Hillary Clinton: Serving Out Obama’s Third Term

| November 6, 2014

On The Kelly File on Fox News, Ron Fournier, political pundit with National Journal, echoed an observation that should be the major theme of the entire 2016 presidential campaign:

A vote for Hillary is a vote for Obama’s third term.

Devastating, both in its brevity and its effect as a national alarm to voters fed up with Obama’s incompetence and indifference.

Fournier has refocused attention on what should be reverberating throughout the burgeoning campaigns of every potential Republican contender. The election results of Tuesday show us that Hillary is most certainly not the invincible shoo-in the Democrats would have us believe her to be. Here in Arkansas, the Clintons’ launching pad to national prominence and home to endless airports, buildings, and other landmarks bearing that Clinton surname, every candidate endorsed by the Clintons was soundly defeated. That’s in Arkansas, folks, last Democrat stronghold in the South, which is now solidly Republican like the rest of America’s interior. That, for Democrats and Hillary, is the modern-day equivalent of LBJ’s observation that when you’ve lost Walter Cronkite, you’ve lost the nation. When you’ve lost Arkansas…

Here it is folks – the bumper sticker to get America back on the right track:

Hillary: Obama’s 3rd Term

It just doesn’t get any more humanly succinct and politically pithy than that. I would be grateful if the first bumper sticker manufacturer of that message would contact Thomas Lifson here at AT and arrange to send me a few of those little jewels.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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Poetrooper…”Hillary: Obama’s 3rd Term”

Concise, precise and accurate. No one could say it better.


I’ve been saying that it would be two terms of President Obama followed by one of Hillary Clinton since before President Obama was elected.

Hopefully I’m wrong, but I doubt it.

As Republicans we need (as someone wrote yesterday or the day before – Hondo maybe??) to pick one strong candidate, not 10-15, and get them vetted and campaigning now.


Believe it was Jonn who said something along those lines, Gravel – though he didn’t put it exactly that way.

Yeah, finding a good candidate (or maybe two) now and starting to “prep be battlefield” would be a good idea.


There’s this pesky custom called “primaries”…

plus you have to HAVE a strong candidate to name him/her. And you find out who is strong … with primaries. Have to do the eating-their-young process to see who is strong enough to survive.

Former 11B

Sorry, Hondo & Gravel, but Dave’s right. The primaries aren’t terribly predictable, and an heir apparent can easily get thrown out with the primary bath water. Look at Hillary. Everyone was saying Hillary would get the nom in ’08 and she gets knocked out Obama. I’d call him a dark horse candidate, but I don’t want to be called racist *wink*.

The strongest candidate I can think of for the Republicans is Jeb Bush. He’s already vetted, and could have a powerful campaigning presence overnight as soon as he announces his candidacy.

A lot of people think 2016 is going to be Bush/Clinton, but I doubt it. At least one of those heir apparents is bound to get the silver spoon knocked out of their mouths.


Not to downplay or knock the younger Bush, but I think he may carry too much bagage from his dad and brother to be a really viable contender. Not to mention the name recognition among independat voters isn’t the one we want. Not saying we have to cater to them but they are a factor that should be considered.


Jeb probably IS among the best qualified potential candidates, if only his last name was anything but Bush.

Meanwhile, it would be very nice to see several well qualified contenders emerge, run good primary races, then all walk away on friendly terms – perhaps to serve in the winner’s cabinet? Or something.

A Proud Infidel®™

I USED to think that Jeb Bush would be a good pick until I heard him jump onto the PC wagon of “Immigration Reform”.


Works for me, PT.


As I said elsewhere, when she showed up to boost support for midterm candidates, the votes went elsewhere.

And, peeps, it’s Hellary. Be sure you spell it correctly.

The Other Whitey


Or, as the great Ashley J. Williams (of Boomstick fame) would say upon facing her: “Yo, she-bitch! Let’s go!” [loads boomstick]


See You Next Tuesday……Election Day November 2016.


Love it! Works for me, too.


Beautiful! And it might also work with other potential candidates just as well.


Whoever the Republican nominee is, if Hillary is the Dems choice (oh God please let them be that stupid), she must be tied at the hip to Obama. There should be no blurring of lines, she has to be made to be Obama’s surrogate. Let her try and punch her way out of that bag.


If Hellary is the democraps’ choice, there are all those priceless moments (what difference does it make?!?) that will never go away, because, you know, that 1st amendment thing keeps it available.

But that’s the most obvious part. There’s also that ‘be careful what you wish for, you might get it’ which applies to mega-fusterclucks like obamacare and other things that occurred while she was secstate. Her association with bodaprez and his idiot admin is permanent with most voters.

Farflung Wanderer

I’m hoping that Hillary backfires on her. We’ve got four long years of her mishandling things as the SecState; it shouldn’t be that difficult to put the final nail in her coffin and send her back to East Bumblefuck or wherever the hell she’s from.

I’m so tired of the Clintons (and for that matter, the Bushes). It’s time we get new faces in the White House, not relatives of former leaders like it’s the English monarchy.

Mr. Blue

In some ways, I’d rather have the English Monarchs. The batch since Queen Victoria onward have been pretty decent for the most part. In that same amount of time, we had these real winners as president: Wilson, Hoover, LBJ, Nixon, Carter, Clinton, and Obama.

2/17 Air Cav

No Bush Lite.
No Crispy Creme.
No Ken Doll.

2/17 Air Cav

Poetrooper: I heard once that most of the motels in Arkansas bear a plaque saying “Bill Clinton Slept Here” and that the one nearest the governor’s mansion has the same sign inside of every room. You live there. Is it true?

A Proud Infidel®™

I used to be an Over The road (OTR) Trucker, and THE MOST often vandalized highway signs I ever saw were the ones on I-30 in Arkansas advertising the town as “Blowjob Willie”‘s birthplace. They were always dented from being hit by bottles, and once they were pockmarked with what appeared to have been a dose of 00 buckshot!


They did get it right with his library though-it looks like a mobile home. Fits right in with the rest of the housing up there.

Hack Stone

Is it true that The Clinton Library has an adult section in the back separated by a black curtain?

Hack Stone

“Hillary In 2016; What Difference Does It Make?”

I know of at least four people that will not be voting for her.

During the 2008 primaries, I hopped onto the Metro at the Pentagon, and saw someone wearing a “Veterans For Hillary” button. My only thought that it must be pretty easy finding a parking spot at one of their rallies.