Thank You.

| November 27, 2014

At different times today most of us will sit down and have a meal with friends and family. Prayer will be said and and many will voice the things they are thankful for.

This time last year my son was at sea. I am thankful he will be home and once again surrounded by family. My thoughts are with those that have taken his place, the Carl Vinson Battle Group. My thoughts  are also with those still deployed to Afghanistan and  Iraq as well as bases all over the world and here at home in the US.   As we all know there is always someone on duty protecting all of us.

I want to take the time to thank Jonn and all of you. First to Jonn for allowing me to post here and to all of you for reading my ramblings.  When I get comments on my post a such as “it’s getting dusty in here” or “I laughed out loud” it makes my day. I am thankful that TAH and sites like it exist, they give voice to concerns that otherwise would be over looked and prove that in diversity there is strength.

All over our nation this week there have been protest and demonstrations, unfortunately a few people with evil intent cast a shadow over all of those that were protesting peacefully. It is no secret that I do not agree with cause of the protest, but never the less I am thankful that we live in a nation where the right to protest is protected, just as my right to disagree is protected.

I am a very fortunate man, I have    in my life a good woman who loves me enough to point out my flaws as well as support my dreams. The last year has not been easy for us but we have not only survived but grown stronger. I am thankful for her  faith and trust in me. While I have not always been able to be with her in person, my heart is always there.

Happy Thanksgiving



Category: Who knows

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All the best to your son, in addition to all of our gratitude, thank you for your contributions here, and Happy Thanksgiving!


E4U … Can you send me the phone number of the hot chick wearing the bikini with the big bootie in the photo above.

Oh, and I can’t seem to find my glasses!

Note: E4U keep up the great work. I am in your corner!



And a Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family and all of us here at the TAH gathering spot for so many of us that have served and those that didn’t serve but offer the support that so many of them need.
I am Thankful for all of you and will continue to drop by here daily just for the fun of it !!!



Very nice post. One to reflect upon. I’m glad your son is able to share this Thanksgiving at home with family.

Remembering all of our military members that can’t be at home today, and those that never came home.

To all at TAH, Happy Thanksgiving.


By the way, who from TAH is sacrificing their Thanksgiving today. You know, because it’s their turn to be in Oregon shaking bernasty’s bushes.


Not sure who has bush duty today, but if I read or hear in the news about another poor unfortunate soul whose being “forced” to work today or Black Friday I’m going to strangle them. There are many military, law enforcement, fire and other types of personnel who would trade places with those mistreated people in a heartbeat. So be thankful that you have a job; a safe one at that, and quit the bellyaching.
I now return you to regularly scheduled rant-free blogging.


Well said. I never put the two categories together, until your post.

Meanwhile the Oregon bushes are shaking, shaking, shaking.

Zero Ponsdorf

I too am a very fortunate man. For some of the same reasons.