Palmer Paul (Psul) Wickre, viking racist extraordinaire is tired of being ignored

| November 21, 2014

You’ll note of course we haven’t talked about this asshat in months.  He doesn’t like that.  Jonn and I joke occasionally and guess how long before he sends us another rambling and insane email because we aren’t discussing him.  We actually expected it when his wife’s boss got fired by the people of Florida.   I’d love to think we played a part in that.  I’m anxiously waiting to see where she lands next, so that every email from Paul from there on can get sent to the Chief of Staff of her new boss so that he’s aware of the racist and sexist nature of his employees husband.  (That’s part of being able to “petition for a redress of grievances.”)   I know if I got elected I would want to know that my employees husband did time in jail, hates Jews, levies death threats and calls people “White ni**ers.”

But last night he really overdid himself.  He apparently got some spell check device, which is awesome, because the shit is at least readable now.  He still can’t figure out “their”, “there” and “they’re” but noted geniuses with genetically superior Viking blood can’t be held accountable for that.

And so, in all it’s glory, I give you the latest missive from Paul.  I could go through and Fiske it line by line, but there really is no point.  Everyone here knows that we didn’t pick his name out of a phonebook, dude came here, lied about being in Viet Nam, then threatened to kill my wife, blow up my house and harass my kids.  (Apparently his genius fake marine combat vet Private Eye was unable to discover I am without progeny.)  But anyway, I give you this email from a man whose first comment here said that we were worse than the Nazis wh0 killed the Jews.  (Which I guess in retrospect was a compliment, since he has said he hates the Jewish people.)

[By way of background incidentally, Bernath and Wittgenfeld informed my employer they have 7 days to terminate my employment or they will take action.  That action I won’t discuss, but I was authorized to go and get an attorney ready to sue them both, so that is nice.  I informed Wittless that I would not be responding to his emails as his last one constituted extortion and was going to be addressed by our attorneys.]

What a buffoon– Dallas he is trying to intimidate you with nonsense.
Extortion is a criminal act and is prosecuted at the State level. You
have not sent in any monetary payment demands.

For any civil action the plaintiff has to show damages. Seavey was not
fired as he is wormed in as an agent of the American Legion, and my
view is he is supported and endorsed in his Internet criminality by
the American Legion whom are culpable for years of cyber bullying and
other offenses with Seavey as the point man.  No damage no suit. Made
up stuff.

In our omnibus efforts we had an expert witness read his writings. As
you know this man is a narcissist possessed with self love and disdain
for others. He uses this baseline pathology as a “grey market or soft
criminal”  He is on par with pederasts, flashers, subway masturbaters
and the like. He wants the attention of the crowd and wishes to stand
out– see the Murtha tape it is obvious. When criticized he flees and
is not strong.

Seavey with Lilyea found away to attract attention to themselves, by
manipulating Google as to there writings on there hate filled blog. As
this scheme matured they found out they could influence and direct
their crowd by phone calls and side emails as to follow there
“editorials”. The young punk goons then follow the leader as to
Seaveys  postings and spend hundreds of hours trying to ” get a rise’
out of their victim. They attack in the most intimate details of a
persons life to simply perturb others. Prey on strangers. Cause a
reaction. That is there motive.

Then from there position of controversy, they try and maintain and
position themselves as journalists. Without regulation, or
admonishment, they amplify there acts into whisper phone calls to the
press, call employees and employers and try and disrupt livelihoods,
by tarring there victims, generally causing great worry and anxiety.
This is where they have crossed the line into a series of acts. The
law is clear– this is not First Amendment turf, this is criminal

There is an extensive file on Lilyea in WVA, and just needs a push
into a criminal enterprise when Jay Courier gets more pressure to
interrupt this man. Lilyea, facing an early death is an old crank,
with a cross to bear as others were promoted and dealing with his self
failure. Just an old dying grunt, lashing out at his White Whale from
grievances past.

Every one who has come in contact with this pestilence knows that they
jumped from being the self appointed police of Vets rank and pay, they
then used this public acceptance of Google to put anything on line to
disparage others, create a mob, whip up their crowd and disparage and
cause harm to anyone they see and impose this treatment. Finding
skeletons, looking for embarrassment, any traffic ticket or divorce to
anger their target.

