Bradley William Stone; kills six family members

| December 16, 2014

Bradley William Stone

So, there is this fellow named Bradley William Stone who killed six people today in Pennsylvania and the police are hunting for him. Of course, he was a veteran;

Stone is known to use a cane or walker to assist him, the DA said, and he may be wearing military fatigues, in either sand or green color.

According to a Marine spokesperson, Stone is a former Marine reservist who served from 2002 to 2011, with one deployment to Iraq, leaving with the rank of sergeant. He was deployed to Iraq from April, 2008 until July, 2008.

Well, see that explains it to me and the rest of the media. But, maybe it was the walker that drove him over the edge – using a walker drives me crazy. Or maybe it was his marriage, all of his victims were related to him somehow.

“She would tell anybody who would listen that he was going to kill her, and that she was really afraid for her life,” said Evan Weron, a neighbor of Stone’s ex-wife, Nicole Stone.

That makes me wonder if there was an order of protection involved.

Or maybe it was Pennsylvania that pushed him over the edge – there have been a couple of newsworthy shootings and manhunts there recently – fueled by media minute-by-minute coverage. Or it could be because he’s a ginger. I’ve heard some things about those people.

These guys always kill themselves before they’re caught – they should do that first. I wrote this post last night hoping he’d rectify the problem himself by now, that doesn’t seem to be the case yet.

ADDED: This comment below seems relevant.

Category: General Whackos

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I had a ginger cat a while back. Excellent mouser, but would not share his toys.


OK, USMC readers – some help here. What was the normal USMC tour length in Iraq in 2008? Wasn’t it typically 6 months?

Militant Bibliophile

In ’04-’05 it was 7 months. A three month tour plus using a cane/walker: sounds like he was medevac-ed out.


Thanks, MB. My recollection was that USMC tours of that era in the sandbox were around 6 mo, so 3 mo didn’t sound right. But I was Army vice USMC, so I wasn’t sure.

Perhaps he did get hurt and was MEDEVACed. Alternatively, perhaps he was sent home early for other reasons and acquired the need for a walker/cane later. Either’s possible.


About right, but depending. I was adv party and tail end Charlie 04-05, so 8 mos total, but that’s about right for the time period. He was short tour any circumstance. Agree with Jonn. Scumbag will/should rectify his situation shortly.


P.S. There were some Army blokes I worked with finishing 18 mo+ tours with spinning heads and weird thoughts. Felt bad for them. Often wonder about some of them.



Grunts yes. Support maybe longer.

Then you have grunts that got sent over that EAS before the deployment is up and leave right before the Corps kicks them out on their ass setting them up for failure.


Damn creepy…that second photo is…

Well, Clarice – have the lambs stopped screaming?


Uncanny resemblance to this phony.
Kyle Luginbyhl; Phony Ranger in Phoenix:


Of Course he was a veteran. We’re all crazy, just ask the media.


Speak for yourself. I’m not crazy.


Then why are you talking to yourself?


Yeah? are you!

2/17 Air Cav

You two are funny, ByrdMan. I hope you guys can work it out peacefully and you don’t end up beating the shit out of yourself.



That would be … beating the shit out of your eachotherself.


If you don’t think about that it makes perfect sense !!!


He was deployed to Iraq from April, 2008 until July, 2008 … Extensive Overseas Operational Experience (EOOE)!

I have more time watching saltwater drip from the supply line on a urinal in the aft head on my first ship, underway, in the Alantic, at night and while wearing flip flops!

I agree with Jonn, he should end this now!

Pinto Nag

If the ex-wife had quit yapping at everyone about the fact that her lunatic ex was going to kill her, and spent that time getting armed and trained — he might not have gotten the chance to kill anyone.

Wolves don’t care about the sheep screaming.


If his ex was convinced that he was going to kill her … if I knew where I was going to die, I wouldn’t go there.

I’m trying to understand what broke so that 6 people got dead.

Aside from the psychological stuff that I don’t know about (or probably don’t understand) why didn’t she leave the area?

Since he killed five of them, apparently he thought that his ex-wife’s family was part of some problem.

If he was that obviously crazy and dangerous was there a protective order?

If he was that obviously crazy and dangerous why wasn’t law enforcement all over him?

Had he been examined and found to be not a danger to self and others?

What is the procedure for dealing with batshit crazy? What are the rights of the accused and the standards of proof required of the potential victims?

Are any of those question pertinent?

