A Modern Thanksgiving Tradition – of Sorts
Because of the date of the original incident, this song has become a minor Thanksgiving tradition on many modern radio stations. This should also bring back a few memories for our Vietnam-era readers; hopefully, at this point, the passage of time has made them reasonably mellow ones. Enjoy.
For what it’s worth: the song actually is based – loosely – on a real event. Alice was a real person (Alice Brock); Alice had indeed purchased an old church (Trinity Church) and lived in same with her husband Ray as depicted in the song.
Arlo Guthrie and a friend, Richard Robbins, really were arrested for illegal littering in Stockbridge, MA, on Thanksgiving Day, 1965 – after they hauled off some of the Brocks’ garbage, found all local dumps closed, and illegally dumped the trash elsewhere. The arresting officer actually did look through the garbage to find a clue (the Brock’s address on an envelope), leading to Guthrie’s and Robbins’ arrest.
The judge that later heard the case actually was blind, and the arresting officer was named William J. “Obie” Obanhein – sometimes referred to as, yes, “Officer Obie”. (The judge’s use of a seeing-eye dog, the famous “twenty-seven 8 by 10 color glossy photos”, and much of the rest of the song’s purported dialog and/or events may well be satirical exaggeration on Guthrie’s part). They pleaded guilty to littering and creating a public nuisance and were indeed fined $25 each – or $50 total.
Guthrie was later called for the draft (some accounts say he tried to voluntarily enlist). Whether his attempted entry into the military was voluntary or not, he was indeed disqualified for military service based on his criminal record (his guilty plea to the crimes of littering and creating a public nuisance and resulting in the payment of a $25 fine).
Though the song was at the time considered anti-war and adopted by the antiwar movement, Guthrie has long said the song was not written as an antiwar song. Rather, he says he wrote it more as an “anti-stupidity” song.
I have to say he has at least a partial point. Disqualifying someone for military service because of a guilty plea to the crime of littering at a time of manpower demand so extreme it led to Project 100,000 (AKA MacNamara’s “Moron Corps”) does seem to fail the “WTF?” test. Then again, all of us who’ve served already know that the Five-Sided Asylum often seems to regard common sense as a disqualifying trait for, well, pretty much anything. (smile)
Happy Thanksgiving, all. And remember:
You can get anything you want, at Alice’s Restaurant
(Excepting Alice)
You can get anything you want, at Alice’s Restaurant
Walk right in it’s around the back
Just a half a mile from the railroad track
You can get anything you want, at Alice’s Restaurant
Category: Pointless blather, Who knows
My Thanksgiving tradition is to watch Trains Trains And Automobiles the night before Thanksgiving, but my significant other dragged me off to a restaurant for her friend’s birthday.
And it was 28 years ago today (it was Thanksgiving that day too) that my wife to be arrived in America. Ever since then, I have not been able to purchase my own clothes. Everything I wear is 75% off at the PX, whether it fits me or not. It usually doesn’t. When you finally puts me in the ground, I have a feeling that I won’t fit in the casket, but it will be 75% off.
THAT is funny…especially the casket line! (If you haven’t already, make sure you keep that in your repertoire and get some quality mileage out of it!)
It’s going into my set. You can catch my act next month. FirsTech has hired me to perform at their corporate Christmas party. For some reason, they are paying with a post dated check.
I do remember all that stuff, and also that the radio stations played it, along with Country Joe & the Fish later on, until I got tired of hearing it on the radio. It drove me to find the classical stations.
For that, I am grateful, but I never thought Arlo even came close to the measure of his dad as a singer-writer. There’s just no comparison between those two.
Here’s ol’ Woodie.
Can’t say I’m much a fan of either Communists or fellow travelers, Ex-PH2. No matter how talented they were.
As I recall, his son Arlo never was either.
Ah memories: Thanks Ex-PH2.
Aside: I might argue that
Arlo and Woody captured their times well enough.
But, nice lady person, my thanks is for reminding me of Country Joe I was just back when I saw/heard this at Woodstock:
I used to know the entire thing and sang (spoke) it with a guy that came back from Vietnam and played the guitar. It was a lot of fun for a 14 year old kid to do it.
Good times back then, good times.
Great tradition. Been doing it forever. Get to introduce it to Granddaughter this year. Beautiful sunny day with a fresh snow down. Life is good!!
“Walk right in, it’s around the back,
Just about a mile from the railroad track…”
I remember seeing a photo of the church (later purchased by Guthrie himself) in “Railfan & Railroad’ magazine a few years back and they had a pic of the fabled restaurant itself, its entrance was from an alley!
Hondo … Love your stuff. Keep it up. Happy Thanksgiving!
I play it every year. Good presentation Hondo. And Happy Thanksgiving!
American Legion Riders group I ride with rode out to Alice’s Restaurant off hwy 84 last weekend. Strangely enough the waitress was named Kim, I was hoping for Alice. 🙂