It is no wonder that Lilyea is despised and Seavey has a growing
following of victims in full hate mode, growing as to his coorinated
acts and misuse of the public nature of the Internet.

Both social malcontents, Lilyea will die in 2015 a broken old
miscreant, with no epitaph but that he angered so many
stranger-victims, he has weekly death threats which the WVA police
ignore and tell him to stop his Internet rag, as he is just a pest.
But Seavey is the true sociopath. He directly interferes with any one
he does not like and attacks the victims household, and job– seeking
to flash the victim as in some bad action worthy of law enforcement
the press or some other dictact.

He takes pleasure in angering others, sees this as a battle of wits
and just common sense tells you that all the writings, all the time it
took, this sick sociopath, works endless hours with his pals feeding
him any material, tax records, drive bys, photographs, antecedents,
owned property, spouses, careers, and on and on to create vitriol and
controversy as to their targets.

Then have the balls to claim two points:

1) They are “not responsible” for their posters violent and filthy,
ugly attacks and comments when they targeted the victim

2) They are exchanging in a ‘free marketplace of ideas”

There true motive is to use their blog to make extra paltry income,
harm others and suck in emotions of pleasure when the “get a rise”,
which is there air.

Seavey is truly sick– you can see it in the posts. No remorse, no
apology, an un-regulated hate monger, virtually masturbating as he
pours over his little PC screen, as the latest interest. He takes
pleasure in others harm or worry, provokes anguish and suffering and
seeks to ‘out” whomever he sees as to some misdeed or past, attacking
there reputation and business, or family or social standing.

The same as a pederast, rapist, or tormentor of others, something went
wrong with this guy in childhood, to continually seek attention,
manipulate his situation, diminish others, seek disparagement not for
financial gain but for his mobs pecking order and his own life
failures. One day he will cross the line again, and perturb someone
who may not control themselves. In otherwords of you keep going to the
bar and picking fights with drunk strangers, when you get shanked you
should not be surprised. That is his path and destiny.

He has raised so much enmity and hatred form strangers, this is why he
is attacked and revealed. Eventually the sheer weight of his
transgressions will backfire and as trifling with human emotions,
someone or a group or the authorities will yank his leash hard.

This is no First Amendment business– Seavey acts shocked that he did
nothing wrong. In my case, for attacking an Innocent, my beloved wife
who has never appeared in this matter, he has a debt to be settled, as
a man and husband.

This man is a sociopath, denies his clearly wrong actions and
misdeeds, vilifies others and disturbs the social fabric, just out of
adolescent “fun” by finding a vic, beating, raping or kidnapping,
exercising “power” over his victim and repeating the act. A real
sociopath, that foments rage and probes into peoples personal
bushiness. Hiding behind his PC, if he were practicing these acts, in
public or in a bar or an argument with a stranger he would be on the
receiving end of harsh and immediate street justice.  If he said any
one of his key writings to a stranger taking his insults, which is all
his thoughts are– insults, he would find a face to face vic putting
him in the hospital. What does he expect? You insult strangers with
the most ugly words as to their family life  or person, how are they
going to react??

Lilyea is a crank and gone soon. No wonder people write that they want
to piss on his grave as a final solution. Seavey is a sociopath, and
worthy of a criminal pathologist probing his serial “soft crimes”.
Anti-social and borderline crimes as to general attacks on others,
eventually that which he has sown, shall he reap. Either legal ,
career or marital or neighbor discord, someone will yank this guys
chain, as he plows the turf of hate, ugly words and interference in
others private lives.

A criminal pest–One error in his calculus of hate, antipathy and
discord and all his offenses will be raised up by his collective
victims. He is on that path. A public nuisance and one who needs help
and treatment by the authorities in increasing levels until he is
court ordered to not go on the Internet or wind up in jail.

Everyone involved knows these truths–

It really is beautifully written. I’m somehow reminded of Percy Bysshe Shelly’s poem “Ozymandius” (my fourth favorite poem*)….

met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

* In order….
1) Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, Samuel Taylor Coleridge
2) If, Rudyard Kipling
3) Michael (A Pastoral Poem), William Wordsworth
4) Ozymandius
5) To His Coy Mistress, Andrew Marvell

An hundred years should go to praise
Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze;
Two hundred to adore each breast,
But thirty thousand to the rest;
An age at least to every part,
And the last age should show your heart.
For, lady, you deserve this state,
Nor would I love at lower rate.

