NDtBF says you can’t use his name

| December 4, 2014

The current tyrant of North Korea Kim Jong Un (known around here as Needle D*ck the Bug F**ker) has determined that his name is too important for the other kids to have according to the link sent to us by Pinto Nag from MSN;

North Korea has ordered people who share the name of leader Kim Jong Un to change their names, South Korea’s state-run KBS television reported on Wednesday.

North Korea imposed similar bans on the use of the names of its two former leaders, Kim’s father, Kim Jong Il, and grandfather, Kim Il Sung, as part of propaganda drives to build cults of personality around them.

Kim Jong Un’s name is not allowed for newborns and people who share the name must not just stop using it but must change it on their birth certificates and residence registrations, KBS reported, citing an official North Korean directive.

So, there you go.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Intel POG

I’ve been wondering what to call my new dog. I may have just found a name.


If you get a new cat, that would be even better. Cats are not exactly “well thought of” in Korea. (smile)

B Woodman

Au contraire. Cats are VERY well thought of in Korea. . . . as dinner. Ummmm. . . . . . .


B Woodman: I believe that’s dogs, amigo. The Korean dish in question is referred to by us dumb Americans as “kei-goki”. The proper name for the dish is bosintang.

As far as I know, I never made the mistake of ordering bosintang, or eating it by accident. But I knew a couple of guys who did – once. (smile)

Cats are held in low esteem in Korea (which is predominantly Buddhist) because they reputedly were the only domestic animal that would not submit to Buddha’s authority – they were too independent. Or at least that’s how it was explained to me.


Who’d want to name their kid (of either gender) “Needle Dick”?

The Other Whitey

Well, ain’t that just peachy? My understanding is that “Kim” is about as common a name in Korea as Smith, Jones, and Johnson combined are here. NDtBF thus demonstrates that he is just as much a pint-sized asshole as his old man and grandpappy were. Little fatass chickenshit…hey, wasn’t he dying last month? At least if his hot sister took over, they could be real-life Bond villains!

In any event, I plan on seeing “The Interview.” It looks pretty damn funny, and might even contain a live performance of “I’m So Ronery.”

2/17 Air Cav


I can’t wait to see this movie. Any film that has that little prick dictator so pissed off that he threatens to go to war over, automatically gets revenue from me.

The Sniper

I guess I will have to rename that shit I just took.

Old Trooper

Is he still alive?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

And the madness continues unabated…


But at least the names Adolf and Saddam are still available…


As well as Mao and Stalin . . .

2/17 Air Cav

Any word on Barack?


Well, that does it! That little snotpicker can’t use my name, either.


In related news, Kim Jong Un was found napping on a beach … when a loyal and loving NORK scratched his belly … this happened:


Master Chief…you just don’t see that every day. Made me think of Roseanne Barr, Oprah, Kathy Bates, Marlon Brando, Joey Buttafuoco and of course all of the Kardashians.


I can’t even begin to imagine what that smelled like when it burst.

Well, I can, but I’m eating lunch.



Hack Stone

May I suggest that they change their names to Palmer? It’s done wonders for a guy in Bethesda MD.

A Proud Infidel®™

One of my neighbor’s Son is starting up a punk rock garage band. Maybe I can convince them to name their band “The Dead Kims”? “The Dead Kennedys and The Dead Milkmen used to be popular on the punk rock scene, maybe those kids ought to try using that for a band name?


Why not Kim Fu Kyu? (smile)


I am just going to leave this here. No discussion of NDtBF is complete without it:


My favorite is that Kim Jong Un ordered that all NK males must cut their hair to look like his. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s another tribute to pudgy ‘lil cheesemunching Kim:


Sadly, The Interview will not be shown here in South Korea…guess I will have to pirate a copy in a week or two when a decent one is online.