Americans support gun rights more than gun control

Hondo sends us a link from the Christian Science Monitor which reports that more Americans support gun rights than support more gun control according to a Pew Research Center survey;
The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted Dec. 3-7 among 1,507 adults, also finds a shift in attitudes about whether gun ownership in this country does more to protect people or put people’s safety at risk. Nearly six-in-ten Americans (57%) say gun ownership does more to protect people from becoming victims of crime, while 38% say it does more to endanger personal safety. In the days after Newtown, 48% said guns do more to protect people and 37% said they placed people at risk.
Gun grabbers said, after the murders at Newtown, that we needed to have a discussion about guns in this country. Of course, before there was a discussion, some Governors shoved irrational gun controls down the throats of their constituents. In the rest of the country, there was a real discussion and Americans have determined that more control is not necessary;
Over the past two years, blacks’ views on this measure have changed dramatically. Currently, 54% of blacks say gun ownership does more to protect people than endanger personal safety, nearly double the percentage saying this in December 2012 (29%). By contrast, whites’ views have shown less change: 62% now view guns as doing more to protect people, up from 54% in December .
Apparently, President Obama was right, we did need to have a discussion about guns. Good thing that we had one, ain’t it? Good thing that he didn’t get his way, good thing that the Senate didn’t get their way, good thing that we can have discussions without them.
I want to thank the gun grabbers for their irrational chatter about “30 clip magazines”, rifle sling swivels that launch grenades and their “Ghost Guns”. Their incompetence in the discussion is what turned American opinion against them. Personally, I hope they keep yammering and proving that they have nothing to add to the discussion except hyperbole and conjecture. Their irrational fear of pistol grips, flash suppressors and bayonet lugs is their undoing.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Perhaps this qualifies as a good example of separating those who refer to talk about their rights from those who prefer exercising their rights.
Yeah, here’s the Washington Times’ article:
People are waking up to the truth. I hope the democraps keep up their hype and spittle on Gun Control, I think it will turn even more people away from them!
Actually we do need to have a national discussion on gun control. Lets start with this question. Why do the following government agencies have paramilitary forces armed with automatic weapons, high capacity magazines, full body armor and ambush resistant vehicles?
1) EPA
2) Dept of Ed
3) IRS
If they don’t spend every dime in their budgeted allotments by the end of the fiscal year, they get less the next year.
Damn your simple pragmatic dead on-point answers! 😉
Well said though…
Because Congress post 9/11 directed a reclassification of many of thier inspection/IG/compliance folks to “law enforcement”.
Its a good deal for the folks who were transferred over in terms of pay and retirement, probably not so much a good deal for the rest of us.
If the young lady in the photo at the top of the story applies about 5 pounds of force with her right forefinger, that front sight will probably bounce off her skull and the blast will deafen her. I haven’t fired one of those hand cannons, will the flash burn/blast a lot of hair off the right side of her head or will it go up? Anybody know?
That is not a frickken toy. I credit the movies for this sort of jackassery.
Looks to me like her finger is outside the trigger guard. I can’t see her fingertip. Could just be the angle of the picture.
She works in the family shop in Colorado, or did. Yes, I confess I watched a show on Discovery Channel… She has excellent trigger discipline, if what you see on the Tube is any indication…
Were I a single man…
But I’m not. In fact, I’m very happily married to an even hotter woman. But still, y’know, hypothetically speaking…
Yeah, I know…
Did your wife make you say that? Like mine makes me?
That’s Paige Wyatt. Her dad, Rich Wyatt owns Gunsmoke Guns in Wheatridge, Colorado. They, along with his wife and son, used to have a show “American Guns” on the Discovery Channel before it was cancelled after Sandy Hook.
Yep, that’s what I thanked Jonn for a little while ago. 🙂
I used to enjoy the show. Hope they’ve managed to straighten out their taxes and ownership issues.
