Heather Elizabeth Coffman; lied to Feds about her ISIS support

| November 18, 2014

Heather Elizabeth Coffman

Fox News reports that Virginian Heather Elizabeth Coffman is facing charges that she lied to federal investigators in regards to her support for terrorists. She ran several Facebook accounts which attracted the FBI’s attention. Coffman advertised that she had made arrangements for her husband to assist ISIS, well, until he left her and backed out;

Coffman offered to make similar arrangements for the FBI agent and a fictitious friend. The agent told Coffman that his friend wanted to fight with the terrorist group and become a “shaheed,” or martyr. The agent said Coffman encouraged him to support the friend’s plan and offered to use her contacts to help him achieve his goal.

After several meetings between the agent and Coffman, two other FBI agents interviewed the woman at her workplace. She denied supporting any terrorist groups, the affidavit said.

I just figure that everyone on Facebook who I don’t know are Federal agents anyway. Well, Feds or phony soldiers.

Category: Terror War

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Feds, phony6 Soldiers, or fat cheese eating or spandex wearing pervs living in their mom’s basement.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

Heather Elizabeth Coffman needs to make better choices. I hang out with people that two major newspapers say bombed a US Embassy.


Since that group wasn’t ISIS or Al Queda, no one seems to care. I also don’t like to compromise the identity of secret Russian soldiers who my wife and I hang out with


Serving active duty US Special Forces soldiers are no problem though! The Russian GRU seems to to have better donuts.


John “Faker 6” Giduck

crewchief guy

i suppose the real question is why. surely she and isis don’t see eye to eye on beliefs and worldview.

Pinto Nag

That picture is enough to make me understand why jihadis like goats.

Bug-eyed psychotic bitch.


Pinto Nag…You beat me to it! 😀


I see she has loops for attaching reins towards the top of her ears, too. Hm…

A Proud Infidel®™

Once she goes to the ME, she’ll always be second fiddle to goats and other male hadjis when it comes to sexually arousing them!!

The Other Whitey

“Feds” and “phony soldiers” are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Green Thumb

Just ask Cody Stermer.


Who is Heather Elizabeth Coffman? Where did she go to school? What did she and her husband do for a living? Were they employed? Does she have a husband? Why was she living at home at age 29?

Why is Islam attractive to her instead of Christianity, communism, Buddhism, etc?

If she is so hot to get her husband or another man to fight for ISIS, why does she not go on jihad?

What were here “causes” 7 or 9 years ago.

Why is she so btt hurt?

Pinto Nag

What are you looking for with your questions about her? What are you trying to understand?

Her attraction has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with violence.

She’s an adult, and she’s made her choices, just like you and me and everyone we know. There are no excuses. But you know something? There are plenty of treatments for whatever is wrong with her: gallows, firing squad, electric chair…


Only Americans make a big deal of moving out at 18. In other countries, if a girl is unmarried or divorced, she lives at home until whatever age. Why does it matter where she lived??? The point is there are lots of people from all backgrounds who snap.

Farflung Wanderer

I want to say that I have no sympathy for this woman, but if her husband wanted to be ISIS (or at least she claimed that he did), there’s a chance that she was subjected to months, if not years of physical, emotional, and psychological abuse. The guy would be very likely treating her like absolute shit. She might not have been in her right mind when she tried to do this.

That, or she’s the nutter. I don’t know and can’t really say, because I don’t know the whole picture. Regardless, I’m reserving judgement until I know the whole picture. She could be a victim, or she could be guilty as hell.

Farflung Wanderer


She’s nucking futs, put her down with prejudice.

It always takes me a few re-readings in order to figure things out…

A Proud Infidel®™

PISS ON HER. Maybe the best thing for her would be a one-way trip to the ME where she’d spend the rest of her life being beaten for speaking out loud to her goat-molesting male companions and only getting sex when they want another kid or her mate’s favorite goat runs away!


Don’t throw her in prison. Give her a one way ticket to Syria. She can go support ISIS where they can pass her around the campfire while they’re waiting for the terrorist in front to be done with the goat.


An ISIS sympathizers right in my own backyard….ugh. Read a story on a local news site that listed the block she lived on, and realized my son had gone to a birthday party just down the street this past summer. Nice.


Having a heart to hate and join groups like ISIS makes her a loser. Living at home and being a single mother does NOT. The comments about her living at home are just ridiculous. Only Americans care about moving out at 18. The way people view families in this country and the lack of family life we have here is probably what attracted her to Islam and ultimately to join ISIS.