Canada’s valor thief news

| November 16, 2014

Franck Gervais1

The other day we talked about Franck Gervais that fellow who showed up decked out in phony finery on Remembrance Day in Ottawa, Canada at their War memorial where a young soldier had been killed by a jihadist the prior week. Well, it seems that poor Franck is on the verge of losing his job, according to CTVNews;

Ontario-based Potvin Construction, where Franck Gervais has worked for the last 12 years, says he is being suspended pending further investigation.


Ottawa police said Thursday, that they were launching an investigation after receiving “numerous inquiries” after a interview with Gervais was broadcast on TV.

Under the criminal code, it is illegal to impersonate a soldier.

According to CNEWS, his wife says that he’s receiving threats;

Canada’s veterans affairs minister is calling off the hounds from threatening an alleged fake soldier following a Remembrance Day incident that sparked national outrage.

The family of the Quebec man accused of posing as a soldier during a Remembrance Day ceremony at the National War Memorial said earlier Thursday that they’re facing threats and harassment after being outed.


His wife told QMI Agency she understands why they’re the target of rage, but said the situation is still difficult to handle, calling it a shame.

Yeah, well, we’ve seen what these sociopaths consider to be threats, and they always hide behind that particular lie when they’re caught. Some have gone so far as to file false police reports and to accuse us in courts of knocking on their door and shaking bushes. These people are so predictable.

By the way, Canadian friends, even when they lose their jobs because of their lies, that doesn’t prevent them from doing it again. Remember Larry Sims?

Category: Phony soldiers

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I think that some of these wannabes should be drafted. Then they can find out what it’s really like to march in step.

2/17 Air Cav

He speaka da Frog. He soon walk like one. And his beard remains terribly gay.

Tom Huxton

If he wanted to lie, he should have started in politics. Canucky vets will have him gilled, gutted and hanging in the smokehouse if they can catch him.

There is no need to lie about your “stuff”. It is a small world. Go home and keep your mouth shut. Some day the word will get out. It is much more fun to grin and snicker when an old buddy tells your truth and no one believes it.

Of course, Truth can bite you, too. If you were a low-life, scumbag, barracks thief, drunken slacker; that will come out, too. (Your family and friends already know, but others merely suspect)

Green Thumb

If I were this clown, I would not sweat this.

All-Points Logistics will hire this guy in a heartbeat.

His resume and behavior speak volumes and exude All-Point Logistics qualities.


Dunno about that, Green Thumb. “Current economic conditions” might possibly have somewhat curtailed hiring at APL.


How good is he at selecting font sizes? He might be APL’s savior.


“but (wifey) said the situation is still difficult to handle, calling it a shame.”

The situation is a shame because your husband caused it. So smack HIM up side the head with a rolling pin every time you feel you get a “threat”.

Guard Bum

Its now being reported that he has been arrested on multiple counts.

Good riddance.


About that shame thing…

It’s a very powerful tool that used to serve to motivate people to avoid doing shameful things.

It’s also one of the first useful tools upon which the left declared war of obliteration.


Play stupid games…..