Well, I know I’ve been doing my part to spread the Good News. I’ve converted my wife from a terrified product of inner-city “guns are bad” indoctrination to an avid shooter (she LOVES her S&W Victory Model, and loves me for getting it for her), have gotten her similarly-indoctrinated sisters interested in shooting, have acted in an advisory capacity to my Captain, a few fellow Engineers, and several of my Firefighters regarding their first firearm purchases, and now I might even become a Volunteer Range Officer in my spare time.
I have also managed to open the eyes of a couple of died-in-the-wool glocktards to the fact that Tupperware guns may not be the answer to everything [shit-eatin’ grin]. Kidding! As always, you glocktards know I love Ya!
I did the same with my wife. It was hard at first. She’s a product of European urban gun control. Now she loves her guns. And I made this Christmas a gun year. Bought my daughter and daughter in law new compact pistols and built ARs for my two sons and son-in-law.
I own a Glock and even I don’t like it all that much. The only reason I bought it is because even a reasonably advanced invertebrate could break it down and put it back together again. The recoil hurts, and the trigger weight is ridiculous. It will eventually go down the road, or become my bugout bag gun.
Pinto Nag…So, what are ya asking for your Glock?
Make me an offer. Hell, Sparks…offer to pay the postage, and I’ll send you a Christmas present.
And I’m dead serious when I say that. I’d be more likely to grab one of my bows to defend myself.
If you’re really interested, send me an email thru Jonn.
Pinto Nag…I’ll ask Jonn to forward my email to you m’lady. Thank you!
Kust sent a request and asked Jonn to send you my email. Thank you again. I look forward to hearing from you.
I’ll be away from my computer for the weekend starting tomorrow, so don’t be concerned if you don’t hear from me until Monday.
Forwarded two emails.
Thank You Jonn!!!
Pinto Nag…You’re being so gracious to me, so no worries at all. Whenever is fine with me. I go off email about 4PM Pacific Time each day myself.
“I want to thank the gun grabbers for their irrational chatter about “30 clip magazines”, rifle sling swivels that launch grenades and their “Ghost Guns”.”
And don’t forget barrel shrouds. You know, those shoulder things that go up.
And I wanna thank YOU, Jonn, for sharing the picture of Paige Wyatt, from Gunsmoke Guns in Wheat Ridge, CO.
What we NEED around here, is some cougar bait.
Notice that I didn’t ask Jonn to post any. NEVER ask Jonn to post girl eye-candy. EVER.
But he already did, Pinto Nag. Multiple times. (smile)
I’m teasing Jonn, Hondo, and he knows why. Jonn has indeed posted some pics of some very nice looking gentlemen in the past.
Pinto Nag…So Jay Kerwin doesn’t do anything for you?
I like plastic guns more than I do plastic people, but that’s not saying much.
Pinto Nag…Well it seems sure that you and Ex-PH2 know your men when you see them! Can’t hide phoney from you two.
Jay Kerwin is a ‘roid freak. Nothing about him, including those guns of his, is real.
Have to wonder how much of that large swing in the black community is due to the Michael Brown-type publicity of the last couple of years…kind of hard to say “only cops should have guns” at the same time you are rioting to take guns away from cops. Too, consistency has never hobbled the anti-gun crowd’s pontificating, nor has logic.
If anyone in any government ever understands that being a control freak about stuff like guns is not going to put a stop to street crimes, gun trafficking, gang warfare, driveby shootings, bank robberies, hold-ups, carjackings, mall/school shootings, or any other similar stuff, someone please let me know.
I think I pretty well covered all the illegal activities involving guns.
California recently had a discussion about gun violence. Their solution was to lower the classification of gun crimes so illegals wouldn’t be jailed as much. Those gun relate felonies aren’t felonies any longer.
Libtards. Libtards never change.
Don’t look at me. I didn’t vote for those dickheads, and neither did most of the folks in my department. Which likely has something to do with why my salary remains consistently low, despite being a state employee under a democrat regime. Vindictive fuckers…
Anyone remember that fool Vietnam war protester? This is exactly the type of article he would show up on and try to form words and sentences. Wonder what happened to that horses ass. Maybe the midterms were just too much for him to take….