against their will, but may choose to renounce their citizenship on their own.”


While you’re at it, add a clause to the 14th that says children born on US soil have the same citizenship rights as their parents. If the parents are illegal, so is the kid.


young, impressionable, idealistic, she’d have made the perfect suicide bomber.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not even the tiniest drop of common sense either. I can picture her in the final briefing, ” So I just push this button like so? – *BOOM!*.


More likely she’d end up as a “reward concubine” for some terrorist jihadi, PI – whether or not she was willing.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, but she’ll still be “Second Fiddle” to some Hadji’s favorite goat!


“So she figured that her expertise in Drill & Ceremony would really help out with jihad, huh?”

Nothing says “Glory to Allah” better than a perfectly executed counter-column march.

A Proud Infidel®™

She appears to be the type who would turn right instead of left and end up being a “Wile E. Coyote Bomber”, one who blows themselves to confetti without hurting anyone else!!

That Guy

“Excuse me, I believe I requested the halal MRE…”

“What does making a bunk have to do with learning how to kill infidels?”

“I cannot refer to you as ‘sir’ in a military context, as my suitor, a well renowned fighter in Syria, has forbidden me from showing any respect to infidels such as yourself..”

“I do not wish to learn about core values, leadership and the proper wear of the uniform. My sole purpose here is to obtain training that will permit me to rid the world of infidels…”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Would it be so very wrong to just drug her, place a gps locator deep in some muscle tissue and tell her she had a nasty fall and we were letting her go?

Then tell her we were sending her to her destination and she is free to pursue her dreams.

Then we let Mr. Cruise missile do the rest…


“Once the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is NOT your friend”


That girl is dumber than a box of hammers.

A Proud Infidel®™

She’s more fuxxed up than a barge load of broken football bats!!


Since Hillary Clinton pressed the restart button with Russia it’s only makes sense to replace the green Ivan targets used on ranges with this Islamic scumfuck.

Train like you fight, Gents.


Groups like the Explorers, Sea Cadets and JROTC make Basic Training really easy if you’re smart enough to not lord it over your Drill instructors when you get there.

I used the training I got in Sea Cadets to disappear in Navy Boot Camp. I made it almost to the end before the Chief found out. It helped me stay out of trouble because I wasn’t being constantly corrected for uniforms and not knowing how to salute and I always passed the basic knowledge tests.

But those groups don’t make you a military professional by any stretch. The ones who thought it did were much stronger and very tired compared to me when we left boot camp.

I agree with at least one poster before me, we should’ve tagged and released her. They’d have taken her out quickly enough.


I know everyone has probably seen this on the news already, but I’m putting it here, anyway:

No boots on the ground? How can I believe it? OK, I’ll give this the benefit of the doubt and wait to see what does happen, but maybe that dimwitted little jihadist snottoad bitch could be dropped off over there as a going-away present for ISIL/IS or whatever they call themselves now.


She attended two of our local high schools and my son’s girlfriend was in class with her. She switched between the two schools, sophomore year at ours, junior at the other, then back for senior year. My son’s girlfriend said that sophomore year, she was the shy quiet type, kind of odd, kept to herself, etc. When she was back for senior year, she was wearing a headscarf with behavior that was even more out of place. We haven’t heard any scuttlebutt on what her family was like or how her parents are reacting to all of this.

In case anyone is wondering, we’re just an average, middle class suburb, with a good part of the city, especially the part that feeds into the other school, upper middle class, i.e. the rich kids. Not much crime, mostly white and Hispanic, like most of the Denver area suburbs.

Just an Old Dog

In reality she is probably about as dangerous as a soggy noodle. It’s like the two teenage skinhead kids that were snatched up by the secret service a few years back because they threatened the POTUS on facebook.
There is always a tendency to create a threat to justify the continued existance of government organizations. This little chickie probably attended a few drills, did some marching and maybe camped out once.
Just because a program has the capability to do training doesnt mean they do.
Saying she was highly trained is like saying Every single 19 year old CAP Cadet has a pilots licence.

A Proud Infidel®™

Or like one claiming to be a Retired LTC in the CAP?