Yes, I love poetry, no, I am not attracted to men. Except maybe Paul, because he really is such a sexy beast. Rawr.

Category: Politics

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Doc Savage

Damn….I don’t even know where to begin with this hot mess…..


FFS – I tried to read the whole thing. Almost made it to the end… I gave up… However, I am enjoying Hondo’s link to Pat Boone’s rendition of Crazy Train in the background – very fitting…


Every time I consider a career in law, I take a look at something written by Birdbath or Psul. I honestly don’t think that I could sit down and read through all of that screed without mentally shutting down half way through, regardless of how much someone was paying me.

Farflung Wanderer

Stole my joke before I could make it.

I applaud your sense of humor, TSO.


I thought that portion of his screed was devoted to Dallas. Poetry always confuses me.

Green Thumb

Surprise you have the room considering Alex Popovic is usually in there.


Dammit, Thumb. I was going to make a Popovic comment earlier and didn’t go through with it. Well played, well played.


Warrior, scholar, fancy poems that don’t rhyme, occasional hotdog suit?
You Rule Bro! Don’t let these Haters ever get you down!!!

Doc Savage

Love the Moby Dick reference;

“lashing out at his White Whale from
grievances past.”

Jonn….did you take this guys leg off??


His writing is not even verbal diahrea. It is more similar to a case of the verbal herpes, as it cannot be cured and is apparently contageous among the ranks of the Valor Thieves..


Psul is truly bat shit crazy.

The Other Whitey

Did his wife write this for him?


Was kinda wondering that myself, since it’s actually more-or-less intelligible. But it does have his signature phrase (“as to”), so maybe he just did it sober and used spell check for a change.

The Other Whitey

Maybe he dictated it to her?


Yeah, he was probably drinking Boone’s Farm (5% ABV) as opposed to Thunderbird (17.5% ABV)so it’s slightly more intelligible than his usual rants but his inability to figure out which word to use (there, their, they’re) is irritating. This dude is an ignoramus of the first order.

A Proud Infidel®™

I assume he’s been steadily indulging in Cisco as well as his usual T-bird and MD20/20, some folks claim that junk has ingredients that make people do and say crazy stuff. One thing is for sure, I’m now convinced that that cheap stuff causes brain damage!!


Proud, in order for that stuff to do brain damage to psulie-o the uncoolie-o, he’d have to a brain to damage to begin with.

A Proud Infidel®™

I stand corrected, what was I thinking?


WOw, this douche nozzle really doesn’t know when to leave well enough alone. Attention whore he is. What a waste of Oxygen.


He must have either run out of booze money, or his wife forced him to go to rehab… no ALL CAPS, no spelling errors… ?!?

Or it’s ghost written.


Meh. Whatever. More ramblings from a known rambler. At least it was legible this time.

Farflung Wanderer

So, he doesn’t like being ignored, eh?

Idea: Every time we have a new post about him, let’s have all the comments be about totally different things. Nothing to do with him.

That’ll really set the SOB off.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

I like cheese. Preferably an aged sharp cheddar, although some soft brie on crackers is always good too.

Farflung Wanderer

I do like Chedder, especially on crackers. However, in my opinion, I’m sticking with American for a Burger.

19D2OR4 - Smitty


Farflung Wanderer

Hardly blasphemous… I love a good burger.

Though Cowboy burgers are really good too. Especially the ones at Applebees.


Yeah, well a nice Caprese Sandwich with fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, olive oil, basil, and onions on some fresh baked bread….now that’s some good stuff.

Farflung Wanderer

Dammit, LT, you’re making me hungry.

Green Thumb

Soaked in Crystal Extra Red Hot, maybe…

A Proud Infidel®™

I’d love to indulge in a nice roast beef & Swiss cheese hoagie about now, maybe I’ll go get a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich instead.


Is Psul the speech writer for Obama? I see a similarity.


Paul Wickre
Palmer Wickre
Google Hit Wickre

I can’t believe I just read a spell-checked drunken rambling. And here I didn’t think that old dogs could learn new tricks. This one apparently learned what the little red underlines meant.

