Larry Sims; Part II

| August 21, 2014


You might remember Larry Sims, a fellow who pretended to be a captain in the 101st Airborne Division with three deployments to the War Against Terror when in actuality he had five weeks in basic training before he was booted back in the 90s. Well, it seemed that he had also embellished his college education, too, and he was fired from his job.

A few weeks ago, another fellow wrote to tell us that he’d secured another job, but he was back to telling his lies, except that now he had promoted himself to Lieutenant Colonel, still in the 101st. So I emailed Larry and told him to stop telling lies. His response came from a lawyer;

Larry Sims letter

Larry Sims letter2

Well, I sent the letter to my lawyer and told Mr. Moyles, he should deal with my lawyer and I heard nothing more in the few days since the email exchange. But the fellow who contacted us initially wrote to tell us that Mr. Sims has been fired again. The disgruntled, terminated employee that Mr. Moyles referred to, was not the person who contacted us, by the way. It was just someone who heard Sims telling his tales and checked the internet. I had nothing to do with his firing this time, though. I was waiting for the lawyers to work it out before I did anything. I’d like to take credit for it, but I can’t.

So those of you out there who are begging us to take down the posts about you and your fakery, you have Larry Sims to thank for our refusals. For some reason they’re so enamored with the phony stories that they’ve created for themselves, they just can’t seem to let them go.

In fact, our friends at Guardian of Valor tell us that our friend Rowdy Anderson is back at his fakery, again, too.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Green Thumb

I remember this turd.

Both he and his lawyer can suck a bag of cocks.

I doubt it would be the first time by looking at him.

Green Thumb

Florida, no less.

I know a company that would hire him on the spot.


What is it with that state? Man, for a high-speed, combat jumping, hard-charging Screaming Eagle LTC, this Sims guy sure is a whiny little bitch. My late brother, who was with the 502nd back in the day, would slap this jackwagon into next week. Fuck this guy!


I’m with Mustang1LT. Is there something “special” about the entire state of Florida being a nesting-ground for fakers? I mean, whether they live there, work there, or claim either of the two, they seem to congregate. Well, there and Jersey, but at least Jersey is explainable (the water).

James in Gulf Breeze

I moved down here a couple of years ago… I think it’s the fact they never get a good hard freeze on a regular basis to kill off the mold, rot, and brain weevils that seem to infest a lot of people down here.


I read his lawyers name as “Mohel” and thought he’s certainly a “dick clipper”.

Green Thumb

Or a dick enhancer.

Your Creepy Uncle

Have a problem with Jews, chip?


Oh not at all….I’m an honorary one… 😀
just alliteration of the name was the first thing that came to mind.


Dude went from CPT. to LTC. in his mind. I would think there’s a list of about 500 MAJ’s that might want to do some corrective counseling sessions with this fucking idiot.


You win the Internet for today, my good man. I would pay good money to see that.

AW1 Tim

You and me both, el-tee!


Why doesn’t someone just say it out loud?

Sims is a compulsive liar.

That’s simple enough, isn’t it? Green Thumb is right – he’d fit right in at APL.

A Proud Infidel®™

These monkeys shake themselves out of their trees and bawl at us when they land on their heads!

Green Thumb

The reason this maggot got fired was probably because he spent an excessive amount of time hanging out in the men’s room.

Know what I mean?

Damn, this is All-Points Logistics material!

A Proud Infidel®™

He DOES look like the “toe-tapping type” to me!!




Waiting for trolls to show up and call us racists in 3…2…1…

OIF '06-'07-'08

Have to wonder how much money these turds spend on lawyers fees for them them to write John and yet have no legal leg to stand on.


Well, there’s always a shyster out there who’ll take a couple of hundred bucks to write a letter and threaten dire consequences……makes me wish it was still like it was in the Commonwealth of Virginia back in colonial times when it was against the law to represent a party in a legal proceeding for money. In other words, when it was against the law to be a lawyer.


Here’s a clue, Mr. Moyles, Esq: It is not against the law to tell the truth. In the case of stolen valor, the Supremes directed all of us to do exactly that – tell the truth.

Isn’t that easy? Got it? Yeah, whatever.

Ooopps Busted

Mr Sims is no longer employed. He was terminated at the job above for falsifying his service records, his educational background, and just being incompetent in general.

He supposedly has a MBA from USF, according to USF, he has no degrees with this institution, and no record of his attending.

It’s one thing to embellish or fluff up a resume, a bit of fluff is expected, it’s another thing to outright lie. It’s a slap in the face to every military man who has put himself in harms way.

BTW: He also claims to have been an Auxiliary Pasco County Sheriff deputy, and possessing a degree in Engineering and a degree in IT.

All False.

No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.


BTW: He also claims to have been an Auxiliary Pasco County Sheriff deputy, and possessing a degree in Engineering and a degree in IT.

Hmmmm, Fake LEO and IT background? Our old pal Ferret Face is sounding a lot like another faker who has a nick-name because he resembles a certain unattractive animal.


Makes you wonder if he ever claimed to have studied law or got a legal degree.


OMG!! I hope he doesn’t have a pilots license.

A Proud Infidel®™

DAMN, he isn’t a “Retired CAP LTC” as well, or is he?

