Yer Sunday Oddity: Mac Sabbath

| December 28, 2014

For better or worse, McDonalds is an American cultural icon.  So is heavy metal music.

And when the two meet, the result is . . . well, just plain weird.  In a kinda-creepy-but-it-works-anyway way.

Enjoy – I think.  (smile)

If you’re still “hungry” after that, here’s a second helping.

Hey, I warned ya it was both kinda creepy and weird. (smile)



Category: "Teh Stoopid", Pointless blather, Who knows, WTF?

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Have to admit that it is a catchy little tune..


Just be careful about what comments that you post about this video. There may be a McDonald’s assistant manager that may get offended and report you to corporate headquarters.


If they do will they get an ARCOM?


That song is permanently ruined for me. I’ll think of this video each and every time I hear “Ironman” on the radio from now on. 😀

B Woodman

Somehow I don’t think this band will be picking up a Mickey Dee’s endorsement contract anytime soon.

And as for hurting any assistant manager’s feelings anytime soon, so what? It’s been ages since I last ate at a McDee’s. They may have been groundbreakers in their time, but today they rank near or at the bottom of fast food places I’d stop to eat.

Hack Stone

The best burger from a major fast food chain is probably Checkers Big Buford, or what I like to call, a cholesterol grenade. I can actually hear my arteries closing with each bite. Five Guys burgers are pretty good, but I don’t know if they exist outside of the National Capital Region.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah Hack, Five Guys has expanded into the Southeastern US, I’ll eat there any day!! Whataburger is expanding as well (Excellent artery-clogging entrees!)and I heartily recommend “In and Out Burger” after eating at a few in the Western US, and in a pinch (ANY port in a storm!) Waffle House offers “Good Greasin’s” for the buck!

B Woodman

Five Guys over In & Out any day. We had both expand to our neck o’ the woods. I was not particularly impressed by In&Out.
But the Heart Attack Grill, now. . . . If you’re in Vegas or Phoenix, give ’em a try. Burgers grilled in lard. . . . .ummmmmmmm.


Eaten at Five Guys in Little Rock and here in Slammintonio. Damn good burgers and a ton of fries. They just opened an In and Out up the street from us. For three straight weeks there was traffic back ups, lines of people forever and cops directing traffic. We finally went to see what the hype was all about and came away very disappointed. Right next door is a Red Robin that beats then hands down.


Just had Five Guys this afternoon while shopping….YUM!!!


Are those served on a toasted “Butt” Bun??

Hack Stone

I saw that sign at the McDonalds on Rte 1 by the airport in Arlington a few years back.


Given the season, I’m surprised you didn’t link to this one. (Or maybe you did when I wasn’t watching?)

A Proud Infidel®™

“McGunk” as I like to call it, has THE MOST preservative-laden products in the fast food industry (I’d rather eat an MRE than McGunk!). My Wife’s best friend has been a franchise manager for years (a different chain) and she told Mrs Infidel of a study that was done just on the hamburger buns alone. Buns fromtheirs and a few other major chains were left in the open, the others grew mold while the “McGunk” buns were still mold-free after over a week and a half!

Lurker Curt

Made my day!!! Still love the old Black Sabbath, but that shit is FUNNY!!!