I wonder if he’ll have to sell his fleet of Jags now and/or find someone to pimp him on the street corner so he can buy groceries.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim
Despite those titles, power, and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonored , and unsung.

Sir Walter Scott


I’ve never done an illegal drug in my life but after reading that I wonder if someone slipped something in my coffee this morning. HOLY SHIT. Psul needs to be in a triple padded room


Dear lady, that’s NOTHING compared to some of his earlier inanity. Be glad you didn’t see those.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

That was actually somewhat coherent in comparison, if a tad homoerotic.

Toasty Coastie

Paul “Psul” Wickre found the Holiday Mad Dog 20/20 and Thunderbird Bottles that have a Thesaurus and a dictionary printed on the labels. Amazing….

Climb to Glory

I have no idea what I just read. More inane and incoherent ramblings. What a tard. I’m just shocked he didn’t bring up TSO’S lack of owned property and that he lives in the middle of the country. Hey Paul, how are all the five dollar suits doing these days?


It’s simple, C2G.

Pickwickre peckerwood is describing himself. See what I posted below.


As to as to ass too. It all follows a pattern. He does seem to have a hang up on masturbation though, wonder if he does a split screen with youporn while he writes these things.


Oh, and Psul, if I haven’t lately, love and kisses to the missus!


Green Thumb

Palmer (of the Ballsack) even got fired from APL.

What does that tell you?






Green Thumb

Maybe he is not sleazier than Commander Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics.

But who knows?

If that is so (not being a bigger lair, thief and fraud than Phil Monkress at All-points Logistics), then it is a start.

Palmer (of the Ballsack), you still have a chance to step up and come clean!

But I doubt it.

Time will tell.


So guys, don’t hold us in suspense…

who won the pool?


Yeah, so in honor of the return of Psul-mer I have this classic tune. Some of you may remember ZZ Top doing this, but they straight stole it (no credit given)from these fellas who recorded it in 1960:


Wow – I did not know that ZZ Top stole that one!

Here’s another plagiarized song that for some reason reminds me of Psul (at least Led Zeppelin changed the lyrics) –


There’s a certain frantic feeling in this version that is missing from Zeppelin’s (then again, subtlety was not Zeppelin’s strong suit in their early days). It’s kind of eerie, almost like you’re hearing someone losing their mind as the song progresses.


Yes, I definitely agree with you on that!

If you’re interested in how the plagiarism evolved – here’s Jimmy Page’s version of the Yardbirds doing the song. The musical arrangement is very close to Zeppelin’s, but they’re still using Holmes’ lyrics –

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Can you imagine the list of people he would have to make amends to if he ever joined AA?


He’d never get to the first step. Way too much ego and delusion.


Just when you think its safe to walk in the dayroom and clean it, there’s crap like this laying all over the floor. Nail his carcass to the wall, Seavey. Make that mofo feel it, too. Heh.

Brian Reeves

I completely lost it at “Pederasts and Subway Masturbators”… Nothing else I see today will possibly be that funny…
Seriously…tears running down my face…


It’s like reading Hunter S. Thompson if he was under alcohol poisoning and delusional after drinking three bottles of military special scotch. It is hard to believe this guy has not been taken away for his own safety and others.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Damn, he sure is on a one way trip on Ozzy’s Crazy Train.


Well, OIF – since you brought it up, in Psul’s honor. And yeah, this was really released on a Pat Boone album (“In a Metal Mood”).


Smooth as an ice cold Guinness.
Speaking of which its time.


So it’s still chilly outside. Time for another cuppa java.


TSO, I’m curious. Is a coorinated act something one does under the influence of too much Coors?

And would such acts include probing into other peoples
personal bushiness?


I think a “coordinated act” is one executed before becoming under the influence of too much Coors, PT. (smile)


Poetrooper, DON’T use the word ‘probing’ on the same page with peckerwood.

You’ll get him all excited and we’ll never see the end of it.


THEIR!!! Motherfucking THEIR!!!!!


And what the fuck is a “dictact”? Or does he mean he needs a TicTac? Or maybe that his dick is not intact? Or that his dick lacks tact? Or that he’s didactic?