As for animal types, I’m sure he’s a snotweasel.

Green Thumb


This is a match made in heaven.

Only problem: he could be pressing Phildo for the top spot.

Fake LEO, Fake military officer, etc.

Wonder if he has ever claimed Native American?

Time will tell.

Green Thumb

Not to mention the fact they have a “less than honorable” field grade officer on their staff (0-6 Retired) that could vet these clowns (Phildo included) but does not because he is getting paid. And he knows they are perpetrating Stolen Valor as it has been pointed out to him.

Sims here is missing out on his part of the “APL Dream”.


“He was terminated at the job above for falsifying his service records, his educational background, and just being incompetent in general.”

But but but… he “assured” his attorney that he was not misrepresenting his prior military service at his new place of employment. I wonder if Mr. Moyles asked for credible proof of that (as he requested of Jonn), or if he just took the “mistaker’s” word for it. Hypothetically, I would think it is very hard to successfully pursue a civil matter when your client is a lying sack of shit.


“Hypothetically, I would think it is very hard to successfully pursue a civil matter when your client is a lying sack of shit”
It is not all that often when I say to myself “Man I wish I would of wrote that!” Well said, sir, well said.


Incompetence in general?

Oooh! I would LOVE to know more about that. I’m sure there’s a story there.

Being the chicken fryer at the nearest Hungry Heifer doesn’t make you a professional chef. 🙂


This is from Linked In he’s a Senior Infrastructure Project manager now.


Colonel? He looks so soft and effeminate, pretending to be Colonel Sanders would be too strenuous for him! No way he could pass himself off as a real Colonel!

A Proud Infidel®™

He looks like the stereotypical high school guidance counselor that you’d overhear saying “C’mon you guys, let’s please not run in the hallways, mmmmmkay?”.

Combat Historian

From a real O-5 to the fake LTC: Go fuck yourself, you lying little prick…


This is a minor complaint, but if people are going to post letters and communications as documentation for a post, it might be a good idea not to crop the letters. There is a full 5.5 inches of paper / letter missing from the first page and a little over 2 inches missing from the 2nd page.

Just sayin’

You can shoot me later for this.


May I humbly suggest that you either blur the or redact what you don’t want seen. That way there is no doubt that you are releasing the letter in its entirety as opposed to leaving the impression that you are cropping out what you don’t want seen for reasons other than you state.

I am not trying to suggest that you are doing anything wrong, but suggesting that the way it looks can be taken in a bad light.

Green Thumb

Roger that.

Keep up the good work, Jonn.


If Sandy Burglar shoes up, don’t let him in the reading room unless he takes off his socks first!


Will one required to be armed to visit the Reading Room? And/Or, maybe just bring fine Cognac and Cigars? I always wanted to add West-By-God-Virginia to my RV travel list.


Send the reading material to Club Gitmo. That way those Tangoes will have something to curl up with and read.
I am certain that they will pick up on it and embellish their careers and pass secrets without waterboarding !!!


Do you have comfy chairs in the Reading Room?


Hi John. I keep seeing the name Moyles. Is that supposedl Sims lawyer? If so that is also a forged loss of bs. Sean Moyles is an attorney but the attorney for the practice he was just fired from yesterday. I know all about this Sims shithead. I lost my job three weeks ago because of him. So did several others.

Green Thumb

What did he do?


Ditto, please share what you can.


Dear Mr. Moyers,

Eat a fat bag of dicks, please. I’ve heard enough posturing blathering bullshit from halfassed sister-fucking, mouth-breathing, booger-eating “lawers” to last me TWO lifetimes, thanks very much.

If you buy your client’s line of bullshit without checking any of it out, then you’re as stupid as he is. The only difference is you got him to pay you for your stupidity. So basically, that makes you the smart kid on the short bus. Yay for you.

Green Thumb

Or buy a one way ticket on Greyhound to Merritt Island, Florida.

There is a company that could use the help.

Just an Old Dog

Let me get this straight. Ass-reaver lies about his background in the military in one job and gets shitcanned.
He gets another job and starts popping off at the gums about his “service” again. Someone makes the blog aware and they send him an email telling him if he doesn’t straighten his shit out and fess up he wil be exposed again.
Shit-stain pays a “lawer” to write a threat-o-gram to the blog crying about it beig illegal to expose shit stain.
Meanwhile an entirely different person exposes his multiple lies about his service, education and bogus resume to his employer and he gets shit-canned again?

Green Thumb


Fresh-Air Snipe

I was that someone that contacted Gumshoe after finding this blog. I have tried to find descriptive adjectives that would justly define this pontificating asshole but none I come up with truly exemplifies his idiocy.

At the time I had no clue that others in the office were looking into his falsified education. Being prior military my bullshit detector was blaring like a klaxon singing reveille.

The day he was terminated I had already made plans to take my findings to my upper chain of command, but I didn’t need to.

But I want to thank Gumshoe for his diligence in keeping up the faith.

Green Thumb

Just for the record: I had this turd seeded higher than he received.

Green Thumb

Much like a ground-in dog shit stain on rug or carpet, “LTC” Larry the Loser has staying power!

Green Thumb