Pinto Nag

Those questions are very pertinent. Unfortunately, at this time, very few of them have meaningful answers, particularly from the mental illness standpoint.


Agreed. I think we’ve seen where mental illness has little bearing on the effectiveness of protective orders.

…but then again, I’m preaching to the choir.


We’ve also seen that people attempting to deal with other people with mental illness are largely ignored, when it comes to getting help.
Maybe she sought help in dealing with this guy, and all she got for her trouble was a Family Court judge telling her that she needed to learn how to deal with him, as in talk to him, consider his feelings and, whatever you do, don’t upset him.
I wonder, too, if she tried or did get a PPO, if she knew if he had guns that should have been picked up.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

He was a vet, he’s still rocking the fatigues according to the article…he’s not crazy because of the military, but he’s fucking crazy now and he has some military service. It’s relevant. No different than the reporting about the police officer how killed his family after the trip to Disney…did being a cop make him crazy? Nope, but he was a crazy cop…just like this guy was a crazy vet…

I expect nothing from the public or the media with respect to intellect anymore, they want to believe there are crazed vets all over the land along with cops just waiting to kill their families I can’t change that perception.

A general public that can name every Kardashian along with Brad Pitt’s current and former love interests but can’t explain who won the civil war or why it was fought is hardly capable of the cognitive functions required to operate with insightful analysis and independent investigative research to confirm the accuracy of current events in the media.




VOV…My thoughts exactly. He’s a whack job now and my money says he always has been. I mean 3 months in Iraq does not a natural born killer make….said NO ONE in the MEDIA circus, EVER!

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, the lock-on to the Veteran tag has begun. The guy is 35? Where did he grow up? Where did he attend school? Did he attend college? Did he ever hold civilian jobs? If so, what and when? He was three times arrested for DWI and the third and most serious episode saw him placed in prison? No. Jail? No. House arrest? Yes. Why? Who did that and why? Then there are the domestic issues which, I am confident, will be pursued exhaustively. Crazed Veteran and domestic abuse are the perfect storm for the media.

Ozzie 11B

I am one of those “crazy” veterans you read about on the internet. LOL

Ozzie 11B

No plans – and it takes about 3 and a half minutes to fully load a black powder .44 and install caps. Look out! LOL


I knew this dude because he was a reservist 0847 attached to my unit when we deployed to Iraq in 2008. We were FOBBITs though so he saw NO combat, no he wasnt MEDIVACed out. He went home early because his now ex wife he just killed was reportedly suicidial at the time. The guy was a tool and I remember him acting like hot shit just because he was married, like it made him so manlier. Funny how his marriage lead to this.

Of course the assclowns in the media want to throw PTSD around but no way this ginger has it, 9 years reserves and one THREE month deployment on Camp Ramadi, no way. I already had a full deployment under my belt when I was a LCpl before I ever met this tool!

Pinto Nag

I bet he feels like a real stud now that he’s killed six innocent people. /sarc

I hope a sniper gets the chance to drill him.


Yeah, right? And from what I heard he was walking around his unit acting like a badass after getting sent back home.

He can either give himself up or die in a hail of cop bullets


I’m down with either of those decisions, but I’m betting he takes option A, self inflicted. That will save lots of time and money. And resources to prosecute.


I read a few articles on this guy. They were all playing the “crazy vet” angle. One even compared it to the “crazed Rambo Vietnam vet” thing.


This one is not as bad, they interviewed an old buddy of mine that was one of Stone’s Marines.

But seriously people this day and age that still blindly follow anything the media says are moronic sheep. At least many people I know dont follow their BS agendas and narratives.

A Proud Infidel®™

If he offs himself, that will save the taxpayers from having to feed, clothe, and house the shittyassed murdering dirtbag!


News is reporting he has been found, dead.



/selfish cocksuckers. Well except for the killing himself part saving the PA taxpayers the expense.

Pinto Nag

^^^ THIS ^^^


Apparently Stone killed his children as well, through a combination of gunshots and a “cutting instrument”. Tragically sad, RIP.


Where did you get that? All reports I’ve seen say that his children are safe.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, thank goodness he did himself or he might never have been found. How long did it take PA to lay hands on the Serbian Re-enactor or whatever the hell he was? And he killed one police officer and wounded another. (BTW, I read that he snatched his two kids but left them unharmed.)


And thats the way it is. Media paints several generations of vets with their tainted paint brush. RIP to the victims and condolences for surviving family members.