Fuck, I now have a headache.


So… um… work blocks Urban Dictionary. I think you need to share. LOL


1. A word used to refer to a man’s small penis.
I was about to punch my friend in the face, then he whipped out his penis, and I was like “bro, you have a dic-tac”.
2. A person who has a penis smaller than a tic-tac. They usually drive sports cars or Hummers, and love wearing Ed Hardy. (Or a piece of shit Jaguar)
1. Any type of contact with a penis. combined word from dick and contact.
“so you went home with him last night?! did you get the dictact?”
also, i.e.
“Psul, when was the last time you got dictact?
I got dictact 2 months ago before Phildo fired me.


OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m literally laughing my ass off in my office! Holy shit! That’s fucking brilliant!


I’d like to point out, right here, that with this bit of prose, pickwickre peckerwood is aptly describing himself.

Quote: “As you know this man is a narcissist possessed with self love and disdain for others. He uses this baseline pathology as a “grey market or soft
criminal” He is on par with pederasts, flashers, subway masturbaters
and the like. He wants the attention of the crowd and wishes to stand
out – see the Murtha tape it is obvious. When criticized he flees and
is not strong.”

There are many very similar spots in which peckerwood, aka psulie-o the uncoolie-o, unwittingly relates HIS VERY OWN BEHAVIOR in writing to anyone who wants to spend the time reading it. If you have plenty of time, a large supply of snack foods and drinks available, and you’re snowed in after shoveling the sidewalk, you can review everything that graduate of the University of Idiocracy ever posted on TAH.

Should anyone decide to do so, remember, it’s all for posterity. It’s what he’s left behind. He’s not nuts, but he’d like us to think he is.

Wickre, Vess du fan ikke kan oppfør dæ årntli så ska æ stapp høue ditt opp i ræva di, så kan du sett dær, aleina i mørtna, å prat mannskit me dæ sjøl. Dra laksen, baesj-puffer.


I can’t read a word of that last bit, but did you just call him a peter puffer?


Basically, yes.

Loosely translated, it means ‘Wickre, if you can’t behave yourself, I’ll shove your head up your ass so far you’ll sit there in the dark and talk shit to yourself. Fuck off, c**sucker.’


Excellent! I’ll need to copy and save that for future use. Hope you don’t mind. 🙂


Be my guest.


It’s all very confusing. Not certain which one of them he was trying to describe. As usual, he had some trouble staying on topic.

Then again, to make an evaluation of today’s drivel, one would have to actually admit to having read it. Which some of us are unwilling to do.

Ahhh. This is some good java.

Roger in Republic

EX, In the world of mental illness that is called projection, that is, projecting their own traits onto others. In same cases it defines their illness. And yes, he does it, a lot.


Roger in Republic…Roger That!

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

Well, if I’m gonna be hated for my ethnicity, at least it’s apparently by someone who couldn’t successfully pee on his own leg to put out a fire…

Roger in Republic

I think Paul’s wife must have bought him that “Dragon”software that types whatever you speak. You still have to proofread your work for grammar and syntax though. That would explain his confusion with their, there and they’re.


I hope she bought herself earplugs, too.

Well, on second thought – If she actually did that . . . no I don’t hope that at all.


Does Dragon software translate retard to English?


I believe that’s the “PKW” module, Nicki. Extra cost, and still has a few bugs in it regarding “there/their/they’re” – plus other such homonyms. (smile)


Bitch wasted her money. I believe the software is rendered inoperable by the bottle of Windex Psul consumed before writing that shit show.


Psul, your mom should have swallowed you piece of shit.

On another note, I like building Model Aircraft. 🙂


Wow. Looks like bernutsy isn’t going to be happy until he proves his complete lack of sanity to the entire free world. What he has to do with the situation reported at the link Jonn posted about this poser is anyone’s guess, but he apparently thinks his delusions somehow relate.

Crazy, man.


Oh, never mind. It must be contagious – forgot where I was there for a moment. The above comment should have been over there with the Julie Johns stuff.


OWB: I thought the comment worked pretty well here, too.

Course, with that guy it’s just soooo easy . . . . (smile)


Only the names are changed to protect, or maybe confuse, the guilty.

