Jamie Read and James Hughes; sandbagging the jihadi hunt

| December 28, 2014

MOS collect photos from Graham Penrose re: Brits fighting against ISIS, Jamie Read and James Hughes l-r: James Hughes and Jamie Read

It was pretty big news a few months ago when Jamie Read and James Hughes, a couple of Brits who told the world that they were going to Syria to avenge the death of UK citizen and aid worker Alan Henning. But the Daily Mail says that, despite their exciting tales of firefights while they accompanied peshmerga fighters, the duo spent much of their time slacking off.

Read, 24, and Hughes, 26, were reported to have travelled to the Middle East last month to join Westerners fighting with the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) – the mortal enemy of IS – to protect the beleaguered city of Kobane. In reality, they were more than 250 miles away, deep in Kurdish-controlled territory in North-East Syria on the border with Iraq.

And far from diving for cover under fire, according to a former German soldier who was alongside them, they spent most of their time in boredom, drinking tea, watching TV and feasting on local cuisine.


The two former soldiers insist they were in Syria to take up arms with the Kurds and that they came under enemy fire, but our investigation demonstrates that their dramatic claims don’t quite add up…

The Daily Mail article shows pictures of them in their “safe house” which was actually a 4-star hotel;

Mr Markens added: ‘They didn’t come to fight. They said it to me. James told me: “I don’t want to risk my ass, bro.”

‘We drank chai, watched TV, talked to each other, cleaned our weapons.’

When asked whether the patrol base was safe, the other ex-soldier said: ‘I would say that’s relatively safe. In levels of safety, nowhere near Kobane. We were at summer camp [laughs].’

A whole new term is born; Stolen Valor tourism. It’s easier to get away with than anything that might involve military records that can be FOIA’d.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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More Stolen Valor pukes…
What is it with these idiots….

Pineywoods NCO

Damn, the stupid is very strong in these two.




Green Thumb

All-Points Logistics could reap a financial windfall if they get in on this now.

They have the experience.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I may not have invented stolen valor tourism but I sure upped the ante.

– Beslan: Wrote a first hand account tale of being there. Wasn’t.

– Sudan: took a trip that female missionaries routinely take. My conversations proving defense advice and assitance against ITAR statutes were captured by a well known journalist.

– Secret Spetsnaz Bases: I ran commercial adventure summer camps out of supposedly secret Spetsnaz military sites. Participants got free Russian uniforms and could opt out of training. The only prerequisite? Pay me around $3000.


APL got nuttin’ on me.


John “Faker 6” Giduck

Hack Stone

It could be a new tour package put together by The Stunning Agency. Your all inclusive package include a complementary flaming squirrel at each meal.

Tom Huxton

Ya,ya…. Reminds me of the professional “Lost Vietnam POW Hunter” who was financed by grieving families. I wonder who is paying the tab for these head-hunters. (??) Probably wives and friends collecting nickles and dimes from “Jars on the Bar” campaigns.

2/17 Air Cav

Stolen Valor Tours, Inc.

ATTENTION military posers and veterans who embellish or alter your service records! Imagine being able to truthfully say that you were in Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Beirut, or Bosnia! Yes, Stole Valor Tours, Inc. is now booking 2015 tours of those and other places, all guaranteed to put you where the action was, without putting you at risk of harm! Don’t delay! Tours fill up quickly.


Don’t forget the bomb craters which are now fish ponds, and include the gourmet ‘food of the jungle’ part of the menu on your tour. 33 Beer included with each meal.

Fresh fish and veggies, everyone is happy. And remember to tip Phuong the waitress.

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, of course, but those are all part of the deluxe Stolen Valor Tour package.


And don’t forget the “POW Enhancement” feature! If you are claiming you were a POW in Vietnam, for an extra 10% you can be taken out into the boonies, where a bamboo cage in the middle of a rice paddy will await you. Have your photo taken for your Facebook page!

A bonus, no charge – you’ll end up as a feature on TAH.

2/17 Air Cav

I’ll have you know that Stolen Valor Tours, Inc. also offers a wound deal in its Vietnam package. Using a small, fully sterilized scalpel, a certified EMT will make an incision and bandage the cut. It is guaranteed to leave a scar or your money back! Also available as a free bonus is the Beginner’s Guide to Posing. As its name suggests, it’s pretty basic, and advises where and when to get the best Veteran discounts, how to respond to challenges by legitimate Veterans
(“Attribute to secrecy agreement or PTSD any questions that you can’t answer.”)and never feign a limp (“Use a knee-locking brace. Many a poser has been caught by forgetting to limp or switching the limp from one leg to the other!”) That sort of stuff.


Originally posted by Jonn Lilyea:

A whole new term is born; Stolen Valor tourism. It’s easier to get away with than anything that might involve military records that can be FOIA’d.

Militia stolen valor? :mrgreen: Militia service embellishers? :mrgreen:


hmm. I wonder if there are ISIS fighters who claim they’ve executed more then they really have for rep points from other ISIS troops. Anyone of the embellish commander status or that they’ve been air bombed?

Buck Clay

I suppose it is easiest to hate those who did go while sitting at home. The Daily Mail, or the UK equivalent of the American National Enquirer which is citing a source who originally supported them [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlWqer7H288 – Graham Penrose of TMG Corporate Services]. In fact he is quoted in the interview saying “they are not participating for any commercial gain.” Although, it appears more as that fool rubbing KY jealous all over his s#it and getting some cash off the UK papers than any objective reporting in action. Honestly, I’ve seen better objective reporting from freshman on the campus paper. As for the kruat, YPG Hanss or Michael Markens, 30, a former German soldier; an educated reverse search will demonstrate him stating a deal with Graham to purchase airfare von Syrien nach Deutschland…..Often the internet reminds why college is important. For instance things like citing sources, objectivity, research. All of which are becoming lost arts.