Dave Hardin


Dave Hardin

Dave Hardin

Ok, one last try:




Guard Bum

Man, virtual masturbation may work for you younger guys but it was a No Go at this station…am I doing it wrong?


Guard Bum…No worries brother. We’re in the same boat, those days are long gone.

Mark Lauer

I’m thinking that maybe I should drop a little acid before I try reading one of those…whatever they are…from the Viking. It might be the only way I will ever be able to understand what the fuck he’s saying, and to get through one of them.


Trying to understand what the f**k he’s saying? That will take quite a while. Better try GinkoViagra instead. (smile)


Mark Lauer…I get you brother. I thought I was having a bad flashback.


Mark, you really should go back to the very beginning of it all, to get the full effect of pickwickre peckerwood’s wickreisms.

However, should you decide to take that trip back in time, you should know that you will most likely need to stock up on food and drink for at least a week, avail yourself of whatever you can get in the way of No-Doz or Red Bull, or any other heavily-caffeinated stuff, turn the phone off, and keep eyedrops and a box or two of tissues standing by.

And don’t say I didn’t warn you. That entire history requires a major spew alert, especially the parts where we got into backtalking that marone in multiple languages. He couldn’t keep up.

Hack Stone

I hear that one frequent contributor posted some job hunting tips for Paul after he was unceremoniously shit-canned from All Ponts Logistics. Check the archives for June 20, 2013 9:19 PM. Whoever that guy is, he is one funny dude.


It’s kind of like Vogon Poetry….


And for those unfamiliar with this particular art form, here is a brief essay on the topic with a famous example:


My hover craft is full of eels.
An old Viking saying.

Toasty Coastie

@TSO…Do you know this one?


MARTIAL, the things that do attain
The happy life, be these, I find :
The riches left, not got with pain ;
The fruitful ground, the quiet mind :

The equal friend, no grudge, no strife ;
No charge of rule, nor governance ;
Without disease, the healthful life ;
The household of continuance :

The mean diet, no delicate fare ;
True wisdom join’d with simpleness ;
The night discharged of all care,
Where wine the wit may not oppress :

The faithful wife, without debate ;
Such sleeps as may beguile the night.
Contented with thine own estate ;
Ne wish for Death, ne fear his might.

Paul “Psul” Wickre will never have this…

Hack Stone

The FirsTech 2014 Corporate Christmas Party will be held at microwave of the 7-11 located at 7305 MacArthur Blvd Bethesda MD on Friday December 19 from 12:00 PM to 12:15 PM. The catered event will consist of two burritos and a medium sized drink (your choice). Please RSVP by December 12, and be sure to place some adhesive to the back of the envelope so your response does not blow away. (FirsTech expects to undertake a major renovation in 3rd Quarter of FY 2018 to acquire a new mailbox.)

Hack Stone
Media Relations

Toasty Coastie

Hey Unfortunate Shaped Phallic Hedge, Fake, Never Was, Never will be a CPO, Non-Legally Practicing Lawyer Daniel A. Bernath is going full wickre over on the linked article’s comment page..its a hoot, so consider that your spew alert 😈


What link Toasty? Can’t find that reference. Tnx.

Toasty Coastie

OOPs… ya go 😀


Damn! What a gaggle that is! Inter alia, I like this quote: “USS Yorktown, which I flew off of into Vietnam.”

Did he fly off of it on his recent SEA vaca?

There is comedy gold on that link folks. Thanks Toasty

Ten Bears

SJ has a real good question. How did he fly off of the Yorktown when he was not assigned to any aircrew, at all?

Large, fat balding man with rat on face piles one lie on top of another.

Thirteen Bears

Thirteen Bears look at WIAT thread comments and laugh lots about fake CPO being butt-hurt when people tell truth about him.

Ten Bears

Ten Bears sees clearly that large, fat, bald guy with rat on face speaks with tongue split 3 ways. His claim that he made PH2 in TWO years is buffalo chips.
Date of enlistment 12-14-1966
E-4 10-06-1968
E-5 11-16-1969

Two years? Not so much. Left Navy in June 1970.

Ultra buffalo chips.

Delilah T.

It’s very odd. In the list of crew members who went through the wog to shellback ritual, bernnitwitless is not listed… not anywhere.

Charlie Foxtrot

I see that Daniel A. Bernath has gone full throttle butthurt on the comments thread of the WIAT article in no time. Very few people hate the truth as heavily as he does!

Delilah T.

Oh, there’s one other little ol’ thing, about the Pueblo incident. He says he transferred to the Yorktown before that happened. That’s totally bogus.
The Pueblo was seized by the Norkies on 23 JAN 1968. He didn’t transfer to anything except chipping paint off bulkheads until March 1968.

Hack Stone

Just like John Kerry, the date was”seared in his memory”.

Delilah T.

Did you ever wonder, if dumbernath ‘flew off’ the Yorktown, what squadron he was in?

He has no wings(except for those he stole), so how did he manage that? So many questions. So few answers.

Charlie Foxtrot

Didi Daniel A. Bernath check his fuel before he flew off the carrier? That must have happened before he woke up to take his shift elsewhere on that Warship!


Speaking of having much better things to do than attempt translation of streaming diatribes, we have a couple too many dinner invitations for Thanksgiving. What started out as a quiet day in the neighborhood now seems to include another trip to the grocery store to acquire even more stuff to take along to the various places we will be sharing a progressive dining experience. Of course, you cannot arrive empty handed to any of them, so we will be taking a little of this and a little of that to several homes of friends and relatives.

The good news is that so far we will be able to at least make an appearance at each of them. But, we may not be able to say if that if we get one more invitation!

Bottom line here is that we are already counting our blessings. We hve wonderful friends, family and associates with whom we are happy to share life. None of these folks demands anything other than sharing our bounty and blessings.

Life is good.

Hack Stone

I am sure that Paul Wickre will not be experiencing the problem of too many invitations this Thanksgiving, or any other day for that matter. If you need any proof, look him up on Facebook. He has two friends. No shit, two friends. That is twice as many as I thought he would have.


I’m quite sure those are sock puppets, Hack.

HS Junior

You thought he would have one friend? That’s one more than I would have estimated.


TSO writes:
…Everyone here knows that we didn’t pick his name out of a phonebook phoneybook….

See what I did there?? I just added a new word to our thesaurus.

A Proud Infidel®™

What happened to the photoshopped pic of Psulmer on Daniel A. Bernath’s page of blather, the one with Psul’s head pasted on a picture of Thor? Yeah, Bernath cloamed Psulmer was going to deal a death blow to TAH in court along with DullASS Witlessturd, but of course that didn’t happen! Psulmer is JUST LIKE “that kid” in school who would talk trash to whoever just whipped his ass for doing so and then bawl again after the next ass-whipping!


Oh, goody. We have yet another new word for the thesaurus.

“Geo-sycornise.” Perhaps it means what happens to a mythical honorarium after concurrent honesty and public exposure of libleous lawer activity? More specifically, as to where an orbit might end following the forced acknowledgement of lying liars and self defined projected inflated import consistently rejected.

“Geo-sycornisers” would then be those who abet anyone interfering with the natural result of the Geo-sycronise effet.

An alternate definition might be what happens to those who steadfastly maintain the fault being someone, anyone, other than one’s own when fuel gauges reporting “E” collide with the laws of gravity.

Green Thumb

I am thinking that “Geo-sycornise” is a scientific term used by Palmer (of the Ballsack) for drilling in the two-hole.


Hold the fucking phone here for a second. Your an “agent of the American Legion”? I’ve been in the Legion for years and I’m not an agent. How did you score that gig????


Like a few others, he bought a badge on Ebay. You DON’T have one???


I got a boat load of questions but I have to wait until PH2 asks for a weekend thread because the MMFIC caters to the women and won’t grant me one….oh, wait, I scored one last weekend. But the HMFIC was just patronizing me…where is Rev Al to defend me?

I feel more butt-hurt that a Drone Operator.


Go ahead and ask for the weekend thread, SJ. I am going to be busy with my characters and their adventures. Have to get these books finished, don’t I? And make cookies, too!

I guess since the 3-nut klowne krewe aren’t allowed to post, we can keep things lively with recipes, sea stories and ostuff.


Nah…I respect you too much. I’m Old School. Ladies first.

Kinda old ET1

TSO, you damn sociopath.